First 1.15 snapshot for minecraft

>first 1.15 snapshot for minecraft
>they fucking add yet ANOTHER useless mob

Attached: bees.jpg (973x730, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck op bees are cute.

if they don't fix the goddamn world generation (remove biomes and reinstate unique terrain creation like in beta) and improve cave generation I'm going to burn microsoft and mojang to the ground

>caves have been identical since they were first added, and constitute the majority of your time in game
>"we should add bees"

Mod to fuck bees when

>still no option to recruit/create mobs that fight on your side and can be left to protect zones


What's wrong with bees? You can easily wait another year for your lame cave update.

>game changes something
>game changes nothing

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This. We need better fucking caves.
Make the fucking bats do something.
Add stuff like underground only mobs which aren't silverfish or just a reskin.

>Implying they won't make you honey

>what are iron golems


Already there

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why is Mojang so incompetent?
Minecraft was such a great concept that got raped to death by Microsoft and those bastards over at Mojang


>game add something shitty
>this is shitty and useless
>thing in game is old and needs and update
>this needs an update

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They added Barnabee?

You kids bitch about everything, why don't you just play beta with mods and stop shitting up the threads.

Sounds like you're mad OP.
Look at this little nigger, he's adorable.

>flies into your thread to make it better.

Attached: Bee.gif (150x150, 329K)

Seethe more. Mojang doesn't even need to keep updating the game it's so popular and yet they do it anyways. Be grateful

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Because it’s hip to fuck bees

a rectangle with brown lines is somehow cute

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Fuck you

I can't beelieve they've done this


I like bees but i hope we get caves
What if we get a bugs/cave update that adds ants,butterflies and better caves
Think,first they show off bugs then it goes inside the ant hill,through a tunnel into a cave

I'm talking about neutral/recruitable pillagers that you can equip with enchanted weapons/armor.

Golems can only protect you so much, plus I like to build my stuff near the ocean and it's really bothersome when they fall to the water.

good thing you will never have to see it since there's no reason to play updated versions when there's no mods for them.

hey we're adding a gay sex minigame you can't avoid.

It's more content so you can't complain :)

Minecraft had been dead since the day normalniggers and faggot kids discovered it, along with kikerosoft buying it.


I can't believe that you zoomer can't even insta mods on minecraft.

>take months to make a npc that does nothing
Nothing new from them making a useless update, but just because they add more stuff does not mean its good.

>brownn butt

Still more useful than bats.

>you can't avoid

You think you'll be able to play a new save of minecraft and have 0 bees spawn?

It helps grow crops so it has SOME purpose this time, but I'm so sick of the constant new animals with dubious utilities.

>he doesn't like bees
Probably a shitskin. Bees sting black people all the time.

Attached: bee wasp war.png (1762x893, 483K)

I wouldnt complain desu

You think you can't install a previous version?

Who hasn't thought about fucking Alex once or twice? I'd take it
Just build a wall lmao

That's one big fucking bee, I don't want it in my home. I hope they don't add hives or wasps.

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>gay sex

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>Be grateful
For what? Shit that modders can add in literally one night? Accept the minimum, it becomes the standard.

This is obviously just an excuse to make an earthbound texture pack

Then install those mods?

Be grateful they aren't sitting on their buns eating popcorn laughing at lolcows sperging over free updates bitch.

Buzzbuzz is not a bee.

Don't nerf bees plz

fuck bees

>fucking BEES

>oh shit this means they're adding honey

>new cooking recipes

>fuck yeah

>tfw you're a bee

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once again, Terraria did it first.

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New mobs, no matter how worthless they are in game, are capable of printing money by being turned into merch.
Cave or terrain overhauls can't be turned into merch, and thus can't print money.
Blame Microsoft for this.

OK user, make a thread about it.

Minecraft ripping off Terraria is hardly thread-worthy, it's just their standard operating procedure now

I just wish it was a little bit smaller...

>one of the biggest franchises ever is stealing from a literal who
Are you sure user?

>Billion Dollar Franchise

>Add new flowers, useless mobs and "new" food with a different sprite being the only difference

but don't worry guys if you wait a decade they'll add a slightly better furnace woah!

Enjoy your Bee Mechanics in >2013+6

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Minecraft has been creatively bankrupt since Notch left, and now has to steal ideas from its so-called "clone" that surpasses it in every way.

>adding a common day insect is ripping off

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bees are an endangered species now gramps.

mods did it first, and better

>new cooking recipes
>still cannot make a simple sandwich with meat and bread.

stop lying

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>says that like it means anything at all
You've outed yourself as an underage that doesnt understand the world due to being shut into your room for more than half your life

Wasn't the Narrative that Notch stole everything from other games? You sure love bitching about pointless shit.

>Actually defending Mojang's laziness
Back to work Jeb.

what "narrative"? I'm talking about reality.

>says this while complaining about free updates when mods exist

Monsato go and stay go

This is my current survival castle, say something nice about it.

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user look at the texture packs for mario
They dont fucking care user

stop lying

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I wish I was Jeb

>Then use the mods?


hate it or not, notch was actually the only one pushing for new ideas
Did you read the guidelines in the suggestion site? They outright refuse to do things like add vertical slabs or the other minecon mobs or even mining helmets because of dumb reasons

a king without a kingdom is no king at all

I'm gonna need some source right now

I do play with mods, which is why I'm criticizing Mojang. Why are literal teenagers and people without funding from a multi-billionaire corporation outdoing a professional studio in their spare time?

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I can definitely understand that, but also originally Notch wanted torches to burn out

there's a village over there

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THIS. learn how to start your own villagers and place them to the bottom right of your picture

how tf has minecraft ripped off terraria?

What's the reason for no vertical slabs?

Their not creative.

>Why are literal teenagers and people without funding from a multi-billionaire corporation outdoing a professional studio in their spare time?
this happens pretty much every time unfortunately

Never understood this, beta generation was nothing special

Wasp Woman 1995

consoleniggers can't get mods

“Inspiring creative ways to work around limitations

terraria is one of the best selling indies of all time.

looks pretty comfy could use some details, like maybe wooden fences around the windows, maybe make the bridge wooden (at least partially)

>Terraria invented bees

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God bless you

Imagine having to use and promote mods just to play a shitty game. Every single one of you morons let developers make shitty, unfinished games, just so the fans can pick up the slack.

