ITT autistic things you do in vidya

ITT autistic things you do in vidya

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>every time I get a kill, I spin in my chair

Everytime I get a kill I kill someone irl

Whenever I get to a water level I soak my feet in water so it feels more authentic.

>fallout 3/new vegas
>container says "empty"
>open it just to make sure

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grunt and exhale whenever I melee something or execute somebody. the more violent it is the louder I grunt

reload after firing one round

After New Vegas came out me and my friends would always greet eachother with one of Benny's autistic sounding lines.

"Ring a ding ding baby" pointing both fingers at the other person.

"It's the tops"

"What in the Godamn" when something happened.

Whenever I struggle with a video game I end up dropping it, then later on my interest in it sparks back when someone does a playthrough that's genuinely enjoyable to watch(i.e that Demons Souls Oney Plays series or Vinny VineSauce man streaming MGS2) and I don't struggle as much because I see how the other guys handle the game and I play along as I watch, and I have a better time playing.

>enter gunfight with someone like you
>leave line of sight
>immediately come back out and charge you because I know you are instinctively reloading

>notice change in floor texture
>move camera to floor
>observe the changes in the footstep sound effects and at what point they transition between textures

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Say "Thank you!" when a team mate saves my ass, helps me cap or heals me

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Whenever I save the game before quitting I tend to leave my character in a "comfy" place. Near some chairs, near the bed, looking at the city, on a bar. You name it.

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I like this I think I'll do this too
thanks user
any other immersion tips?

i like this

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My fucking nigger

manually dismount before talking to NPCs

Pickpocket homeless people or people I've stolen from in order to give them money.

>not judging them from your high horse

>Trash talk enemies in a singleplayer game
>Say the dialog option before I pick it
>When an enemy roars at me I roar back
>Occasionally shoot walls just to make some bullet holes

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Got a couple.

Hold my breath when my character goes underwater

If it’s a character that would smoke cigarettes or something, I’d hit the pipe when I found a cozy place for them to smoke
(Worked especially well in Bioshock. I stopped at a cozy looking bar and hit a pipe while I pretended the character was smoking a cig)

Sometimes I'll attack or provoke an enemy who isn't even bothering me, just so I can hear their battle theme

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Reload even if i just fired a single bullet.

based pipe poster

good lad

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I only play games when the current weather outside is similar to the game atmosphere for maximum immersion. Examples being playing Skyrim when its Winter and snowing, Rain World when its raining, and Mario Sunshine when its Summer

literal fag spotted
hows your ass feeling after jeremy came by?

i actually play them

Pretend I'm livestreaming to an imaginary audience.

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>Roar back at the videogames
Shit son, do you live alone to be doing that or is your autism that unfettered

Play them.

I celebrate the holidays in Fallout
Get drunk on every one. Dressed in costume Halloween and gave gifts to the available followers on Christmas etc.

>>Occasionally shoot walls just to make some bullet holes
That's not even that weird considering that I often just run my lightsaber along the wall in JK games.

Ever since I realized I could, I've been obsessed with making sure that only my family owns land within my kingdom in ck2

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>pick off one enemy
>reload right after while continuing on my path
>immediately turn a blind corner
>several enemies right there
>gun isn't even halfway done reloading
I have been playing FPS for a little over 12 years and still do this.

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I try to play out cutscenes as cinematically as possible by moving my camera smoothly and even making my character shake his head and nod

Hey /k/fags, question:
In a live fire scenario, when is the appropriate time to reload your shit?

I smack the R key like a mad cunt even when playing shit like DOOM or DUSK.

Oh god im going to start doing this now

I only do it when I'm alone, it's just funny to me

fuck my sides literally been playing new vegas tonight

Does turning the music off just for the ambient area noise count?

kick someone shout this is sparta

I do it with movies, anime, shows, music, etc as well.
I always act like I'm sitting with some friends and giving interesting trivia or just saying why I like a part to them.

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>Spend all the time on getting overpowered
>breaks the challenge of the game
>drop the gsme
>well that was fun

>Playing RDR2
>Decide to rest on a cliff overlooking a valley
>Decide to have a sandwich in real life as i watched the clouds move in the game.

Well I do too...

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I create the same exact character in any game with character creation and pretend he's going through each adventures. I'd age him up a bit each time whenever I feel like it

If its a change in timeline like ancient or futuristic, I'd just pretend he entered some portal or something

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I get turned on when my archers destroy the enemy in shogun 2

its going to be a yikesfrom me

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>any modern fps
>P90 available
>always build a kit around it, no matter how shit that gun is in that game

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Same here but when enemies charge my pikes.

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I don't really like making my own characters in RPGs, so instead I will try my best to recreate and RP as a character from something else or pick a premade character is the option is available.

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I lean when I make my character lean in fps and jerk back the other way if I get shot at. I've hit my head doing this. Still do it.
I do this every fucking time
this too
>enemy walks right in front of me as I do so
and this usually. I actually just saved in a blight storm in Ald'ruhn and it's really bugging now that I think about it

I'm getting hard just looking at that screenshot ngl

When you're out

I dig this.

to be fair, there's few games where it's truly shit.

with a 50 round magazine by default and controllable recoil, it's usually well-represented in games as being a reliable weapon for engaging multiple targets, if limited in range.

plus... it looks cool

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Try to pick up drops I can't even pick up. Or any currency from a platformer like R&C.

Not vidya related but whenever I touch something with my hand, I feel "unbalanced" so I touch it again with my other hand and I feel better.

>also used to do this
>still feel the impulse but actively suppress it to avoid being a sperg
All my lego constructions were perfectly symmetrical too.

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so do you always piss with two hands holding ur dick or just one but you still have to touch it with the other hand after you finish?

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>Try to waifu up fallout 4
>Download presets cause I'm too lazy
>Like 15 requirements to make the character
>Download like half of 'em since again lazy
>Character looks like they got hit by a wet train since their pancake face has gallons of makeup smeared all over
What a mistake of not autistically downloading everything to make the perfect goil

After I quicksave, I quicksave again just to make sure

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You ever name him?

I have to do everything "well"
Doesn't matter if I'm playing a porn game or crap I'll drop in few minutes, I need to git gud and need to keep improving

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I do whatever I can to knock people off of cliffs and shit in games that allow me to do that. I have 50gb of clips saved on my PS4 of me just knocking people off of stuff in Uncharted. I literally spend hours doing this

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Good opinion, terrible insect choice.
Remove katydid.

