Now that Astral Chain is confirmed to be a masterpiece, what game would you like to see Nintendo make next?
Now that Astral Chain is confirmed to be a masterpiece, what game would you like to see Nintendo make next?
Other urls found in this thread:
What mobile game is this?
Platinum is making Astral Chain
Seethe more, Never Ever Sonyfag
37/40 ain't bad
Well, we have a tokusatsu game so obviously the next logical step is a mahou shoujo game.
It looks very weeb :/
So? It looks like a fucking good game.
It's made by Japs, by it's very nature it can't be weeb.
It’s made by japs
Normal jap stuff is weeb to us not the other way around
It wouldn't be nearly good if it doesn't look like that.
>A big budget Mahou Shoujo game
Oh god, please let this happen
shills out of control
>b-but Sony!
Nincels are obsessed.
> Seething this badly that you cannot comprehend someone being excited for Games because the PS4 has had nothing besides Bloodborne
Pathetic, anyone who isn’t a poorfag joined the PC & Switch master race
did it leak yet
> Gets called out as a console war fag
> Replies with the same console war buzzwords that Sony fags always use
> Cries & plays the victim card
Kill yourself
>> Replies with the same console war buzzwords that Sony fags always use
yup, obsessed
> Obsessed
Continue spamming the same buzzwords you autistic faggot
it's one of the worst Platinum games
Christ Switchkiddos are starved without Bayo 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 i don't care about X.
based pedo
> Sonyfag cope
>it's one of the worst Platinum games
Oh so you've played it?
>implying you need to play a game to know if its bad or not
Answer the question.
this thread is:
pathetic snoys trying to cope
just wait a bit more for your kojima deep meaning walking simulator, it is not our fault sony is making you starve
Famitsu gave it a pretty middling score, couldn't even get a 38, western devs will give it a far lower score, expect low 80s, high 70s, if it's lucky.
I own switch and ps4 and think Astral chain looks shit and I think Kojimas game looks shit. One is weeb shit and one is pretentious shit.
and i think it looks awesome. another great nintendo switch exclusive game!
Stop liking weeb games please. Cant you see they are all cringe?
I'm playing fucking Astral Chain, AND NOBODY WILL STOP ME.
Kotaku called it a masterpiece & Metacritic scores are weighted more towards what major publications give them.
lmao shut up you're a nigger and a bitch and im gonna kill your mom hahahahah
Kill yourself
>kotaku called it a masterpiece
Wait for their actual score, it would be something like an 80, they will deduct points because all the female characters wear shorts by default.
I'm pretty sure Kotaku does a retarded "YES" or "NO" rating system.
Regardless, a lot of other media sites are saying it's good. I wouldn't look to Kotaku for a definite answer in any situation.
And your opinion is shit
Just accept you will never be able to appreciate JUSTICE.
That's some of the good shit.
That's Bayonetta, kinda.
This game isn't going to be a critical hit like people need it to be, and it will only be nominated for goty because nintendo sponsor the game awards and out of pity because it's the only game that comes close to being able to enter that category.
Expected score is low 80s, high 70s.
i'm not liking the game so far.
>threads are nothing but metacritic shilling or people jerking off to the waifus
>WAY too much story, makes Uncharted look like Unreal Tournament
>gameplay involves way too much flashy style over substance trash (aka press a button to watch a 5 minute cutscene attack)
I hate that I can't even talk about the game without the threads devolving into people wanting to lick their waifu's feet or some other nonsense.
You can pet the robo dogs.
>and it will only be nominated for goty because nintendo sponsor the game awards and out of pity because it's the only game that comes close to being able to enter that category.
Rent free, sony/microsoft/pcdrone.
>30 fps
fuuuuck, I'm probably gonna look like a dumbass for complaining about this, but 30 fps honestly kills a lot of games for me. I don't know man.
Sorry you can't enjoy great action games like God Hand then.
Platinum are working with nintendo so you can't expect them to do their best, undoubtedly nintendo wants to push them to fill their "mature" gaps that they won't fill themselves, and it really shows with this game. At least it will be cock blocked from getting strong scores/goty awards by this years other releases.
>Shitty low and uneven framerate
>Resolution looks like a 360p YouTube video
Naw. Your just thirsty for a new game switchtard
Why are Sony friends so angry about this game? Control is coming out a few days before and it looks fun enough.
Why do you assume everyone who dislikes this game supports sony? Maybe some of us just hate cinematic anime games in general, regardless of console.
>Platinum working with Nintendo means they aren't on their A game
>"Maker her sexier"
>"Fantasy is overdone, try Sci-fi"
>When W101 exists
Man why is this board so bad sometimes
>uneven framerate
It's not, though.
>Resolution looks like a 360p YouTube video
Can you exaggerate anymore, seriously?
>Your just
>Why are Sony friends so angry about this game?
We had no E3 and we are in a massive drought. Everyone else is getting games but us. Shit sucks
>it really shows with this game
They aren't, haven't you noticed that the general attitude towards this game is dismissive, it's not anything of any real note, the most notable thing it has/does is be on a nintendo platform exclusively, if it didn't have that it would have NOTHING.
>Platinum working with nintendo means they aren't on their A game
Absolutely true though, nintendo don't give plat the support or budget they need to achieve this sort of success, why do you think that Plats best games, and best selling games were ones published by Sega, Square Enix and Konami, and not nintendo.
Okay, then sell me on this game being a 10/10 masterpiece. Just keep this in mind:
>I hate cutscenes (I seriously fucking hate them. I will discard the entire game if I see one shoved in my face)
>I hate voice actors and characters talking
>I hate games that have special cinematic animations for attacks
>I hate anime cliches
This makes me dislike a majority of Ps4 titles because of how often they rely on cinematics. So how is Astral Chain any better?
