>tfw I want to buy this game because the game play looks good but they made a black woman the squad leader of an elite SOF unit
Tfw I want to buy this game because the game play looks good but they made a black woman the squad leader of an elite...
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you see a black person in a video game
(((Cultural Marxism))) in action.
just turn on friendly fire bro
>like a game
>dont buy it over 1 extremely minor nitpick
>buying cowadoody
fucking why?
Also the other soldier is a chink
kek, so realistic
Whats wrong with pointing out that something was hamfisted for the sake of politics?
>Those lips
i hope this is shooped for everyones sake
those fucking jay z lips, this is shooped right?
>extra wide goggles to accommodate the nose
>they made a black woman the squad leader of an elite SOF unit
lol that's the dumbest premise ever.
That’s why it’s “MODERN” warfare. This is the days we live in.
Why would you play campaign? It'll probably be some "play as USA" shit, who want to play as USA?
>Wanting to buy new CoD games
Why? They're beyond financially predatory at this point. If you still buy these games since lootboxes were implemented, you're a cuck
>the fucking lips
Come on. Even Activision should know the stereotype by now.. Right?
Having a black woman in a SOF unit is like having one in the final of the FIFA World Cup. It's not going to happen. It turns the whole thing into an absolute pisstake.
At least that makes sense.There are Asians who were in the navy seals but there has never been a women in any SF unit though.
it's true. I genuinely have never played a game that has an established character and had to think twice about why i can't play it because the character doesnt look like me. I guess you can make the argument for the opposite side too, but when it's done disingenuously. it's a lot more offensive
who cares it's vidya
Don't blacks account for 26% of the military in the United States?
The problem is nobody who's been outside gives a fuck she'll die in some emotional hook scene anyway.
in all honesty would you complain if it was a white or Asian woman as a SF unit?
What the fuck is with sheboons in all games over the past 2 years. They're like the most undesirable and worst looking humans on the planet
Is anyone seriously going to buy this pile of shit a launch?
Have you not seen what happened with Blops 4? Have you people not learned anything?
>he doesn't want a USA campaign
Don't you want to play as the villains user?
there is literally no response to this that doesn't make you look mad
>hamfisted for the sake of politics?
It's in their for customization purposes, this is like calling Dark Souls political since you can play as a black guy
>black woman
That's clearly jayz moron
>ugh, why is their blacks in a game with the Modern US Military?
kys you dirty jew
If dark souls made the bonfire hub woman a black tranny.
but there is no black tranny in this new COD game unless you're making shit up just to feel offended
females account for 0% of the special forces in the United States
I specifically said black women you fucking retard
>Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®
>wide nose
>massive nigger lips
one of the devs was forced to put this fucking monkey in the game but took what revenge he could by making the model as NIGGER as possible
But this is regarding to the character in the single player campaign, not multiplayer customization options.
because amerimutts are all half to quarter black themselves
I know you dumb faggot,but if you're asking this question in a military game you're a dirty jew
I like when villains look good and have good aesthetics, generic burger army is the most boring thing to play as.
Did you play as the USA in CnC generals? Don't think so.
is this shopped?
Have sex
What do you think you dumb nigger?
>supports niggers
>calls me a jew
>a black person is hamfisted
>Anons are so retarded they can't tell when something is shopped
>Don't blacks account for 26% of the military in the United States?
The percentage is much lower in the elite combat units and there are no women at all.
I honestly thought so, the shit looks like a racist caricature of a black person. Look at dem lips.
But Americans look generic and disgusting by default, isn't this game aiming for realism?
A jew only looks out for themselves and also bitches about dumb shit like how a video game character looks like so yes you are a jew
wtf is this real?
>this game looks good and fun and i want to play it but i won't because a black character exists
Imagine being this fucked up in the head.
>Call of Duty
>looking good
Why is such a huge portion of Yea Forums so casual?
I don't see much of a difference between the shooped on and the original.
>doesnt look that much better
oh no no no no
They account for 4% of the Green Berets but it's due to most not trying to qualify from what some black Berets say
>>this game looks good and fun
That's where you're wrong, buckaroo.
Then your either an sjw looking to get offended or a bland tranny
He's quoting and making fun of OP
I'm just repeating the OP you dumbass that's not my actual opinion.
>alt-rightards genuinely think that every character needs to be a straight white man until there's a narrative reason for them not to be
Plot twist: its a tranny
kys nazi
>the salt-right fear this
>hurr durr including women in infantry positions even though they've practically never existed in infantry in real life and we're currently in a period of time when there's a huge political push to shoehorn women into combat roles in real life is not political, only you complaining about it is
Fuck off. Inserting women into a combat role in an army that's supposed to represent the irl military is politically influenced, either through genuinely delusional beliefs of through fear of backlash from delusionals.
But that’s what it’s like in real life yboi.
Shouldn't be women in general in Special Forces units or SOGs. Black guy? Chingchong guy? Tibetan guy? Taiwan Number One Guy? Sure, throw 'em in the Green Berets, I don't give a shit. When you start throwing women who've washed out of training and selection more than most infantrymen wash their taint into these units, you're fucking up and making it political.
>>alt-rightards genuinely think that every character needs to be a straight white man until there's a narrative reason for them not to be
There is a narrative reason for the character to not be a woman here. Her being a woman compromises the premise. She turns the story into a joke.
I'm just going to pirate beat the single player mode and unistall it, btw don't use fitgirl that site sucks and fitgirl is a man, okay ciao.
A black person isn't, but a black woman serving in a Special Operations combat role is.
That's not true at all how can you misrepresent them like that? You think alt-rightards are mentally deranged and retarded to the point only a straight white male character is acceptable?
It's a straight white male OR a cute anime girl.
Oh boy, is this the part where /pol/tards pretend that most of them aren't flyover consolefags who'll eat this shit right the fuck up because it has Call of Duty on the cover?
This is literally me
no, it's not that part
for a place you trannies and commies hate you sure do spend allot of time here
>female """"""""""""""""""combatants"""""""""""""""""""""""""
Reminder Black females nazis were shoehorned into CoDWW2
>Soigoy switch owner acts like he's better than CodChads
as much as sjws fucking whinge about every fuckin thing they take the slightest offense at, my god do rightwing faggots do it just as much
>oh no a womans
>oh no a niggers
>oh no a politics
this only offends a faggot if they don't think woman should be helping in combat too
cause all it does otherwise is encourage chicks to do their fair share and hold a gun too
god knows you don't have to be ubermensch to do it
It's call of duty you fucking mongoloids. You think call of duty is an accurate representation of the real life army?
God you spergs are so autistic it's unreal.
