Fighting game girls

Post your faves

Attached: __jack_o_valentine_guilty_gear_drawn_by_suwaiya__f149b86fb6625399a5ed4f3f30cf9fa9.png (3100x2200, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I want I-no to insult me and step on my dick.

Attached: ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_530583-520x884-guilty+gear-i-no-pizaya-single-tall+image-short+hair.png (520x884, 247K)

Attached: 1564626397458.jpg (638x558, 64K)



Attached: 1540486258829.png (800x1035, 461K)

for me it's leona

Attached: 59240418_p20.jpg (1024x1280, 728K)

CB thread

A man of taste.

>this thread

Attached: Screenshot_20190822-111646~2.png (480x598, 237K)


Attached: 1548975340178.png (938x950, 324K)

fuck year wacky gun lolis

Attached: cock bulleta3.png (896x946, 360K)

Attached: 011d3f411c07b9282d5de66539a044a5.jpg (2123x3013, 785K)

good thread

aw, I'm sad that they don't get along. Tru fax, tho, they'd get on like a house on fire.

Attached: c651c78c020a2e5b9919fac0f0008ffc.jpg (750x1000, 387K)

why would you post an /e/ thread here?

Attached: EDE4E199-F456-4A88-A94E-77D176078506.jpg (880x1245, 132K)

Attached: cumbrains btfo.jpg (772x2875, 457K)

Underrated cutie and easily the most fun character in a fighting game for me.

God tier zoning and a full screen teleport on landing any heavy normal or projectile on hit or block.

Attached: b8001292d8a4713b231d061fde7bc82e.jpg (1133x1200, 563K)

good friends can still squabble

Attached: cock bulleta.jpg (917x788, 392K)

he's a jambrain

Y'know I gotta hand it to these ebin invaders, they have held on for a bit longer than I expected

Attached: jam frust.png (666x700, 667K)

Attached: 6cb93a749ffba5abf8e789b5756d59db.jpg (754x550, 165K)

Say it with me:

love those torpedos

Still counts

Attached: poison chec.jpg (900x1465, 374K)

you won't get away with this, asshole

Attached: ebin.png (240x24, 1K)

I want her to destroy my asshole with her massive cock

Attached: yuri.gif (320x512, 76K)


Attached: Felicia_DarkStalkers_03.jpg (443x500, 48K)

pathetic wh*tebois got C.UM IN BRAIN

Attached: 0a970598e11fcece1a25aa072ade2532.jpg (960x800, 264K)

Attached: 1520158609542.jpg (1000x1250, 374K)

awful lot of seedstems in here

Attached: ibuki.jpg (927x1500, 562K)

I genuinely love Double, she's amazing

Good fuckin taste

Attached: 1532471641082.png (627x900, 176K)

Are girls who happen to be in fighting games allowed?

Attached: 1385089880189.gif (159x143, 83K)

Attached: 16D2C1EF-EE5B-48CE-8D0F-53303E72E367.jpg (723x1024, 106K)

Wow the left really can't meme.

Attached: plat behind.png (759x1000, 759K)

Fuck off gamers

How big is her dick?

Attached: Baikenwalk7.gif (800x450, 2.12M)


best guilty gear waifu?


Attached: plat puff.jpg (1000x1094, 315K)

I want I-no to avert her eyes bashfully as we try to meet our eyes!

Attached: Screenshot 2018-10-15 11.55.01.png (1280x720, 318K)

good answer lol

>Tanabe's Blazblue doujin featuring Mai from C94 finally got scanned

At fucking last.

Attached: 586140_20180826133416_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.82M)

You have good taste too

Attached: You would.jpg (702x1000, 379K)

Attached: 1558036045509.png (842x929, 883K)


Attached: acb009d3f97a5264f76c90762cf4d914 (2).jpg (707x1000, 93K)


definitely would

I'm a right winger, jizzskull.

Yuri is way better than Sakura. Would fap to Yuri anyday

Attached: 76147886_p0.jpg (2000x1200, 1.79M)

Nu is the best one

Morrigan and Roll.

