>Taxman went on to form Evening Star
>Stealth is working on a new game
>SEGA isn't doing shit with Sonic until Sonic's 30th anniversary
It's over bros. Sonic Mania was lighting in a bottle. We will never have another "HIRE THIS MAN!" moment that ends well.
Taxman went on to form Evening Star
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How long before SEGA sues Utopia devs?
In a happy world, SEGA gets the very best of the best 3D sonic fangame makers and makes a Sonic Mania but for 3D Sonic.
Realistically, that'd be a bunch of dumbasses who think Adventure was good.
>we will never get another overrated romhack
nothing of value was lost
Then what's the 3D Sonic you think they should be basing the game off of? If you say "none" or any variation of "3D Sonic was never good" your opinion is automatically and irreversibly discarded.
>Then what's the 3D Sonic you think they should be basing the game off of?
Why does a new 3D Sonic project need to be based off of previous iterations? Why can't something entirely new be made instead?
3d Blast
3D Sonic was never truly good.
The Utopia lead hates Adventure as well as boost shit. Listen to the old interview he gave.
Lange only does the art and music in the game.
user he's the lead designer.
Friendly reminder that Sonic Adventure 1 was objectively good.
>If you say "none" or any variation of "3D Sonic was never good" your opinion is automatically and irreversibly discarded.
Why? The Adventure games were janky as all hell and had to rely on characters other than Sonic to be decent, Heroes was legitimately mediocre, and the running sections of things like Unleashed and Generations are too self-playing and basic for my taste
>I got E ranks exclusively and played the PS2 version of Heroes
Good to know
Murasaki's the one listed under the physics and engine programming, which seems to be the main thing Utopia has going for it at the moment. He also credited himself under game design as you said, but admittedly I don't know what that means for this game's case.
You could get away with saying that if Amy and Big weren't included. Objectively it's a flawed game with some decent parts. I give it a bit of a pass since it was Sonic Team's first attempt at a full 3D Sonic game.
Even if I got bad ranks in every mission that doesn't change the fact that it's terrible.
Sonic Robo Blast 2 unironically mops the fucking floor with Utopia when it comes to "Being a classic 3D Sonic Game"
There's really nothing to say that they won't make a sequel you fucking morons. They may not be able to even say it.
What I wanna know more about is what's up with the SEGA of Japan infighting going on between Iizuka and that other hack that's been responsible for the shit Sonic games like Lost World and Forces. Has any more evidence come forward or rumors at least?
While I'm willing to concede there are problems with the various ports over the years, user, you're projecting how terrible you are on the game itself to make you feel better, and even then I'm inclined to believe you didn't even have an opinion on the game until ~2006 when some faggot journalist told you the entire series was bad because the one playable game on modern systems was a cheesegrater tag tier mess.
Nah, Nintendy will be sure to romhack up a Mario Maker 3 eventually. Meanwhile 3D Sonic will remain shit.
The funniest thing about this stupid meme is how GC toddlers are so unhinged they actually believe the issues people had with Heroes were the controls or bugs and not the garbage level design and gameplay.
>not the garbage level design and gameplay
Bitch I already knew you fell off rail canyon a hundred times, and jokes on you I played the PC version of Heroes.
With Mods.
Can't really say that when SRB2 doesn't have slopes yet. Additionally, I've been playing SRB2 recently and Utopia's physics feel closer to those in the classic games.
>I'm inclined to believe you didn't even have an opinion on the game until ~2006
I was only 2 at the time, faggot.
Then I regret to inform you the PC version is memed as a magically worse version, just like PS2.
good riddance. titanic monarch and egg reverie were garbage.
Sonic genuinely does not work in 3D.
>Not liking Amy's gameplay.
I would kill for a full game centered around hammer gymnastics. The only bad thing about her levels is that they were short.
SRB2 is a better game even without that shit.
The PS2 version has a different engine entirely because sony were being massive faggots, don't talk about shit you aren't familiar with to try and save face.
