Has anyone on Yea Forums beat this game? How much grinding and dedication does it take?
Has anyone on Yea Forums beat this game? How much grinding and dedication does it take?
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A fucking lot of grinding because anything halfway decent is near max cost.
i did
311 fights with low meadow mage
no raigeki or equipment cards even,it's all about luck,they drop ultimate white nigger dragon and you're fucked,they dont,you beat the game
Meaning? Just hope you fuse a Meteor B. Dragon or Twin Headed Thunder in time?
low meadow mage drops meter b. dragon,get 3 of these before fighting the last bosses,but yes,you have to have meteor b dragons,the enemy always puts either: ultimate white dragon/gate guardian/meteor b dragon/perfect ultimate moth/black skull dragon in his first turn,if you have a card with same or higher atk(meteor b dragon vs meteor b dragon/black skull dragon) they will use shadow spell/binding circle/raigeki,their decks are programmed to be drawn and played like this everytime,this extends to all end bosses on the final gauntlet,i dont really remember if it's possible with kaiba to not draw ultimate dragon/gate guardian in his first turn,i remember beating him because i had exactly 1 dark hole in my deck and got lucky the next turns
Between this and Reshef which has the worse grind?
This game came out when YGO was in its infancy. There are no fun cards and no fun deckbuilding. The way fusions work is retarded. I don't get why this game of all them is talked about the most frequently
I beat it without an emulator, but for someone today I highly recommend using an emulator with frameskip as there's a lot of animation time that can be skipped while grinding.
same,i broke my ps1 lens grinding lmm and had to finish it on the ps2,also had all time in the world as a kid
one billion hours with meadow mage and rng up the ass in the 5 or so final battles
Using the 15x card drop mod, I got 3 Widespread Ruins, 1 MBD, 2 Megamorph, and fuckton of equips, and beat the game in an afternoon. Without the mod, I guess it would take 15 afternoons.
At the beginning of the game, you're guaranteed Raigeki or Dark Hole. I'd recommend resetting until you get Raigeki.
How is Reshef? Is the gameplay similar to Forbidden Memories?
You grind against the Low Meadow Mage until you get a MBD.
Then you grind against Pegasus until you get Megamorph
Then you turn a bunch of Starchips into Bright Castle
Then you get a second memory card and use the duplication trick to get triples of all of these.
Then you hope you open a MBD and 1+ Equips 7 times in a row so that you don't get raped by PUGM, MBD, Gate Guardian and BEUD.
Someone post the cheating webm
>How is Reshef
It's based off of Sacred Cards which was easy af but they then amped up the difficulty and decreased all of the rewards you get from a single duel.
Best OST of the entirety of the PS1 and it's from a fucking card game
That game is a fucking nightmare
I did with the help of some online guides and autistic grinding
No idea why they make a game like that when children will despair at those random difficulty jumps
Don't remember how long it took but it was several hours of just grinding in addition to actually playing the game
common i already shilled my forbiden memories "remake" today, i dont want to do it in two diferent threads
do it anyways
Don't give him the attention
Fucking retard can't even spell different or forbidden right, what makes you think he has good ideas
way back in 2001 I used to emulate the gba games before the american cards were out. Had the proper rules and shit so I was able to git gud and fuck everyone when the actual TCG game out.
oh fuck it
demo focusing on the card part is comming this weekend
stay tunned
is the new one for the switch any good? haven't played yugioh since i was 14 with a bunch of cholo kids
it has the new link rules so it might be hard for you
I'm liking it because it's got like 9000+ cards, though my biggest complaint so far is that the AI sometimes takes a whole minute to make a move. During that time you can't even check any cards on the field
How many of the cards are from the classic era?
Nostalgia. It also has a pretty unique atmosphere and a sense of mystery surrounding it.
It has a bunch, at least all the ones used by the opponents from each campaign. And during the campaigns, you can choose to use the story deck or your own deck so you don't have to use brand new cards you might not be familiar with
got to the last boss a few times
A few 10's of hours with three memory cards to abuse the duplication trick; a few 100's without.
I was thinking of getting it and now i think I will, thanks user!
it has every card up until around late 2018 i believe, including all the ones that were dlc in the last game. i dont believe yugioh games really leave out cards, unless you count the ban list, but that only counts for multiplayer
I want to try and do it without the duplication trick.
I always hit a roadblock at the mages.
>How much grinding and dedication does it take?
A fucking lot, even speedruns of the game were usually around the 5 hour mark, with 4 of those hours just consisting of grinding. Some people got some godlike RNG though, since the best run with no manipulation is 3 hours.
Also god fucking help anyone who tries to 100% the game, even the WR speedrun is 78 hours long.
From a purely mechanical perspective - it's "passable" with literally over 9000 cards and duelists from all 6 series.
From literally every other aspect however, it's absolute garbage as it's just a half-assed port of a port of a port (Millennium Duels > Legacy of the Duelists).
nigga that's why that trap card that kills dragons exists.
>i dont believe yugioh games really leave out cards,
they often have
Muh second ultimate nigger dragon, oh you have no monster.. all again
the problem with non monster cards is actually farming them,you cant S-Tech in less than 5 min,it would literally take years to beat the game
>tfw the AI has HEART OF THE CARDS but you don't
I mean, AI did draw a blue eyes. How is it cheating?
watch it again, AI draws some random monster which transforms in a Ultimate Blue Eyes after it's already in the hand.
I still don't get how the zodiacal ptotection works. Please explain it to me.
I did. Listen to podcasts or music while grinding to make it doable.
Use the water field, use a bunch of dragons and electrics for THTD and get meteor b dragon
I remember a lot of Low Meadow farming for MBDs and then S teching Pegasus for Megamorphs. After that it's just RNG getting the right cards at the right time.
It’s a really fun and difficult game when you’re grinding.
Unfortunately it has no depth and boils down to who gets a better draw once you have the strong cards.
>in its infancy
Yeah when it was still a good game
You didn't believe in the power of friendship enough user.
>t. anime secondary that never really played the game
Fucking Reshef, where do I even begin. The first and most obvious problem is that your LP can only be restored by walking your slow ass all the way back to your house at the start of the game. This is a huge annoyance for most of the game, but really becomes a problem later on when you have to fight a series of enemies with 1.5x base health without being allowed to go heal. And these are not easy enemies, each of them is nearly as brutal as the final boss.
Past that, the deck building is absolutely infuriatingly grindy. The game constantly makes you fight two things: score cap and level requirement. Each card has its own score, based on how strong it is. The score cap is pitifully low, even at the highest level, meaning that it’s hard to get a good deck going. The level requirements must have been made by fucking monkeys, because any card worth a shit requires you to be max level. That’s where the grind comes in: the max level is fucking 999, and the levels come slow as fuck.
And then there is actually getting cards. The game is extremely stingy with money, and the shop has a very limited supply anyway. Most drops are obtained by grinding rematches, and good luck getting anything good. The starter deck is filled with atrocious cards, the best of which have 700 attack. The “ace” of the starter deck is Peacock, just so you know how bad it gets.
To add on top of the time wasted walking home, grinding for levels, and grinding for money/cards, the duels are agonizingly slow. Every time any card does anything or is played, a little animation plays. It’s maybe .25 seconds long, but oh fuck does that add up.
Of course, you could always just go to card shop, enter the password to get the winged dragon of ra (Phoenix mode). Just discard it, which can be done at any time, and it goes right on the field for free. Essentially the game has two ways of playing it: grindy hell, or mulligan/die until you get Ra, then beat ass.
Fuck Reshef