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Sam Beckett

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that's not autism it's being smart

I did this for Spider-Man PS4 where I'd do the challenges over and over again until I got Ultimate rank. Same thing happened with those damn hoverboard races in R&C too.


>starts raining in-game
>run my character to shelter and try to stay out of the rain as much as possible

Roleplay in singleplayer games. Ive tried multiplayer. but the worst thing about roleplaying is the roleplayers.

I take screenshots of stupid shit i find funny.

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moths are shit


unironically based

I'm not usually an insect guy, this katydid just has a badass grin.
I prefer jumping and running spiders. Those niggers are cool.

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Remember folks, efficiency is just clever laziness

always save the game in a relatively clear place (away from walls, doors, etc) to avoid getting stuck when loading the game

>not killing off your entire extended family and your brothers to make sure nobody has a claim on your titles.

Have you ever even played as the Byzantines?

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I get attached to weapons. In RDR2, I always use the pump shotgun over other shotgun options (at least when the game fucking lets me) and I feel weird playing with weapons other than stock in TF2.

I walk in towns or scenic areas, I don't just run at full speed everywhere unless I'm playing with other people.

certified cuties

If an attack animation has your character jump i will jump before the animation plays to make my character seemingly jump higher than normal.

>grunting while being shot
>making a noise when I die

Mine is different
I don't grind, I just have to do things correctly, conserve ammo by using most efficient weapon I can safely use, plan ahead, get a solid build etc.
Many games are badly designed and are only fun if you YOLO them.

I'd spend hours writing a cheat engine table script for some bullshit, then never use it because I don't want to suck the fun out of the game by cheating

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Speaking of RDR2, I always run back and grab my hat no matter what. I've died a couple times because of this.

this gives me such misery

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But it's not a grind user, you don't get XP or level up or anything by doing it, you either get better or keep fucking up because you forgot to do one specific thing and I actually refused to stop doing the challenges in Spider-Man until I never took a hit or didn't flub any of the movement challenges.

>Character falls from a non-fatal height and takes damage
>Wince and say ouch out loud

i try but I don't find anything really laugh worthy

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>playing GTA Online
>hanging out with some random
>want to stop playing
>walk up to them and shoot myself and quit session
Any game that lets you either kill yourself, or pretend to be dead/keel over, I'll do it a lot.

reddit but based


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Just release that kind of stuff to the public, if you don't make use of them yourself then a bunch of other people might

I talk out load as if I was talking to a audience

this is probably the only genuinely autistic thing ITT

>Play RTS
>Give commands to units
>Actually verbally give commands to the units in my head

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Any game I play I pretend it's a TV show with the missions being different episodes and overarching points in the story is the ending of the season. I don't know why I do this because it genuinely affects how I play games. I can't play a game without imagining I'm a TV show protagonist and it fucking ruins my gameplay experience sometimes because I just wanna enjoy the game.

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I sometimes like to play vs. bots and mentally commentate as though I'm in a big tournament.
>We've seen time and time again how consistent user is in these tournaments, and right now, there's no doubt about it: he is *dominating* this round.

>game that you can use Light/Medium/Heavy machine guns
>see enemy at a distance
>crouch behind something or go prone
>fire in short bursts every few seconds if they're far
>full auto if they're near and it's controllable

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I dont know if its autistic but I tend to role play in my head as I play a RPG, I give a character a voice,perosnality, and backstory.

>when starting a game first turn subtitles on
>obsessively always grab smoke grenades in multiplayer shooters, don't use other unless I pick them up from other players
>clench fist, kiss it and lift up after a tough boss fight
>replay my characters' adventures in my head when not playing the game
>imagine my own stories for non-story focused games (typically dungeon crawlers, complete with party banter and all)
>obsess too much about getting immersed in a game's world
>if too many things break my immersion imagine my character got stuck in the matrix or some shit where everything's programmed

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I installed CD-I Gabon "DIE" lines as my killsound and Demoman's laugh as my hitsound.

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Had a heavy that was being a great lad last night, always used the ubers well, we go out the gate, kill a guy and rush up a ramp, he tosses me a sandvich and for a brief moment we're both occupied with giving each other thank yous and good works and looking at each other while going up...and we both die to a sticky trap, congratulating each other all the way to the grave.

Speak in tacticool military jargon.

>I want 3 man fire teams.
>Staggered formation.
>Shotguns on point.
>MGs lay down a base of fire.
>Snipers provide overwatch.
>Live forever apes.

The /k/unts hate it since I'm mocking them but zoomers eat it up.

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>-20 Claimant intensifies

>Games where character has infinite air underwater
>Try to hold my breath as long as them to see if i'd make it in the same situation

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>try to play games as blind as possible most times
>try to figure out something for hours
>finally give in and look it up
>usually try to look for hints and not the whole shit, unfortunately most things just go straight to the answer
>feel really bad about doing so afterwords
the worse feeling is trying to figure something really annoying out and finding out the solution or the part itself was bugged and you need an unofficial patch

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play a lot of squad/airsoft huh

I used to have to shoot every single window I could see. I blame Die Hard Trilogy and Timesplitters 2. Fucking brick throwing minigame was so good.

z+2 is kind of just muscle memory even though i haven't played tf2 in a few years, mostly only did it for medic heals and engineers who helped build though.

Most open world games I tend to just walk around taking screenshots more than actually playing the game. I also record way too much gameplay and can't bring myself to delete any of it.

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No matter what, if I can name/create the main character of a game, I name them Dude. If a last name is required then their full name is Dude Like. I've done this for 7 years.

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Pretty based

For some fucking reason I've gotten into the habit of making noises like goddamned Wario whenever I'm lifting my fat ass up out of bed. Just a little "Wah." while I'm standing up, exerting myself otherwise, or whenever I'm surprised.

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I used to unironically spend hours sitting in a spot in Dalaran and spamming /whistle and /wave at every female character that went past me
its weird how that was fun to me back then, I dont really understand why I would have done it otherwise

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here you go 5 reddit silver, /u/user!

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>blind playthrough
>20 hours in
>learn that I missed a single sub-event somewhere that leads to some strong item
>start over
i cant help it





how many women have you raped so far irl user?

>catcalling in WoW
you're killing me, user

This one is relatable. I used to do this as a kid when I would play baseball by myself in my backyard.

>"This is it. Bottom of the 9th with the bases loaded. Cincinnati's top slugger stepping up to the plate. user has really knocked the cover off the ball this season. Leading the National League in homers and RBI's."

Autistic I'm sure but I used to have real dreams.

