Any girl on Yea Forums here (or faggot whatever)?
I wanna know if my game would appeal to girls (pic related).
It's about a girl who uses farming to farm plants who kill the monsters in your path.
Any girl on Yea Forums here (or faggot whatever)?
I wanna know if my game would appeal to girls (pic related).
It's about a girl who uses farming to farm plants who kill the monsters in your path.
She looks cute. I want to have sex with her.
With a bit more polish, you'll have an indie success.
why? she looks like she stinks
Get back in your cage cris.
>It's about a girl who uses farming to farm plants
I shouldn't be laughing at this, but yet I am
Did you post on the Yea Forums drawthreads?
I like the idea of showing the high detail girl on the screen as well!
The one of the right could use some work on her proportions. Legs are weirdly small.
why would you make the girl a shitskin
she's like seven.
Brighter colors. Needs to be more vibrant.
Also need to know more about the actual mechanics. And why are the drawings on the right moving with the sprite? The sprite looks much more appealing than the drawing.
Come back to /vg/, cris.
That doesnt justify a poor drawing
Im Colombian and i must say that drawing sucks dude, her proportions are all over the place, shitty flag scarf and shitty skirt.
Come on you can do better than that.
Also why the fuck do you use blue hair? Make it black or brown, it would still look good enough.
Hopefully you're making something like a Plants Vs Zombies that's easy to play and looks cute.
the basic idea is that you use seeds, which use a timer to grow and they kill nearby monsters, which drop more seeds.
It's like zelda but at the same time I want to make it feel like pokemon with plants.
It's nice.
her proportions are for a small children, four heads.
youre a talentless nigger, get a real job you low life prospects parasite
This was drawn with someone suffering from severe dunning-kruger in drawing.
The proportions are literally kindergarten-level, the linework is a little better, but still child-like, and the general look is that of a 12 year old american boy trying to copy naruto and failing.
Learn to draw and then try again.
>It's like zelda but at the same time I want to make it feel like pokemon with plants.
This, she looks s*cilian
>her proportions are for a small children, four heads.
Doesn't matter, the proportions are still wildly wrong, even for a kid.
Just because she has 4 heads as height doesn't mean the body and limbs have good proportions, the lenght of the legs should be the same as the lenght from head to the pubic area.
OP is from Columbia...
Okay. Need to see some monster and plant designs next, if you have any.
You remind me of those deviantart autists who dont care about improving their art, they're satisfied with their ms paint stick figures fucking eachother
You act like I'm supposed to know that.
In that case she looks S*uth Americ*n
Tomorrow will finish the walking sprites, then will try to implement some basic plant.
Gotta use some carnivorous plants to see what can I do.
I'm happy with my art.
some anons tell me they like.
It's more like 50/50 some like it, others not.
It looks ass. Your color palette is terrible, even Harvest Moon on Gameboy Color look better than your game
my goal is to look like a doujin game.
So easy being a critic, am I right you talentless fucks. Get off your asses and do something productive.
nobody owes you asspats
>I'm happy with my art.
>some anons tell me they like.
>It's more like 50/50 some like it, others not.
Are you autistic or something? Your art is objectively bad
Lmao ok OP
I like amateur doujin animes with wonky anatomy.
you're literally saying why my art looks like something I'm not interested.
What if she bathes often?
that looks horrible
I think you might genuinely be autistic, but still, here is two choices for you:
a) Try to improve, go to do exercises regularly, and become a good enough artist for people to genuinely like your art
b) Continue scratching out your crappy faux-anime drawings while pretending people like it, then die penniless and alone in the shithole you are in now, never to be remembered again
c) Kill yourself now because you will choose b.
>brighter colors
Yes and no. The color palette is poor at the moment if you want women to play it. But you want pastels, not high-saturation
>I wanna know if my game would appeal to girls
I can't imagine anyone being autistic enough to ask shit like this
Must be b8, this sounds like an old white businessman trying to make a "product" for black thugs
like I said, my goal is to look like a doujin japanese art, which is amateur as fuck and has wonky anatomy.
that's it, it looks shit because that's my goal, wonky doujin works.
gotta take notice and seek a better color scheme.
