Yea Forums likes arena fps..r-right??
Yea Forums likes arena fps..r-right??
warsow is kinda shit desu
I like any fps as long as it isn't tacticool and slow or a hero shooter
I want a decent splitscreen shooter for couch multiplayer reeeee, those halcyon days are basically over as the studios all compete over being the kiddies's latest Overwatch/Fortnite/whatever the next fad is.
I just want my guests to have some good ol Halo/Warhawk experiences whenever they come over. It's been a glaring omission to my multiplayer library every time I have friends over for a gaming session.
this game is like a stank roast beef cunt full of maggots
Ironically I think COD is the only shooter still throwing in local split screen
Shooters don't even get bots these days fuck this gay earth
You complain but don't throw into a camp of another fps so im guessing you've only played the genre for 10 minutes max
The most recent COD only has that coop zombie mode and like a 2-player versus though right?
Literally the only other thing on my radar is Screencheat, but I want a base experience and Screencheat is more of a parody.
I have over 1 Million confirmed kills in FPS games maggot cunt.
>but don't throw into a camp of another fps
the fuck does this mean?
>so im guessing you've only played the genre for 10 minutes max
played all quakes, incleducg qc
all mp unreals
most quake rip offs, like warsow original, cpma too
warsow is pretty trash myman
I really don't know last cod i played was MW2
Okay but why
f*ck no
>Okay but why
It's not [insert very specific flavor of Quake here]
who here /stillplayingquakelivebecauseitwasfreetoplayonce/
its a clone of cpma but without the quake maps and with weird wall and dash mechanic for no reason thats kinda worse than unreal but also sort of makes it awkward?
I mean its not actually bad, really, but id rather just play vq3
only mode I care about is duels anyway, but it doesn't have matchmaking
inb4 matchmaking is cancer
I might give it another chance, but we all know its just gonna die next week either way, makes me not want to even try
It's been out for a week or so and people are still waiting around in duel lobbies so I'd say give it a shot the players have been all fairly inviting
I personally enjoy how the walljump gives you multiple ways to round a corner/ maintain speed
I prefer xonotic
Yea Forums has plenty of people who pretend to like arena fps but don't actually play them
>It's been out for a week or so
My enthusiasm, not just for afps but for any game comes and goes - unfortunately after a few months of being away I try to hop on again and all the servers are dead and any duelers are probably hiding away in some discord
you're right im just too sad and too tired after all the failed games and clones and being so niche there's no one to play with and not just having a convinient way to find same skill opponents I dont know man
I thougth QC would save arena but it just killed it harder, instead mobas and fortnites are everywhere
warsow is probably good, I just got broken
I would rather play Tribes.
i think he's talking about warfork which is on steam and is a for of warsow
Oh, I hadn't heard of that.
Yea i used to play Nexuiz before it became Xonotic
Fair enough bro it's tough to see genres fall off
sad part is I used to live arena
even defrag and tribes
midair died in less than a week
FUCK I was years late to that party. I got the pleasure of skiing an empty map with only one other guy on it. That game was actually bad though had a dumb progression system that no one was ever going to fill out and they had fucking loot box mechanics
I got most of the tree unlocked in one day
and boxes just have skins