How is this game cinematic? Platinum is trying to do a game with a little more focus on the story. Everyone complaining about cutscenes breaking the flow of battle make no sense. It's like saying wicked weaves break the flow of combat or torture attacks break the flow of combat. It makes no sense.
The only real valid complaint is the 30fps, which is okay at worst.
ACfag is in this thread
>cinematic framerate
>graphical fidelity over playability
>flashy stops for button awesome combat
>weak core gimmick that feels tacked on
>bad visual design
>outdated game progression
>story first design
Once more this game is only getting any "buzz" because it's on nintendo hardware, and only on nintendo hardware.
>How is this game cinematic? Platinum is trying to do a game with a little more focus on the story
You just answered your own question.
Platinum has literally one best selling game and that was due to a good chunk of people shilling it. Nier is one of Plat's worst games in terms of gameplay. It has the workings of a good game in it but it never does much with it.
MGSR and Bayo1 are great, but they did not light the world on fire.
That isn't detracting from the game in any real way. There's probably a short intro cutscenes per mission and smaller ones in between and one at the end. They also have enough of Platinum's CUH-RAZY in them based on footage.
>why do you think that Plats best games, and best selling games were ones published by Sega, Square Enix and Konami, and not nintendo.
Larger install base
>so piss easy even on the hardest difficulty that game journos are S+ ranking missions with almost no effort
Anyone with any self-respect would find this insulting.
>this game can't be a 10/10 if it fits this arbitrary criteria
>convince me it's a 10/10
How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby
>Story first design
>Weak core gimmick that feels tacked on
How? Taura literally said they wanted a game where you can play as two people and that was the idea they focused on from the beginning. the story came after and changed settings.
most astral chain screenshots I've seen are fake. in that they're taken by platinum from a PC with anti-aliasing. but the actual game doesn't have any AA because the switch can't handle it.
>cinematic framerate
24 fps is the cinematic framerate, user. 30 fps is easily due to hardware limitations.
>graphical fidelity over playability
Are you sure about that?
>flashy stops for button awesome combat
This is not a Nintendo-Platinum exclusive situation. This is Platinum and Platinum alone. They always do this.
>weak core gimmick that feels tacked on
Did you even bother watching any gameplay? It's clearly utilized in both fights and the overworld.
>bad visual design
Nope. This is subjective regardless.
>outdated game progression
Chapter by chapter? How is that outdated? What the fuck is "current?"
>story first design
Like every Platinum game? This is exactly how Nier: Automata is. Reminder, this argument is about how you saying "nintendo wants to push them to fill their "mature" gaps that they won't fill themselves."
Don't reply to ACfag
As if you couldn’t smell the circular logic and excessive lies from a mile away
This is some rough damage control. It takes 2 seconds to watch a video to see that the docked footage looks like the screenshot I posted.
no the videos are scaled down compressed shit with interpolation so you can't see what it actually looks like at all.
Bruh just stop being a faget.
I put 400 hours into MHGU and it’s 30 fps
You just learn to stop caring
Yeah you're baiting.
Show me the proof please
>Press promo shot
Do you think it actually looks that good? Have you not seen the e3 treehouse video? Game runs and looks like shit. Enjoy your low resolution and fps.
Switchies will inflate it because they're so desperate for games they'll try to claim anything thrown at them is good.
Just save your brain cells user
Acfag will never be convinced
Anything short of breaking his phone, computer and hands won’t keep him from being retarded
It looks exactly like the image I posted you fucking retard.
>run likes shit
It's consistent 30 fps. Seethe, framerate fag.
I mean if I have to deal with getting called a console warrior whenever I say something mean about exclusive JRPGs I hate all of them, then you have to as well.
Runs better than the PS4 and PC version
I can't find the uncompressed image of what it really looks like but it has no Anti-aliasing. it's pixelated as fuck.
>I can't find the image that I've so obviously seen
Woah user, tell me it isn't so!
>This entire thread
Jesus fucking christ. Hey retards. Here's an idea. How about waiting for the game to come out, play it, and THEN share your thoughts on the game?
Fuck off back to your containment board
Shut up nigger.
As someone who is day one on this game, I really hope it's locked down and only has very minor dips.
Can't you show me if a video is interpolated though?
>s-shut up!!!!!
Seething weeb
Blame poorfags
This is far cheaper than actually buying or playing video games
Shut up nigger
Faggot ass Nigger
It's ACfag, he's actually a sped. Don't even bother with his retard schizoid ass.
kys nigger
exlusive JPRG's;
but if you don't like... then why did them?
Specially if they were actually kind to us
well look here you can see the out lines are broken up. this is because of the lack of AA but the videos are so fucking compressed and smoothed out it's hard to see that they're actually sharp pixels with no AA.
>forced cutscenes every 5 seconds isn't detracting
Look user, not all of us grew up with the Ps4.
>Like every Platinum game? This is exactly how Nier: Automata is. Reminder, this argument is about how you saying "nintendo wants to push them to fill their "mature" gaps that they won't fill themselves."
why should they need story first design? why can't games just be videogamey? If a western dev did it, everyone would be on their case. It's hypocritical.
I do kind of wish they were more like DMCV but all platinum games have these time wasters other than W101.
Seems like a generic shovelware game desu
god this game is gonna look like ass in handheld
You need to be 18 to post on this website.
>why should they need story first design? why can't games just be videogamey? If a western dev did it, everyone would be on their case. It's hypocritical.
What the fuck does any of this mean? Can you speak in basic terms. I don't know what "videogamey" means.