Minecraft, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, and every other game with mod support are instantly shit, because they have to rely on the fans to artificially inflate the game's lifespan, instead of making an actually GOOD experience.

Fucking sick of this shit, man.

How is having another method of decoration not creative?

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>having no features is fine because ImAgInAtIoN

>game for kids adds a mob that's cute

It's a slippery slope. First you add vertical slabs, then furniture, then pipes, and then full on industrial technic shit. It doesn't belong in minecraft.

No one knew Mojang would come to a crawl with content. This didn't happen on purpose but it is showing how incompetent they are with updates. And that one woman on the dev team who coded the parrot didn't want to add Sharks because she didn't want players to hunt them in real life. Suck a dick.

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Has no one played the snapshot?

>game is slow with content
Then it's shit.

You know what they say, more is less.

Hey, it's better than the crap that Forestry made at least.

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Do you guys play modded or vanilla?

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Everyone has wanted chairs forever, people have been doing the hacky "stairs with signs on the sides" thing since stairs and signs were available, there's nothing wrong with furniture.
I would say minecarts alone are more advanced than a couch.

That's a wasp nigger

that's retarded its probably just an excuse so they didn't have to do any work

Is this a mod?


The reasoning for no sharks was "we didn't want kids going out in real life trying to tame a shark", which is fucking retarded when that same level of danger exists for virtually ALL animals in Minecraft, and shit like wolves are much more accessible than a fucking shark ever would be.

I understand the furniture but for slabs seem ridiculous

>i have adhd and need new baby toys every month

And nothing equals a fucking masterpiece, right?

Do you really need to sit on something that bad? Just use a fence post.

Limitations is how you get soul.

>didn't want to add Sharks because she didn't want players to hunt them in real life
Reminds me of "We won't add dyed planks because then we'd have to make stairs and slabs for them" which is basically "We're lazy lol!"

When are we getting floating island biomes?

wrong game

>I'll let a game die because of a drought in content

If you call nothing 400 unique blocks, 70 unique mobs 3 dimensions and a multitude of weapons armors and enchantment then yes.

actually sounds nice

anyone who says otherwise is a dirty wasp nigger

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all those blocks and still no vertical slabs or furniture :^)

>70 unique mobs

It's not even that sitting down is important, it's just fun to sit on stuff, I guess. Anytime I play a game and there's a chair, I'm disappointed when I can't sit down, there's not even any use for it in most games, it's just something that makes sense.


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I hope they give it functionality that spreads flowers. It would be useful to be able to farm a lot of dyes for one colour assuming it isn't already possible to do so.

Bees are actually useful, the honey that they make can fully restore the saturation bar

You don't need vertical slabs or furniture
Did I stutter?

Yes. Sadly 1.15 will be the BEE UPDATE, and the only thing that will be added is BEES. They won't do anything else with the game other than adding some fat fucking BEES.

>minecraft update adds one block and one useless mob
This has been the update plan since Notch shilled this shitty game a decade ago
Mods are the only way to play Minecraft how it could have been if Mojang and Notch didn't suck dick at developing the game

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>I dont want it so no one should get it

>Wasp Woman
Very nice.

I build just fine without vertical slabs. Maybe you should get some soul and creativity

1 sting then dies is the worst evolutionary trait ever conceived
How they still exist to this day is a mystery

they said that the main focus of 1.15 would be combat again, caves still won't get shit until they specifically prioritize it like the ocean and village updates


>Body fluids (including animal ones): Not a fit for Minecraft.
Yeah what about milk

I don't fucking know but Bees and Ants are the only insects that we should actually assist

Because of the hivemind.

They don't exist for themselves, OP. Only the Queen is important.

It's sort of like those ants that can self destruct.
The insect world is fucking hardcore.

>refuse to add verticle slabs as theres already work arounds?
Wtf does this mean
>also wont add mods as official features because???

They can sting other animals and insects without dying, it's something about human skin that makes it unable for the bee to pull it's stinger out

>he doesn't just copy the image off google and just paste it without a second thought

>>also wont add mods as official features because???
When they'd already done exactly fucking that with things such as pistons and horses.

>assisting creatures who could never even comprehend our existence
Why would we do that? Asking for a friend

>conditioned to not have options
>not because of laziness, but because of "muh creativity"

Whats the problem with mods? If the fans want to make them, let them make them. A game will always look unfinished compared to What mods can do.

>they are JUST now adding bees, 10 years after the game was made
>when you can play modded 1.7.10 and have bees give you literally every material in existance if you learn how to use it

imagine being a vanillafag

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That actually makes sense considering the overall setting but what do we amateurs know, right?
>No realistic sharks
I'd love to hear this one.


>Super colony ants have huge ass world wars
Bees are bros that we need to in order for the world to survive, they make bitching honey and have a complex system just like ants, in several thousand years they might be able to comprehend politics in their little bee worlds with the right demand for such evolution
>still no game where I can maintain a bee colony and put those Wasp niggers to the sword

>What's THIS? A highly popular game with a clear abscence of bees
>A update full of BEES will put a stop to that?

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>implying thaumcraft 4 isn't peak soul

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>I need unnecessary blocks that would barely add anything to build in a sandpit game

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It's not a trait. It's because the skin is relatively tough when being stung, so the stinger gets left behind. Think of pulling duct tape off of yourself.

They don't comprehend us, but what they do helps us. Bees pollinate a shit ton of crops and plants.

Mod support allows the developers of games to become lazy because they can let the fans finish it. They don't have to put in effort and get PAID for it, but the fans finish it and can get shit on if they make a cent off it.


based dr. beesposter

>takes a large amount of a certain type of bee to burn a single wasp
Theres a reason AOT was based off this concept

Terraria wins again!

Not only do they have bees and honey, they also have better cave generation than minecraft

Nice avatar, fag.

If your rooma gets stuck somewhere, do you help it so it can continue to clean your floor even though it's an unaware piece of silicon, or do you ignore it?