I'm not a girl, I wanna know if a girl would find it appealing, but not sure where to get female gamer opinions.
>like I said, my goal is to look like a doujin japanese art, which is amateur as fuck and has wonky anatomy.
No, that isn't your goal. You know your art is shit, so you look at shit art and say, "hey that's what I'm going for, it's intentional"
No, it would be intentional if you could do any better, which you can't. Fuck off
perfect anatomy and super realistic anime like sakimichan bores me.
wonky anatomy is what makes doujin art looks like doujin art.
Show me your art, now. No bullshit. You like being a critic let me critique your work. Got none? I thought as much, fuck off consumer bitch.
Okay, are you making a fucking doujin game?
No. I repeat. You suck at art and your excuse is "It is intentionally bad"
Again, no it isn't. You aren't doing it intentionally, you are doing it because you suck at art. You looked at the worst shit you could find to excuse your bad art. Get better or fuck off
No need to get angry over being called out, loser, hahahahhahhahaha
I think she looks cute.
Am I alone?
I think you're also autistic if you think you need to be an artist to recognize art that is actually unpleasant to look at
well, that's kind of my dream, that it looks like authentic japanese DLSite doujin game.
look bro, I've always wanted to draw is anime, and most anime has wonky anatomy.
even professional anime shit has wonky anatomy, and I mean, stuff from AAA anime games.
First poster here. Get in line, fag.
That’s just a gif of pixel shit looking around
Why does it look like it’s from 100 years ago
Ur only gunna get trannies ya retard
>look bro, I've always wanted to draw is anime, and most anime has wonky anatomy.
>even professional anime shit has wonky anatomy, and I mean, stuff from AAA anime games.
No it doesn't. Sometimes? Sure. Those are mistakes, not because the artists are shit at art. Your stuff looks nothing like anime.
We can share,
>I wanna know if a girl would find it appealing
nobody finds it appealing, partly because it's still all just in your head, partly because you suck at art. you seem to be ok with both of those things though. that's probably what you should work on first
also double replying but if you really want to critique someones work this OP is in desperate need of some
It looks like an Atari game u retard
sure, but why 90% of anime has errors, and I'm talking shit from commercial anime and anime games done by companies.
the shit on DLSite has even more wonky anatomy.
It's part of the appeal, perfect anatomy make it look souless.
normies kind of like it on normie sites, again, needs more polish, maybe a CRT filter, better colors, etc.
The background is a quick test to not have a gray background.
Also some twitter progress I can shill there.
Just give up no one wants to see this trash
I think you're mistaking cartoon proportions with bad proportions. Art is subjective but certain things look better than others, and those doujins are made by amateurs. If they could draw better they would
>sure, but why 90% of anime has errors, and I'm talking shit from commercial anime and anime games done by companies.
You fucking piece of shit. Yes, 90% of anime does have errors, but your "anime" IS an error. There is a difference between accidentally making a mistake and completely fucking because you don't know what you're doing.
>It's part of the appeal
Weird, because it has no appeal at all
Well, your art needs some improvement in terms of proportions, also looks like you still need to develop your style if I'm quite honest. If you want help, I can help, I'd love to help since this seems like your first serious project... But knowing how I was like back in the day that offer is probably more like an insult to you so I won't push it.
Anyway, I digress. Don't use the word "kill", use "defeat" instead. And like I said before, more vibrant colors, but not too bright or neon-like. Make sure the game has a light-hearted tone. Since you don't have monsters to show off until tomorrow and you don't have much else to show, there's not much else I can say/recommend.
So generally:
- vibrant but soft colors, "cream" colors with a bit of contrast with a more vibrant color always works well
- a light-hearted tone
- monsters should be a mix of cute and fierce, preferably their colors should be complimentary to your plants and the ground texture so they're easy to spot right away to react to
- plants should look cute, but get creative with them, maybe give each type a different "personality", maybe one plant type wiggles more and is more aggressive, the other barely moves but is defensive, etc., make them unique
Hopefully this gives you a bit of an idea. As a hint for colors I'd say look at Rune Factory 4 or any of the recent Atelier games, their art pretty much nail the soft but vibrant color aesthetic.
girl here
lol no. looks like shit too.