Attached: plat queen.jpg (1214x860, 1.33M)

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Attached: B7E26ED3-8DC8-4609-BEC8-67B9ACA82162.jpg (513x1000, 78K)


stop jerking off retard

Attached: BP2LgFA.jpg (500x375, 22K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-10 03.28.38.png (1280x720, 366K)

what a fitting image for someone who's just shit-talking.

K is a lucky guide

Attached: __kula_diamond_the_king_of_fighters_drawn_by_shunin__51178c4554e8b1f9e2822e269e5e0628.jpg (517x900, 468K)

She's back

Attached: --cassandra-alexandra-soulcalibur-drawn-by-4st-injection--213ceab90ae3fd233f115830c17e70ad.jpg (1000x701, 258K)

Baiken has big slabs of bacon

I suspect they'll be even bigger in the next game

Attached: C-9i8-VUMAAMwfv.jpg (1016x1168, 146K)

should they be though? I like the size she's at now at least

Attached: platinum getting demolished.gif (618x432, 45K)

It's never enough

Attached: baiken 72.jpg (745x743, 140K)

Attached: D7mPVnMUcAEwI4O.jpg (1115x1200, 234K)

Attached: Dk5s7WoV4AAEzqD.jpg (903x1200, 155K)


Attached: helga.jpg (1280x1280, 465K)

Attached: 1565656433272.jpg (1179x1083, 822K)

which fighting game has the "best" move sets

Attached: 1565558381772.jpg (3821x1200, 709K)

Attached: 1550289389634.png (1589x1937, 1.04M)


Attached: 1518082844890.gif (580x850, 840K)

Attached: top heavy.webm (920x770, 2.23M)

she better be in GG 2020

Attached: Ramlethal smile.jpg (848x1200, 144K)

Attached: 1561362522865.gif (800x450, 2.19M)

these threads are pathetic have sex


Attached: DAlbLa7XcAIevpA.jpg (844x1200, 167K)

My favorite

Attached: Bleh.png (260x189, 38K)

Attached: bik.jpg (798x1001, 115K)

Attached: val82.jpg (946x1544, 1.14M)

Attached: 1561389672335.png (637x898, 372K)

Incoming best girl

Attached: 60035164_p1.png (1524x2400, 3.77M)

Peacock got me to try zoners

Attached: That's all folks.gif (360x359, 367K)

Attached: Crouch.gif (346x292, 57K)

which fighting girl should I jerk off to

okay, but what's he holding in the first one?
and where can I get one?


Attached: Lisa's Replacement.jpg (556x556, 60K)


Attached: 1543938778219.jpg (225x225, 18K)

I see you are a man of culture as well.
I've always been a fan of skimpy, tan/slightly darkskin girls

Attached: Fortunate.jpg (640x640, 41K)

i-if you insist

Thanks for the Fortune

Attached: Smug Fortune.jpg (744x1052, 128K)

Attached: characters_mian01.png (806x1156, 239K)

I really like fortune, and I love tits and ass, but it breaks my heart that almost every piece of fanart makes her as thick as a pool of concrete. I get it, I really do, but sometimes I just love me some lithe girls, ya know?

I feel the same way. I still like the thiccer versions because her design is too good but keep her fit and smaller.

Attached: Kitty Cat.jpg (850x650, 286K)

Hurray for technicalities

Attached: __weiss_schnee_rwby_drawn_by_kio_rojine__6e2ab3a208ab6c4f29eff08df5ccd5b1.jpg (850x1200, 100K)

Attached: GIWTWM.png (800x1600, 1019K)

Attached: 796xwFJ.png (1024x768, 732K)

Attached: tfw low amount of fan art.png (350x228, 8K)

beat me to it
she's the only girl I kept as my main after the honeymoon phase even though I always end up playing a guy a week later in most fightans

Attached: 1538791519802.jpg (1969x1746, 426K)

I want her to practice her wrestling moves on me

Attached: bestizanami.gif (940x816, 415K)

>Couldn't make it past 5 days of nofap
>see this thread
>Won't make it again after half a day
I'm not gonna make it bros, I lack self discipline and have weak wrists.


