Are you ready to play some good old euro jank?
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Yes, I haven't played some good ass euro jank in a longtime.
Probably going to pirate it. Trailer focuses too much on a black female and they went out of their way to show gay romance in it along with various quotes in the trailer.Game might be good but it showed it’s hand already and I don’t like what I saw or more specifically what it implies about the politics they will be pushing.
Could be wrong but I’m not buying it until well after it’s out and only if it isn’t as blatantly political as I think it will be. And this is coming from someone who was able to enjoy inquisition.
Aside from playing a woman of color and gay shit, that's completely up to you, I was also worried about the game possibly being too heavy handed in pushing a message of COLONIZATION BAD, but I watched an interview that eased my worries somewhat.
time stamped the relevant question.
>Bound by Flame 75% off on Origin
Should I do it? I've never heard anyone say anything positive about this game ever
fuck, that game is some soulless pretentious bullshit
how can those devs even live while knowing they produced nothing of value
What's your problem with it? Personally, I found the idea of a colonial fantasy rpg to be pretty cool.
>I found the idea of a colonial fantasy rpg to be pretty cool
wow, you found the idea cool, how quaint
what does it do different than any other rpg it tries to emulate before?
what does it do better in terms of gameplay, combat, exploration, character building, world design, atmosphere, storytellling?
there is absolutely nothing special about this game
in fact, it has some of the worst solutions for all those things mentioned
also that idea has been done before, so this game really brings nothing new to the table, while also not even being on par in terms of gameplay with other games
I dunno, man. I don't need every game I play to be the next big innovation that revolutionizes the genre. To me, greedfall looks like it'll be a good, if janky, bioware style rpg in a cool setting with a possibly interesting story.
I also played their previous game, technomancer, and thought it was close to being a decent game if not for the shit combat.
Why can't Euros make games that aren't janky
Might as well ask why americans can't make schools that don't get shot up.
I get that point
though if you don't have time to play every game, this kind of game just doesn't make the cut
also it's not just about innovation, also about the actual gameplay, which simply isn't that good
and that isn't even a budget question, it's simply their inability to make it good
>this kind of game just doesn't make the cut
It does for me. I've been watching this ever since I saw a trailer for it during E3. Since then I was waiting for them to put out a video that revealed the game to be shit, but each subsiquent video only piqued my interest more. So I'm gonna play it.
>the actual gameplay, which simply isn't that good
It looks good enough. Janky, but not outright bad, like technomancer was.
That didn't make me feel any better. She essentially confirmed that yes COLONIZING BAD. While she did go on to say there is no moral judgement on their part I don't believe them as seconds before she said that they were the bad guys.
I'm going to keep on eye on it but the trailer put me on my guard too much. Selling your game on gay romance is one thing and a red flag by itself but when you use black women in the trailer of a CaC game it reeks of being agenda driven. If it was an Asian Woman or even a Black man it wouldn't have set off the same flags but Black women aren't the target audience and are probably the least common group of gamers aside from Hispanic women.
I was interested but the trailer ruined any hope I had for it being a good RPG where they actually follow through with not making moral judgments and letting the characters as act they will and not punishing them for making the "wrong" choice.
>She essentially confirmed that yes COLONIZING BAD.
She side stepped a loaded question by saying it's entirely up to the player. Not that yes, you are the bad guy but you can chose to be less bad.
>If it was an Asian Woman or even a Black man it wouldn't have set off the same flags
Now that you make me think about it, each trailer has had different created character presets between both male and female. There's no face of the game like how some games with character creation do.
In the end, I think you're being needlessly paranoid and making mountains out of molehills.
>Side stepped a loaded question
She didn't really. She answered it
>Needlessly paranoid and making mountains out of molehills
>By saying I I think its going to be agenda driven and gut the freedom of RPG elements to serve a purpose to I am going to hold off buying it until I hear to the contrary after the game is out
It if wasn't common and James Bond was not recently turned into a black woman you might be right. And there aren't a bunch of trailers. The longest and most prominent is that one. There is actually very little media on the game.
I admit I could be wrong but I'm not buying it until I am proven wrong. The trailer was a mistake in that respect at least because if I had not seen it I would have bought it on launch.
I'm always ready for new euro jank.
>Developed by Spiders
They've made nothing janky trash. Who the fuck buys their games
take your meds
>there aren't a bunch of trailers
There's the E3 trailer, the release date trailer, a short gameplay demo that only one site bothered to put out, and a series of videos explaining various aspects of the game. The narrated overview was part of that. The latest one they put out is about the party companions.
Like I mentioned, they show various created character presets, not just the black girl they used in the overview. You're honestly just being overly sensitive and looking for redflags where they are none.