>resorting to petty insults

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Not even worth the (You), Wojakposter.

what the heck is up with Minecraft Feedback

How did "meerkats should be in the game because I think they're cute" end up getting chosen among thousands of other things

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When Mojang looks at feedback, they aren't looking at actually good additions to the game, they're looking for additions that they can turn into merchandise and then sell for big profits.


Bees were unironically pushed by one dev who really fucking likes bees since 1.7.10

Only if they sting mammals, skin is like rubber that latches on their stinger that is like a serrated blade, making it impossible for them retract stinger themselves.

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>Sideways slabs, vertical slabs: Features that inhibit natural creativity or can already be done in other ways are not being considered.
what is wrong with these fucks
>hurr more options inhibits creativity it's not natural!
thank god mods exist

Gimme Orcas you fucks
I wanna slay some big fish

I'm happy that Minecraft was so shitty it spurred some modders to make their own game and Factorio was born, a game that's good vanilla AND modded

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How will minecrap cope when Hytale takes the entire fanbase away?

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>body fluids not fit for minecraft, but it's okay to eat rotten human flesh
>lying skeletons are not fit either, but living ones are fine

That looks like shit

>bees will eventually evolve to have smooth stingers

well Hytale needs to actually come out first

Hytale looks like a mod with production values.

There was a time when people would spend the extra minute in ms paint to crop it out.. faglord

They mentioned that aswell in the same sentence they just dont want to do it anymore

Also why no ants yet wtf mojang

oh no no no

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They look nothing alike

They'd never touch world gen, only keep adding random shit. Zoomer rage would be out of control if an update broke their 10 year old worlds.

But I like building brown bricks...

What the fuck do ants do?

They'll announce Minecraft 2, promising the carry-over of most content while also adding a lot of new stuff on a new engine. They will refuse to call it "Minecraft 2" because they don't want to exclude the people who play on anything other than PC, since it won't actually be able to run on anything else except maybe consoles (in a limited fashion). It will be delayed at least once and a lot of the stuff promised, such as a working modding API and other QoL-style systems, won't even be in on release, if at all. Everyone will hop on board since it will only be $30 maximum and it'll have some popularity for a while but it won't last and people will ultimately return to Hytale and old Minecraft since saves won't carry over. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

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Have huge underground world wars

I would not be surprised if they did a paid update

>install bee mod
>game gets flooded with bee shit everywhere
>every biome has a special type of bee
>every item has a special bee designed to let you farm it
Mods always overdo everything and try to make the entire game around whatever minor thing they add, IE bees. This is why mod packs always feel like a fucking clusterfuck and it takes all challenge out of the game.

>microsoft bought mojang just to fix the boat controls

given how the hype is dead you tell me

does anybody still have that giant list of promised features by notch during the alpha of which almost none of them ever came to fruition.
i just don't get how one of the worlds biggest gaming success stories is this fucking incompetent

If only the characters didn't have that soulless zoomer game look.

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Yeah, especially with the eyes and subtle movement. Also a little thing called "to each their own".

Sorry your autism is too advanced to decipher such things.

>breeded bees are just tiny bees,instead of larvae inside the hive that need honey to grow.
Also why no nuptial flights where bee iilates create nee colonys
Also why are bee hives blocks?why not hanging like lanterns?

>implying traveling merchants are some wildly original idea
You may as well give Terraria shit for copying it from dozens upon dozens of games that came before it, and then give those games shit for copying the idea too. Just keep going until you finally find the original first appearance of a traveling merchant in any media ever and then shit on it for copying the idea from real life. Don't stop there though because all of those traveling merchants in history stole the idea from somebody else so you 'll have to keep going until you find the first ever traveling merchant in history. Only that one single person deserves any credit for the idea.

>Shitty little honey bees
>Not badass giant monster bees

Attached: virgin honey bey vs chad giant bee.jpg (600x409, 20K)


It's literally just nostalgia, anyone who plays newer versions of Minecraft regularly knows that Terrain has gotten much more varied.
Because that totally isn't how the game's always been.

Relax bros. I just thought it was funny how Terraria and minecraft are starting to inbreed and take ideas from eachother.

Those guys should have died in prehistoric age holy shit.

Can't wait to bingewatch 5 million hours worth of minecraft bee content on youtube

did a bee get raped by a beetle
holy shit

Biome bundle is actually pretty good in terms of world gen. Idk if it does any cave stuff though.

Remember when mojang said they were going to add mod support, but instead of supporting mods they consistently release fucking useless updates with absolutely no content seemingly just to break all the mods that outperform their team, forcing people who want actual content to run a version of the game that is years old instead?

I remember

>Mojang adds wasps as an occasional daytime threat as well as a flying mob
>Phantoms now loose the 0.01% of thunder they had as the only airborne enemy
I'll never not be mad about Phantoms. Everyone who voted for them should be deeply ashamed.

Giant ants that carry off blocks and use them to build hives.

The last two updates have been the best updates in the history of the game, nigger.
That being said it is bullshit that they haven't added native mod support, especially when the fucking twitch app you can download has it.

reminds me of subnautica refusing to add guns/weapons

*disassembles your mansion*

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there isn't really anything wrong with adding mobs just for scenery but they really should try to tie them into the system of the game

They're also obnoxious pests, why the hell should I help them?

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Timetravel update when that lets you go to your world in the past where villages are instead tiny tribes,there’s dinosaurs and strong holds are underground fortresses with actual villagers and the nether isnt a wasteland
Then if you go to the future it puts citys in place of villages and it has hous recognition that builds citys around it and your base is transformed into some futuristic lab

It's gonna take MONTHS for them to make bees

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Makes sense. They've been slowly adding in things mods did back in 1.6, and the beekeeping mods were in almost every modpack back then. Maybe we'll finally get conveyor belts next.

It'll be really interesting to see Minecraft get some competition and I'm genuinely excited to see what comes out of it.
That being said my hopes aren't high for Hytale itself. I'm just hoping it makes Mojang kick it into high gear.

except in the one example you posted?

>make the underground several hundred blocks deeper
>keep diamond as the best tool/armor ore but make it spawn at the very bottom of this expanded underground
>add other ores that have different uses

This looks really out of place to me

Adventure mode became Tell Tale's story mode.
Zombie survival never happened and the vanilla game STILL doesn't feature the seige mechanics to facilitate it. You have to resort to mods to get that behavior.

