Why is this series so underrated? I just finished the trilogy and it was so fucking good.
Utawarerumono Thread
Because the anime sucked dick and didn't do it justice. Most weebs are too fucking lazy to read a VN.
vns are not video games faggot.
I wanted to read it for ages (think it also has actual game elements, doesn't it?). Cannot even imagine what happens in the other two there is so much content, also fuck the anime. Had a few really nice scenes that are probably 1:1 copied from the game but that's it.
This is a strategy game dimwit
I watched the original anime after beating the game. My biggest problem with it is it just outright leaves a lot of details out, sometimes really important details like Yuzuha having Hakuoro's child, holy shit. But that's expected when you're trying to cram a 20-30 hour game in like 9 hours. The animation wasn't great and the first half of the anime is really slow. But I thought it was fine enough for just getting the jist of the story. You can really tell when the anime cuts to scenes that are blatantly "There was supposed to be a game here. But instead we have this shitty fight animation." Also the anime changes Hakuoro's character a bit where he doesn't fuck everything that has a vagina and instead just has a normal romance with Eruru. The game is way better though for sure, it was a great game.
I don't know about the newer anime though that covers the newer games I think? I have no desire to watch them.
Skip them such adaptions are never good. It's impossible to adapt Rance or most other actual VNs too, be it Umineko or Aoi Shiro or Symphonic Rain or whatever. They are written in way and the plot is constructed in a way that makes them unadaptable and anime would rather scare people away than make them interested.
Loved the first game in the second series. It was an upbeat slice of life VN. The second game was just depressing.
>tfw my boy Haku is gonna have to suffer through gacha shit before we get any harem shenanigans
I just wanted more of this universe in either the standard VN medium or an MMO medium not gacha shit.
Where can I find the first game?
How can Japanese even love gacha so much?
The main thing I just don't get about this is HOW- how can they still create more gacha games and get players? You cannot play more than two of these at best, gachas are leechy time consuming addiction traps, I was playing one of them and it burned me out, three would surely kill me. So how is it possible that the market here is still growing?
Unless older gachas are abandoned all the time and exchanged for newer ones, but this doesn't seem to be the case.
The first game’s anime is enjoyable despite the major changes that one wouldnt expect to become relevant after a decade. The sequel’s anime is an abomination because the game is longer so it gets cut up even more and 2 doesn’t stand on its own due to being a lot of build up for the 3rd game, so season 3 never being made destroys any reason to watch the 2nd anime.
At that cat place.
Despite the aged art I still enjoy getting off to eruru’s H-scene.
I'm really picky so the H scenes did nothing for me. I skipped passed all of them except Eruru and Yuzuha.
Fuck yeah Uta is great. Best story ever. I cried like a little bitch.
It's a shame that so many people skip the original VN when its probably the best one. Hopefully that will change with the remake.
I'm reading the very first one (took me a fucking while to get it).
It's pretty cool and it's nice recognizing a fair amount of the characters and seeing many of them when they were younger.
I'm at the part where Hakuroro becomes the Owlo and Tuskur is founded.
Even though Nuwangi was an asshole, he didn't deserve to die like that.
I'm probably gonna read through all 3 once the remake comes out. I really dug this series. Plus I'm looking forward to Zun.
How’s zan
>Why is this series so underrated?
Probably because they handled it so poorly. Little to no advertisement and the releases are fucked. Mask of Deception was a lot of people's first exposure to the series, and its the second game in a series where the story is pretty important and the first game is really really important. The first game is so critical to getting attached to the series.
So you have this scenario where people who want to read it go talk to fans and everyone says "Oh by the way, you need to play this old ass VN or watch this old ass anime first." or people who just jump into MoD without having any investment into the world and characters already. The latter being probably most reviewers and casual RPG fans. MoD is pretty standalone and they did a good job in that regard, but it doesn't have the same punch going in right after finishing the first game.
They probably should have released the remake first then MoD/MoT. At least its coming out though, so for the next gen they could do a bundle with all three games so everyone can experience it how its supposed to be.
>some reviewers actually skipped deception and used truth as their entry point and decided it was bad for not explaining the story.
Is the initial VN any better than the first one on the Vita?
Yeah, the first game is pretty great. It's just old and there's a remake coming out next year. So you might want to wait for that if you don't care about hentai scenes.
>some reviewers actually skipped deception and used truth as their entry point
For real what's up with all these utawara threads recently