Well, I could use references and I've read loomis and watched some vilppu lectures.
I could try to make it look 3D, use photo reference, use a 3D model as refernce.
I could try to make my game look like this alucard, Which I made years ago.
But again, making it took me a couple days to make from a 3D model.
I could make my game like it, but again, there's not point in wasting three days per sprite when I can finish a wonky drawing in less than one hour, or an HD drawing in two hours.
Again, you need to take into account economics.
check DLSite stuff, is filled with worse shit and shit with even more wonky anatomy.
It's part of what I am aiming for, my goal.
her color pallethe comes from spic traditional peasant dresses and her hair is kind of blueish dark which was an evolution of her character, she used to have a black hair but evolved towards dark blueish.
I think I accept I need better background colors, maybe using pastel colors or even some similar to NES pallethe to choose.
I think I'm going to use pastel colors for the backgrounds, maybe use complimentary colors for the NPC and enemies.
I'll take notice.
I want to use some spirograph designs and geometric shapes as enemies for some reason, I think spirograph patterns are beautifull.
gotta work on it.
>some anons tell me they like
They just ridicule you. Can't you tell?
Are you underage?
Not that user but here, i draw like shit and i know it, but i do it as a hobby and mostly copy other pics i liked so i don't care about getting criticized.
nah, normies are just blind, they literally can't see drawing errors.
>normies kind of like it on normie sites
normies get off on being nice. you are delusional as a result of your indulgence
op i'm not gonna give you a hugbox but i'm also not gonna jump down your throat like other anons itt. i think you need to take art classes and coding classes. also get off of Yea Forums, it's not good for anyone let alone you
again, I could draw in a more correct style but I don't want.
I remember you posting about your idea a couple weeks ago, user. I'm glad to see you trying.
He's legit autistic, please be patient
>posts more wonky art to prove everyone's point
not him, but i posted my pixel art on another thread. your art's not terrible, but i wouldn't call it presentable
>I could draw in a more correct style
I remember trying to learn realism at the beggining, but I have no interest on realism right now.
Is this a more skilled drawing because I used a photo reference?
That's why you fuck her in the bathtub.
it's not the style, it's your execution. your bodies are stiff like toy figures. they lack weight and intention
>plants vs zombies
sounds okay
Are those your drawings? They're not very good. The left anime one looks fine. People have pulled off ugly art styles before, your drawings just look like you need a lot more practice
>Is this a more skilled drawing because I used a photo reference?
I find it hilarious you thought someone would say its worse that you used photo reference, and not the scratchy shading, bad linework, using lines instead of values, and wonky features.
Popcap did it
It's been years since I tried to do photo studies.
Well you're definitely not going to improve if your just gonna do 1 hour "doujin drawings" for this game
I could tell.
>thinking girls and gay guys like all the same stuff
>It's been years since I tried to do photo studies
I hope this Quasimodo was from imagination
both of these are better than cris will ever be, because cris will never listen to feedback or advice.
can you make it so she pulls a turnip or some shit out of the ground and then falls backward into a boof! haha
supa mario bros two
this but with panties showing off course
It depends on economics, games aren't illustrations.
they're more like animations, and such require insane amounts of art for even the simplest games.
I could spend a week making a 3D model, using photo reference to make it the most realistic anime girl with reference from the top tier anime artist, draw it with pen and paper, scan it, and digitally paint it.
I understand the process, I know it.
I've tried to follow it and made some results with it.
Pic related is a study I made from a berserk painting.
I think tomorrow I'll make a proper photo study to see if I can get professional results today.
People think such art is done by magic and that isn't extremelly time consuming.
It takes me around five minutes to make such 16x16 sprite, while a 64x64 sprite takes me 40 minutes and these so called garbage HD art took me two hours per sprite, which means I could do only two per day.
