People play the Dragon Quest XI S Demo as their first foray into JRPG's

>people play the Dragon Quest XI S Demo as their first foray into JRPG's
>casual Persona fags come out of the woodworks come out of the woodworks to recommend Persona 5 as "the best JRPG" even though Persona is not an RPG

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None of those games have any actual role playing except for Persona though

Not even a fan of Persona but you do way more actual "role playing" in those games than you do the others you fucking retard.

they are rpgs you retardo ugo

>if it's not an autistic dungeons & dragons simulator made by western devs, it's not an rpg!

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>b-but literal definition
The only RPG like elements in Persona is the battle system. You stay in the one town, you can't freely explor the overworld, and the game dictates what you can and can't do each day. They're visual novels.

There's not one RPG made by Western devs in either of those pictures.

when will Iphone posters be banned?

How are the Persona games Visual Novels, you ironic weeb fuck?
Also, those aren't RPGs either if you want to be pedantic, they are linear games were you can level up, you can't do any actual role playing.
>inb4 playing a set role is role playing

More like, it's not a role playing game if there's no role playing involved.

>inb4 playing a set role is role playing
But it is, but if you want to get into specifics almost every Dragon Quest game since 3 has a Vocation/Class system. Read for why Persona is a Visual Novel.

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OP here, I enjoy Persona 5, it's just not an RPG

That's not what a Visual Novel is though.

user you are brain damaged

>gameplay takes place in dungeons so it's not an RPG
Silly opinion, I do not think you actually believe this.

Visual novels with RPG elements are better than RPGs.

>Persona 3

What the fuck

When the troll knows more than the people he is trolling.

>not noticing SE on P4
Yurop publishing is fucked.

>persona games are visual novels
what makes a person reach that wacky conclusion?

Acording to Wikipedia the Persona series is under the genre of Role Playing and Social Simulation.