Is Jaina /ourgirl/ ?

Is Jaina /ourgirl/ ?

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Where do some of the more obscure soundclips from this come from?

Needs a spade

Sound edits from BFA?

you need a bullet

A spade?

most boring girl in wc

That's not Tyrande

He's one spade short of a flush, cut him some slack

A queen of spades tattoo.

Do you even watch interracial pr0n?

You're retarded, he means a shovel

Pretty fucking based

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Oh, it's the tattoo raceplay meme. ebin

>the kirin tor are nothing but a bunch of fat niggers
wtf i love jaina now

She's not as blizzard turned her into some chick that's got a broken mind. She's constantly switching sides and seems to always forgive everyone because they felt bad.

Everything's from BFA? Huh.


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Never played a second of WoW but her and all the elves have some DAMN good blender porn

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Pretty sure her racist/blood-crazed father would only be more enraged.

You should look up a guy named "NoName55"

whats BFA?

I love that Jaina wears a corset to hide her new mommy pounds

Yeah sure user she is

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>pouring rain
>white top
>no bra
i bet she actually likes being ogled at by those able-bodied seamen

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Don't know who this character is, but nice side tit


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embrace her

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You can't delete the truth user

Dam this kinda hot desu is it worth playing wow just for her?

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I include SFM when I mention Blender, its just that Blender animators usually produce more quality content than the average SFM animator
Good taste regardless

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Fuck my dick gets hard as fuck by just thinking about her getting ORC'ED

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Absolutely not, you'll just end up hating her


No. She's a very boring character.


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Valeera for looks is the hottest