I forget the other game mode that was promised.

Fuck that give us an underground dimension that has infinite hight and depth and goes down infinitely

They're too fucking big

>go to new chunks
>dig down
>go to old chunks
>suddenly can build below bedrock
I see no issues

like spiders

They keep adding gimmicks instead of actual mechanics. Completely linear, an ocean with the depth of a puddle. Removing these would probably be better because like Bats they're just annoying and add even more lag to this increasingly bloated game.
Literally the only update which changed anything fundamental was 1.12 with observers. The TNT duping glitch from 1.12 changes gameplay more than anything from later updates.

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They're not real bees, they're minecraft bees. Minecraft bees are just big like that

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Better than Creepers popping out of nowhere.

or silverfish

Is terrafirmacraft a good survival mod or are there better ones?

I'll say it again. RIP OFF the Mystcraft mod completely and introduce legitimate world-gen cnc mechanics for already active worlds. It future proofs for the game for new mechanics and ecosystems and prolongs the life of a given world.

They fit the artstyle. Minecraft isn't supposed to be realistic, people who think it should be are shitters with no taste.
I'd vastly prefer big bumbly bees over boring shit like

Did somebody say MINECRAFT MODS?

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>A game is only good if I constantly get new content, I can't just enjoy old content, I need MORE!
Have you ever considered that you don't actually like the core game and only care about it because of the rush that new content gives you?

I remember this one mod concept that had big miner ants that lived underground years ago

>food analogy
If you think its burnt, why dont you get a different steak faggot? I'd say updates are more like adding sides to an already made meal, like having a baked potato with a steak. Mods, yes, would be like adding ketchup, sure, but only if you like ketchup.

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>No realistic sharks
It’s an environmentalism thing, they don’t want to feel like they’re promoting shark hunting. But they’re leaving the door open for fantastical shark-inspired monsters.

As much as I like food analogies, this one is just retarded

You're incinuating that Skyrim was in a perfect state but then overdone when Skyrim was more in a halfdone state, making it raw and unfinished
A burnt stake is way past its good state, this would fit better for nu-WoW

Given how simple mining is, this just means digging a slightly longer downward shaft and nothing else changes.

>downloaded the e9 PTGI seus shader
>No matter what version of optifine or forge I use I cannot get it to work properly

expanding the z-limit would obviously mean no backwards compatibility for maps

No. I will tell and expect the chef to prepare it properly.

>they keep adding gimmicks instead of actual mechanics
Let me guess, you're one of those tekkit fags who literally only plays Minecraft to build machinery and thinks anything that isn't directly related to that is shit.
News flash, not everyone plays the game the same way as you. The fact that you don't know this, especially for a game as open-ended as Minecraft, is really pathetic.
>They're just bats
Except that they actually have a use and function. I bet you couldn't even be bothered to look up what they do and you just assumed they're shit based on looking at them for one second.

Hip, bro

The game still runs in Java and is horribly optimized, try making an amplified map or whatever its called where mountains go up to sky limit already. It's unplayable. They can't raise the world height in any way yet.

Lol yes they can. The cubic chunks mod does exactly like and boosts performance. The author even offered the code to Mojang and never got a reply.

>giant bee
That thing is one step away from extinction and was thought to be several times.

I like the aura this gives off

could this work or am I just retarded?

Attached: Untitled.png (1152x648, 9K)

That* fuck I hate mobile fagging.

What is this meant to express?

Not everyone can entertain themselves with making megaman sprites with wool for eternity, zoomer


>people have been begging for a cave update for years
as soon as Notch gave power to Jens or whatever the fuck that swedish twink cucks name is, it got completely fucking ruined

Sorry newfag, it was always shit, and Notch's updates were just as shitty

Not everybody can entertain themselves by building "AUTOMATIC PUMPKIN FARM #53079" for eternity, zoomer.

>playing cuckcraft instead of chadraria

>He doesn't have a world sized pumpkin farm
Its over

Been playing since alpha nerd
and yeah his updates were kinda dumb but Jens is literally autistic in his updates

>add bees
>but not queen bees
why? hopefully they will add giant hives with enemy bees since there are datamined honey blocks

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I have a pumpkin farm, but I don't throw a tantrum if every update doesn't give me more ways to farm pumpkins because I never needed to farm pumpkins in the first place.

>bedrock walls
What if someone teleports using the nether and never loads chunks meaning new chunks would be in between old chunks

If you think mods lead only to autofarms, you're either pretending to be retarded or actually retarded


It's pretty obvious they haven't added everything about the bees to the game, you'd have to be completely new to how these snapshots work if you think this is it.

What is this meme? Minecraft is the highest selling game of all time. Hytale will be popular for a bit and then go back to living in Minecraft's shadow

What happens if you build a house in the past that over laps the present
What if you build in the present to over lap the future?

I was being hyperbolic the same way the user I responded to was. I shouldn't have to explain that to you.

>he plays anything but hardcore
why are you so gay, user

>Quit my full time broadcasting gig to deal with health issues
>Basically half-employed for the next year-ish, working from my computer and having ungodly amounts of free time.
>For some reason, decide to pick up Minecraft because I remembered trying to have cool RPG adventures with modpacks.
>End up falling down the mod well, building a cool little town, all kinds of builds, learning to redstone and automate and do all kinds of cool modded shit.

It's actually fun and distracting, with the exception being that it's all singleplayer so I don't really need any of the stuff I'm making and that's a bummer.

Also I've been trying for nearly a month to get a set of redstone stairs to work because my dumb ass decided to cram them into a relatively small house and I'm too stupid to get the system working.

But it's fun and comfy.

Attached: 2019-08-22_21.23.28.png (1920x1027, 2.73M)

Modded 1.12 is still superior. Try a small modpack with stuff like Immersive Engineering, Rustic, Quark and Millenaire, it blows 1.14 out of the fucking water

Attached: 1566523274.png (624x170, 29K)

So no argument, cool
Stay retarded

I kind of like em but fuck, I'm now more interested in "The Great Hunger"

>I can't just enjoy old content
What content? The game is bare aside from useless updates

But is it world sized? Thought not

How are they going to make more merchandise without adding more mobs?