Just make them all cute Asian girls and you'll never hear me complain ever again.
a character creator for a shit multiplayer is shoehorning now
i imagine the demographic of people who get mad about a fictional woman in the special forces is entirely contained within the demographic of people who don't care about cod in the first place.
>this only offends a faggot if they don't think woman should be helping in combat too
Are you white?
Serious question, I have never met another black person who didn't think women in combat positions wasn't fucking retarded.
It's ONLY ever been whites and spics (who are basically just self-hating whites anyways).
It's WW2 not an MMO
I don't want to play as something generic.
I can understand playing as something disgusting, but playing as the most boring thing in the world, really?
jfc thats an ugly nigger
>get shot a billion times, and heal instantly
no problem
>see black person
It's a video game not real life.
Hey, be nice.
Now show me the black female nazi frontline soldiers please.
Women don't belong in the military
Why isn't the forced SJW diversity like this? Ever? Why is it always A FUCKING
Then what is the whole point of paying people to make textures and specific meshes copying WWII equipment if you aren't even trying to craft an authentic appearance? Why not just make it different shapes moving around launching projectiles at each other?
>posts the shopped image again
>"I have never met another black person"
>gameplay mechanics are the same as shoving a clown into WW2
>Then what is the whole point of paying people to make textures and specific meshes copying WWII equipment if you aren't even trying to craft an authentic appearance?
to make money retard
>The game earned over $500 million within its first three days of release.[46] On December 20, 2017, it was confirmed that the game had generated over $1 billion in revenue, making it the highest-grossing console game of the year in North America.[47] As of January 1, 2018, Call of Duty: WWII reached 20.7 million players over all platforms, 12.1 million players on PlayStation 4, 7.8 million players on Xbox One, and 825,000 players on Steam.[48]
The PlayStation 4 version sold 168,234 copies within its first week on sale in Japan, making it the best-selling game of the week.[49]
Being an adult and still caring about COD
It's a WW2 video game that tries to mimic it in it's single player but goes retard in multiplayer.
Like, OMG, Becky, it's like, sOOOOOO important for our society, like, that the female negress be represented in video games, like, in transgrssive roles. Ya knuw?
It's okay user, I'm sure you, suburban white kid from Utica, have more experience with black people than me, a black guy living in an inner city that's 40% black.
Please, tell me more, I'd sure love to hear all about your expertise when it comes to black people.
I'm sure it won't be utterly empty.
There is. Just agree with him.
They would've sold that even if it was a civil war era cod with 25 second reloading animations
Actually gameplay is even more important for authenticity and immersion than some nigger.
>be nigger user
>reveal i'm a nigger
>think anyone cares what i have to say anymore
for me, it's not about the looks, but having protagonism in established genres or media.
Not that those SJW games represent anyone but fucking brand drones. I'm not a black american woman, but if I was, I wouldn't give a fuck about a elitist violent game like CoD. These games are for brainless upper class boys
A "black beret" is literally anyone in the U.S. army. its been the U.S. army softcap since 2001. Previousley it was worn by the Army Rangers, They now wear Tan ones. Also, as someone who was deployed and worked alongside special forces. I have never actually refer to themselves as the color of hat they wear. thats only really done in media.
This. I just can't take women seriously. Especially ugly ones. It's so uncanny. Like a clown world.
>Modern Warfare 1 has you play primarily as a British SAS operator
>Modern Warfare 2 has you play primarily as a British operator in a multinational task force
>Modern Warfare 3 has you play primarily as a Russian ex-Spetsnaz operative
No shit
>concept art is a cutie
>3D model is a trannoid with huge eyes
Why is this so common in western games?
>TFW diversity is the way of the future and there is literally nothing you seething retards can do about it except scream and cry
I hate all of you so fucking much
Where did it all go so fucking wrong? Is it because Moot allowed /pol/ to continue to exist after solving the issue? Is this just what happens when you watch Sargon videos all day? An entire generation of young men live in an infantile state, complaining about the smallest detail in entertainment that has a target audience of high schoolers. This site is a shadow of it's pre-2014 self, and a fucking disgrace compared to what it was like before '07.
But don't let it stop you from being the absolute rejects of society with your faggy little redpill circle jerk. You will all definitely healthy prosperous lives until you die of a bloodclot dislodged from your legs due to never leaving your computer at the ripe age of 15.
Not him but this whole site is filled with different races you WHITE JEW (likes their's a difference L O L)
they keep modeling them after actual irl actors instead of making them original
Your pic is probably some CoD or BF fan that never played something like OFP, lel.
Just a heads up, as part of said diverse group I hope you're just non-white, because if you're a faggot/tranny then you're fucked too.
Spetsnaz are a branch of Russian special forces, and Yuri, a playable character that you control a majority of the game, was a former operative within that group.
>>TFW diversity is the way of the future
It's called dystopian.Things will just get worse and worse and won't be able to get fixed and nobody will comprehend why.
>Yea Forums constantly praises games that have a good character creator.
>"wait, you can make a NIGGER in this? The fuck?"
why are you even wasting the time
no one's gonna change hearts and minds on an image board
and grandstanding speeches aren't gonna make you feel any more fulfilled
get off Yea Forums and play vidya for fucks sake
no matter how many raids you faggots do you have made 0 head way here. but keep doing man because all you're doing is making normies hate you even more
This game has a character creator?
She's an NPC m8.
That said, western devs don't know how to make black women who aren't disgusting to look at, so why is anyone surprised?
why is every black woman in western games so niggorilla ugly? it wouldn't be a problem if they were cute. do fat ugly black women even play video games? why do they do this shit for a demographic that doesn't even care?
Modded Welfare 2019 does not, it's all preset operator characters like Blops has only they don't have any special abilities.
that's KSI
West loves realism and it just happens that black people are generally ugly to people.
oh fuck lmao
Pick one and only one
pretty/beautiful isn't "realistic" anymore which is why almost every western made female character in recent times has been ugly in games, this isn't just limited to black girls
Unironically dilate
Make sure to drink water so you can stand up and take a piss break.
Yea, but I literally can't think of a single cute black female character in a modern western game.
The closest is that one chick from Far Cry 5.
At least that robot chick in Detroit is cute, blacks get nothing from western devs.
I feel like most developers use models, but for some reason they just seem to not do that when it comes to black women. Maybe to seem more woke? If anything it's more offensive.
blackperson. Their I said it in one word jew.
Yes they do. One of them gives you stopping power bullets.
Can't wait for them to suffer.
>tfw no one in this thread will pass on their genes because they too the le ebin based incelpill
You will all die the ultimate death. After the Yea Forums archives shut down there will be nothing left of you in existence. No offspring, no creations, no memories of your pathetic lives. A bi-racial transgender couple will most likely be having sex in an apartment built over your grave.
