New Streets of Rage 4 gameplay.
New Streets of Rage 4 gameplay
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Its honestly making streets of rage 3 fan remake looks far superior. I kinda wish it kept itself updated.
no westernshit game is complete without forced woc representation
Looks fun except that music, it's so generic sounding.
I sure hope the sound effects are provisional because they are weak. The gameplay looks fine but maybe the new Battletoads lowered my standards.
borderlands artstyle
I fucking hate the Niger's design, it's so fucking shitty
It looks like garbage
SORR is the real SOR4
Her face looks like Mrs. Potatohead
This looks atrocious, they should have gone with pixel art.
No game thread is complete without an obese yokel playing the victim.
This and the new battletoads game look like crap.
why didn't they keep the running for every character like in 3? do the devs realize most of the hate 3 gets is on the music? the gameplay in 3 was an improvement.
Surely someone is going to tell these french(?) devs what the cherry hunter name is implying?
It's pretty, but the gameplay looks stuck in the 90.
>wall/floor bounces and juggles
I wish it was stuck in the 90`s
i hope the rest of the ost is better. what's here isn't anything special. sound effects are very weak for this kind of game. the spear doesn't even sound like you're piercing someone with it.
I'm underwhelmed
what was the point in keeping axel's genesis voices if the rest of the game isn't genesis like at all? the new character's voice isn't like this so it clashes.
Already looks better than that new Battletoads gameplay.
i seriously hope that bg music in the shiva fight is just a placeholder because it doesn't fit at all for a boss fight, let alone a shiva fight.
>identity crisis: the game
that's an extremely low bar that doesn't warrant any kind of praise.
Game looks stupid, art style wise. Ignoring that, it doesn't look smooth at all for what's being thrown behind it.
I think the music IS placeholder or beta music.
even if it's a placeholder, it's a hindrance for selling people on the game.
Some of the beefier attacks are pretty well animated. It just looks weird when you have a forward-movement walk cycle for when you're moving up an down the plane.
>Western indieshit with ugly tumblr-designed vaguely brown stronk womyn shoehorned in it
No thanks.
i'm convinced the devs just don't know how to program the running. that's probably why they got rid of skate.
This game and SORR can coexist, i don't understand this idea in the slightest
People still play Streets of Rage 3 even though 1 and 2 are leagues better
The character select music had me hopeful that they changed course but that level music is utter trash.
I mean even that looks stiff. Like there could be more effort in the animations.
They turned the entire thing in a shitty western calarts cartoon.
Thanks for fagging up everything once again, France. Way to miss the fucking boat.
that was literally just placeholder genesis music
It's been confirmed Yuzo Koshiro has signed on as well as a bunch of other good jap composers so give it some fucking time
well, at least is miles better than nu-battletoads.
>I sure hope the sound effects are provisional because they are weak
THANK YOU. The first thing IO thought was "why does punching people not sound satisfying in this".
that's a stretch. It's about on par in terms of screwing the original artistic direction.
Could have been worse.
that looks better. Not ideal but certainly better than this european cartoon shit.
still looks better.
If you're going to complain about the animation in this game then seriously look at that and tell me it's better, when Not Axel literally floats through the air a couple seconds in, I think you just have actually shit taste
Looks about the same actually.
It's called being contrarian, this single screenshot has more soul than that entire clip
Because they're not moving.
Especially how the 2D art is affected by lighting, the light from the doorway and windows is reflecting off them here
The single enemy here looks cooler than anything in the takeover
>punches with bent wrist
when it couldn't get more faggy
it looks way better and closer to the original's target look than this dora the explorer shit we got, shill.
The character sprites are very mediocre in and of themselves. Looks slightly amateurish.
If that were what Streets of Rage 4 looked like you'd be calling it a PS2 game. Go suck a cock.
what are you, blind? I said it's not ideal but it looks better than the turd the french shat out. What don't you understand about that
ah yes, that dark and gritty game about fighting ninjas and playing as kangaroos, all in an anime art style
target look
How the fuck does that look better than Streets of Rage? I don't even care about SoR4 that much but you're fucking retarded if you're genuine.
The game you played as an honest to god pro wrestler and a child on skates
what the fuck did they do to the art? it looks like it belongs on nickelodeon
You can choose not to like some of the western stylization, but it's the closest it's ever actually gotten to the concept art
>cal arts is anime
sorry but no
yeah, because in all 3 original games, that's exactly what it looked like, right? Thanks for proving you're just a butthurt dev team weirdo though, you goon.
take a good look at this image
That's you. That's what you did to SoR.
Fighting aliens.
I love how when you have nothing to say you accuse somebody of being on the devteam.
>be french
>never play the orginal games
>see some concept sketches for planning
>"ohh ho ho hooo! It iz meant to look ugly and ridiculous! Leev eet tu us, Sega! We will make exactly zat!"
and then they did.
I remember when people were hyped through the roof back when the game was announced because it had an attractive female character. What a heel turn lol.
Take a good look at the grids.
Those are to imitate the screen resolution of the genesis, that's literally the intended look
and, yet, still not what any of the original games look like.
It looks pretty fucking close to streets of rage 2
artstyle is almost acceptable but too reminiscent of bad western cartoons than it should be
music and sfx need a lot of work
diversity character feels designed by committee
idk, not looking great
>Post literally nothing but SoR2 concept art
>"This doesn't look anything like the games"
>Streets of Rage 2 exists
Literally what did they mean by this
I don't like the artstyle but the gameplay looks ok
sound effects suck
music was pretty meh I thought they had fucking Yuzo Koshiro working on this game?
Art style is disgusting. Looks like the dude who drew Powerpuff girls learned how to draw hands yesterday.
Cool 2000s era newgrounds flash game, bro.
he also composed 3. not everything koshiro touches turns to gold.
I never had 3, was the music in that one bad?
why do liberals always design black women as ugly lol
Looks more like Eurocomics and Skull Girls to me
see for yourself. some tracks are good but as a whole pales in comparison to 1 and 2.
>Model 2 megadrive
gross, every one knows the model 1 had the best sound
I wish SORR had a few more extra graphic options.
then go listen to that version retard.
no no you see real wamen of color dont adhere to your white concept of beauty.
Real black women arent ugly they are beautiful just the way they are.
It honestly sounds like something is up with the audio levels, ign is not known for reliable game capture outside their office so it might be them, and half of it is hella placeholder.
We'll see what the final product is like since the music team is comprised of all those old jap niggas we know and love.
That disgusting art style is definitely aimed at the 90's babies, no doubt. Too bad, could've been a decent game at best.
He's only been signed on recently, he hasn't actually made anything for the game yet