They've been focusing on issues with the game pretty well these past few updates.
>Oceans used to be completely devoid of content, now they're full it
>Villagers were made much more involved, a proper threat to villages as well as a decent challenge was also added
>Current update's main goal is said to be to improve combat
I'm not saying they haven't had shitty updates before, nor that it's fucking retarded that they haven't updated the mining part of minecraft since adding mineshafts/ravines, but saying the game has been fucking ruined is retarded nostalgiafag shit.

I've never played Tekkit because it seems just as gimmicky as all these updates. Placing a grid down to mine and adding countless new pickaxes just like Shounens add countless new super saiyan levels each one fundamentally the same. Bats have no function, would you care to tell me what function they serve?
There's much more to it than a linear increase in farm production. Enchanting added all these mechanics around farming XP, enchanting methods and less time mining. Beacons added a new way of mining, where you can insta mine almost everything. Slimeblocks added elevators, flying machines, TNT duping, and quarries. Hoppers made it easy to transfer items and not have to leave items sitting around making lag. What do bees and bats add?

>saying the game has been fucking ruined is retarded nostalgiafag shit.
This. The game is still fucking based

Just like how you don't have an argument and you're just bitching that people aren't playing Minecraft "the right way".
Stay clinically autistic.

>Best updates in the history of the game

Yeah that's saying a lot, SUPER impressive. Call me when they add content even close to what modders have been adding for a fucking decade, nigger

>saying the game has been fucking ruined is retarded nostalgiafag shit.
This. The game is still fucking bad

It was prepared, the steak is Minecraft in 2009, all the updates have been sides added. Saying the steak is burnt is saying the base game is bad.

Attached: Untitled2.png (1152x648, 12K)

Bats are complete shit, I'm not saying they aren't. Nor am I saying Mojang is flawless, there are a LOT of useless fucking mobs they've been adding like polar bears and llamas and foxes. However bees so far are way ahead of them and it's pretty obvious that they're not done yet considering there's textures for wax blocks and crystalized honey and also it's literally the first snapshot of the entire update.

> remove biomes
What the fuck? No. Implement a more interesting underlying system like there was in beta (where biomes existed but terrain was interesting) and the problems with the new biomes will miraculously disappear.
The only biome that needs a true re-evaluation is jungle. Fuck jungle.

>zoom zoom
>i have adhd and cant have fun with games unless theyre fortnite

>massively bloat the game and add overpowered shit that oversimplifies the game to the point of being unplayable
Wow, it's almost like different people like different things or something, that's really werd.

>improve combat
Why do they insist on making the combat more complex all the time? You play minecraft for the exploration and the building, not the combat. They should focus on making the exploration more interesting, especially caves since the only interesting thing down there is mineshafts and the occasional ravine.

Go back to watching minecraft parody videos, zoomer

Almost like when they didn't "want to add sideways slabs because they would take away from player creativity"

Which is a fucking stupid excuse because a majority of the creativity in the game is building, yet their going to act to its detriment because for one rare specific case problem solving is more important than one of the main features of the game.

In reality they're probably too lazy to code sideways slabs for each block.

Why are you in a thread for a game you don't like?
Oh yeah because it's Yea Forums and it's summer. But more importantly, it's Yea Forums, and in current year, no less.
Eat a dick.


>durr me hyperbole because no argument
embarrassing, no wonder not even reddit will take you


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You're right, current year Yea Forums is garbage

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> mod community that is much more likely to have actual jobs aside from modding the game adds something with minimal effort in 24 hours
> the developers who are PAID to put content into the game take weeks, months, even fucking YEARS to add anything
> lol go install that mod then
Shut the fuck up. A game in supposed active development deserves a developer more active than the average modder.

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>durr me make other person who not agree with me sound dumb because me own argument not good enough


Two can play that game, mongoloid.

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Minecraft 2009 is hardly a game.

>people complaining about lack of new content
>on the very first snapshot of the patch
come on now

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Sea Turtles are in more peril than sharks yet you can stomp on their eggs.

It's not the game anyone wants, the combat is bad for people who like combat, the building has barely changed in a decade, there's literally nothing to do after having played it for a while unless you actually have autism

It's the first snapshot so I have to assume they'll find something to use them for. I'm hoping they'll be able to spread flowers, since some colors can be a bit of a pain to get while for example red is ridiculously easy to farm thanks to rose bushes. If it worked with wither roses as well that'd be amazing. Beyond that they're pretty fucking cute

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Favourite mod Yea Forums?

If your answer is Tinkers Construct kill yourself

But that's not "making the entire game" around the thing it adds, user. That's an actually complete feature.
Bee types in every biome make an average, non-completionist playthrough have slightly different bees than another average, non-completionist playthrough.

But Minecraft is AWFUL! I HATE MINECRAFT. Why can't we go back to the good old days when Minecraft was AWESOME and so FULL OF LIFE?! It's definitely not because I'm pessimistic or my taste has changed, the game is just BAD now, unlike OLD Minecraft.

bees, ironically. i'm hoping they add more stuff for bees so i can micromanage them just like in the mod.

>I speak for everyone who has ever played Minecraft
You can just say you don't like the game, that doesn't make it objectively bad.

Why do these faggots even bother when mods have done this shit already and better. Seriously why do they even bother updating Minecraft

Minecraft was always bad, but stay mad

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so this is why hes seething oh nononon

Are you seriously just lurking in this thread so you can keep posting "Minecraft was always bad"? Seems kinda desperate bro not gonna lie

It's okay to like bad games as a kid. But at some point, you have to grow up and face facts that Minecraft is simply bad.

I think the lack of content is due to two things.
First, the devs are lazy
Second, they fear changing up the formula up too much in such a way it will harm sales, despite it being the number one selling game ever
Third, mircosoft limits the devs

>Minecraft thread on Yea Forums

> Mojang adds something
> Mods have done it almost a decade ago, but much better and in-depth
I hope at least the combat fix will make this update worth playing.

The only thing the combat change is doing is making it so spamming click is viable again, since you can now only swing when you have a full bar.

