>3 weeks for GOTY
>Not a single good game inbetween
God, the wait is killing me bros. Wish it was September 13th so I could get my Super Deluxe Edition up and ready
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
remnant from the ashes just came out you fucking retard
>Shit Dark Souls FPS clone
I'm legitimately curious how anyone can be excited for borderlands 3. did you not play 2? how can you have hope for a new entry after that garbage?
No spit screen mutliplayer
And into the bin it goes.
Milk boy thinks bl2 was better than bl1
Only problems with 2 was slag, and loot randomisation, both which are fixed in 3. If you can't filter out lame jokes then you have autism.
because he's a normalfag that doesn't mind the garbage tactics that randy has been pulling since borderlands 1.
Cant wait till the anti-tamper is defeated and its released. Don't even really care who cracks it first.
BL1 - 7.5/10
BL1 DLC - 8.5/10
BL2 - 7/10
BL2 DLC - 7/10
BPtPS - 2/10 at best
Tales - 6+/10
I have well over thousand hours in BL2, level 80 all characters countless times etc, plenty of hours in Bl1 which I think I like a bit more than 2 desu. Looking forward to BL3, but not as much as if it came out like a year ago, took waaaay too long.
I can't wait to play with FL4K, he is such sn interesting character.
>Past 18
>Still caring about the term GOTY
>Still using the the term bro
I can imagine why a normalfag like you, would like this game.
>best gameplay in the series
Amara's abs are for
That and that stupid fucking Telltale game. The only thing drawing me to Borderlands 3 is those abs
has no style
Sad that Amara doesn't interest me (Fl4k will be my main).
Her endgame builds look pretty cool
all the characters are shit
killing children of the vault scum
Zane will be my main, but Fl4k definitely looks interesting with all his summonable pets.
Ned : 5/10
Moxxi : 3/10
Claptrap: 6/10
Knoxx: 7/10
Captain Scarlet: 6.5/10
Torgue: 7.5/10
Hammerlock: 4/10
Tiny Tina: 10/10
Holodome: 2/10
Claptastic Voyage: 9/10
>Tales from the Borderlands
the problem is how fucking short it is
better for replayability
>BL2 anywhere near BL1
>let alone above it
you have to go back
>Supposed leak said Animal Crossing was coming out on my birthday
>Instead it's this shit
I bet you dont even play New Leaf anymore
>best gameplay
>large empty maps with wet paper mobs
That's Yea Forumseddit for you.
>BL1 better than anything
>better than anything
Shit skill trees and action skills
Shit quest design (kill X, collect Y, destroy Z over and over for the entire game)
Bad bosses
Lackluster level design
One dimensional characters
Lackluster OST
It was a tech demo for BL2, the superior game.
Why should he? There’s nothing left in that town.
I refuse to believe that I share this board with faggots who unironically play these garbage games
you niggers are trolling
>Level design = gameplay
Full retard. It had the best and most diverse gameplay thanks to the addition of cryo, buttslam and removal of slag which lead to a more balanced UVHM. Also some of the best Vault Hunters in the series.
Whoah, we got a BAD ASS over here!
user, I feel guilty about it every day but you do realise that game came out seven years ago now, right?
>its third person
lmao what a fuckin idiot retard
Said no one, ever.
You're allowed to have opinions, even if they're wrong.
I mean, Yea Forums's taste isn't any better, most of what gets praised in this board is shit.
Same, i'm looking forward to it as well, my friend Tim got me a free copy so I'm excited
>One dimensional characters
this is applicable to the entire series
The general consensus is that BL2 is leagues above BL1 though, so technically your opinion is that one that's wrong though
Keep on seething though, BL1kek
literally how is walking around in an empty map not gameplay?
>Also some of the best Vault Hunters in the series.
yeah Wilhelm is easily one of my favorite VH's but everything felt way too op
claptrap/nisha/jack felt designed to the point where they were retard proof
>aaarrggghhh why am I so superior to everyone
Borderlands 1 IS shit. That is very clear.
>The general consensus is that BL2 is leagues above BL1 though
[citation needed]
Doesn't change the fact that is shit.
>[citation needed]
reddit faggot
so you have nothing to back up that claim
very nice
22 million, better reviews than BL1, BL2 is much more memorable and the one people remember when anyone talks about Borderlands.
Face it subhuman BL1cuck, you're the minority.
I'll keep waiting for actual proof.
now that you got easily proved wrong, be quiet ok kiddo?
This isn't about BL1 being better, it's about BL2 being worse.
>It was a tech demo
It was a video game. Meanwhile, BL2 is a reddit post with gameplay.
i mean i can make up things too, for example
the general consensus is that you suck dicks for a living and are also a chinese bugman
doesnt mean people are going to believe what you say
Daemon x machina
Blasphemous my nigga
>GOTY Edition
nice try
seeand shush
tummy rubs
>BL2 is much more memorable and the one people remember when anyone talks about Borderlands.
out yo ass
lol, dumbass. I see what you did there.
Its adorable you think anyone is seething over your dumbass opinion.
Still going to play 3, just wont be handing any money over to Randy Bitchford.
And tragedies are more memorable than just having a good day.
How in the ever-loving fuck can you rate the Claptrap DLC higher than Neds?
Tiny Tina's was absolutely the best of the DLC for 2.