You're a literal fucking retard and I am too for taking the bait.
its not just "modeled" like it, its literally all mocapped
From the top of my head are Sheva from RE5, Aveline (main character of Asscreed 3 liberation side story), Alyx from half life, and Nyx(Nix?) from infamous
is it any cheaper development wise or is it just out of laziness?
Mirrors edge Catalyst had Plastic.
killing a bunch of stupid fucks with laser beam rifles, and the getting killstreak rewards to kill them even more is fun, if you're good at the game you just fuck people up
That's not even a perk in the game idiot. Quit lying
killing retards and getting killstreaks to kill more retards is fun, very few games give you rewards for shitting on people
>Sheva from RE5
That user said western games you dumbass.
>filter out the racists by having black people in your trailer
>community doesn't have to deal with people spouting nigger on the chat
Visiting third world brown countries for work got me noticing every country picks its fairest citizens to star in shows, appear on billboards and tv ads, etc.
Then I head back to White West and its like half the modeling agencies outsourced to the Congo.
RE5 isn't western m8.
And she's not cute.
Like, at all.
And she has the personality of an autistic 13 year old.
>sexy women with unrealistic body proportions in you games
>"it looks hot fuck off, I like looking at hot chicks"
>black women
>"muh realism"
You fucking wish
>not cute
>autistic 13 year old
Yeah fuck off
Are you for fucking real? THIS is 13 years old??
cheers Kramer
No he's saying her personality is that of a 13 year old. She's actually between 16 -19
Tranny cope.
Happily engaged.
Yeah I just read the reply chain.
Yeah that's still too young. She looks mid 20s at the very least.
Meanwhile, irl...
Only white guys think annoying = cute.
Please stop thinking that, it's resulting in a lot of annoying as fuck women.
That's not an operator, that's a class that you can freely swap field upgrades out with. None of the operators have any exclusive abilities or weapons, just cosmetic crap.
>"why can't minorities just deal with it? I don't care if the characters look like me"
>have minority character
>"wtf? this doesn't look like me.
>Happily engaged.
Yes, and? Even if you have kids, the government will take them away from you the first chance they get. They will be reprogrammed, taught to hate everything you believe in. You know deep down inside this is true. The best chance you have is to get your guns board up your house when social services comes knocking. Maybe you'll get your face on the news when the swat team blows the doors off the hinges and splatters your brains all over the wall.
fuck you, dude. i don't know how to read, okay?!
I'll keep doing it just to spite you
>Happily engaged.
only cucks get married.
I'm black and I dislike it because she's fucking ugly.
Like fuck me, none of the dudes in these games look like fucking Eggman, and most of them are pretty attractive, hence why Jap fujos and faggots fucking husbando the fuck out of CoD characters, no reason why the women should all look like fucking gross mongoloids.
Those lips are photoshopped right? Do vidya devs actually think blacks look like this? It looks like a caricature.
I'm not white so that's not really true.
Believe it or not, those of us who aren't white are still free to hate faggots, trannies, and (shitty) women.
Correction: lapsed /pol/tard turned despondent tranny cope.
I mean he does technically have less weight he needs to pull up, with balancing being probably his main concern
Is this another game that's not gonna sell?
>Literal monkeyhole lips
Fucking kekd hard
that's the same picture.
>the game play looks good
This is how I knew you were lying.
No. It' going to sell well since it's catering to nostalgiafags.
you mean kids?
but only one 1 arm
Since this game's campaign is allegedly going to be dark, gritty, controversial, and whatever the fuck, I hope there's some good rape scenes
It just means the white guys you play as will turn out to be bad.
It's all bullshit to drum up hype. The actual campaign will just feature generic military scenarios and betrayal of friends. They're trying to sell you another No Russian when it's just an All Ghillied up
shadows are now a feature
face mocap makes everyone ugly
Treat men with respect and start to care for them instead of push them away and blame them for everything and then we can talk
the dark and grit is just going to be the level where you play as a white helmet digging up dead/dying people. it will get in the news for a week or two and everyone will remember the game because of it and nothing more.
Hol up hol up hol up
*smacks gigantic lips*
So you be sayin
*has child*
We's operators?
>tactical eyeshadow
>When you start throwing women who've washed out of training and selection more than most infantrymen wash their taint into these units, you're fucking up and making it political.
the military has always been political, not that you armchair general faggots would ever know.
>cia manipulates data to justify invasion of iraq
>thousands of young men are conned by recruiters who are literally worse than pedophiles during troop surge
>tours of duty extended beyond what's reasonable and basically ruin thousands of lives
>grunts handle material and munitions that cost more than what they make in a year because military industrial complex
>none of you "pro-military" conservatives say a goddamn thing
>some women join the military and get slotted into some figurehead positions
>you go apeshit
i cant wait for you alt-right faggots to rise up and start a 2nd civil war so i can call in air strikes on your trailer parks
Just download the game illegally
>you play as a white helmet and meet with your CIA handlers who tell you this mission is all about getting back at those dirty Russians by framing Assad
>”Make it Good” level: you put dirt on people and film them laying in piles of rubble
Who am I kidding the game will be all about heroic “rebel fighters” fighting for freedums against evil SAA and evil Russians
>spending your storage capacity for 50gb for a 5 hour sp experience
You're being generous user. The alpha alone is 37gb for 5 small maps.
What is with that, anyway? Did devs forget how to compression? Everything now is uncompressed even audio files 10mb each for a 1 second effect. Uselessly overly huge textures for no reason just to say they have it. Unless there’s a truly vast, huge amount of content packed in, I refuse to believe a game should be over 15-20gb with competent dev work
Project Mockingbird in effect. I remember as a wee lad playing MW1 and MW2 having my world view shifted to believing the government about terrorism and that we were in the middle east to "free" the civilians from brutal dictators. Funny how time changes your perspective on things..
It's for better loading times on console from what I've heard. I know next to nothing about coding but that is the excuse given.
That may be the reason, but there’s no use in keeping it going now that consoles have competent HDD/soon to be SSDs. I can understand the reasoning for slow ass 5,000rpm ps3 drives, but now?
It probably still helps with loading times to have less compression. And the textures nowadays are a lot higher resolution and have higher detail in most cases. Really they should just implement selective downloads so the people who play at lower resolutions don't have to have the 4k texture pack and vice versa. Would cut down a lot of wasted storage space and probably download times.
Yeah sometimes they throw in just a little bit of reality but shy away from really showing it, like the Mujahadeen in those BO missions, I think it was? Funny to think how everything gets time holed after only a few years. Rambo 2 was dedicated to the “brave mujihadeen of Afghanistan”.