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you listed the spinning chair in both lists my un-gifted child

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maybe that means its cringe AND based?

how is spinning in your chair cringe?

its cringe and based at the same time

its based and cringe at the same time

Its crased

how is this autistic? you are just being a wholesome player

Saving twice or even three times for no particular reason, just afraid of the game not picking my data

it's binge

>Hold my breath when my character goes underwater

I reckon this is super common.

I narrate in my head what I would say if my brother was around and asking me about the game I'm playing
just explain the game and the reason I make certain choices, I realize afterwards I probably wont see him for a long time and even then wont get the chance to play games with him again

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I'd come across a super comfy spot, like a corner in a cave or something, and get chills all over my body and just stay there for a while. Doesn't happen anymore. Too understimulated and dead inside.

>reload primary after losing sight
>once I know the reload sound cue plays I pull out my secondary or knife

wtf im crying

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I'm legit depressed now. Fuck

>pulls out secondary
>prefires while strafing knowing you're a rushing retard

this kills the casual

>saving twice instead of once
>need to be able to consistently 360 in first person games
>hitting m1 with my pinky finger to get a kill, leads to me dying all the time. after getting one kill i dont need to do it anymore
>same as above, but for space bar
>hit "q" and immediately backspace it while typing. been doing this forever
>in new vegas id collect all pre war money and fill rooms with it
>feel the need to hold breath while recapping the whole games plot up until current point. if i fail ill do it again until i can recap it entirely in my head while holding breath
>counting similar objects in some levels
>while watching angles in fps games, will try to keep my eyes closed for as long as i can. if this leads to getting me killed ill get irrationally mad at myself
>look away from flashes, duck bullets
>lean close to monitor during intense fights/moments
>mock or compliment enemies either out loud or in my head, but never actually to them if its in a multiplayer games
>extremely nervous talking to strangers online, but if even a single friend is with me, extremely confident
>berate myself in my head for doing bad, will never compliment myself though

what's my diagnosis, doc?

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When it comes to porn games with a morality system, I always play it the first time as the most pure and hardworking person, no sex whatsoever, load the save if anyone coped a feel, finish the game as a virgin and a champion. This usually means I get stuck with the grindiest experience possible because all of the perks, money and several good skills are behind the mcs becoming sluttier. My own rpg autism also makes it so that im always overly prepared for the bosses, meaning that I will stay grinding in one area longer than most would in order to steamroll the bosses.
Only when I finish the game in such a state I will let go and do all the sexual stuff the game offers, as if it was some sort of price. In my experience so far this means that I wont see sex in a porn game until at least 15 hours after I start playing.

I do that too sometimes with friends I haven't seen or talked to in years. It's weird having a moment of self-awareness in the middle of doing that realizing you're explaining yourself to no one.

I repeat the supers and specials phrases when playing fighting games

go away

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not in vidya but on Yea Forumsidya I read all the posts in the autistic things you do threads

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I used to do this all the time in Pokemon

Whenever I die easily to a strong enemy, I pretend I'm shooting beams out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor at infinite power. I then am hit by said beams and completely obliterated with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.

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>extremely nervous talking to strangers online, but if even a single friend is with me, extremely confident
How do i stop being like this

I was in that thread. Didn't a guy in there say he was gonna make a MUD or something like that about it?

>a MUD
Forgive my retardation but a what

text based MMO


Become the Zodiac Killer.

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Oh god I'm not alone about doing that as well

This but also i'm friends with my favorite characters and my favorite female characters think i'm cute

Having major vassals on an empowered (war dec only) council as well as a good demesne nips basically all rebellions in the bud. Succession gets interesting when your family holds all the major titles and they start intermarrying almost exclusively by matrilineal marriage.

here's to you playing vidya with your bro again

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Yeah, me too.

It is lonely.

enjoy getting electrocuted

granted it would only shock your feet and there are no vital organs so it is safe, but it would hurt a lot

I do this... but I always forget stuff. Do you lads right stuff down or solely stick to in-brain activities?

Play video games and enjoy them without a complex.

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i moan loudly whenever i get hit in tekken

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Fucking hell, I've written a 138,000 word fic about one of my crossovers.

"You're welcome friend"- that support who heals you. We don't get enough love.

I often stick out my tongue in a taunting way. This is something I recently developed. I noticed it when I was playing shit in VR and today when I was playing Downwell.

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It's all in my head, but i can still remember some of my wacky adventures

I used to big with self roleplaying in the GTA games, and I'd only save whenever I felt it was appropriate for the character to wind down. So I was all about this shit as well.

Fuck, I recently started doing this too.

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I back away every time a follower gets too close, then when I'm suitably far away, their "follow" mode is triggered again, so I have to stay just near enough so that they don't come any closer

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everybody does this

it really fucked me in insurgency though where clips just rotate and don't do the math for you

This happens mostly in other media, sometimes in vidya, but whenever a characters gets too close to the camera or leans in I recoil, like they're invading my personal space.

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thats actually really cute
tfw no cute nerd bf to watch play video games

>go into installtion folder
>check folder/file structure/type of the game and r8/h8

Anyone else?

I'll sometimes turn my crosshairs into cover when reloading, as though I'm trying to focus on the reload and shield my weapon from fire. Did it tonight while fighting blazes with a crossbow.

>play rpg
>have to make final choice
>read over all the options 3 times while using my finger to underline what im reading just to make sure i read everything right
>pick one
>read decision 3 more times
>read other options 3 more times each
>carefully mouse over decision
>watch my index finger click the m1 button
>immediately regret decision

I did this, its the reason I have 50+ hours on my first play of new Vegas

i too immediately regret any undoable decisions in games and life

>Play a game I dislike
>Think to myself what I would do for the game if I was in charge
>Act it out whenever I am in the shower
>Both the character animations and the enemy animations
>Act out cutscenes as well

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How do you not get sick?

I also do this but I piss my pants too.

>have gun with 50 round mags
>fire once
>49/50 rounds available


i have to discover every location in a game in a sweeping motion across the entire map. for example, in new vegas and won't let myself go to new vegas until i have cleared every location and quest south of it

>Hold breath
>Run out way before your character does
>Get kinda scared that if I had to do this, I would totally not make it

Shoot dead enemies in the head to make sure they're really dead

>kill someone
>"wow it's quiet and it looks like I have time to reload before the next enemy encounter"
>instantly killed by enemy during reload animation, every time, no exceptions

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Sometimes if I feel like I’m doing particularly good I’ll go out of my way to take damage on purpose to make fights more down to the wire and have to be careful.

blame modern video game design. Lazy devs just make bullets a pool, so reloading with 49/50 rounds available means nothing so there's no punishment

Only a few tactical shooters that actually pay attention and treat magazines as entities is where this can fuck you over as that's basically you discarding 49 rounds from your pocket

I don't know how this is autistic. Messing around with the voicelines is pretty something everyone does in any game that has voicelines.