>shitty 2d sprites > 3d models

Why not just take the superior implementation that mods have RIGHT NOW for bees?
Mojang is so confusingly retarded

now that's hip

> Game development going fast
> Notch runs out of inspiration, caps the game off with a hacked together ending while he still has a bit of momentum
> Game development slows significantly
> Notch abandons ship, leaves it to "le Jeb, our lord and savior from that shitlord racist sexist transphobe, also he's the one who was doing all the work anyway!! for real you guise!!!11!!"
> Game development slows to an absolute fucking crawl
> Retards still parrot that Notch obviously didn't do any of the real work despite the data clearly showing otherwise

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>another feature mods have had since 2013 going to be added later (tm)


This wojak is painfully unfunny and I'm sick of seeing it, the original is funny because it's relatable this is just opinion I don't like taken way too far.


Notch wasn't controversial when Jeb took over, but nice revisionist story kirbytard

Enjoy not having food, user.

So fucking useless, they better give us the option to turn these creatures off just like particles. Nothing but a lag introducing creature.

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Man I want to do this so bad but it always looks like shit after I get done

I get that new mobs are added to make the world feel more alive but can they at least make them do or drop something? What is the actual point of polar bears or foxes?

If you can only swing when the bar is full then isn't spam clicking excessively pointless?

>Pumpkin farm
1.13 fucked my stash up bad.

Attached: 2019-04-10_15.28.01.png (925x530, 149K)

>newfag rewriting history to defend infiminer clone
your brain's as slow as minecraft's update schedule

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>giant lava pools with bedrock walls

I don't know who this Notch guy is but I'm so happy that Hatsune Miku is working so hard on the game!!!

Attached: miku!!!.jpg (612x650, 62K)

Click spam meant you were doing less damage because of a lack of a full bar, which forced you to have to time it. Now that you can ONLY swing when there's a full bar, you can just mindlessly spam again with no downside, the only difference being a slight delay between swings, but the damage always being maximum and consistent.

What are the 70 unique mobs?
> Chicken, Cow, Sheep, Pig
> Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Creeper
> Ghast, Zombie Pigman, Blaze
> Enderman, Ender Dragon
> Villager
All above this line added in the first couple years of development.
> Shulker, Ender Mite
> Guardian, Elder Guardian
> Fox, Fish
> Pillager, Illusioner, Illager, Pillager Beast
If you don't pull some bullshit where you count each individual type of fish and villager as a unique mob (they are not and Mojang should not get off that hook for introducing so much depth in some random thing 99% of people will never fucking see) there's nowhere close to 70 mobs and the game is content anemic.

Do they sting? What about honey?

>being this buttmad about minecraft getting content
lmao, loser, go play mods or something

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This is still the most pathetic meme I've seen trannies make desu

Well, they had the first helicopters, that's for sure.

The bottom of the world is at index 0, with the sky limit at 255. If you wanted to extend that downward while maintaining compatibility you'd have to go into negatives, so -255 to 255. It's not that it couldn't be done, it's that it would probably be a huge undertaking for a team that seems to struggle keeping the game from breaking with every new update. It would make more sense to break compatibility and just move the sea level up from 63 to 100 or higher and call it update 2.0

This. A thousand times this.

Also, realistic water. We already have mods for it.

I don't give a shit if it breaks your shitty Redstone adventure maps, just add more dynamic things please, Mojang.

you faggots even remember testificates?

Minecraft always has terrible new content. It just gets more understood and fleshed out over time.

>left can't meme as usual
yikes, as they say

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spiders are based, their webs are beautiful and they take care of eating other insects and we tend to stay away from humans, so I think spiders deserve our support too

The issue isn't that I could fix their game with mods.

The issue is that I have to fix their game with mods. They hardly ever release updates with any substantial content, and when they do it's in the dumbest way possible, like making the largest update in the games history a revamp for the one biome you are actively discouraged from spending noteworty amounts of time in because you need to fucking breathe, meaning any time you want to go see the content you have to go out of your way to do so.

If they make honey or bee hives genuine useful, then they'll be a good addition. Otherwise, Bees are just another example of Mojang "working" to pass the time. There's no justifiable reason to spend time putting that much effort into a mob that serves no purpose.

obvious joke is obvious

i let them live in my house unless they lay eggs or are poisonous

I don't get it

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The workers that sting never reproduce and evidently the serrated stings that stick into the skin is a more effective defense for the hive. They probably started from smooth stingers and evolved to how they are now.

Well if you say so

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When are they adding ants to minecraft? It would at least be something new to the underground which hasn't had a major update in years now.

Fairy Factions.

Attached: 2018-09-18_17.56.17.png (925x530, 103K)

> the basic structure of the game (shit like lighting and physics), all the mobs people actually recognize, all the blocks people actually recognize, all three dimensions currently in the game, multiple-time recoding of the world generation, most of the fun features like redstone (Redstone Update proper was good tho), most of the biomes currently within the game, and STILL a majority of content is from when Notch was around
> End cities, most underwater content, some more redstone components, more building blocks, horses, a couple more structures, improved villagers, phantoms, fish, coral, some new wood types, pillagers... and that's it, that's what was added since Notch left
The most worthwhile things added since Notch left are minor aesthetic additions like inverted and connected stairs/slabs, more stone types, stained glass, terracotta. There's also a few fun new mechanics, like elytra and the absolute beast that was the Redstone Update. I have no idea where the fuck Mojang usually hides it but clearly they still have at least some competence.
But you don't have to say Notch did nothing to acknowledge the successes of modern Minecraft.

What's wrong with bees? I think we're a great addition to the game.

Never actually thought of that. Underground ant colonies would be cool.

Wither, Silverfish, Llama, Wolf, Cat, Ocelot, Squid, Horse, Iron Golem, Snowman, Witch, Parrot, Donkey

Not sure if Spider Jockey counts since it's just two other mobs duct taped together. Wither Skeletons are just armored skeletons, but if Zombie Pigmen don't count as zombies they should count too.

That brings us to what, 40 or so?

Not as slow as yours for posting that small ass image.

Trannies got mad that Notch said mean things to them, and Mojang removed any reference to him from the splash screens, so they started to make shitty jokes that MC wasn't made by Notch. Stuff like "it came from space" and "Hatsune Miku created Minecraft!" emerged.