>considering buy call of duty in the first place
>the casualization of multiplayer shooters wasn't enough
>the abhorrent DLC practices weren't enough
>the yearly spam releases wasn't enough
>the black women is where you draw the line though
Genuine proof that /pol/fags have ZERO fucking taste in video games and that their opinion has and always been worthless.
Don't know who this fella is but he seems based.
As a fellow homosexual, I also dislike women in my vidya
Don’t kid yourself. The Kurds will be le freedom loving Gary Stu waving LGBT flags and eating McDonald’s
As a fellow heterosexual, I also dislike ugly women in my vidya
as a bisexual I would fuck anything that moves.
go arm wrestle a girl until you find one you cant beat
genuinely if you are a normal man not a noodle armed stick you should be able to beat more than 60% of the chicks you vs
now translate that to military fitness wearing equipment and relying on the physical aptitude of your comrades to save you if need be.
im 100kgs fat but i know i can carry my weight again for a decent distance
this is videogames and fiction yes
but it doesn;t make me just ignore the fact its based on reality, all those fuckin tom clancey books i read n shit i would find it strange as well
the times i accept it are when there's a description of the character that makes it clear they're strong, they're a warrior race and are remarkably bigger than common character in whatever it is, or they just actually look beefy like gridlock here
main reasons for me having an issue here is shit nigga they gonna get raped or even its psychologically known men will naturally fight to protect the woman to the point of endangering themselves or the tasktheyre charged with
there are so many more variables when you involve a chick in that shit
Shit i don't like overwatch but Zarya actually looks like she would fucking destroy almost every male character in an arm wrestling competition. At least it is somewhat plausible that she would be able to fight them as well.
yeah im sure it would have been more difficult for him if he was fully able bodied
>sexy women with unrealistic body proportions in you games
Oh do tell, I would love to know what you mean by that
If it was a black man it would have been fine. Obvious pandering to identity politics. Anyone arguing otherwise clearly is doing so with an agenda.
To be fair the industry is stupid enough for it to be real so it's a 50/50 possibility
Holy fuck man the mental gymnastics you fucking retards go through to maintain your NPC brainwashing is astounding.
Devs made video games political - not the consumer. Because of this, our purchasing power has also been made political. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Pretty much this. If they had put an ugly white chick i'd still think it was dumb and pandery.
>White knighting women you will never meet and would never talk to you on a board full of men
It's cultural Marxism.
cultural marxism does not exist you dumb bitch
Cool it with the microagressions bro not cool
>Tumblr cartoon reaction image
opinion discarded
true tho' i like variety
Imagine being this much of a snowflake
People that dont understand what SOF is are retarded and dont get the point. Also a female kurd fighter is real and should be expected in this game
don't you just enjoy watching mentally ill muttsharts at each others throat over their shitty brown shooting game?
>Unironically defending Assad.
Also if you knew what the fuck is hapoening in the us military you'd know the exact political hamfisting it is to put a woman as a sof leader
>unironically defending isis
There's probably more black women in the armed forces than white women.
>Hating a brutal dictator who occupied his neighbor and killed their leaders with car bombs makes you a fan of Daesh.
>Unironically wanting the Oded Yinon plan to happen
>While believing the White Helmets
>Giving a shit about the American/Israeli alphabet soup agencies newest front
>It's in their for customization purposes
OH FUCK OFF retard. She's a story character not a customisable option
This and they are all ugly, not as a race thing but just in general they are all ugly
Those Libyans really were helped the last time we took out a "Brutal dictator"
There is no good side in the conflict. It would best best if the middle-east was left to solve their own problems and let their neighbours be the ones to take in the refugees.
>Thinking I care about Syrians
>Man who gases his own people isn't a brutal dictator.
>Man who occupied his neighbor and killed their leaders to enforce control isn't a brutal dictator.
Why would you even look at Cowadoody when Squad exists?
You aight this time cracka
What are you even talking about? Assad didn’t invade or occupy anyone. Literally all that happened was a foreign-funded invasion of Syria by various Wahabbi fighter groups, and then the Kurds coming in like “this is our chance guys”
At least tis one will have a camapaign
It's 2019 user. get with the times
There would be no conflict or civil war on Syria in the first place if we didn’t get involved in 2011
>We should go and kill this brutal dictator who gases his own people
>Because fuck Syrians
? lmao
Neck yourself faggot.
The “rebels” used the gas, not Assad. And Syria didn’t invade anyone.
>From 1976
>Videos show gas canisters dropping from Hinds.
>"I-it's the rebels!!!"
The noose is waiting.
>From 1976 to 2005
Excellent reading comprehension /pol/nigger.
Probably true but that's no excuse to remain involved in their affairs. Besides you can blame the neo-liberals and neo-cons for causing the mess in the first place so if anyone should be taking responsibility it's the politicans and the military industrial complex that owns them.
Hey if you wanna talk history..
There is no actual proof of gas being used except for reports from the white helmets
So you don't care about Syrians being "oppressed" by a dictator who gasses his own citizens but you think we should go and kill him? Why rabbi? What would anyone have to gain by that?
>literally just found out about the Kramer shit today
> first time I ever see this image on Yea Forums
What the fuck, why does this keep happening to me? Every goddamn time I find something new, it just starts coming to me, and no it’s not recency bias or confirmation bias or anything like that, I have a damn near perfect memory.
Wow, totally changed my mind. I now care about the Lebanese politics now. Where do i sign up for the war?
UN report concluded the gas was likely placed manually and not dropped. Any videos of something dropping from helo are barrel bombs.
Assad would have no reason to use gas in the first place... and not multiple times, especially not the most recent one where he’s all but attained victory over ISIS, it doesn’t make sense. But the rebels have al the motive in the world to use chem weapons, they know 100 percent it will be pinned on Assad and be used as a talking point for more intervention
Holy fucking based and red pilled batman!
Just show up and ask what color flag you should wear.
Motherfucker you and I both know Mossad had their hands all over that
I'm really suspicious as to why they killed him rather than capture him. Wouldn't it have been much better to have him be tried in the Hague or something for crimes against humanity? Also a burial at sea within 24 hours of his death? wtf is up with that?
The only situation I would approve of is selling Assad the TOWs we have been selling the rebel groups
No telling man. He was dropped from his covert asset status after his use was over in the early 90,s, right around the time of that newspaper article
I'd rather the west fucked off completely from that part of the world. All it does is give anti-white and anti-west activists munition to use in their campaign to destroy western civilizations and flood the west with non-whites.
As a person of color I welcome this.
>>Videos show gas canisters dropping from Hinds.
>lol why do you want to kill the man who funds terrorists in your country and enjoys killing your leaders with car bombs lol
>Syria never invaded anyone
>lol it doesn't matter if Syria invaded their neighbor.