So, even if I wanted quality art, economics put me in a situation where I need to shit out lots of art in a short amount of time.
You can have quality art but it will be expensive, and you can have cheap art but it wont be top quality.
So is a matter of balancing.
It's the best I can do taking into account the amount of effort it goes.
You describe art as if its something you can produce in a factory.
You realize people make ms paint drawings that look better than yours, because they have intimate knowledge of how to draw things like proportions properly, not just in a realistic context but also an aesthetically pleasing one, or at least a consistent one. That guts drawing for example, you went ham on the detail but the face brings everything crashing down. Your sprinkling glitter on a turd
>I could spend a week making a 3D model, using photo reference to make it the most realistic anime girl with reference from the top tier anime artist, draw it with pen and paper, scan it, and digitally paint it.
except you literally can't see
>takes too much effort, you would need to be pixar level animator to make 3D not look like crap.
>My issue with 3D are my utter crap rigging skills.
>I can make some low poly characters, but again, my lack of rigging skills is what forbidens me of doing 3D animations.
pic related is your best 3d
do u think I have infinite time to make every frame a masterpiece?
I literally need to shit out art and fast, and can't affort to spend a week drawing every frame.
I have time constrains, again, is the best I can do on the time I spend on it.
that model is not ready for a game engine, too much poly and is subsurf already.
pic related took me three days to finish.
Something should be done about her head then. She looks more mature than that. Like probably teens.
then post your best 3d
That art just blow my mind, user. But not in a good way
that pic actually looks nice, good job.
If youre shitting out art then i really doubt you enjoy drawing, which makes me wonder why you're doing it. Not much else to say to you, good luck I guess?
this was like my most AAA 3D I've made.
My issue with 3D is my lack of rigging skills, so I can't really animate still on 3D.
I like art, but for games you need to spend four or five hours drawing, which is not very fun.
After four hours of drawing your back start to ache.
It looks like shit and I love shit. Best of luck OP.
>her proportions are for a small children, four heads.
If she's a child
>the face should be rounder
>cheekbones not prominent
>hands are too small
>feet are too small
>thighs and legs should be reworked
>shoulders are too pointy at angled
>putting open source PBR brick textures on a wall and sphere is the best 3d he's done.
wew lad
>My issue with 3D is my lack of rigging skills, so I can't really animate still on 3D.
then learn it, took me one tutorial to learn rigging in blender.
cris, did you really just try to pass off the godot PBR example project as your own?
I know the basic of rigging, my issue is that a good rig is too complex for me.
I made it, is on my old twitter.
is not the PBR demo.
Also, my pc can't run PBR without lagging hard.
nigga you didn't learn rigging from one tutorial, trust me
>I wanna know if my game would appeal to girls
female or fe(male)
just call your character trans, shit talk Yea Forums, get resetera good xir points so your game will get more coverage/support
now for the real truth so big it hurts
looks like crap m8, if you had a better artist you could make it a porn game, but for now until more is done it looks like shit
>good rig is too complex for me
lol ok brainlets
A man deprived of his crab is no man at all.
(I know I'm shit at faces I'm just fucking around and modelling just to get stuff actually modeled for the day instead of fucking around)
There's still a lot about rigging you don't know.
>There's still a lot about rigging you don't know.
that might be true but I still have a better grasp than this retard
>game FOR girls
I bet you're also the type of person who thinks rabbits only eat carrots.
girls have diferent tastes than boys.
>(or faggot whatever)
>It's about a girl who uses farming to farm plants who kill the monsters in your path.
kek, unintentionally funny
room temperature IQ
Girls will play Harvest Moon type games fwiw. The art on the right is really low quality, would look better without it or with a matching pixel portrait.
does anyone want to look through a pdf plot summary of an h-game I wanna make
no, just post a tldr
i think this is a game a man would like most. girls don't like playing a girls that are more attractive than them
>what are those soap operas and romance novels and shit women write about beautiful perfect girls