Honey already confirmed for being able to refine into sugar, so that's something. Not that that's needed with how easy reeds are to grow, but still.

Tconstruct is good but shouldn't be a favorite mod.
My favorite is either Mystcraft or Thaumcraft. Probably gonna be narrowed down to just Mystcraft soon, what with Thaumcraft's... situation.

Twilight Forest. Betweenlands shows some promise but is still missing important functionality.

Ok thanks

> still no cave update
> still no improvements to netherforts.
Nether forts are the ugliest fucking thing in this whole game jesus christ please update.

Big ants or small ants?

Attached: ant.gif (438x233, 1.13M)

Slippery slope is a farce. If you can't trust yourself to go down a slope properly, then maybe you shouldn't go down it in the first place.

like spiders and silverfish and now bees, big

ride-able and can scale walls to help you mine out ravines.


It turns out that's not what the people want. Larvae aren't cuddly or fuzzy and therefore have no place in modern Minecraft. Just be glad they're adding any invertebrates at all - the last one they tossed in was in 1.8.

Attached: Endermite.png (930x930, 49K)

> First you add verticle slabs, then furniture...
Nani the fuck? How does one translate to the other?

>Ten year old game gets tiny update that adds harmless insects
>Twenty five year old adult men on Yea Forums - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK GAME RUINED

>Just be glad
Will you fuck off with this mindset? This is why Vanilla is stagnant you spineless coward.

>Just install mo-

Attached: Screenshot (1457).png (857x477, 17K)

>implying it matters if they know we even exist or not
Are you retarded? Do you think we want to survive so they can learn to talk and say thank you?


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If we get ants ant bees but no potion that lets us shrink in size to go inside the colonys im gonna be angry

Big so you can tame and ride them.

Not him but ants can aerrate the soil of potted plants if you keep them fed well enough to stay and you don't let them farm scales or aphids. They kept my finger lime plant happy in terrible-quality soil for a few years.

Yes, I also give it the head pats it deserves.

>an entire version update just to add bees that do jack shit

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God why am I so erect

oh don't worry my friend, 1.15 is also gonna have meerkats and ostriches! even more useless mobs!

If they could scale walls they might actually be useful. Make them float/walk on water like water striders as well and they'd be downright amazing. I don't use horses because they become a nuisance as soon as I need to cross a body of water. It might be hard to make any rideable animal useful post-Elytra though

Everyone is complaining it's another empty update, but keep beating that strawman off, faggot

Both. Big ants as enemies. Little ants and their nests as neutral entities. And a potion to turn a little ant into a rideable, not-hostile big ant.

It'll flop worse than cubeworld
all voxel survival/adventure games that have been hyped up since minecraft have all failed

we are eternally stuck with minecraft

Pmt desu
People bitched when they fixed boats and when they made swimming actually enjoyable
People bitched when they fixed shitty villager trading
People even bitched when they made it so you can walk over farm patches
You just can't please purists, no matter what you do or fix, people will whine
Purists even cry about different door types ffs

Also reverse potion that turns a hostile big ant into a hostile but hilariously ineffective little ant.

>tiny insect
>hit it with a diamond fucking sword (7 damage)
>it lives (10 health)

Villager trading wasn't fixed, it was just made a slightly different flavor of shit. So bitching's fair there.
Boat improvement also fixed a couple of boat bugs players were used to abusing, so backlash there makes some sense. Some. It was overall a good change.

Bitching about the farm patch change and door types is just weird though.

they're adding termites eventually as part of that biome chooser thing decided from last year so maybe we can get that kind of cool underground eusocial insect stuff

That’s a hornet

I mean they aren't exactly tiny in the game

why can't we have big ants as underground villagers?

Attached: myrmexsample001.png (640x480, 292K)

>there are already snapshots for 1.15
>the server i play on still hasn't updated to 1.14
fucking lazy cunts
"""unstable""" my ass

>big ants as large as pigs bumbling around in a giant ant city underground moving resources around and mining for them

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didn't realize Mojang was this KEKED
I hope nobody is wishing for any interesting changes to the game at any point in the future

>Villager deals aren't ridiculously unfair anymore
>The leveling and trade reset makes sense now
>They sell better stuff
Its much better system

is this filter new wtf?
>C U C K E D

why are old versions of minecraft choppy feeling despite good fps

Thaumic Horizons, if mod add-ons count.

Jewish redemption arc

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welcome to Yea Forums newfag, I see you've noticed that filter that has been here since November 2015

Fucking hated that stupid mod.
That and that alone is why I hate the new update; it makes me remember how fucking stupid the bee mod is.

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that is way the fuck too much stone. You need another color in there. a Green or Yellow

Should I buy Minecraft? Last I played was in InfDev.

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I guess, not really sure what to put in, it's the walled town I made for my villagers, looks kind of comfy when you're down in it

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if you have anything more than a dirt hole for your base you're goddamn faggot

>those ants that can self destruct
before the thread dies you have to tell me more about it

the bugs that have laser jizz are the coolest

But it’s not required to stomp on their eggs, retard. There’s no incentive to kill the turtles.

How am I supposed to fit an auto-smelter and sorting system in a dirt hole? Automating tedious tasks is half the fun of the game

>not using sharpness V
>expecting OHKOs
get a load of this noob

I'm not actually glad you dang bimbo. I was poking fun at the game's terrible current state

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but can you tame bees?

Super cute!
I love them, too.

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What's that thing you're standing on? A bigass switch?

I go out of my way to kill these things even if they're not going to bother me any time soon

Minecraft isn't in active development, it has already released.

also this fucking retard spawned inside my house, he's functionally useless here and is too big to even fit through most of the hallway

Attached: 2019-08-23_02.18.22.png (1920x1080, 950K)

All that talk about ants got me excited for something that probably won't happen

>tfw Gulliver's been dead since 1.6
>nobody will ever update it for 1.7.10
>we will never see it compatible with tiny blocks
>we will never see colonies of antfolk and sneak into their burrows to slay their queens
Who gives a shit about vanilla, they abandoned their old playerbase years ago. I want to bitch about forgotten mods.