It must be fun being a /pol/nigger.
>Videos clearly show canisters being dropped from Hinds exploding into gas
>"no, they're dropping BARREL BOMBS from modern attack helicopters stupid shill
>Killed in exactly the same way as Bachir Gemayel and a multitude of other leaders who tried to go against Syria and Hizbollah.
>nah it's the Jews
Would actually be cool to get to fight against Isis in this game. That conflict needs more moveis and games made about it
pic related
inb4 >Jew York Times
Wouldn’t we all, but there’s interests that the unwashed masses like you and me aren’t privy to the info about. Ideologically I can say killing Gadaffi and turning Libya into a shithole, and opening the door for millions of migrants into Europe, was a bad move. Destabilizing Syria in hopes of removing Assad to then lay a pipeline through turkey and Iraq is bad, but I don’t know the details. Maybe we do all this shit so that there’s not some big recession or so that China doesn’t end up taking our world dominator spot. It’s all so tiring, I don’t even have opinions on it anymore.
Oh no, i don't care about either faction in the slightest. Defend yourself, don't come running to daddy america when things don't go your way sweetie.
>Oprah is squad leader
Why is there literally no evidence for gassing? Why did the UN team sent there to investigate say it’s not conclusive? (When they actually were able to, the first time they were sent, another gas attack happened THE VERY SAME DAY they arrived. Yeah, Assad totally did that)
>Dictator who's used car bombs and kidnappings wouldn't dare use chemical weapons to scare his populace into line.
oh haha
this is awful
>>Oprah is squad leader
now that would unironically be based
pic related
The populace support him, though... a choice between an asshole but a reasonable asshole who is secular, and literal isis niggas beheading people. Now why would they choose asshole assad over that?
>UN eventually said Syria did it
>B-b-but they initially said it was inconclusive!
It's realistic. Not that she'd likely be an effective warfighter, just that she'd look good on paper. I got out of the army last year and I wasn't a Navy Seal sniper with 300 confirmed kills, but I had my ranger tab, and a 1st SFD combat patch. This shit is the future.
Even if Assad did use chemical weapons. which still hasn't been proven to this day, why should i care? Why should anyone except for the people in Syria care? Fuck them and fuck you. Handle your own business.
The UN also parroted the “babies in incubators” bullshit about Iraq in gulf 1
>I don't care lol
>But I'll spend time on the internet defending one side like the good little boy I am.
>But I don't care lol.
If anything I would WANT him to gas the Sunni headcutters, and k*rdish commies
the meme has been around for a long time
Literally everyone but weirdos on the internet think he gassed his own people retards. Just because you're /pol/nigger circlejerk doesn't think so doesn't mean he didn't do it.
>lol I don't care but Assad didn't use gas lol
>remember I don't care
Everyone besides the people living there and people not in the West. Give me one reason why he would. You can parrot sophistry all day but you people can never give a motive.
>Defending one side
>By pointing out facts and not warping reality because i have a personal stake in the matter
Why do you expect anyone to listen to a single thing you say you Lebanese faggot
>Propaganda doesn't exist
>And if it does it isn't effective
>You weirdo
your pol boogyman wouldnt be able to shove it down your throat if the sjw faggots didnt try shoving it down theirs.
>I'm just going to repeat Syrian propaganda and call it fact but I'm not defending the Syrians
You are obviously giving me (You)s so you are listening to what I say. Poor choice of words /pol/nigger.
>Unironically complaining about propaganda while repeating propaganda.
>Not the people living there
>Implying all the Arabic news outlets weren't talking about Assad gassing his own people.
nice. I already have a reason why he would scare his populace into line. Very much in line with what he's done before in Lebanon.
Everyone does? How about an independent UN team sent there to investigate? They call it a foreign invasion that Assad is fighting, not a civil war.
Do you still trust the UN, right?
>nigger sheboon leader
gross and unrealistic, and cod said they didnt want to be political and here they are
It’s not even his people that he’s fighting for the majority. The “rebel groups” are comprised of fighters who TRAVELLED THERE from various surrounding countries for the purpose of fighting there.
>On 6 September 2017, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic concluded that a Syrian Air Force aircraft was responsible the sarin attack, saying "the Syrian air force used sarin in Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib, killing dozens, the majority of whom were women and children".[2] This finding was confirmed in a report released on 26 October 2017 by the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism.[3]
Just watched the entire video and sorry it doesn't prove Assad did it.
1: Even if what their conclusions about the bomb being dropped from helis are it doesn't prove who dropped it
2: I don't see the purpose of this for Assad, if proven true he gives the west the excuse they need to remove him
3: I don't see the purpose for this as Assad is already winning .Say what you want about these meme pics but they have a point To me it really seems like a false flag to build up the support and cause for war that western powers need not just from the international comunity but from their own populace which has been highly negative towrads involving ourselves in the Syria civil war .
Also NYT based this on previous gas attacks, hinting that Assad were behind those but gives no proof. It's strange how the UN investigations didn't conclude that Assad did it but NYT does it from a grainy video. the same NYT who has been pro Syrian involvement from the start of the war.
I apreciate you linking a video which shows your side but it didn't convince me, user
cant wait for you retards to actually BUY this shit game, im pirating this faggotry.
So, what would you suggest America do in this situation? Get entrapped into another decade and a half long (so far) ongoing war to enrich the military industrial complex even more and destabilize the region even further? Sounds like a great idea retard
photoshopping the character you don't like to have silly proportions really helps your case.
wait no, it just makes you look like a fucking retard who is LOOKING FOR things to be angry about
check my 8
>Already give reasons multiple times.
>Completely ignore them and continue to repeat exactly the same talking points like an NPC.
Who else could drop it? No one has helicopters but government forces.
God damn he the niggest
I don't give a flying fuck what America does you stupid nigger. I just enjoy making /pol/niggers like you look retarded.
>the game play looks good
It's Call of Duty.
>Making me look retarded
>By posting propaganda
Good job big guy lmao
>>Already give reasons multiple times.
Sorry I haven't read the entire thread and you've been arguing with others. Mind repeating the reasons?
Only reason I can think of is that it's a more effective weapon but as I said the risk is not worth it and he's winning with conventional legal weapons anyway so why give the west the excuse the've been waiting for?
>Who else could drop it?
Israel, United states of America, France, Turkey, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, helel even Russia...Am I leaving out countries that have operated in Syrian airspace during this war?
>get btfo
>stood its ground against israel
Hezbollah (made by Iranians), Assyrians, the Syrian Social National Party, the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Syrian Arab Army did all the heavy lifting during that 15 year war
Not only that, the faggot phalangists were the ones who started the war in the first place because they believed they were (((phonecian))).
