Man, I'm so excited for this. Don't tell THQ but I'd pay $60

Man, I'm so excited for this. Don't tell THQ but I'd pay $60

Attached: Screenshot_20190606-121334~2.png (1065x1371, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off adam

>the same anons who called me a zoomer and an underage faggot for liking the gears trilogy are hyped for a fucking spongebob game
i will never understand you faggots


spongebob predates gears of war by nearly a decade

There are thousands of posters here and different people are excited for different things. You got any idea how many games there are dude? Shit the PlayStations have like, 15,000 just on those systems. There's a lot of people who like video games and for some reason a lot of people dislike people who enjoy games that don't appeal to them

I'm telling you, this place would be a tolerable board if there was a /nin/ similar to /vp/

Both are true.

I don't think so. It isn't about Nintendo or Sony or PC threads, it's just a lack of moderation to enforce quality discussion.

THQ Nordic wants you to save your money...for a loan to pay for the $399 Destroy All Humans! Crypto-137 Edition.

Du Hast, Sonne, Feuer Frei, Mutter...etc

Attached: Could just buy a new console with that, but Nah, I'll waste it on a single game and some dust c (683x381, 58K)

Still hyped but I'm not into the colors so much. It doesn't look underwater. I'm getting it and will enjoy it but it doesn't look quite perfect.

Attached: Rehydrated Color Balance.jpg (2640x1800, 3.83M)

mods are quite literally asleep
if permabans were to ever come back, all the wojaks, jizzbrains, and console war threads would disappear

>redditors in a shitstorm over the orange tint on one fucking level
>are too retarded to tell it's supposed to be sunset

gears 1/2/3 online are some of the best multiplayer shooters of all time

what are these retards on about? the new lighting is way more vibrant

wow that's a big improvement

Attached: 1487799783041.png (443x340, 383K)

what schizo wrote this one?

I don't want something vibrant, I want something that resembles classic Spongebob

Spongebob came out in 99

>people on Yea Forums actually prefer the new colors
christ almighty

>I don't want something that looks good, I want something that looks exactly the same!

>It's the Spyro autism all over again

That's true for the cartoon, but people who like this game are probably around 22. This game came out in 2003, gears came out 2006, kinda unreasonable to say almost a decade.

Attached: 1544664027115.webm (720x720, 1.55M)

The begging console fags have to do is insane.

It's morning since it's the first level.

By crying about people bullying you for liking Gears of War in the Spongebob Squarepants thread, you're only proving them right.


Ultimately, what it comes down to is that if the developers are telling the truth (and I have no reason to believe they aren't) then the remake will win out in terms of sheer content anyway making the argument moot since gameplay>>>>minor graphical changes. So even if it did look worse (it doesn't) it doesn't matter.


It's underwater

It's Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon.
>Hey if we're underwater, how can we have a fire?
>What's a gorilla doing underwater?

Attached: file.png (960x752, 693K)

The Spyro autism wasn't "I still like it but it could be improved" it was "This is TERRIBLE and I HATE IT"

>Image goes out of its way to be respectful in criticism but Yea Forums still spergs about entitled gamers
You didn't even talk about why the new colors are better. Personally I think both look fine

Attached: 1534549589195.jpg (459x441, 18K)

I understand they're going for a specific time of day, but shouldn't the first level, the starting level, stick to the regular color palette you see in the show? Seems odd to make this change.

Weirdly enough the hub world looks like the actual show, it's just jellyfish fields. Maybe there's actually a time of day system that'll change the lighting depending on your system's clock, that'd be awesome actually you never see that in platformers

Attached: nktr1Hv.jpg (1204x1258, 112K)

Based based based. I'm so fucking excited. This is going to be the GOAT platformer. The devs are actually big fans of the game, it's in great hands and they are asking for community feedback.

Attached: 1565870998277.jpg (720x725, 74K)

The more I see of the new lighting, the less I mind it. It's looking alright. I do hope there's a few post processing settings, I would like a couple tweaks still.

Attached: Screenshot_20190822-203628.png (2880x1440, 3.55M)

When asked about the colors the devs stressed that it is in Pre Alpha. It's not done, it will look different by release.

I sent this to Purple Lamp's feedback email, you can find it here:
>Hello, first of all, thank you so much for remaking a beloved classic! If the quality looks as good as it looks in the recent Gamescom reveal, I'll not only be buying the game across multiple platforms but keeping up with multiple Purple Lamp releases from here on. One thing I would like to mention is that I'm somewhat hesitant on the color blocking in the remake. I feel this image explains it well:
>My question is simply if you think there will be any system to allow players to have the game to a bit more like the original, or if perhaps there's a time of day system leading to the current composition we saw in the reveal. Any response at all is greatly appreciated, thank you again.
I hope I get a response, even if it's a "No, the new colors are a decision that'll look better as time goes on" or something like that.

Attached: The Purple Lamp Employee reading this.jpg (512x397, 50K)

I love that this is directly addressing the company as if they are in the thread and will read it.
And it is completely right. All these remaster games are definitely getting dedicated shillforces to go out to the places the fans would hang out at. And miss me with that "why come to Yea Forums" bullshit. Look at our global rankings, Yea Forums isn't your secret club anymore.

my nostalgia > your nostalgia
welcome to Yea Forums

If a reporter told us there was just one publisher in the industry reading Yea Forums threads about their games, I'm positive it would be THQ Nordic

Attached: aa7(2).png (1005x507, 142K)

good god it's spyro autism all over again

People like to throw the word 'nostalgia' around, but this is nostalgiafaggotry of the highest order

It looks exactly like Spyro.