Attached: 1539037413348.gif (328x366, 826K)

I want to put a ring on her finger

Attached: Solis_pi.PNG.png (263x411, 123K)

she also looks nice

Attached: Ramidle3.gif (800x447, 3.93M)

Vanguard Princess.

Attached: Luna4.gif (294x251, 52K)

Attached: Sweaty Wrestler.jpg (800x1131, 526K)

Attached: Arcueid_Win.png (512x512, 105K)

Attached: 75LmbfO.png (1024x768, 755K)

Nice underboob

Attached: Beach.jpg (2850x5060, 2.2M)

m-more pls

Attached: Oiled.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

Attached: QY2xpEa.png (1024x768, 886K)

If we're going with Daisuke's insane rambling of "I want every characters in the game", she's in, but she's probably going to be in due to popularity alone anyway (alongside Elphlet)

Attached: __ramlethal_valentine_guilty_gear_xrd_and_etc_drawn_by_hankuri__d21f8edfb0c3d83686977146e1f6f22a.jpg (433x650, 57K)



Attached: 170805_gg070.gif (1280x720, 2.45M)

Attached: ECFBMAhU8AAYuJ8.jpg (1200x675, 102K)

Attached: 1565477505158.png (1009x1290, 1.78M)


Attached: qp6ynlV.png (1024x768, 817K)

>those tits
>those abs
>those hips
Too good

Attached: EB3VFwvVAAEQiv5.jpg (1200x675, 172K)

Attached: bwvuhiC.png (1024x768, 682K)

Attached: EBlmMU2XYAAwshj.jpg (675x1200, 148K)

Karin. Too classy for commoners.

Poison's massive underboobage

Attached: 17DQ8RY.png (1024x768, 722K)

Attached: EBde2N9XsAI3Z2r.jpg (1200x675, 87K)


Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-29 00.08.46.png (1280x720, 282K)


Attached: Sea.png (1200x1469, 1.57M)

Attached: EBZpho6UIAAvQ6j.jpg (1200x675, 113K)

Attached: EBZpUI7UIAA60Ui.jpg (1200x675, 124K)

I love juri

this but with juri

Attached: Phat.jpg (800x873, 154K)

Attached: EBVXHYyWsAYyD58.jpg (675x1200, 80K)

Attached: EBO6K3mVUAAUJVP.jpg (1200x675, 132K)

Attached: EBO6JvbVAAAbv5-.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

nice view

>Women are obsolete
sounds pretty based to me.

High class ohohos are best girls.

Attached: hilda.gif (800x640, 26K)

Attached: EBO6Hk-U8AEupxW.jpg (1200x675, 109K)

A pity we'll never see the Rin Sisters again.

Attached: rinsisters.jpg (400x366, 64K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-10 03.27.35.png (1280x720, 409K)

Attached: 4001nfuom5731.png (1654x2047, 1.86M)

Attached: EBR41sQWkAEPNup.jpg (1200x675, 164K)

Fighting games seem to be the only place i can find cute barefooted waifus these days

Attached: Momoko-xi.jpg (640x956, 159K)

Attached: EBRdk1nX4AA4jpi.jpg (1200x675, 150K)

I want to unload to juri so bad

Attached: 142926488423045.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>short hair

One job, Capcom. ONE JOB.

Attached: EBTVWzfW4AEknqb.jpg (675x1200, 68K)

I have none cuz I'm not a gamer

Attached: EBTVWzfXoAElvP0.jpg (675x1200, 89K)

Attached: file.png (800x1200, 1.17M)

why are you on the video game board if you aren't a gamer?

There are no girls in fighting games that satisfy my thirst for, and desire to express myself through wanton, primitive violence.

This one comes close however.