I’ve found items in containers marked empty in 3

Absolutely. There's a cathartic feeling when I find a game that has an obvious exe to launch it, clearly listed folders for saves, textures, maps, etc, and the cherry on top is a read me.txt. Shit-tier games are ones like dark souls that hide some of their shit outside of the main directory.


play them

>About to pick heavy box

Making a circuit out of yourself?

Close doors after walking through them.

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Whenever I’m trying to focus, I imagine that I’m in front of an audience

I played through the entirety of GTA San Andreas trying to behave as a realistic character within the world. I would make CJ walk instead of his normal jog basically everywhere unless I decided it would be in character for him to run. I only stole cars if I thought it would be in character (like seeing a nice set of wheels or being in a hurry and really needing a vehicle). I didn't put on any of the funny joke clothes. And I would make sure to walk close to all the car doors before I pressed the enter button so that CJ wouldn't automatically start jogging towards the door.

>use only the canon equipment for the protagonist and do things that the protagonist would do according to their personality
>exhaust the NPCs of all their scripted lines just to find secret dialogues and just to hear them for the lore and worldbuilding
>can't continue until I explore every inch of an area for secrets or items
>must collect every collectible no matter how tedious it is
>always attempt to act like a normal person by walking on sidewalks and stuff like that
>slow walking towards bosses

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If the main character and co. have official artwork, but changing equipmemt in-game modifies their appearance, I will intentionally keep on their default gear to remain true to their image.
Did this all the way through Xenoblade Chronicles.

>Dress up IRL with something related to the game
>Intentionally play the game wrong the second time as a handicap
>Go against the meta

If a game has character creator i will make the same autistic chunni girl, if it is a series i will make the characters related.
I will never forget good ol cousin cletus that was raised by cows and had a phobia with hats

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Not me, this is my neighbor

He gets botw right... day 1. Doesnt play it. Says he has to 100% twilight princest first. Ok... He then picks up BOTW like 2 years later on the switch and the first thing he does is goes "im not touching it until I own all the compatible amiibos".

So I get him those cheap chinese amiibo copy cards, and he then scours the ENTIRE FUCKING PLATEAU FOR EVERYTHING, COLLECTING SHIT AND NOTING DOWN EVERY ITEMS SPAWN LOCATION. I shit you not, I looked at his hero's path. The entire fucking plateau, every inch of it was highlighted. He followed this pattern to the first stable,, where he stopped and grinded EVERY AMIIBO DROP IN THE GAME, despite the fact he knew that the loot tables change once you clear your first divine beast...

Then he pulls up youtube guides for fucking everything! From farming rupees to fucking completing the korok seed puzzle at kakariko village... he's unironically going for every korok seed in the game claiming he's gonna 100% the gayme. He's treating it like its a fucking job like a retard

If that's not fucking autistic, then how about the fact he'd rather masturbate for 6 hours on imvu instead of fucking (one of) his girlfriend (s).

jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump. jump.
every second I get, I jump. unless it slows down your movement speed,.

I have a similar feeling to any type of artillery. I basically turn into Napoleon in any type of game that has artillery. It doesn't matter how bad or good the artillery is. The sounds and the sight of artillery firing and landing upon the battlefield makes me feel extremely satisfied.

I get super mad sometimes when a boss or enemy taunts after they kill you to the point where I would reload a entire chapter so that it "wouldn't count" so it was like I fought my way up there and beat them the first time.

I jump onto the car in gta san andreas, shot it to spook the driver and try to not fall of it. Shot everyone around to get wanted level. Police is interesting in that case , since I'm moving at the speed of a car but their AI is like I'm just on foot and they are not attacking the car giving me a lift. If it's a truck that's much easier to balance.

Also standing near the highway and manipulating the cars to crash since they are going 500 miles per hour on these highways lol

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You'd like Katana Zero. it more or less does that for you, but on a micro scale, as your character has premonition and literally all your deaths are immediately "rewinded" and passed off as visions of a possible future that you can undo.

or Prince of Persia

this, but with my dad
i wish he took an interest in the things i enjoy

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I do this and literally write novels of my "original" ideas. Just change the copyrighted characters, locations, etc with your own original versions.

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The fucking taunts that Ballas or Vagos use when they kill you genuinely anger me.

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I categorize hip-hop and rock songs by equating them to vidya soundtracks in my free time.

That's kinda cool actually

I remember I used to do this with GBA Pokemon games, I'm honestly blown away that this reminded me of this. I refused to save my game if my character wasn't sitting in a chair or in a bed.

Mimic the idle position for awhile one way or another for some time until I'm done or over the character for the time being

Holy shit I'm actually not alone

I enjoy tapping along with music in one way or another, so that'll sometimes affect what I do in vidya. For some examples, I've recently been going through GTA V on PC and ended up shooting/honking/turning in time with the music I put onto the user radio station, sometimes causing me to crash and/or die.

I do the same, but for anime quotes
In Baldur's Gate, I used to save and kill most of the NPCs. Just to see how good they are in a fight, what they are carrying etc. I reloaded to check multiple options in dialog and to see how to get the best reward for most conversations. But the worst autistic reload attacks I had, were the ones where I was unsure if I won the battle by sheer luck. So I tried to do it again. And we are talking about some really tough fights. I played on insane with difficulty mod. But I don't feel like it was a waste of time.

Whenever I start a new game I will open a notepad file and write everything I like and hate about the game. Sometimes I purposely play bad games just so I can write down all of the shit that I don't like.

When I'm playing an mmo, I can't go to the bathroom or get food unless the next quest involves me travelling more than 3 minutes or is in another zone. The idea of leaving to do something when the quest objective is only 30 seconds away eats at me hard.

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absolutely based, literally do all of those things

I do this too

I literally only play games with a good physics engine and allow for ramping up momentum. I'm very particular about which games have a good physics engine and scrutinously watch gameplay/play a demo of the game to determine if the physics feels good. I then proceed to dick around with the physics engine for hours until I get bored, then repeat the process the next day. I recently clocked about 110 hours in Borderlands TPS grenade jumping in the first area. I also have around 200 hours in Marble It Up, replaying some levels not even to speedrun but just to get the good going fast feeling.

