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They always have directs in september, for fall games.

gamestop was bankrupt last time i checked

>bee simulator

Well, we're due for one, aren't we?

what is an SKU

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Didn't Sabi get a C&D from Nintendo?

Who cares. The one game I look forward to is being developed by the shitty devs who fucked up the first sequel.
Fuck NLG

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It doesn't sound too crazy, but Dark Cloud 3 seems put there just to trigger Yea Forums's autism.

Yes, he's only been leaking stuff from other companies right now.

>Dark Cloud 3 exclusive to Nintendo Switch

>Dark Cloud, the series made by Sony specifically to be marketed as a Legend of Zelda rival
>Now coming to a Nintendo console exclusively


>dark cloud 3
dont get me excited you fucking faggot

leaks and all that shit as always but this list holds some credibility
there's been some talks for kh on switch and squeenix settled on "something" with ninty but deemed kh3 unworthy of a port, leading to speculation about kh 1.5 + 2.5

metroid prime trilogy was also a rumor for a while now but still nothing... no way they'd make a prime 4 game without porting the trilogy over though

>dark cloud 3 being an exclusive on switch

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A number associated with a product.

Sony didn't make Dark Cloud bud.

>Dragon Quest VIII port

hahahahaha yeah right I fucking wish

They published it and own the IP.
Leak is fake of course.

>Dark Souls 2
Oh shit oh god oh fuck. Not on your life.

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pretty sure they own the ip, brother

>KH 1.5+2.5 instead of The Story So Far

Are you all forgetting that Nintendo hasn't made a Direct in the second half of a month in the last 2 years?

Mortal Kmobat 2 Remastered sounds weird. Does it mean a remake or a HD port? If it's the former than a Direct seems like a weird place to reveal it and if it's the latter than why wouldn't they just re-release the Trilogy port from the 360 and PS3?

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It's a interesting game but kinda short. The bee just randomly drops dead.

The September direct last year had a Smash reveal so we can assume a Smash character will be announced too.

It's hip

>metroid prime trilogy

Just bee yourself simulator

Remember the E3 nintendo showed off fortnite? Remember how amazon added 50 switch SKUs right before? Yeah?

If there's no SMT I don't care

>Kingdom Hearts

Next week to promote Spyro?

>shilling your own fanfiction
fuck off.

I call ultra bullshit on this

GCbabs, everyone.

>No Rare Replay