>confirmed to be a masterpiece
says who?
Why did I get them? Because fanboys insisted that they were different and better, and that I needed to try them, when they're all basically the same damn thing
Where the fuck is the crack? getting impatient, cfwbros're on a weeb image board
No. This is a video game board.
XCX too and it's a fantastic game.
I don't exactly trust Famitsu reviews, have other outlets reviewed this game positively?
When I say videogamey, I mean something like Mario or Kirby, whose stories are basically filler blurbs to justify the beep boop jumping and goomba stompin. I don't need a 50 hour lore dump about how Mario is saving Peach from an abortion and how Bowser murdered everyone in a tragic backstory. I also don't need r*ddit filler like in borderlands, where they try way too hard to be funny and wacky. A game should need gameplay, and nothing else.
Fuck Platinum making a PreCure esque game would be too fucking much for me.
No, xbx is shit and hope it remains unported.
>I hate cutscenes (I seriously fucking hate them. I will discard the entire game if I see one shoved in my face)
Game seems to have short cutscenes from what I've seen. Some "scenes" are just characters giving you information as you play.
>I hate voice actors and characters talking
Main character doesn't talk, your twin does most of the talking for you and characters only give you information and story progression.
>I hate games that have special cinematic animations for attacks
Game doesn't have QTEs, there's just a small dynamic shot of killing a generic enemy a certain way. You have control of everything you do.
>I hate anime cliches
Anime influences so far are from Seinen which are adult-themed anime. So don't expect some light-hearted action show here.
Seems like you just hate video games in general, go play some generic platformer.
Seek help.
>Constanst 30
I doubt it but that's not exactly something to brag about. Especially with early 360 graphics.
Said who? I mean that would be hype, but I ain't shelling out $60 for a dud
you are evil
Homura Lv. 40
>Oh so you've played it?
>OP: confirmed to be a masterpiece!!!
Oh so you've played it?
Said by people who have played the game. I would be shocked if it scores lower than Fire Emblem.
>censored ass on the boxart
Haha, I'll wait till the real masterpiece shows up in 2030 known as Bayonetta 3.
Something released to make you say that? I'm curious.
Probably talking about the Famitsu reviews, 37/40. But
looks bad as every platinum game, also weebshit so fuck off
The S+ rank gameplay looks good. I don't want to buy a switch though. It's no bloodborne.
Just give me a port of Wonderful 101, I don't care about a fucking remake of a gameboy zelda game, I just want to play Wonderful 101 in handheld mode.
Yes, but regardless of board, every single one Yea Forums is still a sub-board of an anime imageboard
>single digit framerates
I hope Platinum breaks free from Nintendo's grip one day, they've shown to make great work with Nier, but the shit hardware they're forced to work with holds them back.
Sometimes I wonder if Nintendo has a bunch of completed ports and are waiting for droughts.
You know Platinum is 100% independent right? They work with Nintendo because they can't really afford to make their own games and Nintendo has been their most willing partner as of late.
>they've shown to make great work with Nier
fucking what? Excuse me?
Nier was good. Get over it.
Yikes! Every poster in this cringe thread is going to buy this game. It's all cringe Ninsoydos falseflagging
even if it was, why would you hold that up as an exemplary platinum game in comparison to their other, much better, multiplats?
the moment you disassosciate weebshit with uguu moe loli japs perverted ecks dee lmao your life will be better
Honestly, there's so much straight up 100% normie friendly anime/manga/japanese media etc. nowadays it's a wonder that "Ew weebshit" people still exist outside of hardcore ess jay dubyas and insecure men
37 from famitsu for a japanese game is like middle of the road
mgr and automata were very mediocre in terms of gameplay
I don't know why you PC port-beggars and Snoyfaggots ignore the fact that Platinum are making exclusive games for literally every platform. PS4's getting GBF Relink and both PC and PS4 are getting Babylon Fall. So fuck off and talk about video games, you faggots.
Probably because it's recent. Dragging out a ten year old game as the best they can do is a far worse argument.
I gotta say that's my big concern here. Taura's directing and he doesn't have a good track record with combat. Someone else broke this down very eloquently in a post the other day, but he puts in every element that should work in the combat systems he directs, but lets them down in balancing to the point where they're always less than the sum of their parts. I think he also just likes easier games in general. Worried that Astral Chain won't be as fully realized because of that.
I mean DMC5 and Sekiro also got 37s
They did? Then why they are using that score for shitposting?
>Viewtiful Joe = Kamen Rider
>Wonderful 101 = Super Sentai
>Astral Chain = Metal Heroes
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Precure was next on the list, though it might also be Ultraman or Kaiju.
Jokes on you 360 was my favorite console
Yeah that’s how it works
They try to have a major release every month
AC looks more like a combination of the three. The only thing that is missing is a henshin, but that may be during the final boss.
It has a unique action game style wherein you control not just two entities at the same time but the tether between them
Rather than being combo-focused, much of the combat seems to be oriented around more strategic application of spacing, special moves and resource management.
You get 5 different Legions to control and the main character has 3 different weapons.
In addition to each weapon and legion having different unique dual attacks, each Legion has their own upgrade tree wherein you can customize them and their capabilities, but all of this is dependent on the Astral Meter that determines how long they can stay out.
On top of all of that, you also get the benefit where the Legions can be used to solve various puzzles, giving them both a combat use as well as an environmental one
Would Automata count as "Mecha"?
No, in fact, automata doesn't count for anything toku related.
Fair enough.
So means a mecha game is still another thing left on the table for them
>Now that Astral Chain is confirmed to be a masterpiece, what game would you like to see Nintendo make next?