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I constantly do this, even though I have the ability to stream if I want to. I enjoy playing vidya with other people able to watch, but actually streaming and having strangers watch makes me feel like I'm pressured to talk when I don't feel like it or do more interesting things. I'd like to make Youtube videos instead (since this way I could edit out uninteresting things) but I don't want to drag other people into it while also not wanting to be the only one talking as I think it wouldn't be interesting enough and I don't want to release stuff I'm not happy with.

I always do this even if the game makes doors close automatically after a while.

I try to do things as what i imagine the devs intended. If i don't do things in the "correct" order my autism goes to overdrive and i restart the entire game anew.


I do this too. I just like commentating my own games. Makes me feel important.

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I literally can't play stealth games because I always want to completely ghost it. No throwing objects to distract guards, no getting seen or heard at all even if they don't get alerted, no breaking lights, cameras, etc., no use of items that leave evidence once the mission's over. I want to be an actual fucking ghost.

honestly anyone who has the option to do this and doesn't is probably a sociopath and capable of cold-blooded murder

I have to make sure battle damage is carried over into cutscenes or a very specific outfit.

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Same, just feels right.

if you didn't do this in the xbox version of morrowind it would cause your save file to slowly increase in size and become unstable because it had to keep track of every single door in the game that was in the non-default state of being open.

>begin new game
>create character, go through tutorial area and everything
>You can not return beyond this point. Continue?
>panic and grind out way too much before deciding to finally leave
I never leave Destiny Islands in KH1 when under Lvl30.

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I don't remember KH1 having an obvious sign for the point of no return for Destiny Islands. Personally I just made a separate save and grinded to level 100 over the course of like a year when I was bored.

a pillar of the community right here

That's rather reasonable. I must have killed hundreds of scouts in Battlefield 1 from a perfect sniper distance by doing that.
Until that point I thought it was just joking when people said that the felt bad for the enemy player for killing them so much.

I have to make sure I've checked every inch of a area of secrets before proceeding or else i get really anxious

>apparently missed a secret 5 hours ago
>don't have a save that far back
>don't feel like continuing anymore
>end up dropping the game

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My sister and I had a shared world that we would spend hours upon hours talking about. It started thanks to "Nicktoons Unite"

That's not autism that's alpha male orthodox christian chadness.

Ex-convict here can confirm

I hate games that force me to carry two primaries and a secondary. I must always carry a sidearm and a primary because otherwise the game tends to be too easy. You just have a tool for everything rather than having to plan a loadout or scavenge.

This doesn’t apply to really out there games like DOOM and resistance 3 etc.

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I try to break any mod-able game immersion wise to the point where I can't recognize anything and try to play through it with a straight face
>bethesda games, GTA VC/SA, Valve games
what are some good series to do this with?

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>bethesda games, GTA VC/SA, Valve games
thats pretty much it. Stalker has good mods too, no idea how many silly mods though.
There are those "repainted" mods for some games that replace all the textures with random ass shit, its meme-tier but if you have the dumb sense of humor like me then you'll like them.
They just made a Deltarune repainted and I liked it.

My friend makes the most weird, pained, exasperate gasps and grunts when he's in combat in games, I don't think he even realises he's doing it, it's quite odd.

I catch every pokemon with a pokeball.

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>Can now never trade Pokemon again because every motherfucker uses ultra balls
>Breeding now results in the child pokemon taking one of the parent's pokeball type
I feel your pain user

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Never press R. Ever.
Save your stacks.

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Nyehehe there the high roller!

I never get the hat icon so I've become godlike at finding my missing hat no matter how far I've gotten from it in a fight. Even with out glowy vision

>>imagine my own stories for non-story focused games (typically dungeon crawlers, complete with party banter and all)
I did this in my Skyrim playthrough. made shit comfy

In brain, I’ve been at it for about a decade now, whenever I start forgetting anything I wave it off as that arc being retconned. About 4 of the 10 years I’ve been at it has been revising old shit I feel isn’t good enough to really fit in the story

When I play games like Civilization, I would always narrate events happening in the game. Like if I'm sending my armies across my neighbor's border I would pretend its a History Channel documentary.

Or you know, you just save the mag for later like in most games where magazines are entities.

>get concerned when you have leave them in a dangerous area because irl
I hate it

>game has an MP5
>only use that
Its getting harder to do this because its being phased out by the MP7, MP9, P90 etc. Rainbow Six made me love this shit.

Sometimes when I'm listening to music and playing an FPS I'll bob my mouse with the song and hop with it.

>nod at someone
>they nod back
Its nice when it happens

Insurgency was the game that taught me to break the habit. It's very punishing to try to top off your magazine constantly, leaves you with a bunch of half-empty mags if you miraculously don't get jumped while your pants are down. It's stayed with me in other games and I do a lot better because of it.

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user are you me?

Sometimes if I kill an enemy in HL2 I try to position its dead body better cause often the death postions are ridiculous.

If I heard one of those I would think it's funny as fuck

>I think its funny when I am insulted

Low self worth has its benefits

i unbound my reload key on my gaige playthrough

maybe it's just me taking a game too seriously


i only put +1 in chamber in the beginning of a match

>mint jams
impeccable taste though i prefer super flight

I try to play a game to completion, start to get bored of it, and stop playing games all together because I must complete said game. I then spiral into severe depression, after which I eventually (weeks, months, longest was a year) instead another game and repeat the process.

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Fuck, my autism will force me to grab every conllectible in new game+ as well no matter how useless it is.

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In competitive modes I'm always rank #1 and on top of the leader board

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reload the gun when there's 1 in the chamber

I imagine you playing monster hunter and trying to roar back to something like Diablos.

I used to rename all of my characters and Pokemon to have a lowercase letter at the start of their names. Why? So it would it fit in with the rest of the sentence, in my childlike mind.
Like, if a line of dialogue was:
>"I told John to fetch me two healing potions."
That capitalized name seemed to stick out amongst all the non-capitalization, so I would change it to "john". I'm not sure how to really explain this without it sounding even more retarded.

The only autistic thing I do now is probably how I replay the same few games over and over, instead of ever finding anything new.

>first village I ever got as a fief in Mount&Blade
>genuinely wanted to be a good land owner
>spent 2 ingame months just grinding until the its max and they idolize me
>Butternigs crew raids my shit
>take his castle

Constantly try to figure out if rolling/dodging is faster than sprinting. In pic related still haven't figured it out.