Attached: Caw Blade.jpg (923x876, 148K)

Attached: Rape.jpg (479x600, 34K)

Attached: 3F49B81D-9EAA-4A88-9EC1-1F75DAFAEAEE.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

i-is she gonna rape me

Attached: 6AFD5F03-D955-4C19-80AA-E2FEDE0B5617.jpg (1920x1080, 354K)

Attached: 1561753800168.jpg (1060x1500, 830K)

Attached: C15F00B0-C8A1-4571-8ED7-838334AA5724.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-15 06.34.53.png (1280x720, 290K)

Attached: 1555296274053.png (962x973, 714K)

Can you really rape the willing?

Attached: Bully.png (1280x960, 391K)

Attached: 0TCWPhL.png (1024x768, 744K)

w-well maybe not

Attached: Mika02.png (1282x759, 1.63M)

Hibiki is a good girl and not for walking down the path of carnage and bloodshed

Attached: 75629907_p58.png (750x1350, 433K)

>could have been the ultimate team in crosstag

Ill never stop being mad

Attached: mother and daughter.jpg (2888x1968, 815K)

>Koko and Nine
>Nine and Hilda
Either will work, give me both or either of them, 2.0.

Attached: hilda.jpg (1199x1200, 213K)

SamSho when so I can slice her in half?

Attached: Darli Dagger Slices Shiki In Half.webm (800x450, 2.78M)

Attached: 7ORo359.png (1024x768, 742K)

Attached: Ellis.jpg (590x800, 67K)

I need to nut so bad

Attached: Yuri hip attack.gif (180x122, 14K)

tiddy ninjas

Attached: taki 4.jpg (985x1000, 161K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-10 16.29.06.png (1280x720, 248K)

Literally the first in-game model I fapped to in a game. SC2 was nice. I miss Spawn


Attached: 43.jpg (1029x1579, 472K)

Couldn't tell since you get offended by sex like the EssJayDubuya's

It was the PS1 version for me

Attached: 9906.jpg (498x419, 56K)

Attached: Juri Sweater.jpg (723x1023, 577K)

this one is has got to be a favorite of mine her lips look so irresistible

How is SamSho's playerbase holding up on PS4?

I've been finding games easy

I can now invest in Cross Tag Battle.

Attached: now I will buy your game.jpg (900x1125, 81K)

I think Chun-li comes close for wonton violence

Attached: carlos.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Attached: 1rcozb6.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

That joke would have worked better with Jam.

Attached: Jam 77.png (1394x1976, 1.58M)

Dammit Carlos...

Pretty active, played a bunch last weekend with the latest patch

Attached: Shiki.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

love Jam

I'd fist her anus if you get what I mean.


Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-10 03.09.58.png (1280x720, 312K)

Attached: Ellis.png (550x771, 290K)

Attached: DpBnYI0W0AA1pic[1].jpg (920x1200, 282K)

Attached: __kuradoberi_jam_guilty_gear_drawn_by_sowel_sk3__d90e16bbf3073343d23bdcbac7ad7e13.png (1122x700, 879K)

Kasumi Todoh was secret best girl all along.

Attached: tumblr_o4ma5hZ8I71qmuhxzo2_1280.jpg (573x720, 321K)

Attached: Ellis cute.jpg (480x640, 150K)

Attached: 1445721636907.png (1011x1009, 343K)

I like Chinese girls.

Attached: 1527306094148.png (700x1244, 955K)

Attached: Ellis awesome.png (723x1024, 1.02M)

I don't get her appeal, but I'm happy for you.

Although I do agree that Nu is the better fighter
Lambda is my girl

Attached: Ellis schoolgirl.png (915x1745, 2.1M)

First girl I made it with was Chinese

Attached: china dress.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

A Chinese girl bit my sister once.

Attached: pJpj81E.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Attached: __cammy_white_street_fighter_drawn_by_fishine__6a0559072e1c5e070163287d42c10aed.png (885x885, 388K)


Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_00.13_[2019.05.16_23.35.53].jpg (591x698, 61K)

Chinese girl bit me once too. Though I think I liked it more.