Lebanese cant do shit other than suck dick (unless they're united with the rest of their people)
very nice
Farah is cute. CUTE!
Stop, user, he's already dead.
Not as many people would be complaining about this if she didn't unironically look like a fucking racist caricature.
Assad and his regime are known to use violence to keep people in line. Just like during the Lebanese occupation. America doesn't keep canisters of chlorine gas around and doesn't have Hind helicopters. It was either Syria or Russia.
The niggers responsible for the war because they invaded the south and starting massacring people and bombing Israel.
>Syrian Social National Party
Larpers who hardly matter.
>The entire Lebanese Civil War was the Security Zone conflict.
Also please completely ignore the Syrians and Iranians assassinating Gemayel because he was a popular leader liked by both sides.
Cant wait to play as Syrian Arab Army and shooting this cuck
Syrian Arab Army has female soldiers too anyways
maybe it's a clown world because everyone thought a retarded incel like you was a fucking clown, maybe it's PTSD
it's not bait, you're just a jackass
It was supposedly sarin, moshe. Keep your story straight. And there was Turkish markings on some of the cannister remains
>Assad and his regime are known to use violence to keep people in line.
Yeah he's a third world dictator, dude, What else is new?
Does that mean he used gas despite it at best helping him take a city a little faster and at worst leading to an invasion and the ned of his regime at the hands of the west?
Why do that when he's already winning? It doesn't make sense, user
>America doesn't keep canisters of chlorine gas around and doesn't have Hind helicopters
how do you know? You really think false flags are rare? They want to invade, they need a reason. Assad using gas is a reason
>tfw I want to buy this game because the game play looks good but they made a black woman the squad leader of an elite SOF unit.
bait . tranny get out
They don’t want a reason to invade they just wanted to keep support for their funding and arming of the Sunni fighters
Those look like a bunch of stupid marines to me.
dilate lol
Yes they do, Obama and David Cameron tried it but got shutdown by their parliaments and the (thankfully) massive public outcry agaiust ut
Meanwhile they'll kept funding Jihadi rebels to extend the war
The video I posted focused on a chlorine gas attack in particular.
Like I said, scare the populace into compliance. Say you are right and America did gas them. Then it was a complete success since nearly everyone agrees that it was Assad. So what happened? A useless airstrike on a single airbase that was warned by the Americans in advance and basically nothing else. What an excellent plan.
>~25% less weight
>50% less strength to lift it
>The same as normal, lol
Fuckin hell, mate. Think about things for more than a second for once.
Marines wouldn’t have the fancy gear. They’d be pissing on the m2 because they’re out of lube and eating crayons
the only based twitter screencap
That was the move for air strikes in 2012 right? I don’t remember a call for any kind of direct invasion
Keeping these states in perpetual conflict and fighting is the plan, like Libya. It’s a shithole where everyones fighting eachother but since badguy dictator Gadaffi is gone we don’t care
>Cultural marxism doesn't exist
>Posts Steven Universe image
I feel deep in my heart that this is too ironic to be anything but bait, but I just don't know anymore
>Like I said, scare the populace into compliance.
Liek I said, he was already winning, what's the point? Gas just gives his enemies a chance to intervene and is effective propaganda agaisnt him.
>Say you are right and America did gas them
or someone else*
>Then it was a complete success since nearly everyone agrees that it was Assad.
not true, the people that want to invade and depose Assad ofcourse agree he did it, they came to that conclussion before the UN investigations even. the people however (and this is important) does not believe them and support for an invasion is extremely low. That's what the gas false flags are for
>we know you don't wanna invade but X gassed his own people! ;_; we have to intervene now it's international law!
Remind you of another country that was invaded recently where that excuse was used?
As long as public support is against it they can't depose Assad which they've wanted to do for years.
Obama wanted to invade, saw the massive public outcry against it, said
>b-but I need congress to vote on it
congress ofcourse says no.
Cameron did the same thing with the house of parliament and called it a
>dark day
when they also voted no
this has to be edited, no way they made a character look like that
it ism real pic here
not like that's much better
wrong a user gives a fuck witch = to the greatest of fucks given.
if at all nobody gives a fuck about you.
rember Yea Forums decides the future of the worldnot normie loosers like you.
suspens of disbelive destroyed, shit game confirmd.
propaganda tool confirmation.
with jews you loose
also the industry is centralised in california.
he is not here to discus deep political tactical or strategic subjects. he is a retarded normie fuck who repeats what he is told to do so.
stop wasting your time with a npc.
It's a little late to be the "voice of reason". This website hates leftists because it's met them. We arent misinformed, we actually know what you people are up to.
>i cant wait for you alt-right faggots to rise up and start a 2nd civil war so i can call in air strikes on your trailer parks
can't destroy the tax payer base, tyrone.
SHALL NOT, nigger.
almost got me
>supporting ISIS to own an ophthalmologist
cool bro
ok electionfag, this place used to be called a far left site in the media
The CIA is monitoring your computer and using dog whistles to let you know they are watching you.
You mean they didn't like people calling out the wars that were happening? Wow, who would've guessed that the media is full of shit.
>I have a damn near perfect memory.
Sure you do, champ. Sure you do.
that's called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon
post tits
>looks at comic books and video games
>thinks he gets to call other people losers
They're not gonna have a No Russian but they'll definitely involve white phosphorus somehow since it's a killstreak in multiplayer.
oh how easy it is to trigger you
call the bolice, i dont give a fuck
not really, the problem with the cultural marxism bullcrap is that you cal call pretty much anything you dont like cultural marxism
might as well blame the boogeyman
can you PROVE cultural marxism exist? can you PROVE everythng you dont like is the product of some elaborate conspiracy or should i just take your word for it?
also how come some trannies or faggots somewhere are proof of cultural marxism, but 3 starbucks per square meter, santa claus and popular culture are not proof of cultural capitalism?
in fact in a world so completely dependent and ingrained with consumerism, can you legitimately argue cultural marxism has any chance to flourish even if it existed? its like trying to start a fire underwater
>he doesnt gas civillians for no reason
Jews had a whole lot a black slaves and still do with record labels
I totally forgot about this. Holy shit, that was a wild ride. I still remember her crying on TV, on every fucking channel.
>willingly prove service/product
>get paid
>this is somehow slavery
yeah ok homo
>A jew only looks out for themselves
are you entitled to someone else's support? no, you are in this world on your own, you have the freedom to look out for others or only for yourself, its your choice and as long as you dont interfere with someone else's freedom its all fine
>Fox News also called this website a haven for pedophiles and the hacker known as Yea Forums
>Fox News said something so it must be true!
based retard
>They're like the most undesirable and worst looking humans on the planet
are you afraid of having too much competition?