It really shows the difference between Spyro and SpongeBob fans though. Spyro fans were calling for a boycott because something about the game changed, SpongeBob fans are just saying "Not so sure if this is better or worse"

We know devs come here, they leak shit all the fucking time, it just gets buried in fakes.

This. A Smash thread died for this one you bastards.


>all the cripplechan fags shilling their faggot company's rereleases
Go ba-oh wait, you can't.

Yeah why not? It's not like they'll be crying from getting a question about their game.

>all the discordtrannies seething over a company going to a website one time.
Have se-oh wait you can't.

Shut the fuuuuuck uuup biiiiitch

Attached: 1559093515.etyasshenanigans_illustration4.gif (800x811, 1.49M)

so how much content is added from the original?

Attached: 311dc43c757548ca1ca14b1bb79ed38b.gif (492x499, 731K)

Make me

Attached: 1527709780627.png (546x269, 175K)

I'm legit expecting it to outsell the Crash and Spyro remakes especially if Nickelodeon treats it like a new game

Attached: bbtiiq81ukb11.png (959x720, 566K)

Thank you for sending it, user.

Ignore this fucking barnacle head.

Attached: LMupxAAS_400x400.jpg (335x335, 13K)

You should send it too, or at least send a comment on it, all it takes is an email

People always say they want a remake of the movie game but I feel like most of you haven't played it lately
I'd rather they make a new sequel

Attached: 8bbce7331c3b6b81b60f4aeac10ed15d.jpg (500x678, 70K)

What is the point in remaking a game and changing things like art direction?
I get adding QoL bullshit for zoomers with ADHD riddled brains but why change the way the game actually looked, in a remaster?

Is it like translators that needlessly change things so they can feel like they had a hand in the creative process when they didn't?

That's a pretty nice backpack.

>QoL improvements are bad because le zoomer
I've never played a remake/remaster where the QoL improvements weren't good.

>the color correction autist gets BTFO this time around
wasn't expecting that.

I have preorders for Switch and PS4 just because it’s so cheap

Majora's Mask 3D changed the bombers notebook to interrupt you more annoyingly

I bought the one with the saucer statue.

>game is constantly night because i don't play during the day

-Said no one in their right mind.

Whichever side uses less words is said to have been btfo on this board
OP shot himself in the foot by typing that much, should have just said soul soulless

I've never played a remake/remaster where they were necessary.

Sounds pretty based

Attached: tumblr_m162qnYjZQ1rs7sp3o1_500.jpg (500x375, 57K)

No they're not strictly necessary you're right. They just make the game go from an 8 to an 8.5 in most cases.

>The backgrounds of Spongebob were always blue, guys!
Fuck off with your soul/soulless shit already, Jesus fuck.

This specific level was blue. The only people using the soul meme itt are people who prefer the new look

We get it, you played this game when you were a kid. I did too, but it's not THAT good.

This. A twitter thread died for this one you fucks.

no, the background in the game, in that level, in that fucking screenshot, was blue

>Don't tell THQ but I'd pay $60
I wouldn't. 40 bucks.

Whatever you say.

Attached: 1554744952299.png (1232x524, 1.21M)

That is an edited image. You can download the game on dolphin or just look up any guide video you want. If you'd played the game you'd know that isn't what it looked like, regardless of whether or not it's better or worse.

I need to know what suffocating spongebob looks like remade

The original still wasn't a pure dark blue. It got much lighter and almost a cyan color the more you looked up.


>m-muh strawman argument

A fucking wojak is the least of anyone’s concerns.

Nice strawmanning

Thank you for sending it, user. I also sent feedback, although I told them to make sure Patrick's rare "take 11 socks from you so you can never get all the spatulas" glitch is removed and that they make cheats easier to access.

Alright I'll humor you. BfBB is worthy of all the praise it gets and more, there's nothing strange about all the threads it's getting because it's a great game. If people praising a good game bothers you that much, I don't know what to tell you.

I haven't played it in awhile, is the driving and sandboarding sections still fun?

But it's not that great. I agree that it's solid, but it's nothing exceptional.

But it is that great. I agree that it's solid but it's actually exceptional.

the driving is not fun and a large blight on the game

It's basically the same game but with an upgrade system

Kys stupid zoomer

Objectively false Zoomer

The devs literally leaked multiple games including a new Destroy All Humans on 8ch and all the press could do is complain.

The slides are fun the first time around, but then you're forced to play the filler driving levels and the awful, tedious, long ring and time challenges for each one
>If you beat the harder time for the macho time challenge while doing the normal time challenge, you only get credit for the normal time challenge and have to do macho again later anyways
>One time challenge is practically impossible without going out of bounds
>Rings are sometimes unpredictable and rarely don't register that you went through one
>Ruins the flow of the game by making you time travel and do tedious crap in order to grind tokens for new moves and to progress
>Another driving level right before the final boss, which has another toll gate for resurrecting the vehicle in order to progress

I'll admit the third section looks damn good and should be in the final build.

>but people who like this game are probably around 22

Eh, probably 22-26, but to be honest it was a very good game and will have legs.

Was hasselhoff in the game?

Yes, except he got replaced by some look/sound-alike

how do you know its the same?

That's the movie game

Will the other Nick games be Rerelease or full remakes?

No it was [dolphin noises]