Attached: ogXE3BK.png (1920x1080, 2.66M)

Attached: Ellis and Sofia outfit swap.png (686x1024, 936K)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2019.05.16_23.38.27].jpg (438x679, 45K)

Attached: Sofia and Ellis outfit swap.png (1078x1686, 2.61M)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_00.46_[2019.05.17_00.00.55].jpg (341x641, 40K)

Attached: 4mFpmRu.png (1024x768, 879K)

This game is completely unappealing.

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_00.55_[2019.05.17_00.01.14].jpg (345x537, 36K)


Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_01.36_[2019.05.17_00.10.54].jpg (598x674, 56K)

you know that fighting game mains template? someone make one for favorite fighting game girls pls

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_02.48_[2019.05.17_00.13.11].jpg (439x708, 59K)

Attached: Ellis the wind dancer.png (1470x1524, 691K)

wasn't she a cripple now?

>art by Jin
Exceptional taste.

Attached: 1520977276106.gif (420x314, 1.53M)

thanks for this

I'm so horny

Attached: __han_juri_street_fighter_v_and_etc_drawn_by_fishine__f4ad2a91b41b6a1bf4237a30fe273e33.png (700x874, 461K)

I want to get wiggly is Squigly.

Attached: 1565154258692.png (850x902, 172K)

I really need to cum to juri

Attached: sYPldd9.png (1024x768, 538K)


Attached: 8429b9f14a26fd1716ce4e61220c98b0.png (1165x986, 963K)

Attached: 97x8q0l.png (1024x768, 1.05M)

she's so perfect

Attached: cUcrMpj.png (1024x768, 641K)


Attached: Ellis cute.jpg (600x450, 55K)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_03.16_[2019.05.17_00.13.28].jpg (351x555, 42K)

Attached: Ellis sexy.jpg (640x820, 82K)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_05.36_[2019.05.17_00.14.12].jpg (862x708, 119K)

Attached: xuXsHGA.png (1024x768, 1.05M)

it's feeling really good user

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_05.38_[2019.05.17_00.14.23].jpg (1280x682, 114K)

Attached: __menat_street_fighter_and_street_fighter_v_drawn_by_robert_porter__8eeb15440edff435dd47c18736dfde36 (693x1067, 117K)

>Fag has a waifu with an almost endless supply of art and he keeps flooding all these shitty models from a hideous game

don't have many more Juri left

Attached: yeViEvq.png (1024x768, 1.15M)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_07.52_[2019.05.17_00.15.50].jpg (809x707, 91K)

Attached: Street Fighter 5 mods Cammy Cowgirl Fiona.mp4_snapshot_10.43_[2019.05.17_00.16.56].jpg (679x561, 93K)

okay user you can switch to something else if you want, if not is cool too though

Attached: Ellis' booty.jpg (750x1100, 133K)

Attached: Ellis' butt.jpg (695x900, 188K)

Attached: 0TZd3Nh.gif (1522x1038, 809K)

Attached: Ellis' ass.png (922x882, 459K)

mostly got mika and chun

>Women are OBSOLETE
Fucking based

sounds good

Best thing to come out a FighterZ.

Attached: android 21 mourning after.png (852x1096, 1.07M)

Attached: Ellis attacks.jpg (1000x1000, 230K)

you mean the majin version right

so true

you're starting to convince me user

Attached: 4pkl68v.png (1024x768, 824K)


Attached: WI7XAvJ.png (1024x768, 692K)

I have to go make some food drop a discord if you want to help me get off in a bit

I'm more partial to her human form myself because glasses are god tier cute but yes her majin form is great two.

Attached: 1554089779603.jpg (1448x2048, 528K)

I want to suck her cock and then pound her asshole.