Something about androids and existentialism
>exclusive comes out
>can't discuss game due to excessive shitposting and consolewarring
i hate this fucking board
No, why the fuck would you go for Automata for mecha when THEY MADE A LITERAL FUCKING TRANSFORMERS GAME
Because Yea Forums is retarded and will use any excuse to consolewar
Well, at least I now know a way to shut up anybody shitposting with the Fatmisu's score.
automata was, but not mgr
Gotta realize, as I learned back when I used to join Skype groups and shit with Yea Forums anons, is that the majority of the users here are unironically underage. Like there's probably more 16 year olds than there are employed adults.
Any PC + Switch masterrace here going to enjoy this shit on release? I also got a PS4 but haven't touched it since I finished Bloodborne a week after release lmao
When will this leak?
I remember Fire Emblem leaked like a week before release date.
PC + PS4 + PS4 master race here. Both PS4 and Switch are shit. I only have MHGU on Switch and Bloodborne on PS4. Haven't touched them for 1 year already. Stop riding on our coattail, Nintenbabbies.
Whoa user, sony lets you have TWO ps4s?
one more week bros...
Everything truly exemplary about Nier came from Yoko Taro, not Platinum.
Is there a big focus on non combat stuff? I heard it has investigation parts
I think that's why Astral Chain is including a lot of stuff outside of combat. Taura doesn't really love pure action games and I think anyone going into Astral Chain expecting another pure Platinum action game is going to be disappointed.
Actually I'd say that Vanquish is the mecha game more than Transformers.
Is it just me or does the game seem a little slow?
>S+ rank on the hardest difficulty
>still got hit and used a healing item
lmao this is going to be casual shit
>Well, we have a tokusatsu game so obviously the next logical step is a mahou shoujo game.
I like your thinking
Oh shit glasses confirmed? Also the character in this vid reminds me of accord which makes me want to buy the game
It's okay when Japan does it.
You can remap them.
I would rather have this on PC so it could run 60 fps, but switch will do I suppose. The PS4 is good for nothing, DMCV doesn't even run full 60 on it
>implying you need to play a game to know if its bad or not
yes, correct
that's how forming opinions on the quality of things works
dropped your brain there nigger
An attractive female? Well I'll be damned, this must be a safe game to play then.
>Thought I was gonna talk about how Fucking cool it was to find the Mountain god in BOTW for the 1st time
>Nope fucking console war
Stop being poor niggy
I literal just brought 300$ worth of books video games and stuffed animals for my best friend’s birthday without a second thought
Man the amount of hitstop is still annoying as fuck
There are higher ranks than S+ iirc
You get 8 sub objectives before your main mission
i want some generic seafood
thank god, nobody else wants this trash. wonderful 101 was the last good game platinum ever made without yoko taro carrying them.
>the PC & Switch master race
>tfw the mountain god is a reference to Iwata and the developers used it as a memento to his legacy
It's shit like this that makes vidya worth it at times.
even the bullshots look terrible.
Just go play fucking pong. You clearly do not like video games.
>world triple the size of witcher 3
>36 combinations of melee and ranged weapons to play around with
>tons of tyrants and strong bosses to fight
>great graphics
>game refuses to get bogged down by its story
how the fuck is xcx shit
>PC.ucks and Sonigg.ers will be unable to play the GOTY 2019 and one of the finest games of the genre
Feels good man.
The waifu crap with kill any threads about this game. Even if they somehow become civilized, it'll just be filled with weebs and wannabe trannies showing off their avatars.
>confirmed to be a masterpiece
confirmed by whomst?
The Switch has received 4 amazing exclusives in the last 2 months with 4 more coming before the end of the year. Seethe more.
Not always.
it got fire emblem which while a step up from the 3ds was still a step down from the GBA, and what else? and after this game it has nothing coming for a good while
Characters look horrible and the main story is crap.
can't truly appreciate because I don't know completely what's going on (like people who haven't played XC2 watching its combat) but it looks really fun
even people who did play xenoblade 2 dont understand that shit. i had a friend beat the whole thing without understanding the orb shattering or using chain attacks.
>waiting for scraps
Mobile games can look as great as they want. The problem with mobile games is they're not designed with the mindset of "Lets make a competent game to stand out and stick with people."
Don't give ACfag (You)s
You can't hate on the main story when the game deliberately emphasizes gameplay over story. The story's compelling enough to keep you playing, nothing more or less
Character design is just your opinion
By the people who confirm these things.
Based. Placed my order.
that game is only good for the exploration, the combat is weak as fuck and they make you slog through so much shit to get your first robot. people are only pretending to like X now because 2 was so fucking bad
What does Advent Children have to do with this shit?
my friend has 9 DVD copies of that movie, and he hasnt watched it. i sure wish i never did
the combat's good, there are a lot of different viable builds and strategies plus different bosses force you to take different approaches to fighting them. The skell takes so long to get because you're intended to explore on foot. Once you've been all over Mira on foot then you get a Skell so you can fly to your destinations quickly instead of fast traveling or running
>Absolutely true though, nintendo don't give plat the support or budget they need to achieve this sort of success, why do you think that Plats best games, and best selling games were ones published by Sega, Square Enix and Konami, and not nintendo.
Literally all of their titles but NieR have sold like shit. No, not even Bayo 1, which was their best-selling title from their Sega partnership exceeded sales expectations, so that's still a goddamn fucking commercial failure, it being a critical darling be damned. NieR was the game that saved them from bankruptcy.
Fuck off newfag. If you don't know who the most prolific professional shitposter of this board for the past 5+ years is and can't smell his usual MUH CUTSCENES bullshit a mile away, you don't belong here.
