Attached: COD.png (1482x840, 2.69M)

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I don't understand what you mean, really. Los Angeles 2022 looks really authentic from where I'm standing.

God the visual design of the game is so fucking disappointing
Make fun of blade runnerfags all you want but at least it doesn't look like a generic brown shooter

You could've put call of duty logo in the corner over the cyberpunk one and I legitimately wouldn't have known better.

Original CoD MW?

>Imagine being one of the retards who was hyped or this trash, years ago

>cod 4 remastered 2

This is probably bait so I'll assume it's just a COD screenshot with the Cyberpunk logo for shitposting purposes just like the GTA ones.

That hand with the mp5 is straight from cod 4

The filename is literally COD you gullible retards

it's a Cyberpunk screenshot you idiot it just has a COD gun over it

"Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather"

Attached: GTA.png (1576x806, 1.1M)

>tfw even Call of Duty Advanced Warfare was more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: 1566469001310.jpg (3840x2160, 865K)

Imagine being this much of a retard holy shit

California thread?
California thread!

Attached: 694940094001_5822477957001_5822475920001-vs.jpg (931x524, 61K)

Why, it looks like cod.

Outside of the megacities it'd be Mad Max tier I think

Except it is literally a correct interpretation of cyberpunk made my people in 2019. Cyberpunks aestethic has evolved as we now understand that our bleak, possible future is going to be precisely what you see there.
A bunch of run-down goblin slums in an ancap moraleless society run by decadent mega rich.

I regularly get deployed overseas for work. I've been to half a dozen third world shitholes such as the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Beirut, and Columbia. Of all the deployments I've done, the one I hated most was Los Angeles. It's literally the worst place I've ever been and even going there for free with all expenses paid wasn't enough to salvage it.

It literally is.

>t.- the only person on Yea Forums that ever read Cyberpunk 2020


>open world game in a city = GTA

Attached: 1538266888393.jpg (500x333, 26K)

I dont understand. Whats wrong with the picture?

More like devolved into boring shit

There's nothing cyberpunk about it.

what's cyberpunk

Attached: Bez tytułu.png (1400x788, 1.3M)

Yeah but don't you get it. The aesthetic is spot on. The future is not exciting.

There's always two kinds of people

Attached: right next to each other.jpg (702x376, 26K)


Attached: 1528724446467.png (800x450, 420K)

What makes it not cyberpunk?

Dumbass it's not supposed to be realistic future. There are flying fucking cars and Gundam lasers in this piece of shit game. Make it look the par too.

the opening shots of the original Blade Runner define what cyberpunk is quite well

Its a good thing I wasnt talking about the original Blade Runner then you cumguzzling faggot

You're the amerinigger that thinks McDonalds is high cuisine.

Or, less "straight out of my ass"-y, it's just that the art direction completely lacks creativity and they're defaulting to a safe, familiar style.

That was uncalled for.

It's literaly more creative that your generic "Blade runner copy #56500". Cyberpunk is our bleak future and this looks spot on. I'm sorry you're to low iq to understand that.

It's not called Burgerpunk 2077 now is it you dumb nigger

Says the dude trying to pass a mass consumer product thought up by a nigger and a dyke as meaningful artistic content lmao.

If you notice, the original Blade Runner looks nothing like the pic in OP.

>It's literaly more creative that your generic "Blade runner copy #56500".
It's not. It's literally just a GTAV ripoff.

Wow, its almost like Blade Runner isnt cyberpunk. Its been around since the 60's you dense cunt.

Your arguments don't make any sense and your insults are boring. Maybe go to sleep to reload your brain.

A generic Burger Slum is literally the fucking future and you know it.

Nigga these screens looks like 1,000,000 games we've seen before. I wouldn't classify Dying Light or CoD as groundbreaking cyberpunk interpretations.

>HURRR no neon light no cyberpunk HURRR grug only likey cyberpunk with flashy lights!
literal brainlet.

Not very based of you CDPR. Consider my preorder officially cancelled.

Attached: 064.gif (326x281, 171K)

that's because neither of those 2 games are cyberpunk you retard


looks shit though
gimme that neon noir shit

Imagine not knowing that Cyberpunk is going to be a deus ex/system shock type of game after years of posting about it

Attached: 1557256824584.png (800x750, 106K)

Just a couple more steps bud.

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It's gonna be a console FPS. Not an old archaic PC RPG that requires a week to memorize the inputs.

>cyberpunk is only flashing neon lights and billboards. anything that doesn't look like literal bladerunner isn't cyberpunk
okay retards

Which Call of Duty game is this?

Once again Yea Forums has a civil debate over what counts as good game design.

Attached: ABF16937-1478-4D10-83FF-40B7C830AF56.gif (540x291, 1.94M)

You were so close to making a thought, don’t lose hope.

Nobody mentioned Blade Runner. Have some Altered Carbon.

Attached: 379322.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

yes, as we all know, cyberpunk never happens during the day, during the day it becomes generic future.

>Want Kowloon Walled City with subtle unsaturated neon lines, beautiful contrast, beautiful steam, beautifully animated and programmed characters who scream "YOU BUY NOW!!" and then when you ignore them and keep walking they scream "FUCKA YOU DEN!!!"
>Get Watch Dogs 3 for ps4

>Get Watch Dogs 3 for ps4
You mean Watch Dogs 3 before the downgrade

Imagine a next-gen sequel set in either Hong Kong/Beijing/Seoul/Tokyo.

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Great bait mate

I’m pretty convinced that you’re an actual bot.

and i'm pretty convinced that you are one of those 'hnnn bladerunner is the only TRUE cyberpunk' morons that infest this dumpsterfire of a board