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I make a conscious effort of having an even number of boys and girls in games where you can build a party. I started doing it in Pokemon and it just carried over to other games. I also never rename party members in rpgs, just try and give my character a name that seems to fit with everyone else's.

Also these.

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not sure if autistic
i always use the same playstyle for fps' . i go rambo or nothing. no tactics. this is why i never play sneak pussy games. only games that allow me to jump in and shoot the living shit out of npcs. i played every game like this. if it's not possible after a couple of hours i just leave the game for good.

Can't you just find a long stretch of land and measure the time it takes to run or roll through it?

Autistic and stupid:
Keeping number of boys equal to number of girls

Pure love:
Keeping an even as in, non-odd number of boys and an even number of girls

I like folder/files for entire levels like Hitman Blood Money. I also like pak/pack files for similar date like audio, music, textures etc.

I don't like every minute thing in the game to have a file

Fuck, I know this damn too well but never went longer than 3 months.

my girlfriend will lean and tilt the controller whenever she tries to turn in any racing game.

I like to talk to my cat while playing vidya and pretend that we're working together to get past a difficult area, or planning a strategy on what to do next.
Sometimes he'll even sit in my lap and bump his head up against the controller.

I do this all the time. Even on kills.

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>Autistic things you do in vidya

Thanking enemies when killing them is a bitch move

Tell me about it. More efficient than taunting though. I make sure to thank my teammates as well.

You can do autism wrong or right.
If your goal is to figure out something, the best way is to actually check it. Then you know and get better.

The most autist thing I do here is save and edit the funniest vocaroos and put my voice between audios and then listen it on my cellphone at night pretending all that stuff happened in a reunion with friends

I'm curious about that. What is it about enemies thanking you when they kill you that sends us into a rage?

>More efficient than taunting though.
There are less bitch ways to do it though.
Say "Yes" or even "Need a dispenser here".
"Thanks" is like "thanks for the kill xD *teleports away*"

I find it funny as fuck when it happens to me, no biggie.

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whenever i die i let out a big moan
it gets really loud and sexual when i'm mad


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i do this too
god i'm so lonely

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i used to do this too, but i've managed to suppress it for the most part
i think i might have autism guys

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That's more OCD than tism

This isn't autism, i do this too

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I constantly blow raspberries when I'm in a tense situation or I need to focus

There is KOTOR 2 for tablet?!

I do this in RPGs, I like to point the camera at a beautiful sunset or something before I save so when I come back on the game the next day the first thing I see will be a nice view

Based Reds friend

I'm shy, so I turn off my mic, but give call-outs anyway.
Or say things like "Tango neutralized" or "swapping mags" or "watch me, I'm reloading"

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Pretend that my life is fine and that I wouldn't rather have a gf

Nah thats Kotor on my old shitty macbook which is the only thing i currently have. Why is the UI different on Windows?
Kotor is still on tablets though i think

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I sometimes say "Ow" or "Ouch" when my character gets hurt

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I tend to use proper capitalization even in the older games so it looks less like everyone has tourettes syndrome.

I walk in hub worlds
I also walk when my character enters a shop

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Because most shooters don't have a that magazine mechanic where you toss any remaining rounds in a mag when you reload, I like to pretend they do and will purposely not reload if I still have a mostly full mag. When I finally do decide to reload (and here's the autistic part), I will shoot the rest of the bullets that I SHOULD have tossed if the mechanic was there, then reload to have the proper ammo count.

I never talk to people and only respond via emotes

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I fight the same battle over and over, reloading it if it drains my resources more than I like.

I save manually after autosave

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if a game doesn't have different footstep noises for different terrain it gets an automatic -1 from my personal rating

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it implies that you gave them a free kill becuz ur bad lol

I say “what in the goddamn” way too much around my friends and I don’t even think they’ve played New Vegas

now that's what I call autism.
I know because I'm right fucking there with you

when I get into a really stressful situation in a game I tend to instinctually close my lips really tight and blow air through a tiny opening, making a weird PHHHPPHT noise that sounds like an elephant.

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>employ weapon in the specific usage it is designed for
>omg I'm so autistic guys

If you had a stream, I would watch it just for this.

>Play Tomb Raider V as a little shit
>get stuck in the submarine level
>buy guide
>find out I only forgot to look up in the big hall

Ever since then I always look up to the ceiling in games, even if I'm not lost, but I might miss something.

Same, except I kill all male family members and impregnate all female members and also I don't do any of what you said.

You probably use crutches on top of that eh?
It's always fun dominating the shit out of you faggots.

This. I'm a compulsive reloader. Playing Fr4gtr4p in Borderlands TPS feels like playing myself.

If you play Serious Sam, are you constantly spinning around?

>enter menu
>manual save
>20 seconds later
>"did I save?"

>Never ever playing a female character. And if the only class/race/character is female, don't play the game/race/class

>When I can create a character, he always has white hair.

>this thread
I stopped having this sort of fun when I became an adult.
I miss it. Now I just play the games with a straight face like a pleb.

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Pretty sure that's just normal behavior


I'm similar, sometimes stuff goes because I forget, sometimes because I don't think its a good idea anymore, I've been going for about 10 years as well and its not until the last few that I really nailed the characters I have for the whole thing, like looks, personality, everything is pretty much in place now

I do this, except sometimes I log off in other people’s houses in FFXIV. They’re unlocked, you can just stroll right in and fall asleep in the bathtub.


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I never do this.
Now I'm terrified of missing out on an item placed in "empty" container by some chucklefuck.

The best item in the game is actually in a container marked empty. It shows up after hitting level 15 in the 245th container you looted.

>Room full of clearly lootable stuff
>"No I'm doing x! Why would my character stop and just ransack a random room?/This is a digital character's stuff! I can't just fucking take it!"

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Me too...but internally I'm raging like a madman.

Sounds like a fucking chad to me

What if someone doesn't open 245 containers before level 15?


