What went right?

What went right?

Attached: gc_zelda_wind_waker_p_8fbv6j.jpg (640x908, 71K)

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it had soul

bird pussy

It was nice

jesus christ the meme was right, semen cerebrums really only think about sex

>Colorful visuals that still stand out to this day with expressive characters and animation
>A sense of exploration and wonder
>A subversion of the initial Zelda setup, calling out the series for not moving forward and wanting to abandon the past elements for something new; Link himself is a regular boy who becomes his own hero and wants to save his sister initially and not the entire land/world
>Tetra to this day is the best subversion of the Zelda character along with the best design for Zelda period
>Combat and controls are the best to this day and every item was utilized, each item having a unique effect depending on the enemy you fought
>At the time, it would have established a new status quo for Zelda
>The initial design for Link stands out a lot more in my opinion and was the last time a child Link spearheaded a mainline console Zelda game, already making him unique despite being reused in many other games
Yeah, it needed more development time but the end result still stood out more than what came after.

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>>Combat and controls are the best to this day
The combat was A to win and the game controls like any other 3D Zelda.

Are you okay user?

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nothing it's living in the shadow of OoT as the kiddie clone of it

>What went right?
The art design and music. That's literally it.

t. didn't play the game

when did you guys realize this was in the top 3 zelda games?
>wind waker
>majora's mask

Attached: emelia clarke combat kick.webm (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Played the game, it sucked. No cutesy design is going to make up for lackluster pacing and dungeons plus the triforce quest. You want to play a good Toon Zelda game, play Minish Cap. WW is ass.

its not even in my top 10 Zelda games desu

>>A sense of exploration and wonder

This is really the only one I have a complaint about. WW felt vast and empty. There was no real "Exploration" because you knew that every grid contained one island, and about half-way through the game you realized that any island of substance tied into the plot.

There was no reward to exploring past collecting hearts/money and it was too tedious to "explore" since you needed to come to a complete stop and redirect the wind if you wanted to change directions.

Different strokes, I didn't mind the sailing nor the Triforce Quest.

>top 3

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none of those are Link's Awakening

why'd they fuck the hd version so bad

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why don't you think WW is a top 3 Zelda game without using the words "cel shading"

Attached: emelia clarke combat roll.webm (640x742, 969K)

>What went right?
Great graphical style, at least on the GameCube. Great combat system, expanding on the Z-targetting and presenting enemies to use the different attacks on. Tons of area to explore, and lots of islands where you get to use your various tools to see how they work and if your ideas will get you past the island's challenges.

Of course, by contrast, the islands were all so far apart and the ocean so huge that there was a ton of pointless sailing. Even considering the hidden treasure you could dive for. Enemies were so piss-easy that the combat felt pretty irrelevant outside when an enemy required it. Photo collecting was pointlessly tedious, and the Triforce quest was an awful pointless waste of time REQUIRING a rupee grind at the end. Fewer dungeons than any other Zelda game didn't help, either.

The Wii U remake fixing the Triforce quest but fucking the hell out of the graphics didn't help any.

It's OoT but instead of a huge empty hyrule field it's just a huge empty ocean

>huge empty ocean
there are islands and squids

Attached: clarke not impressed.webm (1080x1080, 2.28M)

its literally unfinished
dungeons are forgettable and easy
sailing is tedious
exploration isn't fun or rewarding
the tri-force scavenger hunt/tingle bullshit

fuck off with your shitty waifu

>A sense of exploration and wonder
Too unfinished for that, you couldn't even go around underwater Hyrule and most of the islands were pointless.
>Combat and controls are the best to this day and every item was utilized, each item having a unique effect depending on the enemy you fought
Controls and items are fine, but the combat was a joke made for toddlers
>At the time, it would have established a new status quo for Zelda
It carried over most N64 mechanics.

Yeah just like there's peahats and lon lon ranch

I guess if we're talking about 3d zelda sure.

>but the combat was a joke made for toddlers
Again, play the game and you'll see the Parry isn't a OTE, it can be cancelled out.
>It carried over most N64 mechanics.
I'm referring to the ending, where Daphnes told them to find their own land.

Not much

I played this game as a neet and fell completely in love with it, but i don't think i'd have patience for the padding anymore.

