How do we revive this dying game?

How do we revive this dying game?

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add more skins and dance emotes

let's not revive it

Team Fortress 2

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Make Tracer straight.

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it's a degenerate containment game

Add a loli character with a skirt and give her panties underneath.

Make it not based around cooldowns and infinite ammo.

Slutty skins, emotes and POTG animations for female characters.

Go back in time and prevent Battle Royale games from killing it.

Make it fun by nerfing tanks and healers and buffing DPSs.

Not that good user

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Ana young should be Goddess, but not bad user,not bad.

no idea I stopped playing some time before baptise came out

Cannon lewds

Wait for Overwatch 2 which will hopefully have more consistent lore

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Yeah you're almost right, should have put her in top tier waifu tier. Can't put her in the goddess tier, it's only for Widow.

Absolutely based.

The same shit they always do to revive the game.

Make somebody gay.

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I took the tf2pill recently after not playing since like 12 years ago on a shitty laptop. It's actually a fun video game which is odd because I forgot what fun video games were like.
It just sucks though when one team is getting hardspawncamped and people are constantly joining/leaving.

Wipe Battle Royale games out of existence and and peoples' memories of it

This is what happens when four different teams write the lore for one character. Part of me hopes Metzen can avoid looking at what they did to his game.


Moira and Ashe are the only good female characters. Gamered faggots.

How dare you put Moira in the same level as Ashe?

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>Massive resurgence due to forced 2/2/2

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even then he was made a white man last minute. he was supposed to be the big caribbean guy from baptiste's story, but the kit they planned is too smart for him

Stop making Multiclass heroes.
Make Heros pure tank, or pure healer, or pure DPS again

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