There's literally nothing autistic about this, this is normie as fuck

>reload even if my mag is still almost full
>sometimes shoot just to see a reloading animation
>make marks on the walls with lightsaber in jedi academy, become upset if the star wars game doesn't have this feature
>mostly play as Dunmer in all Elder Scrolls games, feel bad when I play as somebody else
>check empy containers even if they are marked as "empty"
>never play as female characters in RPG games
>always main cool looking characters, even if they're bad,
>don't touch powerful characters if they look lame

Militaryfag here, if you're actively in a firefight you only reload when you're dry, but if there's a pause in the action and you're low (or lose count and think you're low) you can swap to a full mag


For team fighting games, I have headcanon for how the three came to fight on the same team. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, I won't put characters who logically couldn't exist together (eg fused characters and their infused halves) on the same team cause it would be impossible to come up with stupid headcanon

Everyone does this you nigger, you can get out of bounds or sequence break with it in a lot of games

If I'm playing a Nord, I never loot the draugr tombs, that's just disrespectful

nothing, thank fuck

I always check the canon choices of games, I end up spoiling myself that way but I dont care

i sometimes walk around my house doing gun poses, clearing corners, opening doors slowly and looking under beds and furniture yelling "clear"

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>Play a game
>If there's a way to do it in stealth, I will
>Kill almost everyone one, last guy sees me
>Kill him
>Reload save
>Do it again without anyone noticing me

it might sound weird but I have various amounts of ropes next to me and whenever i play competitive/intense games I have strong urge to chew it or just hold it sometimes unconsciously but most of times on purpose.

I always make my characters as ugly as possible.

Ugly proper or wacky-ugly?

>log off at any WoW inn
>make sure to either sit in a chair or /sleep in a bed

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too bad. In ffxiv you can actually click exit game on the inn bed

>>imagine my own stories for non-story focused games (typically dungeon crawlers, complete with party banter and all)
Had stories for ALL my 5 playthrough characters in Racedriver:GRID complete with childhood, how they started racing, their rolemodels and all. Went far enough that, after some tough race wins, I'd imagine them giving postrace interviews and such.

I rehearse what I'd say to someone if I got into an argument with someone in voicechat, usually comprised of a long string of clever sounding insults and scathing remarks that would assure my victory
I haven't used a mic in 5 years

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How will WoWfags ever recover?

they won't. I loved WoW but it's dead now and nu-blizz sharding out nu-classic isn't gonna make it come back.

wow is cancelled, game over

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not only do i do this, but I compulsively get out of my chair and start acting it out before I can realize how autistic I'm being and sit back down in shame

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I do this a lot.

Imaginary talk show interviews have legitimately saved me from the edge a couple times. I'm with you, user.

>using a high mag capacity, slow reload weapon
>kill a single enemy with 3 bullets
>Smash that fucking R key

I only read posts with 3 (YOU)'s or more.

>playing fallout 4
>organize every item by category
>dress all my settlers in different clothes based on their roles in the settlement
>make sure they are all assigned to a single crop type and they all have to be assigned to a specific plot of crops (no cross-plot assignments)
>every settlement has to be linked by a single route and this route cannot diverge; it essentially has to form a "loop" around the commonwealth
>if I acquire a settlement that is separated from the loop by another settlement (for example, if I acquire greentop nursery before I acquire covenant and taffington boathouse, greentop will stay unconnected until I acquire those settlements and connect them to the loop)
>settlement loops goes like this:
>sanctuary-red rocket truckstop-starlight drive in-tenpines bluff-outpost zimonja-covenant-taffington boathouse-greentop nursery-the slog-coastal cottage-kingsport lighthouse-croup manor-finch farm-country crossing-nordhagen beach-the castle-spectacle island-warwick homestead-jamaican plain-murkwater construction site-somerville place-egret tours marina-hangman's alley-oberland station-greygarden-sunshine tidings co-op-abernathy farm-sanctuary
>bunker hill stays unconnected forever, as does the mechanist's lair and boston airport since they don't sync up to the loop correctly
>never EVER connect a settlement early
>if something glitches or bugs out with my settlers being assigned to different crops or changing clothes, or changing beds, I will have a breakdown and reload a save game even if it is hours prior
>if it doesn't fix the issue I will save and quit the game and take a break before completely deleting the save game and starting a new character
it's the only way I can play the game. There must be order. Everything has to be perfect.

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>>berate myself in my head for doing bad, will never compliment myself though
tfw I have gotten so bad I am doing this out loud now
I call myself a retard constantly for the autistic shit I do

I do this exact same thing too. I will act out entire battles with fictional characters and talk out scenes with them, doing accents as if they are talking to me, then do a big battle or monologue with them or other characters. I get up, move around, physically act out the fights like punching the air or sticking my hands up and "grappling" as if they are grabbing my hands and pushing me down. I come up with plot points and dialogue and shit.

I always make sure my blinds are closed and I constantly check the house because I'm scared to death of someone realizing how fucking retarded and autistic I am. I live in a duplex and I'm terrified that my neighbors can hear me through the walls so even if I'm completely alone in my house I only do it in my room with the door closed just in case.

God bless. I do the same thing whenever I play through any of the XCOM games, OpenXCOM especially.

>win the match
>feel empty because the other team was just worse
>lose the match
>seethe hard at my team for being bad

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>take the blame for fuckups

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>while watching angles in fps games, will try to keep my eyes closed for as long as i can. if this leads to getting me killed ill get irrationally mad at myself
What the actual fuck.

the world ain't made for us man

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>Character has a victory animation
>Occasionally do it with them

here you go have one from my collection

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same user, it wasnt until recently that i felt everything is starting to come into place

Who doesn't? Although my autism universe insists that all characters and stories are just part of a Hollywood-like film industry.

You sound genuinely mentally ill.
Not in the /pol/ sense "someone who disagrees with me" or "bad doodoohead", but like someone who should get help.
It may be fixable.

and another, just for you

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>get help
like what? therapy? tried that once, it doesn't work. paying someone to pretend to be your friend is a waste of time and money.
i'm not hurting anyone. pretty sure it's ocd if anything, since it runs in the family.

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>like what? therapy?
>i'm not hurting anyone.
You don't sound happy with this shit

was on 2 different ssris in the past for depression, prozac then paxil, tried to od on the paxil. id self medicate with booze, which worked but i quit that about a month ago. kratom works well but i have no money for it being a neet and all. and youre right user, im not happy at all. i love you though buddy, thanks for caring.

Nice I do this too

Well, you tried to fix it and that's more than what I did with my shit so far

I just get bothered when this doesn't happen because I've played Thief since 1998 and the AI never hears the different footstep sounds differently in any other game, or if they do it's just that one sound defined as "loud"

i lean into every corner in racing games

I do it when driving irl too

Holy shit are you me? An even worse feeling is when you realize afterwards how very close you were to solving it own. I’ve mostly broken the habit, but occasionally fall off the wagon when I get impatient.

