>first boss makes more then 50% of players give up
Is he the most based fromsoft boss?
First boss makes more then 50% of players give up
but that's not the cleric beast
Cleric Beast is optional, first boss is G.
>cleric beast
Optional, poeple who gave up on that can just move on, if you give up Gascoigne you give up the game
the game was "free" on ps+, I bet a large part of the 50% are part of those who got it then
I played it about a year before it became (((free))) and the Gascoigne trophy stat was like 60%
More than 50% of the people who play cinematic trash even get halfway through those games. It doesn't take much to gatekeep a normal fag. That's why devs should just make games hard for people who actually like games. Normal fags are actually happier giving up and watching their e-celeb friends play through something than they are putting in the effort to actually play it.
It's at 70% now.
>first boss immediately ruins the concept of blood vials
the reason people gave up if anything was the pressure to farm for blood vials, not because he was "le epick casual filter!!"
if you have to farm vials to the point where you srop the game, you are a casual
>tfw I didn't realize that the gun can parry until the third time fighting him
Imagine farming blood vials instead of doing what the game actually wants, and buying them. Not BB's fault you're an overleveling retard who doesn't buy items for your backlog and preparations like the game literally tells you to
While optional it's supposed to be the first boss. You come to Yharnam seeking Paleblood. When asking Gilbert he tells you to go to the Grand Cathedral through the bridge. Is only when you get there, fight the Cleric Beast and realize the bridge is locked tight that you'd look for a way around through the sewers (which Gilbert also talks about if you return to him).
He might be optional, but it makes the most sense to be the first the player fights if they follow directions, just like the Taurus Demon would be in DaS
then dont play the game
He's optional in the sense he can be missed in a first playthrough, just like Ebrietas. You don't need to kill it for progression. So the first real boss is Gas.
I see, but i think many poeple would give up on cleric beast after a few tries and explore more and find Gascoigne and choose to fight him instead, because he is less intimidating
Bloodborne is the game people choose to prove they are "real" gamers
>hE mIgHt Be OpTiOnAl BuT hE's ThE fIrSt BoSsSsSsSs
literally retarded
Tfw I couldn't ever beat orphan of kos
It feels bad
all shitbored players are retards. fuck off to your dead general trannies
Beat him 2nd tru I can't beat paarl and first boss of chalice dungeon. Also fuck bbg for meming me into kirkhammer
at that point you'd have to grind to buy them too faggot
>Yea Forums thinks this boss is hard
just farm dude, farm the pigs, farm the frenzy bitches for gems, easy
Happened to me on my first playthrough.
forcing new players to grind right away just because they're losing isnt good game design
grinding in general is fucking dumb
They're incredibly cheap at the beginning and you can't even level until you get insight you double nigger
>he says on Ng at lv150
most players will be able to level before gascoigne bc of cleric beast, and they're not that cheap. and you still have to farm.
1. don't bully kirk hammer
2. what is bbg?
Sounds like the game is just shit t.bh
>investing your souls into temporary healing items instead of permanent stat additions
Terrible advice, I expect nothing less from Bloodtards though
bbg is "bad boss gascoigne" which is a term used to describe how the gascoigne fight falls apart because of blood vial farming
Imagine farming in BB. Just because you're bad doesn't mean you have to.
>buy a couple levels rather than expend all your souls into them like an idiot, which I know you did
>use rest of cash to buy bullets and vials for next area instead of crying about having to farm because you overleveled AND STILL ARE SHIT ENOUGH TO DIE ENOUGH TO NEED TO FARM
Enjoy farming instead of gitting gud
>boss recovers full health 3 times
>game is considered good
Dude, if you get passed mensis, you have access to the best blood echo farm,
if you have access to even try orphan you have access to the best blood gems in the game, not including chalice stuff
it's easy bro, trust me, i got 744 right hand attack damage and that was not even on ng
you can do it nigger, i belive in you
this is a prime reason why people fucking despise fromfags.
new players shouldn't have to farm for the first boss. blood vials being a consumable was a shit idea and gascoigne perfectly showcases that.
I beat the game at level 65 or 70 and never farmed once
On NG+++ rn and lv130 and only had to farm for Kos/Ludwig on NG++, which is super easy because there's 4 right at the lamp before Ludwig anyway every reset
BloodBorne General, on /vg/
You don't have to farm for the first boss
People hate the game because they legitimately cannot read, which you're showing. They think you have to farm when you don't ever need to lmfao retard git fukn gud
Name one bloodborne boss that does that
Amelia can be invincible if you don't have the DPS.
I thought Big G was much easier than the Cleric Beast, parrying makes him a joke. He's like a tutorial boss on how to parry (and how to pay attention to your surroundings if you want the music box).
He's talking about Sekiro, which is definitely shit
Just lloyd her
But Sekiro is From's best game
Ignoring how people beat the game at lv1 fists ng7
YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!
>game doesn't let you fight human bosses again without either starting over or making separate save states
But it's just a shit rhythm game where you only get to play a song (and beat it) once, then move onto the next song without ever getting to replay any song. With each song having a completely different pattern that barely correlates to the next. It's shit, weeb. Only the ape fights and Isshin are good.
It's possible, but very impractical for someone casually playing for the first time.
If you're that reductionist then the same can be said of all Souls games, the only difference being the lack of Danger kanji.
Ignoring how Sekiro is nothing like Souls and can only be played one exact way and if you do it wrong you die in one second.
you have to farm for the boss if you lose to him several times, which most new players will do since they dont understand things like parrying yet.
not everyone used guides like you, fag
You can also play Sekiro by throwing it into a trashcan. It's more enjoyable this way
>nothing like souls
this guy is the true casual filter
Thats like saying taurus demon isnt the first boss of ds1
he isnt, asylum demon is.