Neither 2 nor X were bad. The only part of either game's combat that was bad was Skell combat, and thankfully you're never forced to use it, and as you say, you don't even have a Skell for half the maingame (which is a good thing).
The hitstop is frankly the least annoying part of AC's combat design. What's annoying is the gigantic slowdown every 2 seconds from the blue sparks, and the unskippable cutscenes for doing a Zandatsu or some other special moves.
It wasn’t even Nier itself either though, it was just 2bs ass.
Neat thing, it looks like if you try and do a chain jump while the chain's partially wrapped around an enemy, it bounces to the enemy first. Not sure what utility that has, but it's cool.
I really wonder how it's going to play in handheld mode with that fucking retarded right stick placement. Playing on the GamePad or Wii U Pro Controller is kino for that alone. Playing on the Switch Pro Controller should be doable. I guess the whole thing can't be so bad because Astral Chain also makes use of the right stick for movement, but man I fucking hate the stupid gimmick of "share the joy of söy by giving another person a Joy-Con!" It's why we don't have a D-Pad on the original model and why it's going to the special boy variant that's coming out in September.
I am extremely on the edge about this game. I love the concept and aesthetic, but I just don't know if I should pull the trigger.
I wish they would've done something more unique with the music. It sounds just like standard JRPG music. They should've gone with jazz or synthwave - something more unique that fits the setting / look / police theme.
True user, true.
>jazz or synthwave
Gran Turismo (I'm not even a Son*gger, Nintenbro here) has spoiled me for the former and if I were to make a game I'd really want to hire people to make music like that for it. But doesn't Bayonetta 1/2's soundtrack lean on that front even if it's intentionally made to sound super femenine?
is this thing going to play closer to DMC or Bayo? the only version of DMC the switch has is the fucking first game which has no substance and guns are better than melee combat. i dont like bayo at all, so if it is too much like that im skipping out
Link awakening literally coming out right after Astral Chain.
I'm mostly talking about stuff like this.
What's in the game just doesn't fit how I view the 80's police anime vibe. It's too standard. I wanted something more Capcom-y.
Shitty remake.
Where my preorder anons at?
Then play a Capcom game.
i forgot about that thing desu, ive still got my GBC copy of DX, so I think ill wait for the holidays to get it
I do, all the time. But there's no denying that this game reeks 90's Capcom vibes. They should've just accepted it and made a funky soundtrack.
Already pre-purchased. This week is a cockblock and it needs to go away as fast as possible
But they didn't, accept it and go away already.
>go already already
I'm 99% buying this game. I'm just having a conversation. Why are you so testy?
I want to see all the customization choices for this game, most I've seen from the imouto are the default, ponytail and dyke haircut.
>trusting reviewers
You fucking loser
I like the setting and the music. The combat concept looks amazing, and there are a lot of fine details in the combat that look great. But there are just as many fine details that need a lot of work, and that's what puts me on edge. The constant slowdowns in combat are the main thing. The slowdown when you spark, the hitstop, the cutscenes, the slowdown while you switch Legions. I was hoping that a higher difficulty would remove some of the slowdown, but it doesn't appear to be the case. And the game seems piss-easy even on the hardest difficulty.
My only complaint with the game so far is that aliasing, which just means I'm gonna have to play this game docked forever.
According to Yea Forums that's the range that means it's actually good though, because it means it's not horrible, but reviewers weren't paid to give it it a 90+.
Idk what it is but I like the hit stop a lot.
This game combat feels heavier and “weighted”.
I’ve been playing, looking and comparing and combat between different games.
DMC > Bayonetta > Neir
Neir combat is by far the flaotiest. Hits having no impact at all. Bayonetta is second.
>doing a Real Impact
>the game freezes for legitimately half a second on impact
Hitstop is the key to crunchy and satisfying combat.
Literally money. People are actually paid .015 usd a post to shitpost here
Its more than they can make at honest work in whatever shithole they live in.
That was shit. He literally just described the game and that's it.
that's not the point why the fuck are secondary buttons performing primary actions?
the face buttons should be the default. retarded design.
Not retarded when you move the legion using right stick. Triggers work fine for soulsbourne/sekiro too. Moving attack to face button makes legion controls/skills and chain jumping more clunky.
no they don't that shit's was awful. dark souls is slow unplayable garbage so I only played a couple of seconds but for Sekiro first thing I did was map sprint to RT, attack to Y & prosthetic to B. made the game much more playable.
Sounds like you went off the rails and into the elephant shit, user. You smell like poo.
So basically the combat's even shitter than neir in terms of the super limited move variety and you have to rely on stupid gimmicks to do other moves.
and it has the same design flaw of wasting dev time making lots of useless shitty weapons with no moves rather than a handful of good versatile weapons.
I'm so glad I didn't buy this shit. Dodged a massive bullet there, holy shit.
dumbed down bayonetta reskin
>Paying 60 bucks for a 1:1 remake of a 10-15 hours game that still holds up today and is easy as fuck to emulate
Please do not.
>it has the same design flaw of wasting dev time making lots of useless shitty weapons with no moves rather than a handful of good versatile weapons.
How is 3 player weapons and 5 legions lots of useless weapons? Each has their purpose and plenty of attacks for each, the legions even have different attacks for each of your 3 weapons.
Why does the main female have such a non-existent ass?
not even that it. it's a very non-actiony action game. it recycles a bunch of mechanics from lots of platinum games but has barely any combat variety and relies too much on the new legion chain gimmick.
I remmber people saying this was going to blow DMC out of the water and it wont even come close to bayonetta. combat will be as bad as nier mark my words.
are you sure there's confirmed only 3 weapons? (not counting guns)
that's even worse. that means they have no excuse for the shit move variety, they just did a bad job.