>Tiny Tina's was absolutely the best
t. anthony burch putting in a good word for his sister
I don't know why anyone likes these games. Retard 14 year old tier humour and bullet sponge enemies don't make a good FPS.
But then I'm looking forward to Greedfall which is bound to be jank, so what do I know.
>wanting yearly releases for AC
what the fuck am I reading
Dipshit alert
Borderlands 1 at least had the excuse it was trying something new. Borderlands 2 has no excuse whatsoever.
fuck are you on about
Everyone agrees 2's loot system is trash.
you can't full me anthony
>Yea Forumseddit
go full yourself with some jizz, retard
everyone thinks this
it's not just a 4channel thing
Borderlands loot in general is trash.
>thousands of guns!
>yeah but you'll only use a handful and sell the rest
Save scumming isn't fun. Don't try to argue for it, because you'll come as more retarded than you already are.
Don't give a fuck about the game, I only care about some sweet sweet muscle futa.
Thanks for the ignorant post. Really helpful.
>complain there isn't enough
>complain there is too much
fuck gamers
Oh and a useless class, too. Axton is a joke.
Didn't realize I represented all gamers. Neat.
Aurelia > Gaige > Lilith > Maya > Nisha > Athena
Playable girls in order of best to worst.
shit taste
>super can't be used in the majority of big enemies and bosses
>athena's shield can regen health, do ridiculous damage, protect you from damage and is 15 sec recharge
wrong by a mile
name 1 game you think it worth my time this year.
Your mom
Death Stringbeans
penis wrestling
1 - Lilith
2 - Maya
PS - Athena
3 - ?
Who do I pick in 3? Athena was my favourite from the previous games.
The loot system WAS bad in 2.
99.9% of gear is straight trash. There's a dozen severely overused weapons (grog nozzle, norfleet, unkempt harold, etc.) and a slightly larger pool of weapons that work with certain builds (like a Hellborn Krieg using a Hellfire). Due to the retarded scaling in the later difficulties you're pigeonholed into using these. For a game about loot and touting the 'bazillion' guns you can get, it looks bad when the number of viable options is in the double digits.
Amara, obviously.
come on now. we all know this game is old and overrated and everybody have played it
Her skills seem boring
>Level design = gameplay
literally yes, good mechanics without good level and enemy design is meaningless
>inb4 only Yea Forums thinks this
this, from the "BILLIONZ OF GUNS" the game advertised itself as having, by endgame you end up using only 4 at best, its a fucking joke
>that voice acting
>those animations
glad they addressed this in 3
you really arent forced to use anything except moxxi really.
the only time id say the game really pigeonholes you is op levels or raid bosses
the whole "you NEED norfleet/bee/sandhawk' is literally a youtube reddit/meme
for example even on op 8 a purple jakobs assault rifle easily rips through trash mobs
Nah, GOTY is less than a week away.
kill yourself retard
Hey nice reading comprehension
BL1 - 7.5/10
BL2 - 7/10
>Let alone above it
>Not a single good game inbetween
You can play games other than ones that literally just released, you stupid zoomer fuck.
how am i a retard for not being bad at the game
obviously he meant the second post you illiterate retard
having them so close is still beyond retarded too
>nublizz classic wow
I enjoyed 1, 2, and the pre-sequel. They're just really fun games to me.
2 is one of my favorite videogames, so yeah, I'm excited for 3
how dare you like things he doesn't like because he wants to fit in?
fuck what was I thinking
Claptrap maybe reused content, but Ned was just shit. A 1 hour long zombie shitfest with terrible quests and enemies that make you move slower and 2 "survive" moments where you have to kill horde and horde of zombies.
Feels more like a headhunter DLC than an actual campaign dlc
sorry you cant enjoy nice things
Ease the samefag
Not that, its just from what I've seen so far, they are already butchering what made Vanilla good
Wow thanks for busting this one Sherlock, it was so hard to tell.
>eating shit while playing nu-blizzard 15 dollarios a month
Yeah, nice things
She's a dyke isn't she?
I said ease it, where did I say "look a samefag, everyone"? Now stop samefagging so hard it's embarrassing.
take your meds
take your meds!
yes, it's been confirmed that she is indeed a lesbian.
>shilling this blatantly
kill yourself randy
post source
it was some twitter post by some dev (think it was Varnell). Sadly I don't use twitter, or know how to navigate it, so I can't find the particular tweet.
All he said was that was a funny coincidence that Amara was compared to some Blunderborn character who is a lesbian, he didn't say she was a carpet muncher nor imply it
I guess you're right. I don't care at all about the sexuality or pronouns of any character.
Sauce? Also how easy is it to find Twitter art about specific characters?
Fuck off Randy.
Paul Sage
LOL XD Im anthony cuck and I wrote the bessssttr hahaha BIG BOOGERTITS RANDOM LOL game ever and yyyyooouu caaant wait to see this XD game that Injust made BORDERLANDS 3 x3 times as good as Bordelrands 2 thats like math AND BLOOD
Haha see you in the shed
dilate seethe then have sex incel
weeks for GOTY
Wrong, tranny, only 4 days
I wish Moze had a Russian accent. Kinda disappointing she's just a generic Amerifat.
kill yourself retard
based. anyone who plays and unironically enjoys brainless looter-shooters is part of the cancer killing video games.
only cancer is you
you faggots have been claiming cancer has been killing video games for well over a decade
people like things you don't
get the fuck out it you child
>shilling randy's awful game
fuck you bitch