I think he is right, MMOs are boring grindfest with shit gameplay

I think he is right, MMOs are boring grindfest with shit gameplay

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How to tell if someone's IQ is in the double digits.
>Dude what if Pokemon was an MMO!


Maybe Miyamoto hasn't fully lost his head after all

MMOs, like Communism, simply haven't been done correctly yet.

And by this logic it never will be either.

Because Pokemon in it's current state is way better than an MMO would be?

>implying anyone wants an MMO from Nintendo which is notorious for having shit online services


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Yeah, I agree with him too. Plus, I prefer to be able to play my games for as long as I want without worrying about servers getting shut down 4-12 years later. I honestly think that all MMO should offer offline single player modes and well as lan multiplayer

I mean he's right is he not?

He's right. MMO are the lowest of the low for games. They have more in common with jobs. They seek to be 'life like', but people forget that life sucks. The reason that games are fun, is because they are fleeting. Trying to constantly have something to do in an otherwise static world just leads to people trying to accomplish things as fast as possible so that they 'aren't wasting time'.

MMOs will always die because of this, leaving broken people that wish for things to remain like they always were, because they inevitably use the MMO for a social replacement.

Just make an MMO that you only pay for once no costume packs no gacha shit no paying for levels.

nobody wants to make an MMO in the current year

MMOs could be good if they stopped the themepark shit that WoW started

>Pokemon games are currently shit
>Should we fix them?

No costume packs
Fuck off you dicklet

Doesn't Pokemon Go kind of prove that it could work?

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With butchered gameplay?

The point is you can just buy Pokemon and then go meet up with a friend who also bought the game and play together. What would being an MMO add? Raiding? Dungeons as a party? It's fundamentally something you do as one on one duels. Like if Pokemon implemented a Doubles challenge in the Pokemon League, that'd be fun but that doesn't need an MMO.

Yeah that sounds like a really sustainable business model.

MMOs are a weird animal to pin down. Warframe can be nothing but grinding for items but it's still fun as an fps to play. Eve Online would be boring as fuck if it weren't for the real loss of ships and property and actual wars involving hundreds of players.

Just offer something good to make up for the grind.

If you're making a theme park MMO it'd absolutely would

Pokemon basically is an MMO though. Its massive and its multiplayer and the only reason people play it anymore is the online.

he's not saying MMO's are boring, he's saying that an MMO made by him would be boring

They're not getting fixed without a major flop or overhaul.

I've never played an MMORPG, but from what I gathered, leveling up and doing quests is pretty much padding, the real game is organizing fights against bosses?

Pokemon Go was a short lived fad that only got as popular as it did because people kept finding crazy shit while trying to catch Pokemon, and it helped to fuel youtube channels going for that whole "gone wrong" click bait angle as people supposedly trespassed onto private property and was promptly shot at.

>Proceeds to make mobile cash grab gacha trash

MMO's were supposed to be RP forums with a crappy game tacked on but only the crappy game is all thats left nowadays.

>and the only reason people play it anymore is the online.
Surely you don't actually believe this, right? Step outside Yea Forums.

Those are the WoW clones, yes. There are other games that play differently like Vindictus and Realm of the Mad God.

Quote thread?

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The real issue has always been twofold.
>GF is a small company that doesn't have the staff to handle large scale modern gaming titles.
>Pokemon is in and of itself a corporate machine, and GF is obligated to keep releasing yearly titles to keep this machine moving. If GF delays a game, that fucks over the anime, card game, movies, etc.
The whole situation is fucked, and yeah it requires some major overhaul, not just from GF but from Pokemon Company as a whole.

>The point is you can just buy Pokemon and then go meet up with a friend who also bought the game and play together.
What if you can't go meet your friend?

>What would being an MMO add?
A continent worth of explorable area instead of a shitty parody of a real-world location, hopefully

Raids are cancer and they put that into single player Pokémon anyway

>Dungeons as a party?
One of Platinum's best features was teaming up with an NPC and fighting wild double battes. Why not do that again? Just make it with another player.

>It's fundamentally something you do as one on one duels.
Only because they drop every gimmick as soon as they make it. Pokéathlon, Contests, following Pokémon, Safari Zone, fashion...these could all be expanded upon even if confined to 10% of an online game world.

What made you think that?

Not an MMO, but with the current way the series goes, it may be best to just either wait several years between games and then absolutely nothing...