SRB2 has slopes stupid
I just want a Mania 2 for another 100/10 OST.
What a load of shit, you Heroes toddlers constantly dragged the PC version into your ridiculous meme, the only one trying to save face here is you.
They'll make a Sonic Mania 2 with Dimps or Inticreates.
>They'll make a Sonic Mania 2 with Dimps
I'm good, thanks.
>you Heroes toddlers constantly dragged the PC version into your ridiculous meme
I already told you I play the PC version you dumbass clown. what you shriek yourself hoarse at a nintendo switch thread and forget what a computer was?
Fun fact: Classicucks killed the franchise with their excessive whining.
No, that was more the dumbass journalists that retrospectively poisoned the well when Sonic '06 came out (and potentially bleed over from Chrischan, but that's technically still up for debate). We quite literally would not be in this situation for this.
Amy's acceleration sucks, user. Makes her levels feel incredibly sluggish to play through.
They dropped them like a bad habit after Sonic 4, what the fuck makes you think that's even remotely possible?
They are still going to be contacted to make another 2D game. The same shit happened when Dimps was around, literally no point not to do the same thing.
Sonic Pillar Team in the meantime is remaking the "2D to 3D" formula they started with Adventure and using Mania as the next catalyst jumpstart. The did this with the Boost from Rush, they are going to do it again with Mania for the 30th anniversary.
06 was the breaking point of hiding behind the excuse of fast 3D platforming being hard to make and in fact only harmed Unleashed by dragging down its ratings unfairly. People always hated the Adventure formula games, they were just afraid to speak out.
>SRB2 has slopes stupid
Only in fan made levels.
You should feel lucky to have even gotten Sonic Mania at all. Sonic has been a trash fire of a franchise for 25 years and it was mercy gifted a great game in Mania. Savor it, cuz you probably ain't getting another.
>People always hated the Adventure formula games, they were just afraid to speak out.
And they should remain silent since the Adventure formula is the only way Sonic can work in 3D. Sega just needs to refine it.
Stop enabling historical revisionism
The game is fanmade and near any level is as legitimate as something official.
Not to mention it's working of 20 years of tism, and a good portion of the custom levels are good.
>the Adventure formula is the only way Sonic can work in 3D
>homing attack chains and reliance on automation through dash pads and springs is the only way Sonic can work in 3D
How sad.
>They are still going to be contacted to make another 2D game. The same shit happened when Dimps was around, literally no point not to do the same thing.
Dimps was a studio capable of handling multiple projects at once. Mania was like 8 dudes in between jobs + the 3 hour staff roll of people in the social media and legal departments at every one of SEGA's branches apparently.
If Adventure worked, its levels wouldn't be 80% scripted sequences.
By enabling historical revisionism you mean combating?
Adventure gameplay is literally classic gameplay flipped into a 3D perspective with added elements. You've seen all the other deviations in 3D gameplay and they are all either bad or awkward.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Play the Utopia demo. It'll only take 5 minutes of your time.
>Adventure gameplay is literally classic gameplay flipped into a 3D perspective with added elements
And a reliance on automation to make sure basic things like slopes or ramps work properly.
Sega doesn't need to use Adventure as a base for a quality 3D Sonic. Do something new. Something that encourages experimentation with how the player can traverse through a level. All Adventure has is "do want to go through the level like we intended?" or "I'll just spindash+jump over everything". They can do better.
Utopia is just open-world Sonic Adventure.
It's more, less interesting Marble Blast, than it is sonic adventure.
06 had nothing to do with Classic"shit", user. That's all Modern's fault.
This. Real 90s fans either loved or hate SA1 but mostly hate SA2. Only Ninten-drones thought SA2B was a masterpiece because it was on their system and they never played the classics prior to it.
>Sonic can't get past 20 year old hardware/jank and has to pander to weebniggers and Japs, which don't buy Sonic games
Ok, nigger? Evening Star isn't a fucking 3D game studio, unlike Dimps was with all their DBZ games.