>i will eat shit from a country that hates me just because their games are on a Nintendo console
why do people who play with that fisher price tablet so stupid?
>not counting guns
Why not? Gun form has its own combos too and does proper damage like baton form and gladius form. Shooting isn't a filler action like in Bayonetta. You haven't even seen the full moveset. New attacks are unlocked as you upgrade the weapon (linear upgrades).
if i had the power to change time i would make the protag of automata a dude. that game would be getting shit on left and right for its pretentious shit story and awful gameplay. the power of ass is indeed strong
hoes mad
>nintenso make
Platinum made it moron
>sonyfags still SEETHING
true. taro fans would still like anything he shits out. but none one else would defend it.
That's the fucking stupidest sentence I've seen typed out by a human all year.
>implying i own a commiestation 4
Hello ACfag
Terraria is garbage
imagine being so indoctrinated by Sony to hate objectively good gameplay
>what game would you like to see Nintendo make next
Are you implying Nintendo made it?
The game has leaked on pirated sites apperently.
Can someone stream it?
[citation needed]
imagine being so indoctrinated by Nintendo to become obsessed with Sony
I’m really disappointed that you can’t control your legion and it just auto attacks that is such wasted potential especially since there’s one attack button
The legion button is pretty much an attack button too, sync attacks are done with it so most combos use both ZL and ZR. Skill attacks use ZL+ X/Y. Even just tapping ZL to send legion out does an attack that's different for each legion (beast does a spinning attack).
You can control it in two player mode
>if you're not a silly faggot you don't belong here
You're not wrong, I guess. You're still the eternal newfag, though. "Thinks he's in good company," or whatever the expression about your kind was.
Considering how this thread went, sonyfags will definitely SEETHE when this comes out.
So how many 0s will they spam on metacritic this time?
My bet is 100
I'm disappointing by heaps of things. the early trailers made it look like a crazy action game with a lot of complex shit you could do. now it's just sort of generic & boring looking.
It basically reminds me of Devastation. Fun, action-packed, fast-paced, but flow-charty.
Source, nigger
Disproven by God I wish this game would be out already so these people would get a clue how the game works. I would've thought by now people know Platinum enough that mechanics are never shown in full until later in-game.
Nah, those fags will Simply lie about what is possible after the game comes out.
Sniyfsgd are already trying to spam it runs horribly, even if it objectively not true
that's not controlling the legion dumbass there's a button you can use to sort of push the legion around but that's it you never have precise control, it attacks by itself. you just use it for gimmick skill moves.
hopefully 2 player is better.
>Okay, then sell me on this game
Why? I don't care about you, I don't know you, you can dislike good things, a 10/10 game doesn't mean something everybody will like.
I was hyped initially, but my excitement/interest has waned since the reveal. The game looks forgettable and the legion mechanic is cool but under developed. It also runs horribly and there's just way too much hitstop for my liking. Looks like another typical 12 hour action game pumped out by platinum.
>snoyfag immediately reveals himself with a generic respond
LOL, every framerate test was rock solid.
Nice try, cuck
reminds me of the stuff you roll up in katamari
Then you mean "play" as the Legion. You have enough control over it since there's 4 fucking buttons and the right stick assigned to it. You just don't send it out to randomly do auto attacks, watch more footage.
Once again people jumping to conclusions over 3 seconds of gameplay. There's a skill tree of each legion for a reason.
Nothing about a leak on /hbg/, lying faggot.
Where the fuck is that leak at my man?
No one is jumping into conclusion. It’s just a bunch of false flag ass blasted onions fanboys seething over another good exclusive coming to switch.
Are there any more games coming to the game voucher pool?
I know Astral Chain is one of them and if nothing else is being added then I might as well use it on that.
just get a new voucher later
>enemy sponges the power...of platinum
it's not their fault console controllers do not let you use face buttons with sticks, you are supposed to move your legion weapon constantly, enjoy clawing like a retard
Chaos Legion rip-off.
>platinum games
>known to make enemies have enough health for you to style on them
Bitch don't act surprised. This is what they do
MGR was all over the place with combat, sometimes shit worked and sometimes it didnt. Lacked consistency.
You need to keep your right thumb free to control your legion, try again.
Idk what a blue spark is, but there IS far too much hit stop for alot of things. I agree about the little combat cinematics
A tasteful amount of crunchy. Attacks that hit stop back to back to back is too crunchy
Chain yank. No jumps in this game.
>legion handles 101 style for movement
That little gimmick was 101s best and absolute worst mechanic. So im hesitant
>no jump
Pick one
Chain jump serves same purpose, and can move you both horizontal and vertical depending on legion's position.
God yes, girls in frilly dresses shooting more beams than the strike freedom or punching the shit out of monsters is the best.
Thats a homing dash nigga. And doing it requires an enemy. That is not a jump buddy.
Now if i could launch my legion in the air without an enemy and chain yank id be saited.
Now go ahead, ask me why a jump is necessary, why i would want to approach from above. Blah blah. Ive squelched these before.
Some user said sword assault MAY allow us to do what i do was saying about yanking into the air WITHOUT an enemy.
>still mad about jump mechanics
Chain jump cannot be done raw with no enemy.
I mean its called chain jump not jump, and chain jump csnnot serve the same purposes raw jumps can.
>there is any jump in the game
Forcing your mind-broken demon partner into the air then making it pull you to them so you can both fuck something up in mid-air is far more stylish than a simple jump, imo.
>Chain jump cannot be done raw with no enemy.
Chain jump itself can be done whenever. Moving the legion vertically is another matter. They go up automatically for large or flying enemies. Other than that it depends on what all the legion attacks are like and what happens when you chain jump during them.