Attached: 1556945076916.jpg (500x500, 21K)

green girl is also precious

Wew cheelai

Attached: 4c6324e9b200cd3cb5afe008897b349e.jpg (1200x1600, 687K)


I want to grab Cheelai's ass, ruffle her hair, and kiss her tummy all at the same time

Attached: 1563931973415.jpg (800x950, 245K)

>that one doujin where Broly fucks her constantly
>even while Lemo is trying to eat breakfast

Attached: Louis laugh.gif (170x200, 176K)


safe travels

>not a single Chun-li post
>mentioned in passing only 2 times
What a ruthlessly awful thread. Complete waste of internet. Now I have to go download more. Thanks, faggots.

Attached: 1454757812406.gif (322x252, 1.95M)

eNrIcO, iS tHaT yOu?

Got a link or artist or name or somethjng?

Attached: Milliacrouch2.gif (800x450, 3.54M)

Attached: 14f4be34073e6e62ce2efa8d2658c5e3.jpg (780x982, 175K)

Attached: __chun_li_street_fighter_v_and_etc_drawn_by_liyart__37a7e93295d18153b48d11cd68cfa76f.jpg (737x1184, 256K)

Attached: Es1WeVk.png (1024x768, 886K)

Guilty Gear isn't an anime though


>post yfw ArcSys reduces Baiken's size and covers up her cleavage in the new game.

Attached: 1428344956723.jpg (396x340, 26K)

bless you

>the newfags really think the word offends anybody
Aw, they're so cute when they delude themselves like that.

Want proof that this site is dead? People like you posting here. Here's a post from older Yea Forums

Attached: f2b.jpg (567x709, 347K)

>standing blowjob
And here I thought shindol lacked culture.

Attached: 1396577376389.jpg (544x400, 14K)

I wish I wasn't such an executionlet, but I just can't get into the game enough to devote time to git gud execution.

I love the facial cum-blast on page 17, poor girl's lucky her head wasn't blown off by that

Attached: Link hears about your favorite Zelda game.png (562x437, 274K)

Attached: __millia_rage_guilty_gear_and_guilty_gear_xrd_drawn_by_fay__7f5866216a11f2d1dd267fb2f69ffd51.jpg (708x1000, 676K)

I don't think I've ever wanted a girls foot in my mouth before... but

Attached: __millia_rage_guilty_gear_and_guilty_gear_xrd_drawn_by_fay__73a456cbb2278c4db68682a0871ce02d.jpg (708x1000, 696K)

a-user I don't know about this...

was the best I had, other than her in-game model

Attached: 1562889665812.jpg (1200x747, 205K)

Attached: bestchie.gif (546x1272, 434K)

Attached: Lilith and Morrigan measurements.png (1000x1000, 334K)


Attached: --jack-o-guilty-gear-and-guilty-gear-xrd-drawn-by-un--d869d3d4c9b570c9d943bb874c214ea5.jpg (3000x2000, 296K)

I want to jack off to jack o

Attached: acb009d3f97a5264f76c90762cf4d914.jpg (707x1000, 71K)


Attached: chie-kickin.gif (280x424, 100K)

i'll try to squeeze it out quick for you user

Attached: 57274712_p0.jpg (1334x1756, 1.14M)

Was Mai stronger than Chun Li?

Attached: artstyle.jpg (660x766, 148K)

do whatchu gotta do

Attached: --jack-o-guilty-gear-and-guilty-gear-xrd-drawn-by-hakumare--f332fab13e65013ea575ab918420995e.png (1500x1750, 2.45M)

Attached: 1558029332210.gif (800x447, 1.23M)

it's so puffy

Attached: 48aafcb7736b9c4947d4cffe6c1f2fbc.png (698x1000, 529K)

puff puff

Attached: 66c7f246fda57ce757d97888d5e2d07c.jpg (1000x1333, 564K)

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can help you out here.


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>YFW they make it bigger.

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Bouncy Bacon

Attached: Baikencrouchbounce.gif (800x450, 3.52M)

I like how in one of her low attack animations she flat out falls on them.

this one

Attached: Baikendropkick2.gif (800x450, 1.35M)

more bestgirllethal please

She's being replaced by Aria next game.