>Implying they aren't gonna have her nuked 1/3 of the way through the story
Daughter of the fucking ambassador. Crazy, right?
>in fact in a world so completely dependent and ingrained with consumerism, can you legitimately argue cultural marxism has any chance to flourish even if it existed?
It's being marketed and sold. It's a product. It's hip. It's in style. It owes its success to why it's wrong.
based and truthpilled
plenty of asian men in sof units.
not so many stronk black females tho.
It was alarming how literally EVERYONE bought into that, even super critical anti-war leftists bought into it. "Fake News" has always been a thing. I'm glad people are being a little more critical more now, sadly now sometimes they don't believe anything at all.
And that's why we should be okay with devs replacing squads of men in real life events by a girl and her mother in videogame. It's just a fantasy, relax.
I'm telling you as someone who practiced battle drill 6 for years that the person's gender or skin color doesn't matter. All I cared about is does the person know what to do when they're in the stack. Dumb fucks like you who will never experience anything military should just keep your mouths shut.
Please don't talk about something you don't know anything about.
It's much less likely that a woman is going to know what she's doing or be able to execute on it. Also it's even more unlikely for it to be a black woman in the military attempting it.
The problem the OP is posing is the devs going out of their way to put essentially a unicorn into the game to pander to a subsection of people who will not buy the game regardless.
Well, if one black man says it then I think it’s time we can pack our shit up and stop asking for representation.
Meanwhile actual black female soldier.
You know 90% of CoD fans are black/white/hispanic normies who wont think anything beyond a slight tingle in their balls at the thought of the Amazonian tough woman trope when they see a female soldier right?
90% of CoD fans are 13-25 year old white guys.
As with all games.
>It's much less likely that a woman is going to know what she's doing or be able to execute on it
You're talking about it like it's a probability thing. If we're talking about probabilities then the vast majority of men also would not know how to do battle drill 6. That argument is fucking stupid.
>Also it's even more unlikely for it to be a black woman in the military attempting it.
I've met plenty of women in the army, of all races, and I'm telling you that every single one of them I met thought that what we did was fucking cool. Every time they got a chance to train with us they were super motivated, which is not something I could say about most of our new male soldiers.
Any person that is strong enough to hold up a gun can be trained to clear a room. It's just a fucking fact. An untrained man is just as much of a liability as an untrained woman. I'm saying this as someone who was trained to do it and then trained other people.
Well yeah
>when they see a female soldier right?
Nigga that thing in the OP won't be recognized as a women by any normie. Wyatt Mann has drawn more appealing black women.
Boys are going to be confused when they grow up after playing these video games. They see strong women, yet irl women scream when they see a daddy long-leg
>You're talking about it like it's a probability thing. If we're talking about probabilities then the vast majority of men also would not know how to do battle drill 6. That argument is fucking stupid.
An even greater majority of women would never even make it to training in battle drills at all. As well, probability wise, the woman would have lower reaction times and spacial reckoning to execute on a pattern.
Taking the basic bitch army for example, there's 819,000 people in service. About 800 of them are women who serve in combat roles. That's 0.0001% chance someone would encounter a female soldier in a combat zone. Now imagine how much further that chance plummets when we're talking about a female soldier leading a special operations HALO jumping team.
The point is that the devs have to essentially turn the military shooter into a fantasy game in order to devise a scenario to shove in a token minority character in the cringiest of ways that does more to damage immersion than all of the faux physics and other inaccuracies combined.
billy was confirmed to be a shooterchan /pol/kike
It takes a lot of autism to completely ignore what a person with actual experience is telling you. I understand, this idea of women you have is tangentially related to your own identity so you're essentially incapable of changing your mind. I'm telling you as someone who trained soldiers that untrained people are all fucking equal. No one cares if your reaction time was faster than someone else because clearing a room involves so much more action than just reacting to shit. You talk about probabilities because thinking about it is the complete extent of your real world experience with the military.
LARPing online isn't an argument, I'm afraid, and fake anecdotal evidence doesn't trump real facts any more than real anecdotal evidence would either.
I'll give you some effort points anyway.
Why does the first glance of someone that doesn't look like you make crackers seethe so hard? Its a video game
>y-you're just pretending bro
Sure. Say whatever you have to in order to refute something that challenges your ideas. What are the chances someone was actually in the military on Yea Forums, right? For your sake I hope someday you're willing to go get some life experience of your own before it's too late.
is it bad that I couldn't tell she was a woman
Is this the niggerest fucking nigger in video game history? They intentionally made it look like a genuine African negroid? Like they made an objective black person rather than sugar coat their features to make them look more normal. Holy fuck I can't believe those lips and nose.
Those lips have to be edited. This is a fucking joke rofl
oh shit I remember this photo
>Any person that is strong enough to hold up a gun can be trained to clear a room. It's just a fucking fact.
If that’s literally all, sure. But that’s less than 1 percent of what training is. It’s jogging 5km with a 100lb rucksack and shit, you know? You don’t just get ridden up to the badguys door, charge in and kill the, then go back and have a burger.
Why do you insist on this silliness?
Sorry, what exactly in my post made you think I was talking about the life in general? I was talking about battle drill 6 because that is generally the type of shit you do in CoD.
> It’s jogging 5km with a 100lb rucksack
You're talking about SF ruck marches in this instance so what you really meant was "undetermined distance" read: 25+ km and 100 pound rucks.
>Why do you insist on this silliness?
Is it really that hard to accept that a person who lived the life thinks your uninformed and inexperienced opinion about women in the combat arms is wrong?
“The life in general?” You just said anyone can be trained for it. There’s no use teaching someone how to check corners and then saying alright you’re a real operator now
>a woman can do this one drill therefore it’s realistic
Is that really your argument? A toddler can be trained to kickbox I guess that means toddlers can hang with us too
>generally the type of shit you do in cal of duty
You are literally running 99 percent of the time
i don't care
The difference is that this is a remake of cod4 with the negress being blatant political pandering. Women don't serve in the SOF faggot.
They don't hold back on making sure the negress as hideous as possible to piss us off.
no one but assadist incels from /sg/ likes assad
>playing westernshit
this is why you should stick to nip games without sjwshit
>You just said anyone can be trained for it.
Yeah, battle drill 6. You need help with reading comprehension, dont you.
>Is that really your argument?
No, because I never said she could do only one drill. Anyone who isn't disabled can learn the battle drills or whatever they're calling them now. The idea that an untrained man could clear a room better than an untrained female simply because he's male is completely stupid. It's an opinion held by people who don't have a real fucking clue of what they're talking about. You seem extremely desperate to refute my opinion. Maybe you should ask yourself why.