Fucking hell platinum is really taking their trademark unpolished "standing in mid air" animation shit to the extreme.
You dont want both? How about jumping in the air with your leigon and then performing an ATG crush with legion into a combo?
Or jumping into the air, crashing your legion down first and THEN chain yanking for a high impact attack?
As far as we know your scenario only works if an enemy is locked on
stop trying to defend trash. we should have a jump. it's a basic fucking thing and there's no justification for it not being there.
Thank you for showing why they dont want a dedicated jump in the game. Now i understand, i cant move my legion on a z axis because of how it all is.
Sword assault launches sword legion into the air. Will just be a matter of if he needs an enemy to do so. Hopefully not.
oh s-shit. this game is rough.
I was referring purely to the style factor, nothing to do with defending the game mechanics. If the game is designed around it (fights, level layout, controller button layout) it has the potential to be just fine without a dedicated button.
The devs and reviews state it's a slower, more deliberate affair than an all-out action game and for all we know it'll work fine in the context of the game. We don't know it's "trash" without playing it, and nobody here has.
>voice actors and characters talking
>special cinematic animations for attacks
This is what makes games 10/10.
as long as there is no sjw/PC shit, we are good
The legion stops short of the enemy at that distance from what ive seen. This is so the legion (and you if you yank) are well within reach of the enemy
Its being called a stylish action game. And if you are really trying to tell me you dont need to raw jump to style (maybe to avoid an attack without the dodge button, honestly so many examples) then you dont know what styling is.
>slower ordeal
The devs can say what they want, its no slower than bayo from what ive seen, in fact, there is more going on
Fuck the thread. Show me this game’s tiddies.
>rookie girl
>glasses dude
>tough guy
>nice guy MC n°1428
not amused
If the rumours are true they have MPT complete already but they are waiting for a better launch date due to the MP4's delay
There's fucking nothing
Not really, they will just say that DMC5 and Sekiro are shit games aswell, everything has to fit their narrative.
don't you people EVER get tired of shilling nintendo?
What is the Souls series lol
I accidentally brought the game twice.
I pre ordered and fully paid it off 2 months prior completely forgot I did then per ordered it again.
I got 1 reminder from email target and one from GameStop
don't you people ever get tired of shitting up threads about games you clearly have no interest in?
or is it sour grapes?
>cops as the main characters
Yeah, in this sociopolitical climate I think it's very irresponsible for game developers to make this choice. Don't they know that there are millions of people who feel threatened by police?
I for one will not buy this game and will urge others to likewise not support these devs who are actively trying to turn away minorities from their products.
Just kidding. It looks neat.
>The usual suspects are getting so mindraped by a game on a Nintendo console they have to constantly lie and get more and more retarded and deranged.
Another one of these episodes uh?
Sour grapes
Even if this was a multi plat like DQ builders 2 they’d find something to shit on Nintendo about.
>Our version is 30 FPS everywhere enjoy your 5 FPS trash!
That’s wrong they both drop to the low 20’s even the pro does.
It’s just programmed like ass
>Still Sony always win!1!!
Stupid faggots
My favorite Yea Forums blatantly lies about a game to make it seem worse than it actually is
My money is on it snipes a GOTY award from everything
I know it's hard for people to understand this, but it's not like it's an ironclad law that an action game has to have jumping. Frankly, aside from DMC, where it's the main dodge button, jumping's not that useful in most action games, especially Platinum ones. Like, you can just use a rising launcher instead if you want the enemy in the air at the same time as you.
Eh, not so sure, its still a pretty niche game, but I think it can atleast get a nomination.
I actually don't visit Sony threads, I wanna play Uncharted 3 and 4 and TLoU + Yakuza on PC, so didn't buy PS4 (was a Sony fan until PS3) - are their threads as bad as Switch ones? Do Switch owners visit Sony threads and shit them up or is it a one-side narrative of assholes shitting on Nintendo, while Nintendo fans are normal and just talk/play vidya?
Occassional "Movie-game" posting and such, but nowhere near as much shitposting as Nintendo threads gets.
The only retardation I can think of is the use of "humankind" instead of "mankind" in the English localization. Other than that it seems free from that bullshit.
Humankind is a real word though, it has been for a while.
fuck off xcx2 has potential to be goat
According to Merriam Webster, the word Humankind was first used back in 1560.
Fair enough.
Dude there’s a reason Sony fags are considered the worse fanbase even by their own fanbase.
During the DMC V censorship they ripped both DMC threads and /PS4gen/ apart.
1 side hated the censorship the other side said Sony can do no wrong and how dare you question them.
Nintendo weren’t involved nor even aware it was Sony vs Sony.
It’s a 1 sided narrative without Sony shitposters nintendo threads are fairly civil
Apparently Sony thinks tranny are more important than you guys
Weird how it happens, it was quite comfy here during the PS3 era, with worst memes being "no games" and the price, later even very few people gave a shit about nPS3 usually getting clearly the worse performing multiplats. Now Nintendo has a handheld, a literal monster and only handheld on the market, a nice good system that doesn't try to compete with others really, and somehow it's a war? It's weird how people visit these threads and call you a shill for talking about a game, but somehow screaming all the time about 100 million systems sold isn't the same thing.
Just fucking talk about vidya, do some banter, but give less of a shit about it and move on, how hard is it to understand.
I can't get excited for this, not when I've played 5 Platinum games and only liked one enough to finish. Wen's the W101 port?
This for Christ sakes
I’m over here fucking drowning in games but everyone rather be a poorfag nigger instead of actually discussing games.