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they only spawn when villagers are frightened

just lava bucket him or something and make sure your villagers are separated from your house so they dont spawn golems inside


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Tell me when female Villagers with fat boobs show up

What is the problem with mobs being useless? Its cool to visit new biomes and see more than just pigs and cows

I'm 90% sure I remember using Gullivers and tiny blocks together way back when, I also had the clay soldiers and just made tiny villages

>What is the problem with mobs being useless?


the problem is they add useless mobs instead of adding to other areas of the game that are far more in need of a face lift, namely caves and the nether.

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unfortunately my house is the top story of where over 50% of my villagers work stations are

They're cute, but they need to at least add a block that I can make out of the honey combs other than a bee hive.

The best shit they could add to caves and the nether would be useless but mood setting shit. Yet if people are complaining about polar bears, one of the few unique things in the ice biomes, do you wonder why they take such a minimalist approach to development? If Magma Cube was added today people would cry loudly.

Nah, the bedrock would be at the same level, but the land would be raised up by a huge amount.

>a species of ant found in Malaysia and Brunei, belonging to the genus Colobopsis. A worker can explode suicidally and aggressively as an ultimate act of defense, an ability it has in common with several other species in this genus and a few other insects
They don't fuck around.

>terraria invented bees


Attached: bees.png (397x307, 71K)

He's a nice robo butler

you fucked up

set up a villager trading hall and move your villagers there. I recommend this design that has a zombiefier built in for getting sweet discounts.

if you dont want to deal with the zombies then you can use this design which is fairly compact and is easy to clean up

Attached: javaw_2019-08-08_15-43-10.png (2560x1440, 1.28M)

Based beelover

Attached: 300px-Long_arm_doubles.jpg (300x221, 17K)

I see, thanks. Although I have 2 seperate villager locations, the one I live in has jews of all trades for comfy RP purposes, I have my book jews locked up elsewhere, I'll look into this though

>adding more content is good?
>then i bet you're happy with gay sex games

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Magma Cube is required for certain potions and forces you to go into the nether so thats not true.

>The best shit they could add to caves and the nether would be useless but mood setting shit.

you couldn't be more wrong. The nether has a ton of potential for new unique biomes and structures as well as mechanics and other misc shit.

One of the things I've always wanted was to be able to start out in the Nether and have it be a fully featured dimension with all the necessary materials to survive (wood, food, iron, string, etc). That would require a ton of new items, mobs and terrain gen which would completely overhaul the nether and make it much more interesting.

Attached: HXtszcq.jpg (1920x1005, 241K)

This man knows what he is talking about

Let met tell you something about wasps.
Spray some of your surfaces with soda pop so that they get sticky.
Tons of wasps will come, but they will be gentle. You may pet them and enjoy their company.

do not, mustard gas maker

I guess when it comes out we'll Hytale it outta here.

Attached: carlos.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>calarts face

>the artist never went to calarts and is actually from Ireland

Would it be that much to ask for that they add a semi-unique drop to the polar bears? Even if it's just blue ice, that'd make them at least somewhat interesting. Exploring the world for the sights can be fun in itself, and seeing various creatures for the first time is obviously a large part of that, but there can be a mechanical side to it as well without taking anything away from the discovery. It's a waste of potential to add all this eye candy in a fucking sandbox game

no shit

I wrote up a pretty extensive mod idea ages ago that would expand the nether and add two more dimensions with similar depth with the main concept being that you could start in any of them and be able to survive as well as travel from any dimension to any other dimension provided you have the materials to make the portal.

obviously we didn't get very far. The portal system was working though so it's absolutely possible, probably even easier to do nowadays.

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both are in

Hytale Hall is never coming out dude.

what the actual fuck. 99.9% of people have never and will never come into contact with a shark in their life, they aren't exactly wandering around the streets or in your backyard looking for food.

>t. Grayy lumo

Attached: 1565313217330.jpg (600x752, 230K)

why the fuck does it look kawaii

WOah Guys... Lets thank Hatsean Mike for the epic update to VideoGame!

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Seriously? You'd think the punching wood meme would be more likely to injure stupid kids than jumping in the sea to try to tame a creature that's probably hostile by default. That excuse is beyond retarded

they have a 20+ year plan. its not designed for you to get everything you want tomorrow

this is all awful and all but what the hell does
>Dolphin effects that are very far out of character for these creatures (example: fleeing from drowned).
why would dolphins swiming away from sea zombies be "out of character"???


but they aren't, you dumb faggot.

every time i see this image I can't help but point out how inaccurate it is. The chin is way to thin and the jawline is way too narrow. And they eyes while large are perhaps too large. It's understandable as they are very overwhelming and will definitely stick in your mind, people are very prone to exaggeration when they are frightened so It makes sense that they might confabulate the eyes being larger than they really are.

Attached: tall ayy.png (142x204, 3K)

well that kinda happens when you spend 99% of the development time adding RTX

I had no choice but to reply to such an awful opinion. Also nice reddit spacing, you should go back.

Attached: 1ef.jpg (516x544, 34K)

Attached: u6k8uys38od31.png (2048x2048, 2.15M)

Depends on if and when the game comes out.

Bee grateful

Attached: carlos.jpg (500x367, 20K)

Cute, but looks more like a mod.

I really wish the player made iron golems had the pumpkin and a new iron texture instead of the old villagers one, they already have the flag for that in so it would just be adding a texture, and would tie in with the snow golem

They fit the stereotype perfectly
>giant bodies
>small wings

It's the reason why he doesn't like the game currently.

More importantly:
can you fuck them?

>only airborne enemy
You mean only airborne enemy in the overworld?
they're even less noteworthy than what you said.

Damn, nature. You scary!

wasps pollinate flowers too and are just as important to the ecosystem

I had a bee near my window, who was interested on what i was playing on my pc. he just stood there, wouldnt move.

Gimme sauce, boss

>one new mob
Upgrade your 2003 cpu then you wanker

It doesn't matter how arbitrarily slow my CPU is, sensor. For all you know I could be running redstone on a super computer that drags it to just above 60fps, and then these yellow particles come out of no where and its suddenly laggy.

If they actually do end up making crops grow faster then there's that, I do wish honey and comb were more useful though