...or release a game and keep it alive with constant updates like new Pokémon (so incomplete national dex if needs be like tons of new animation work requiring it) or even new regions over the course of the entire generation of 3-4 years. And maybe even beyond.

As much as I usually dislike the "live game" shit, I think it could work with Pokémon if done right.
Because one game each year is not gonna result in quality, but Nintendo still wants dem Pokébux.

MMOs are fucking garbage and fuck you all who fall for classic wow shit
keep sucking blizzard's dick
fuck mmos for killing warcraft

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>the man who personally okayed THIS abomination is now complaining about games being "boring"

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Boring to make, or he knows he can’t make it fun or just boring in general?

>Miyamoto is responsible for every flop Nintendo makes
Why does Yea Forums love this narrative?
Does Miyamoto even give a shit about Metroid?

MMORPGS are Gacha games of yesteryear.
>dude higher levels
>dude rare 0,01% chance rare equipment
>dude grind same dungeons over and over
>dude just pay for more content/premium

You are such a retard ACfag.
That's SAKAmoto, not MIYAmoto.


Sakamoto MADE it, but Miyamoto was his personal yes man and said nothing but good things about it. Same with Reggie Filsaime, before he left Nintendo. Infact, in interviews he's quoted as calling it a "great game".


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>Man who's job is to sell games is trying to sell a game

Well its true. Just look at Xenoblade 2. It was a snorefest

>A continent worth of explorable area instead of a shitty parody of a real-world location, hopefully
Is that all? You'd want a theme park to look at things?
>One of Platinum's best features was teaming up with an NPC and fighting wild double battes. Why not do that again? Just make it with another player.
Doesn't necessarily have to be an MMO. Just have a friend code and do a tower or subway or something
>Following Pokémon
Yeah hot damn that'd be fun with 20 other retards running around
>Safari Zone
ID cards
The idea of it being an MMO does not add a damned thing. The games themselves serve as a fine vehicle.

>but Miyamoto was his personal yes man
He had literally nothing to do with it. Even then that's still not okaying it.
Classic ACfag not knowing how to English

So he makes an open world game instead?

To what one

retard obviously the goal is not to cum because its a challenge, its harder not to cum to the porn than to cum

i liked it

nitendo couldn't if they wanted to, they cant into online games
all their online services and netcode in games suck

I pity people who play MMOs regularly

It's still really big, boss. They keep adding shit constantly. Also, thats a stupid ass conspiracy. It got big because it was free, on phones, and because it was pokemon so also had a nostalgia angle.
Go outside.

Admit you are ACfag NOW!

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I think he meant if he himself specifically made an MMO that his personally made MMO be boring.
I agree.
He needs to resign like Reggie died because he became soulless, won't make Pikmin 4, and ruined the Paper Mario series.

I feel like the people who say netcode here in a context like this don't actually know what it means.

This is the problem. There are so many features that people just accept as being part of MMOs, that when you really think about them don't inherently follow from the basic idea of RPG + multiplayer

Not an expert on the genre, but aren't MMOs basically a rip off? You pay for the game and then you pay every month to have the "honor" of playing the game? Because that sounds awful.

>but Miyamoto was his personal yes man and said nothing but good things about it
It's amazing how all these Nintendo insiders browse Yea Forums.
>Same with Reggie Filsaime, before he left Nintendo. Infact, in interviews he's quoted as calling it a "great game".
Alright? Are they supposed to say it's irredeemable trash? This is why you don't work as PR.

So many problems with MMOs as a genre is a result of the subscription model. Both the players and the publishers believe that the game should be playable continuously forever, which is why it always ends up attracting addicts

Not all MMOs require a paid subscription.

>Nintendo is our friend
>it's okay if their PR department lies for the sake of making more money

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a shoddy "friend" to me.

>only one revenue source
>current year
It's not going to be a MMO of high or medium or even low quality as it would have a ridiculously high retail price. The only games like what you described are those shitty asset flips that Sterling plays.

>Adapting your world renowned IP's to successful market trends is somehow a bad idea


Does anyone here even still play MMOs besides WoW and the occasional MS player?
I just got back into Elsword after a long break of several years and I'm enjoying it

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>it's okay if their PR department lies for the sake of making more money
It's not okay, but that's how business works. They aren't going to shit on their product on say, "yeah... this game kinda sucks."
Are you absolutely incapable of common sense?

Who the fuck even asked him this question? That's the most random shit I've seen in my life. It makes more sense to ask him why hasn't he made a horror game since he's been involved with almost every genre except that

He's right. MMORPG gameplay is the most monotonous and boring shit imaginable.