I pirated technomancer saying to myself I'd buy it later. It was a bad game though so I didn't.
I'm not being overly sensitive. They are red flags and it is in fact my money. I have said I could be wrong but I'm not going to buy a game which has red flags and like a said there aren't a bunch of trailers. There are gameplay videos sure but not trailers.
Look your money is your money and mine is mine. I'm not shelling it out until what I suspect is the case is proven to be false. I'm not sure why that bothers you so much.
technomancer combat was like witcher 3 but with more variety, but the quest and world design was pure garbage. I like spiders studio but their games always end up to ambitious.
I will keep an eye on greedfall tho, i loved Risen 2/3's carivic setting and this seems to be even tropical. I just hope they stop trying to create a """"streamlined""" aaa rpg this time and give us some good role playing. Overall i'm quite optimistic, since they always added more to their formular with every game and by now they should have a... well, an actual game!
Why do you care more about trailers than gameplay videos?
I really have no hope in this game being just a jankier technomancer.
>I'm not being overly sensitive.
I'd say you are. Getting triggered by a black PC in a game with character creation, and merely showing you can get gay with at least one companion. Didn't even make a big deal about the homo shit either.
>There are gameplay videos sure but not trailers.
You have it backwards. For the longest time there were trailers but no gameplay. Until the overview trailer, the only gamplay was 2 10min b-rolls from e3 and some literally who site before that.
most studios here create their games from scratch. PB or Spiders(french PB) create their own engines and never really got the production streamlining other studios got down.
I was excited till they pushed faggotry in their gameplay trailer. These euro niggers ain't getting my Yankeebux no more
>technomancer combat was like witcher 3 but with more variety
Nah, brah. technomancer's combat was hot garbage. Way too few skills for the actual technomancer side, and it was janky as fuck. Not in a good way.
Greedfall already looks way better in gameplay at least.
>Triggered by black PC
Firstly I'm not even white so don't bother with that asinine line of logic. Secondly it isn't that it is a black PC. Its that its a prominently featured Black Female MC when showing off at one of the most prominent events before its release date. No wise business person would do that as it doesn't target any potential target audience and you would only use them as a flagship for a trailer because of reasons unrelated to business.
The fact they made that choice informs me of their goals even if the choice itself doesn't bother me. And once again I may still buy it however I'm not buying it on launch anymore until I am proven wrong. I am being a cautious consumer and yet that is somehow a problem.
i only played technomancer for 3 or 4 hours because the presentation of the plot was ass. Yeah the combat was janky, but for me it's still one of the better lite arpg systems compared to risen or witcher. Gotta say that this overall style of gameplay is pretty jank by default tho.
are you the autistic cunt that kept on raving about how useless cutscenes are, some months ago?
How could I both enjoy RPGs and have a problem with cutscenes? Are you just trying to connect me with some other retard now to dismiss what I'm saying?
YES or NO you verboose fuck
No retard if it wasn't abundantly obvious.
>its a prominently featured Black Female MC when showing off at one of the most prominent events before its release date.
If you want to go that route, they put out the companions trailer during gamescom and that's just as long as the overview trailer and has various CaC presets on display. Meanwhile the overview trailer wasn't put out during any industry event.
>I am being a cautious consumer
I would say you're just being delusional but whatevs. If you end up playing it, remember to join the rest of us in discussion of which faction is the truly correct choice and the rest are shit.
Also, I'm surprised that you picked up on the black PC and gay shit but haven't once mentioned how you're character is working for the congregation of merchants, aka, the jews.
no never
>Gotta say that this overall style of gameplay is pretty jank by default tho.
There have been games throughout the ages that have done 3D brawler type combat well. Technomancer's combat was just bad. I tried to make it work, but it was just fucking bad.
>Delusional for not buying something on launch because of doubts
No this is just you being a a corporate stooge.
A bunch of merchants sending you isn't agenda driven. It is the most real to life thing in the entire game. I only picked up on it being a black woman. Like I said before a black guy wouldn't have put up red flag. But feel free to keep putting me in a box because it makes you feel better.
i have to be honest - my favorite rpgs and the only ones i've ended in a lot of years are european.. risen series, spider games, etc
for some reason, american shit gets overhyped a lot, i play them for a long time but i lose interest before ending them but in european shit even though the open world is there, it's more streamlined and you'll end it before getting bored.
so yeah, give me this shit , i want it
and by the way, weebshit rpg doesn't count as games, since they revolve around mindless grinding for braindead zombies - fun sometimes if you turn your brain off but no enough be considered actual videogames
Ooh, a self-deprecating joke! You're getting better at this, shill-kun
reminds me of the Risen series which I could totally play another of.
euro jank is a term of endearment, newfag. Lurk more.
this doesn't look like a very good game.