Make Up City is jazzkino

>the worse feeling is trying to figure something really annoying out and finding out the solution or the part itself was bugged and you need an unofficial patch
Morrowind in a fucking nutshell. Doesn't help that a shit ton of side quests are purposefully ambiguous so you never know if the game wants you to find something out yourself or if it's just glitched.

>quickplay Smash
>opponent takes a stock
>does the short hop aerial dance shit
>I take a stock
>stand completely still until they approach

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Happened even in Skyrim on console
>Painstakingly find every single daedric artifact without a guide
>trophy doesn’t pop
>find out that the masque was accidentally delisted as an artifact in the final official patch
>have to reload 20 hours worth of gameplay to get use the hircine glitch and get both his artifacts to complete the quest
Even worse than Oblivion on the PS3, in which vampirism was literally incurable because the quest was broken

I go to every length possible to avoid NG+ and get the full experience of the game in a single playthrough, all without a guide. This involves an autistic amount of save scumming for different routes.

Been playing morrowind (again) the past few weeks:
Keep at least one of every object i get my hands on
Horde every ingredient i find and never use them
Make sure i click every single piece of dialog with npcs i come across, which opens up new dialog and i get confused and start over from the top of the list
Don't use skills outside of my major and minor to "save that experience for a new class playthrough"
Don't use mods that will make the game easier or more convenient to play to make sure i "experience the game the way it was intended"

Lord help me

That is the only line of his I've ever said in public and I say it all the time. We are destined to meet one day.

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I missed the very first bobblehead in F3. After they added trophies, I cursed myself for losing out on that gold trophy.

I do all those things too. Heck I don’t even use consumables in games anymore.

Vote Republican

I thought this was unique to me. What does this mean?

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Nothing much. We all do it. It’s how the brain naturally responds to fiction, especially for more imaginative folks.

i do this too but most structures don't bother me too much
I absolutely fucking hate games that store stuff in 'My Documents' though

Which game lets you vote Republican? I’d play the shit outta that.

> look at the small details in the textures
> do silly shit with NPC corpses especially if there's good rag doll psychics
> play like an idiot to make my friends laugh if they're watching me play.

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He died like that by the way..

are you the Ghosts from Ghost Recon

shitty rag dolls are pretty fun

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Wet feet = sick
Are you already autistic?

i dont know why but its so funny to me

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I never had too much problem with morrowind cause most situations were obvious if the game was fucking up. I did almost fuck up meeting sul matuul cause I talked to someone in Maar Gan and it messed up the mission flow. The main quest flow in Tribunal was actually hard to figure out too especially cause I thought Helseth wasn't involved cause he tried to have you killed.
Thing that annoyed me most was avoiding looking up any notably good axes cause I found skull crusher to use instead and ended up using it for fucking ever to level my blunt weapon and never found an axe as good aside from daedric battle axe that I was tired of

main quest is pretty well polished. the side quests is where shit goes down.

Shoot on walls to check the spread patterns and study the bullet holes.

>game has quicksave
>i quicksave every minute

better autistic than sorry

More OCD but; double save

>have wired headphones
>get a kill
Time to die

All stock.

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i'm the guy who runs default skins in CSGO

I need someone... Anyone. Please help

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First thing I do in almost every 3D game I play is spin my character around in tight circles.

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I autistically light every single torch/candle

I did this for DOS games in the 90's; thank fuck I broke the habit

But smashing R when playing DUSK is a core element of enjoying the game


I did this, too, only I imagined I was a member of a real baseball club.

whene I try Legend of Grimrock I have to do this but there are secrets that activate on all torches bring lit or put out so I kept getting exhausted trying to make sure I tested them all and keep quitting.

probably the most autistic thing i've done was savescumming, i'm not joking or exaggerating when i say that i saved every single time i killed an enemy or moved over ten feet in splinter cell
i also save before i make any moves that could result in me losing something in total war, including saving before my turn is over in case i get attacked somewhere i hadn't expected so i can reload and be prepared for it

I keep pressing the y/run button when i can

Welcome to the Obsessive Impulsive Disorder club

That's a mental condition that you actually need to work on, that shit has been making my life literal hell for the past 2 years until I realised it's a condition and I need a professional.

Get yourself some therapy user

kys attention whore

same. I still savescum in total war shogun 2 before I make a move with my agents like ninja so I can always get a win and never lose my turn or risk losing an agent.
I also did it in dishonored because I was trying to get the clean hands and ghost achievements in a single run.

>playing fallout 3 on ps3
I'm so sorry user. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

And you swear thats the last time its gonna happen until it happens again

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>pretend I'm recording a youtube video while I'm playing
>talk to my "viewers"
>do an intro
>sometimes randomly stop in the middle of doing it because I have to focus or something

>Returns to cover before shot is fired because I anticipated it
>Wait for the fool with his secondary to come around the corner against my primary weapon that does more damage and has higher rate of fire

nothing personal kid

I always want to completely explore every nook and cranny in games without open world in hopes of finding some easter egg/secret/additional supplies
>Come across a split in a corridor
>pick left
>the walk is pretty long
>"Ah-ha, that must be where the Plot wants me to go, there must be something interesting on the right side of the split!"
>Go the other way
>the corridor is very long too
>confusion intensifies

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Nah. Everyone wants this epic "everyone meets everyone" world a-la Marvel, but I just don't get it. I prefer my separate stories separated.

Like, recently, after release of Travis Strikes Again people went all "Sudaverse! Killer7 and Killer Is Dead are in one universe!", but I think that somehow cheapens both games.

I close all the doors behind me and turn off lights when I exit rooms.

Whenever I'm about to die and have someone close to me I go full "Dude save me, dude, HELP" on the mic
And when I get killed Im like "AAAAAAAAAGhghghhh" or "bleh"
And when I sacrifice myself for someone else I go "Go, become a family man, be happy!"

I can't think of a game I don't do this with.
I must have picked this up from WoW and Inns.

I do this but without the physical acting. Especially in games like Mount and Blade i heavily RP in my head about what they could be saying. Sometimes just whenever i simply pause and imagine what i would do in that situation, how i'd react, what i would say, what the characters would say etc.
I need friends

This is why I never use heavy machine guns and only use SMGs in every shooter.

If I see a window I can look through I press up against the glass to look at the room.
I think its the mystery

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i have a bunch of storylines but i always keep them separate unless they're just different versions of the same character in which case i might create a new storyline where they meet eachother

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>always makes sure the hearthstone gets set to a chair near the innkeeper

My Friend

i do this all the time in fallout and elder scrolls. every time