What surprises do they have planned for this year?
What surprises do they have planned for this year?
Still existing I guess?
Well Diablo 4 is confirmed. Apparantly there is going to be some sort of Overwatch sequel (expansion pack?). They are also still trying to find a way to deal with the Diablo immortal memes.
Why did they cancel Starcraft FPS?
Literally a game company that doesn't release games.
Now you understand why these big companies invest so much into community. Blizzard fans are literal slaves to their garbage.
More casualized shit games. Autochess maybe.
Warcraft III reforged and probably a new hero for overwatch.
Diablo 4
will you guys ever stop spamming this unrespectful idiot?
some type of fucked up MOBA + battle royale abomination because Blizzard is creatively bankrupt
Overwatch 2
Another broken ass hero for OW
Another mobile game
Overwatch PVE game
New Overwatch hero
Diablo 4
Next WoW Expansion
doesn't matter though because it's modern Blizz and it's not Classic so Yea Forums is going to shit on it regardless. you're better off on Disc to talk about it
another WoW expansion this early?
what do you mean? they always announce one every other year
I know it will never happen because it is both stupid and would outrage fans. But I think it would actually be cool if they announced new expansions for Classic. Not like TBC and Wotlk, but like completely new expansions building up from vanilla again. Like an alternate timeline.
it would be alright, but if they just fucking fixed retail and made it more like classic (which is more likely than Classic+) most people would at least give it another chance
that would be great, If I would olay classic if that was the case.
>Well Diablo 4 is confirmed
No it isn't.
Activision didn't even mention StarCraft in their future dev plans. At least GSL vs. the world was fun.
Hopefully the end of retail WoW.
Do you think they'll bring up Diablo Immortal again or pretend it doesn't exist?
I don't think expansions would be the right thing to do, as they tend to invalidate all content before it. I think adding patches with new raids/dungeons and stuff would be a better plan for Classic.
It's getting to be around that time again, BFA's only got one major raid patch left unless they want to drag it out for whatever reason.
They're going to reveal Overwatch 2. Possibly Diablo 4. That's not much of a surprise though.
Having run out of options, OWL players will be made into official heroes. The League will still be garbage, but at least they'll have another Tracer/Reaper stop motion vid for the fans. In other news, they'll also ship a new character update without basic animations or interactions with the current stable of heroes.
the universal blizzard gameworld
wow + overwatch + diablo + starcraft combined
you can play in a single persistent gameworld in MMORPG/FPS/topdownARPG/RTS modes
Jaina's tits uncensored in HS again.
name of the game? Heroes of the Cyclone
Warcraft Pokemon go
They had been developing it before I got laid off in the 800
A new Overwatch character (trans).
It'd only outrage them if they announced it this blizzcon. If Phase 6 is out before 2020 Blizzcon and most raiding guilds have cleared Naxx and are facing a content drought a new expansion which doesn't invalidate everything would be well recieved. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced Classic polling like OSRS though, Classic's success will have to be mentioned and banked on
But for this year a D4 announcement is their only hope outside of a new IP or a WC3 reforged is available NOW publicity stunt for this blizzcon to even be remembered
>A new WoW expansion that was developed by Chris Metzen and Rob Pardo
>Ion steps down and assumes the role of Blizzard support staff
>In game codes for new classes in Diablo 3, 40 free mount unlocks in WoW, and 100 new vanity pets
the biggest surprise will be the perks for attending. instead of metaphorically fucking their customers like usual, this year, each attendee, upon arrival, will be led into an area of partitioned rooms and be literally fucked in the ass.
Blizzard was unrespectful towards its fanbase in the first place, so our hero merely acted in self defense
companies owe you nothing
They froze the release of Immortal so they can show for D4 and say “DIABLO IMMORTAL IS AVAILABLE TONIGHT!”
And they’ll acknowledge the memes from last year to look hip and in touch with the gamerz.
shut the fuck up bootlicker faggot
Woaw, just look at all those bucks of mine that Blizzard will never get :^)
I'm genuinely shocked they haven't cancelled this year
You chinks need to learn English grammar is you want to be convincing, blizzdrone.
No way they won't show it this time,
because nobody gives a shit about starcraft anymore
Corporate restructuring eliminating lots of employees and replacing 'em with unpaid interns. All time record bonuses for executives.
we don't owe companies shit either, that includes respect.
>Diablo 4 and damage control
>WoW end patch details
>WC3 Remake nonsense
>WoW expac
>Hearthstone shenanigans
>Overwatch being completely disappointing and making everything look better by comparison
>HotS devs talking about content plans but you can see their souls dying in their eyes.
>Ain't gonna happen
>Starcraft being relevant