*dabs on you*

*dabs on you*

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*shits on your metagame with expensive powercreep twice a year*


>summons 1000 tokens

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Damn, why not make it a toon pendulum monster as well?

>special summon any number of token creatures
Not a YGO player here, how is this not retardedly fucking broken?

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1. It's a flip effect. You have to set the card facedown first, and then flip it on the next or have your opponent attack it. The game moves so retardly fast nowadays that setting a card facedown is suicidal
2. You can only have 5 monsters in your field

Shit is probably useful in today's meta since there's a new type of monsters that can use tokens as summon materials, but it still reeks of ass in my opinion

>Flip and you can only have 5 monsters.

No, unless you have a good shenanigan. There is ton of other shit that summon tokens or other monsters with zero effort.

flip effect, only 5 monster spaces. it's basically a slower version of the spell scapegoat

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yes yu gi oh was never good if that's what you wanted to say, yes we know.

What made this card so overpowered that they had to ban it?

it makes the opponent never draw cards lol

Yeah, I had to think about it for a moment, because I think I was underestimating it due to that 200 ATK.

It's basically like "If it gets its effect off once, the opponent needs to have the ability to do something about it in their present hand or they're just fucked for the rest of the duel", right?

>Clear field.
>opponent have nothing to respond or useful on hand.
>opponent can't do shit for rest of match.

No idea.

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If the opponent has a bad hand and you hit him with yata every turn there's literally nothing he can do anymore.

You then special summon anything to do real damage and win.

CED blows up your opponents shit yata locks your opponent from drawing or something along those lines

you use chaos emperor dragon to destroy both players' hands and fields, including your effect monster that summons yata when it dies
then you attack with yata gg

God I remember when I got this in the LoD booster, which is one of the best ever imo
I must have bought hundreds of those packs

You play Chaos emperor dragon (pre-errata) to blow up your both hands and fields and send a sangan or witch of the black forest (pre-errata) to the GY which allows you get Yata-garasu.

Summon it and then proceed to peck your opponent to death, while he never gets to do anything.

from what i can remember of the stories, you're basically fucked when yata-garasu comes out since the only way to stop him from locking you out of your deck and killing you Storm Crow style is to have an unused Card Destruction in your hand when he shows up, so you can drop him into the graveyard when he returns to hand.

>single 2 star bird ruins the chances of Konami ever fixing Spirit monsters

At least they don't share their fate with gemini monsters

I got this card in exchange for a school cafeteria cheese sandwich, foiled with stripes or some fancy shit and first edition, weeks after Legacy of Darkness came out. I didn't play Yugioh I just love the design of the card.

>Normie: "I set a monster in facedown position!"

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Shinobirds are alright i guess

Hey Yea Forums, fix Spirit monsters that require a tribute.

Token generation on bounce or something

Are ygopro no-banlist players the most retarded players of Yugioh in general?

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So you can just keep putting this in defense mode and get infinite attack points?

Remember when banishing cards meant something? Why does Konami print shit like this? Graveyard exists for a reason, banishing should be treated outright as removing the card from retrieval or use for the entire round

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That and playground duelists


Theoretically yes, but it only activates on destruction. You could deal with that monster via non-destruction removal or negate the effect, and that would shut down his entire meme strat