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>3d zelda
yes, I haven't played the others

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>play the game and you'll see the Parry isn't a OTE, it can be cancelled out.
I don't know what you're talking about, but the enemies have next to no AI and it's impossible to dodge anything, but that doesn't matter since you can easily block anything or parry for an easy kill.

>no blood
who cares


>I don't know what you're talking about
>but the enemies have next to no AI
I repeat, didn't play the game.

Yeah your point?

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It was the first game you ever played on the first console you ever owned, and it had a nice looking artstyle, so you like it even though it's a rushed unfinished game with huge flaws and the worst 3d Zelda to date.

>the worst 3d Zelda to date

What is SS?

>the worst 3d Zelda to date.
Not when TP, SS, and BoTW exist

The only 3D Zelda to have good dungeons.

My point is that it isn't kiddy, just like Ocarina of Time isn't.
Graphics alone don't make something kiddy. The DS games and Skyward Sword are kiddy because they don't take themselves seriously and are obviously just trying to make a profit off of people dumb enough to think they're good.
The older Zelda games took themselves seriously as medieval epics and had artistic integrity that the newer ones don't have.
TP was the last good Zelda game.

top 3 Zeldas are

The second worst 3d Zelda to date.
It's way more obnoxious. but still a better game overall.

Spirit Tracks had a cohesive progression and didn't hold your hand. Skyward Sword is literally for children who don't know where to go next, the game goes out of its way to hold the player's hand. Phantom Hourglass didn't hold your hand either, especially with that one puzzle.

It's kid friendly OoT right down to the final blow obviously graphics doesn't make something "kiddie" but this case isn't the exception
>TP was the last good Zelda game.
absolute retard

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How is it "kid-friendly OoT"? Are you implying OoT isn't "kid-friendly"? Define kid-friendly.

>TP being worse than WW in any way outside of muh ageless cell shading graphics
That's fucking retarded.
Filled with padding shit and tutorials but still a more complete game with actual dungeon
Not a Zelda game.

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spicy bait

>Are you implying OoT isn't "kid-friendly"?
Are you implying it is just because the ESRB rating was still in it's infancy?
Wind Waker is the same story from OoT for a newer generation except the dark undertones from OoT were lightened up the artstyle is just further proof of that
Instead ragged spirit poes you've got fat pilsbury doughboys, instead of twitching masses of flesh you have oh wait those weren't even in Wind Wanker
Instead of tombs and dark wells with bloodied torture equipment you have an island with coffins and "ghost" ships
Are you seriously trying to play off Wind Waker as anything other than OoT lite?

This is the only picture that matters

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Four Swords Adventures is really underrated

Soul overload.

actually an alright list

Dark Souls is my favorite Zelda game

That's actually a pretty decent list.

Yeah, I am. OoT and WW are both masterpieces, and they both have themes that would go over kids' heads. WW is a pretty damn different game from OoT.
I'm honestly not that interested in arguing about how "mature" a video game is. My only intention was to demonstrate that WW isn't "kiddy", as you stab Ganondorf in the head. Sure, there's no blood in that scene. But does it really matter? It's still a powerful moment, and the game is meant for people who understand soul.

Remove RDR, Tetris, HL2, Pokemon. Souls & TLOU then this would be a solid list

>and WW are both masterpieces,
Just OoT. WW is unfinished trash.

Like I said, it's for people who can feel soul.

and remove MGS3 and swap it with 2

How did the moneky know that it was the red guy who threw the shoe

>it's for people who can feel soul.
I didn't feel soul in the Triforce Quest.

>I'm honestly not that interested in arguing about how "mature" a video game is
I'm not either that wasn't even my point I was just providing examples for the post before
Wind Waker is hardly a masterpiece and it hasn't done anything to warrant being that or even considered being better than other 3D Zeldas because it does nothing different apart from the artstyle
>My only intention was to demonstrate that WW isn't "kiddy", as you stab Ganondorf in the head. Sure, there's no blood in that scene. But does it really matter? It's still a powerful moment, and the game is meant for people who understand soul.
And my intention was that it's literally a copy and pasted scene from OoT like I said it does nothing different or outstanding to be considered a masterpiece

Your game is unfinished garbage.
Take your buzzwords and shove them up your redditor ass.

animal instinct

Nothing went wrong you fucking retard. It's an amazing game.

