Comfy Switch Thread

Whatcha playing bros?

Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?

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I'm playing Astral Chain, shit is cash.

I've been slacking on Fire Emblem. There's no way I'll be done in time for Astral Chain. Platinum will just have to wait.

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Minecraft again bc I'm an idiot. I also bought bastion and transistor since they were on sale for less than $4. Already beat bastion before but transistor seems like an xcom type game? Not sure but I'll give it a try soon.


I’m a girl btw

Been obsessively finishing the DAEMON X MACHINA demo every day until release next month


Playing octopath traveler, its comfy af, also Ultimate Alliance 3 with my brother, dont like to play it solo that much

thinking of getting the switch lite but not sure if the smaller screen will make getting it that much worse than just getting a switch. its just that in canada the switch is 150 more dollars than the switch lite and i cant tell if the 150 dollars is worth it if im mostly planning on using it for a handheld in bed.

Also will Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina work on the switch lite?

With the release of the updated Switch and the Lite coming out I'm wondering if I should buy one of them or keep on waiting for the "Pro" version.

Playing Oninaki rn
Can't wait for Astral Chain tho

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Playing Summer Pockets. Good VN, would recommend

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Mario maker 2 (getting bored now) and nothing else.

I think I wasted my money cause its been over 2 years and nothing looks good on the horizon and everything I was hyped for was a blunder.

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been thinking about getting this, hows the pacing? also it is tough or like most jrpgs's?

I've done a few runs of DAEMON X MACHINA in handheld mode, it's good enough to play and enjoy but the large scale combats definitely benefit from the TV mode a lot.

>but the large scale combats definitely benefit from the TV mode a lot.
oh.. thats good to consider. thank you

The pacing's pretty good, you never feel like overdoing stuff but the beggining may feel slow for some people tho, so far not hard at all, standard difficulty just like any Square Enix game desu

Gosh I can't wait for Pikmin 3 port and Metroid 5

Playing Xenoblade chronicles 2 until Astral comes out

Dragon quest builders 2, it’s surprisingly good. I play a bit of builders 1 but I’m having a hard time getting into it

I wonder if most Switch VNs use 1080p assets that downscale for handheld play or use 720p assets that upscale for TV play.

Windwaker and twilight princess HD ports should come as well

Just came back from sending in my Grey joycons for repair. Hopefully my blue ones don't get the drift crap. I'm also considering buying the new switch

Playing Hotline Miami and VC1. Definitely picking up Creature in the Well and LAR. Waiting in reviews for AC and DxM. Very excited for LM3 and NMH3

Playing Bayonetta series.

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>gave astral chain a chance because everyone was praising it
>immediately bombarded with anime characters and a horrific cringeworthy story
>combat is typical platinum fare (unfortunately, I hate every single game platinum has ever made, so this isn't a good thing)
>have nothing to say graphically, because I'm not a graphics whore. Hell it could look like a Ps2 game and I wouldn't mind if it didn't have a ton of other problems

Another disappointment. Here's hoping Daemon X machina is better.

>playing HM on consoles

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What's going to happen in Sept/Oct?

witcher 3 on switch

did it leak already or is this just trolling?

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forgot link

Thanks user i think i'm gonna pick it up. Been itching for a good turn based rpg on the switch

I lost my pc and laptop in a house fire and am still waiting on an insurance payout

thats what you get for falling for the Nvidia meme

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Soft relaunch. Switch Lite is releasing along with a metric fuckton of games

Sorry to hear user, what happened? Seems pretty fucked up

What games?

might pick up Astral Chain. Idk, what do (You) guys think? Is it gonna be worth getting and good?

I'm skeptical of the Links Awakening remake, I just don't see the 60 dollar value. That custom dungeon maker doesn't look like a big enough justification either.


I throw my Switch like a fucking frisbee.

Shame you also can't read. You bought a system you dislike AND you can't read, visiting comfy threads to be a little bitch - it really sucks, being you.