Burg with Ram

Attached: BurgerRamlethal.jpg (1920x792, 382K)

go here

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Thank you for the Ramburgers

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I can’t wait for those sex bots. Women are annoying and a pain to have around. They don’t deserve to exist

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You're welcome

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For me it's Kula.

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Give Kula Ice-cream (Sorbet is also acceptable)

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Her expressions are the best

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I'd let her check my prostate

Attached: Remember this, this is important.png (500x843, 258K)

>slowly starting to get into fighting games
>slowly starting to feel more worthy of fapping to fighting game girls
It's a nice feeling



Good for you user, that's great

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One day..

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It's a shame that there isn't more content for this game. ;_;

Attached: Luna.jpg (480x360, 61K)

good thread

I love Kasumi!

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P(f)lat cute

I'll always love playing her.
Teleporting, dash teleports and spot dodging will never not be fun.

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Chun Lee is hot

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I had a crush on her

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A more accurate analogy is if when the frog came back after learning the term, he arrives with a literal army of himself to say it one at a time.

I want to cuddle in a hammock with her.

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It's not like i don't want the girl. I just don't think having a girl is worth the trouble of dealing with her shit.
Same with a car. I can drive and have the license, but fuck maintaining and paying for that shit.

Cute monkey

Attached: 1271834351250.jpg (400x492, 37K)

Monkey like banana

Peach and watermelon, actually.

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Yeah with her dick

Shame that she'll never be in another game, let alone one of her own.

I'll keep her memory alive, for all of us.

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I dare you to show me a more inviting trio.

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can't believe I used to pause the game and jerk off to her animations. Man. what was I thinking. I'm surprised my dick hasn't fallen off.

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Just this one, right?

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chill tf out estrogenbrain

Attached: DhngzxkW4AAEOWX.jpg (866x1200, 136K)

Girls don't have dicks, silly

>Pick up Luna blind

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Best taste in the thread.

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Felicia is so good.

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I never considered her much of my own waifu, but if she wanted to marry and have kids I don't know if I could refuse.

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Post glasses girls in fighting games, I don't know many of them.

She's pretty great.
>tfw no felicia wife

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I'm with you bro, there is nowhere near enough megane fighters


I know Julia, who is Nico? I might just be having a lapse in memory.

New character for DoA

Oh right her, yeah she is good too.

Attached: Blazblue_Centalfiction_Kokonoe.png (1427x1890, 2.03M)

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Baiken is a perfect example of why you shouldnt buy a fighting game with your dick .

I hate nu-Baikenfags.

Attached: GGAC_Baiken_6P.png (181x199, 9K)

I'd pay good money for a toshinden game, even if it was a remake of 2

If alt costumes count

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They don't play Baiken I don't even know if they play the game at all

Anons, it's a waifu thread. Chill

They do count.


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Anyone can destroy chunners

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She needs more canon feats, especially since she is the supposed "Strongest woman in the world"


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You guys should meet up and suck eachother's dicks.

Karin had more feats in the SFV story mode. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Chun Li got btfo by Sakura or Mika.

I bought Rev 2 because it was on sale. Game's probably the best fighter out there. I main bSol.

This would make me so sad

Quality animation right here.

My fucking nigga. Angel doesn't get enough love

This is surprisingly true

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What's wrong with it?

Attached: chun_li_dethroned_redux_by_allhailsabin_dd76t29-pre.jpg (952x839, 86K)

>nobody posting best girl
For shame

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Helga and Ellis take me back to the extreme 90's.
Makes me wanna dust off the old games and the B.A. Toshinden DVD again.

>massreplying faggot
>thinking people will give you (you)'s
this will be your only one

As much as I despise the meme, there's some veracity to it

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it should be illegal to post western fanart for lewd purposes

Shame there is so little good stuff of her.

hello dummy, you do realize alot of these are made by patreon idiots right

my point still stands

My wife is pretty underrated and I actually love her newest incarnation.

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>having taste in waifus this bad

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looks like the pepes win again!

wojaks really are just worse ragecomics

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