Sometime in 2020 it’ll get a unceremonious release sell 1 million and get some good recognition
Not every action game needs to be a Bayonetta / DMC clone in general. I don't know if astral chain will be good, but it should be the best at whatever it's trying to be. If people want to play Bayo or DMC, they should play Bayo or DMC.
It does look like a phone game now that you mention it.
It getting tired if you care about shitposter, just ignore them and talk about the game.
Hollow Knight was kino and fun as hell but everytime there's a thread it full of shitposters and falseflag
The problem comes about because there are 8-10 years between Bayo or DMC releases.
This when will people learn don’t feed the fucking troll.
Ignoring them completely is the best way to make them fuck off
Ding ding ding
Holy shit this is almost as bad as that "fun is a buzzword" post. Someone cap this retard
I can’t find it but I know exactly what you’re talking about
>Be this user
>Want to play some Vidya
>Turn on Gameboy
>3 second logo cinematic flashes on screen
>Blood instantly boils because Cutscene
>Tetris screen pops up, slowly dragging itself into frame
>Feel multiple blood vessels in my head pop in frustration of having to wait for this title CUTSCENE
>Music starts playing
>Hit the volume to zero so hard and fast it snaps off the Gameboy completely
>Sounds are not needed for GAMEPLAY
>Finally get to play
>Too stressed to do well, lose fairly soon
>Another cutscenes of the faliure screen flashes on the Gameboy
>I snap my handheld in half and fling it at the wall in primal rage, running out the room and down the stairs where my mother is already waiting for the inevitable.
>I beat her senseless in a blind rage, knocking out what little teeth she had left before stomping on her head and neck
>Fuck cutscenes
>I don't know you
How do you not know ACfag? Have you never posted in a single Metroid, Nintendo-exclusive JRPG, Hollow Knight, Terraria or Bayonetta thread?
Aw shit I thought you meant post the fun is a buzzword screen cap not screen cap him
He's the rabid Terraria fanboy right?
So far people who managed to play the leaked version agrees that it's infinitely superior to DMC V and Sekiro.
August 30th can't come soon enough
Wow, if it's better than DMC5 and Sekiro, maybe my fears were unfounded. After all, DMC5 and Sekiro were both 10/10 masterpieces.
DMC5 was shit and a boringfest but sekiro is good so nice.
Was planning on buying 1st day anyway
Pretty easy to be better than Sekiro. Better action than DMC5? I doubt it with Taura directing. Still going to be a great game though.
Neither of those would be particularly hard to beat
The duality of man
The quadrality of man
>TFW you realise you're actually Jiban with mecha stands
Fucken a/m/azing
Vanquish is Cashaan / Kashern user, it's more like the base Tatsunoko game before P* compeltely loses its mind and makes something as awesome as Infini-T Force but with KARAS in it.
>P* developing a full on Nanoha action game
Bro you just posted cringe
Your gonna lose subscriber!
Well now I know my jap import of the collectors’s edition wasn’t in vain
Are there any other games where you can use a living cat as a hat?
Hopefully the PS5 brings more games with it. Droughts are the worst
You gotta good point there.
Sadly the Playstation managment want fewer but "bigger" games on the PS5 compared to the PS4, so the drought we have right now will probably be the norm for the PS5.
That just seems like backwards as fuck thinking though.
Nintendo players are being absolutely flooded with games.
Just this month I brought DQ builders 2, God eater 3, SAO Fatal bullet and, MUA 3 that’s over 280$ in fucking games dudes
This looks just like code vein but a little bit faster but boring as well looks more like a waifu simulator for weebs beating their dick
But those games don't count you know?
Because muh tendies
On a more serious note, I think Sony are making a grave mistake right now, people lost interest on many of their big games before release, only because they kept showing them up each E3 with very little new stuff. Compared to Nintendo, who are focused on almost always revealing or promoting games that come in the next 6 months, the hype cycle doesn't really have time to die down before the release, while games like Death Stranding has more and more people checking out after each new gameplay reveal because they as far as we know, have overhyped it and are only showing the most banal stuff.
The fuck does this even mean, AAA games already costs millions to make
>God eater 3, SAO Fatal bullet
All the other platforms got those months / years ago. Meanwhile the Switch missed all the big releases this year.
I would kill myself out of boredom if I only had a Switch to play games.
>making Astral Chain
I don't know, ask Shawn Layden about it
t. butthurt Nincel obsessed with Sony.
I’m assuming you pick which twin you play as? Can you switch mid game?
>legit criticism about Nintendo game
>cries about Sony and use victim card
You need medical help Nintendo friend.
i'll pick it up if it's longer than 10 hours. I'm tired of paying full price for Platinum games that I end in a sitting or 2 when I could just buy DQXI and play it for a full month
Well written response user. Therefore, don’t expect him to reply unless this post prompts his autistic need to mass reply everyone
I’d say Scalebound was going for the Kaiju style, but obviously that fell through.
>Join chat with people from Yea Forums
>it’s filled with tryhard, edgy teens trying their hardest to seem anything but
>grimace and leave
Never again. There’s a few cool (adult) people but I’d say it’s not worth wading through the endless Kids and NEETs to find them
I found 4 solid friends for life thanks to chatrooms, it was definitely worth wading through the shit.
I hope the final boss is awesome, Platinum Games always delivers in that...except in Automata but the point of that battle wasn't be awesome but emotional.
You pick one and stick with it. Can't switch. I'm guessing from the collectors edition and other things we've seen that the other twin will probably become the staple platinum "boss with almost identical moveset to player" rival fight.
look at the boards
jesus christ m8
Confirmed 25+ hours for initial playthrough
Xenoblade X2
Holy fucking based
Will I really live the day to see this happen?