>Cries about buzzwords while using a buzzword

You don't think the ending is special? It's a tragic ending. Whereas OoT ended on the bittersweet note of Hyrule being at peace and Link being able to relive his lost years, albeit with his innocence lost, WW ends on the destruction of Hyrule, and the King committing suicide because he can't live without the one thing he had left to live for. He wished for its destruction to put an end to Ganondorf once and for all and to allow the people on the surface to live their own lives uninterrupted. It's a really powerful ending that is able to appeal to both kids and adults. Kids will prioritize the optimistic adventure that lies ahead for a new Hyrule, while adults will be able to identify all too well with the King's tragedy. It's a depressing ending that you have to be an adult to truly grasp.

I enjoyed Twilight Princess far more than Wind Waker. Hell, I enjoyed Twilight Princess a lot in general.
I'm bewildered that this is considered kind of a contrarian opinion nowadays.

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AHEM Zelda 2 is the best Zelda.

Why do you autistic continuously debate over which is the """"""""""""best"""""""""""""" Zelda game? You do realize how utterly pointless these ""debates"" are right?

>It's a depressing ending that you have to be an adult to truly grasp.
This, you need a PHD in quantum mechanics to understand the beauty of an unfinished gamecube game from 2003.

Get the fuck out of here. You are absolutely wrong. The Adventure of Link is the best Zelda game retard.

>You don't think the ending is special?
No? Because I've seen it before
>It's a tragic ending
Are you saying the Hero of Time's wasn't tragic? What makes the Hero of Wind's ending so tragic? Because of Hyrule? A land that he held no attachment to?
OoT Link couldn't even relive his childhood he spent it looking for Navi in the Lost Woods before going on an even twisted quest in Termina and eventually dying in the Lost Woods
What they King had done wasn't even suicide, what makes you believe he was even alive in the first place? People don't live long and neither do Hylians it would've been impossible for an old man like him to even scale Ganondorf's tower

Same, it's my favorite because it had the coolest Link and pretty good atmosphere. Shame we'll never get the same design again but executed better.

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>and eventually dying in the Lost Woods
Not this shitty fanfiction again. OoT Link didn't die in the woods, he grew up and started a family.

>he grew up and started a family.
Citation needed

>Citation needed
TP plus the Historia which offered a better and more tragic ending for OoT Link.

Not him, but seeing as TP Link is his direct descendant, he most likely piped Malon.

Historia confirms TP Link is OoT Link's direct descendant.

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>TP plus the Historia which offered a better and more tragic ending for OoT Link
Really? Care to post it?
This is literal fanfiction now
You don't need to be blood related to be a descendant in the Zelda Universe, ALTTP Link is the last descendant and he's from a timeline where OoT Link died to Ganondorf

>Really? Care to post it?
Do you want the story or no?

Attached: Historia.jpg (1023x432, 89K)

Everything except the stupid fucking dungeons where you have to carry the bird bitch around

>Hylians that die in the Lost Woods become a Stalfos
>oh but somehow he goes back to hyrule, fucks Malon
Wasn't Hyrule Historia retconned anyway?

I like TWW a lot. I can’t count how many times I finished 100% playthroughs of it in the past. I did one again very recently after not playing it for years and enjoyed every second of it just like before. I wish some islands had more to do, like the Star Belt Archipelago. That really should’ve had a hidden temple under it, it’s literally begging for something cool like that since the only thing to do on that sector is a fucking submarine.
Regardless, I understand the complaints due to TWW’s missing content since it’s really frustrating to think about how we got cheated out of three dungeons. If we had those dungeons, TWW would be received way more positively than it is now, and the reception for it is already mostly positive.

>You don't need to be blood related to be a descendant in the Zelda Universe
It literally said TP Link had OoT Link's blood. The Hero's Shade even calls him son.
It couldn't possibly be more clear short of saying OoT Link had sex.

>The Hero's Shade even calls him son
When does this happen? It's been a while

>Wasn't Hyrule Historia retconned anyway?

>Wasn't Hyrule Historia retconned anyway?
Stuff like this wasn't and OoT Link didn't become a Stalfo, he's a shade. His appearance is that of a ghost instead of bone and has a different eye color too,

Well you learn something new every day thanks

When you unlock all the skills. It's the last thing he says in the whole game.