>dude tab-target + hotbar spam
>dude go from section to section doing the same boring ass unmemorable quests
>dude just crunch numbers all day

MMOs were extremely fun until WoW made MMOs more about mindless grinding and less about immersive community adventure.

>It's not okay, but that's how business works. They aren't going to shit on their product on say, "yeah... this game kinda sucks."
Except Nintendo isn't a business. They're "oure best friend in the whole world". They wouldn't do something so greedy, otherwise they'd be just as bad as the competition.

What even is your point here. No one in this thread seriously believes this.

>no one has ever white knighted a company to the extent that they consider them like family

First day on Yea Forums?

Sounds like the Japs would love it then.

I wish I could enjoy Elsword, but everything is too expensive on the main server and potions are too rampant on the private one so everyone just keeps spamming screenclearers in every level, which I'm not sure isn't a thing in the main one too
Has that changed at all maybe

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Fuck Miyamoto
He spits on every Korean saying things like that.
MOBAs and MMOs are the greatest games ever.
Fucker should apologize

You may think that, and it's not wrong, but PokeMMO is based.


with p2p connections no chance in hell? They can't even get a 4 player 2D mario game to work.

He doesn't have the brains to make an MMO.

The Switch wouldn't be able to handle it anyway.

Yes, because everyone knows that what pokemon really needed was for every route to be filled with smogon tryhards running 5-poke baton pass to garchomp

I only play the main server
From when I last played compared to now, it appears that they have ever so slightly improved the player market, I just got a pretty IB hair for my Eve for 200m, last time I was here they went for 500 minimum, unless it was the AA or ESPO sets. Amulets have gone WAY down in price, +8 is about 30m on average now and +7 is basically worthless. Quests in the game give you a +8 unique L90 weapon and a +9 amulet that can only be used on said weapon, although you'd want the legend weapon from Add's dungeon (they just raised the drop rate and I got one). There is also an ED shop now that sells fetch aura for 100m, which is much cheaper than the ones you can buy off of players (500).
The whole player economy now revolves around items called El Tears, which are used to upgrade a set of endgame armor you get for free. People now make big ED fortunes off of these. You can make a good chunk of change selling them.
>screenclearers and pot-chugging
Every dungeon until you like it, although I'm a little more biased for that because I play the absolute most reliant on MP pots class in the entire game (Code: Sariel) that can't function at all without them. In late game only extremely powerful players can do this, and this is simply because of the immense stat debuff for all demon realm dungeons that usually prevents this unless they're some gigachad with a +11 raid weapon. I'm not one of those players, I just barely hit 220k.
The actual problem is that you can't enter late game dungeons unless you meet a certain power level. Said power level is ridiculous to get to, even though they just gave everyone a huge boost (except Rose, who they just took a huge dump on for some inexplicable reason since she was already bottom tier).

Overall I'm more of a casual player who is just in for the dressup for my Eve and it's going alright for me.

The pokemon equivalent of dueling a warrior.

The basedness about it is that they finally nutted up a Pokemon MMO and every sperg finally shut up about the concept.

uo did it right with full loot pvp
modern mmos are just barbie dress up games

nintendies dont like a challenge

>dress up
Guilty as charged (3 posts above), although I never end up actually using the pretty outfits because the ugly costume suit that covers them is needed to eke out extra stats to clear dungeons.

is it wrong to say most of his games were boring

Modern MMOs with transmog systems let you have the best of both worlds unless you're going all in RP gear and need cloth gear on your plate wearing character to style.


and how are the server costs and upkeep going to be paid for?

The problem is while it does have a cosmetic function (i.e. register item X and you can use the appearance of it while wearing item Y) the costume suit is an separate slot worth of stats to get (a whole extra custom stat slot basically, like an extra piece of armor), and the only way to cover up that bastard is to use an invisible suit, which is rather expensive just for looks.

>Dude, like... what if Zelda was... was... Hold on! Hear me out, bruh. What if Zelda was an open world sandbox game.

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Literally anything is better than current pokemon maineline games may as well make a mmo

Yeah he is. Even shit like Runescape is boring on a basic level disregarding nostalgia. Dont see why anyone would willingly play one.

I don't get why people think botw is such a drastic change. Zelda has always been about big open areas. It's just that it was all linear in progression and where you can actually travel.