>You are literally running 99 percent of the time
No, you literally are not.
You’re picking one arbitrary example. How about unarmed? Knife combat? Running away? Chasing? A million other things? Throwing grenades?
Camper fag
god I miss games that didn't have leftist identity politics shoved in. imagine how pozzed cod4 would be if it released now
Good post.
>they're an avatarfag too
No, because Obama would have pardoned him like every other war criminal terrorist.
>You’re picking one arbitrary example
How is this arbitrary at all, you complete fucking retard? Do you even know what that word means?
>How about unarmed?
Male soldiers get almost no unarmed training now unless they sign up for combatives. Your average joe doesn't take a combatives class unless they are actually interested in it or forced to by leadership.
>Knife combat?
Soldiers don't even practice with bayonets anymore. I doubt most have even seen an army issued one before.
>Running away?
All soldiers are expected to be able to pass a PT test, which includes a run portion. At least it did when I was in.
Who exactly needs to know how to "chase" someone? Like, that's supposed to be a skill in your mind? That's the stupidest fucking thing you've said so far.
>Throwing grenades?
I know plenty of male soldiers who couldn't do the 30m grenade throw at first.
You really don't know anything about what you're talking about, do you.
And remember how fucking cringe white cj mods were for San Andreas?
the gameplay doesnt look good though
Are you a hole you just seem really bent on dying on this hill
Why does /pol/ always eventually rely on dumping images or webms? Is that something they do to each other over there when they don't feel like arguing or what?
Social pressure to stop talking is not an argument. Why doesn't he know? Why should he be quiet?
propaganda technique that clearly works extremely effectively.
How fucking sharp was that axe?
I wasn't trying to argue with him, you fucking pseud, because his opinion wasn't worthy of discussion. I gave him a reply suited to his post.
Why should I give up? Or is it that you don't like my opinion and don't want to see it?
>Nobody will suck my dick so I'm gonna throw tantrums on an image board for weebs :(
It's always insecurity every fucking time. Respect is earned not given, sub-human. You're not entitled to shit. If you think otherwise, you're a man in name only just like a tranny. Try contributing to society and developing social skills. Or neck yourself.
Cute but that lip animation is very bad
Based cyborg, mad respect for the man
>throwing their arms up
>looking around for somebody to legitimise their feelings that this is unfair
You just know they'd react to a warzone with 'seriously?'
>war game
>complains about politics
Do you have hundreds of webms saved of men pretending to be injured and making simple mistakes?
i hate when that happens
>remake of cod4
you should join the military and jump off the plane without a parachute
This is what it must feel like to be a god.
>fire fight with insurgents
>above the sound of gunfire you can hear "Oh lordy" and "Oh no you d'int"
A true hero
>Uses trannie "yikes" and "oof"
No differences
Yuri was ultra-nationalist as far as I remember. No mention of him being spetznaz, just part of Zakhaev's militia.
Embarrassing. On both ends
fuck off goy
Never gets old
what on earth is going on here?
She's fishing.
the artwork is great why the model so ugly ?
Holy shit, I thought the first one was an actual lady.
she dont give up, i respect that.
name one faction worth playing as in this century
>and no it's not recency bias or confirmation bias
yea it is
>i cant wait for you alt-right faggots to rise up and start a 2nd civil war so i can call in air strikes on your trailer parks
my fucking god, absolutely based
Holy shit a gorilla.
>AAA game gets more representation than other more well-designed military games
>tfw capitalism replaced culture
>who cares its vidya
no bro
Elite SOF units indeed do have women, you should read some books OP
i read this one from dalton fury and that one chick in delta force only acted more as an undercover spy than someone who engages in fights.
Best Korea
please do i rape your family in meantime to death while you play call of walefare kfc wars in your us army trailor.
nigger, your a libtard and the only thing you call in is a butthurt form.
insrgencys win wars or do you think you won afganistan or iraq?
You are wasting your time. These soul are beyond help.
Unironically kill yourself.
/pol opinion shapes the world yours , is nothing.
shit game confirmd
shit playerbase too
no standarts no skills.
go and furtnight dance.
then why can't we have white characters anymore?
fucking love terry
and here you got the reason while the right gets stronger and the left sucks cocks and gets weaker.
Daily reminders that these people have been fired or even jailed for their opinion.
So yes, they are oppressed.
so your the israelis and you murder inocent childten sith it?
>felt underrepresented in LOTR
go fuck yourself
sure and sadams iraq has wmds.
fuck off nigger.
Is this really who have i have to deal with on this site now
because pictures dont lie unlike you.
black on white that your full of shit and /pol is always right.
fuck off to reddit then nigger, if its a hugbox you look for.
you wont find it here.
>tfw would occasionally consume media with blacks in it
>they'd fit whatever setting they were put in
>most of the time didn't even notice it
>POC "empowerment" happens
>the revisionism and inconsistencies are glaring
>some idiot thought of that as a witty way to brainwash me
>ruins the entire media
as opposed to?
being omniscient and never finding anything new in your life?
The dude had a fucking stroke. How am I even supposed to translate that.
absolute cringe
go back to bed kid.
your to retarded to translate anything.
not to mention you lack the basic understanding. so i make it simpel for you.
nigger get back to red.dit.
Nice reddit spacing I guess. Also nice job at getting past the filter not. Are you a eurobro? Or are you just retarded and make constant small writing errors?
google Delta force funny platoon
dose it matter where one is from on Yea Forums?
no, we are all anons.
dose it matter on red.dit who you are where your from?
yes, now fuck off nigger you wont shill your shit game here.
anons where right on failing shietfield5 on shitwars and all other nigger tier games that go political.
this is the next one in a long list.
being omniscient would be so cash
Noting and discussing industry trends is for smart people. Guess it's not your thing
Child soldiers of Africa
You're constantly talking about reddit dude. I didn't even talk about the games politics. The one user that replied to me was just an incoherent retard. If now you're only realizing COD is political you're completely fucking reddit for how goddamn slow you are.
>dose it matter where one is from on Yea Forums?
It does completely matter, I want to know whether or not I'm talking to some third-world monkey or another fucking Canadian shitposter. You're trying so damn hard to fit in you just reek of reddit. And nice job at finally changing your spacing monkey.
your as retarded and stupid as one.
fuck off child no will upvote your nigger shit.
Reminder that this was a psy-op and no such thing has occured since it failed to gain traction outside of leftycamps lol.
>implying reddit doesn't like Assad
Before the thread dies be honest, are you fucking with me? I need to know since you'll probably get the last reply in before the thread dies so just tell me if you're an elaborate troll and an actually third-world monkey. I'd wager Brazil or the Philippines.