>It's just that it was all linear in progression and where you can actually travel.
The NES game was fairly open with where you could go. Also I did enjoy skipping bosses once I got the *Dungeon Tool* in Link to the Past and moving on to the next thing.

user, all Zelda games have a good score. You can slap the Zelda brand on any game and braindead journos will give it a good score.

I was wondering why ACfag suddenly disappeared from the Astral Chain thread.

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>even if we get a pokemon like pic related, it will probably be a shitty MMO
fucking pixelmon is better than anything gamefreak could make

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>how are we going to pay for it

just take the revenue from the military fps game industrial complex or something you drumpflican russian bots!

>Pokemon basically is an MMO though

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Welp, guess I like Miyamoto again.

Newfags posting straight from reddit is embarrassing

PokeMMO exists and it's the best MMO out right now.

persistent online game world where everything looks like plastic lego, because that's what every nintendo games looks like nowadays apparently.
gameplay is grinding battles in a biome trying to catch the .003% rare pokemon that can appear there--you also have to defeat it even if it does show up, if it beat you then you suck and if it Flees then ooooh nooooo that sucks
strictly consensual pvp, likely restricted to Gym duels
daily log-in tasks to collect badges
lacks story/plot because it's YOUR story not Ash Ketchum's
no Team Rocket shenanigans providing comedic relief and accidentally instigating ADVENTURE
you know, it would sort of be boring.

Holy shit, you are exactly right. Communism can never work because more than a few people and the system collapses due to too many interests and needs not being met under the retarded system put in place trying to make some blanket "equality". The Have-nots never become prosperous nor productive; only the people who provide go from being Haves to being just as poor and therefore no longer able to provide as the have-nots.

MMOs also never work for the same reason. Having a "massive" number of people does absolutely nothing for the game except add a ton of unnecessary overhead and tedium even though all MMOs are basically solo adventures and small party quests now. Just like communism, MMOs are a very bland world that provides a mostly uniform and "do your job" based environment (with that Trinity garbage) where there's no real growth or exploration. Shit just involves sucking money from the whales (the Haves) while the majority wallow in their own shit until the game eventually folds as the whales die off.

The future of MMOs are in games like Minecraft - individual worlds/servers run by aspiring people within the community, catering to a small group of people who can build and adventure as their needs see fit. And unlike MMOs which are rigid and locked up, Minecraft and the like allow for mods and endless experimentation.
Those kinds of games are basically capitalism, a system that works and can be "done correctly" unlike Communism which fails at its very foundation.

Yeah it plays like an MMO

MMOs can be good, it's just not a good business model yet and the investment entry would be too much for our current tech.
MMORPGs are a futuristic concept that were rushed too early to make a buck, and ended up striking gold with skinnerbox grind subscriptions like WoW. We're simply not at the tech level to support an MMORPG that doesn't such and makes enough money to be sustainable.

This hack has been irrelevant for over 20+ years.

Miyazaki, Kojima, Fumito Ueda, Yoko Taro all surpassed him in terms of relevance since.

>The year of our lord two thousand and nineteen
>Pokemon games still don't look like this
Miyamoto has no room to criticize anything, the Pokemon franchise has been fucking dead and boring for decades. I don't give a fuck what game typology he likes or doesn't like, he needs to fucking get me a goddamn open world 3D third person multiplayer pokemon game that doesn't look like its graphics engine was nigger rigged together out of three potato-clock building kits from a 90s educational toy store and a broken gameboy advance SD and cut the fucking bullshit

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It's really funny that you would think this

>Go out into the world and "adventure"
>Assault random monsters because reasons
>Multiple factions like all the Teams
>All the Pokemon literally level up

Pokemon has been an MMO since gen 1. All it needs is multiplayer.

The only difference would be seeing other faggots running around. There's nothing to actually do with other people that you can't do already. "Group" content would just be everyone fighting a single enemy, so no different than single player. PSS was basically an MMO already except players showed up as icons in your menu.

>All it needs is multiplayer
Yeah it's called going to the Pokemon center and linking up with real people. Double Digits.

but pokemon is already a grindfest

mmos haven't changed since everquest

that's what guild wars was and it was good

Couldn’t come up with a more perfect filter for naive normie brainlets who have zero idea how the world works

The concept of games with a decent amount of content and/or difficulty is completely foreign to this chink and Nintendo in general.

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Currently playing an mmo right now, he's not wrong.

>How to tell if someone's IQ is in the double digits.
>double digits
Isn't that a bit too high?

Realm of the madgod is an MMO? I remember playing that years ago and did everything single player