Alternating between Grandia and the Dragon Quest demo. Comfy times.

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Wow. The Switch is so great, even your dog can play with it.

trolling, the game is the biggest mind ghost snoys have at the moment so they go fucking insane over its existence.

Getting ready for Tetris99 FE theme tomorrow, started the Dragon Quest demo today, on top of that I bought SUPERHOT and I have no idea, fuck my backlog.

I wish Grandia II HD was released physical, I love it, I don't give a fuck about the first one, so if both were released on a cart, I'd get it ASAP - now I'm just mad and waiting for a sale.

Anyone knows if Ghostbusters and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath will get physical releases?

Downloaded four demos, and now I have three games I need to buy.

give me wonderful 101 or FUCKING GIVE ME WONDERFUL 101 Y U DO THIS TO BE BITCH ;-;

Look user, you really need to understand something. Comfy doesn't mean "no wrongthink". It simply means people aren't angrily attacking eachother or inciting console wars or being aggressive. If you actually want "comfy" to be synonymous with a hugbox, then i think r*ddit is more up to your speed.

comfy means no shitflinging, not "your opinions shouldn't differ from mine"

fuck off

Playan nothing, yet still buy games by the bucket.
Hyped for nothing as the passion is gone.

why does this game have such little enemy variety?

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next year bro

i have high hopes

Been playing a bit of FE3H still but mostly Persona 5 lately. Getting a real itch to play some XB2 next.

Won't regret it user

What's the point of this thread? Either people are playing Smash, BOTW for the fifth year straight, or nothing.

Trannies aren't girls, no matter how hard you mutilate youself

how do i buy the vouchers? i subscribed to switch online for a month

Yep. This is exactly what I think of when I think of a Switch user. Mentally unstable piece of shit who played god on themselves because they were literally that insecure, while also playing with children's toys. Enjoy your bing bing wahoo until you fucking off yourself, I guess

Should I get Resident Evil Revelations 2? seems like good value now that it's on sale.

I'm finishing my Blue Lions playthrough, then picking up Astral Chain. I'll replay Three Houses in a different house in a few months.
It does not sound too smart to burn oneself's out by rushing all the three house only one week after the game's release

Which sd card would you guys recommend?

rent free

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i havent touched my switch since our trip to nashville in may. we played part of a race of mario kart and then went out for drinks.

at least my gf uses it

Depends on how much you fall for the digital meme, 64/128 are perfectly fine If you get most of the bigger games physically

Talk me out of buying all the fucking DOOM's on the Switch

literally perfect game to play with gf

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The dev blog basically sold me

the Doom1/2 ports are shit but as far as I can tell Doom3's port is alright

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You in America? They needed that shit about 20 days ago

what about DOOM 4?
is there footage of DOOM Eternal on Switch?

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Playing Dragon Quest 11 demo (progress will be transfered to final version, so why not) and will start Oninaki soon. Before that I played 3 Houses, 2 playthroughs, and now I'm waiting for new difficulty.
I have no time to finish everything I'm interested in. Definitely getting AC, but next month. Probably when I finish Oninaki.

>Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?
Fuck I forgot that there's a fuckton of games coming out September/October
Why did I spend all my neetbux on figurines
Go on without me Yea Forums

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Oh no I need to keep my games backed up before Switch servers die in 8 years. I truly don't Own My Games™. Meanwhile I haven't lost a single game since going purely digital vs the numerous nartridges I've lost during moving over my life. By the way, he meant brand retard.

265gb will be plenty even for first party titles. The biggest games I've downloaded on my Switch are third parties.

sendarum_ on twitter is the worst fucking splatoon player it makes me so angry

I really couldn't get into Octopath. None of the stories interested me. Seems bland and grindy.

Time to hack your Switch senpai

Don't you need to buy that thing that goes where your joycons go still?

My joycon is drifting. Really crazy. I bought it last month and I'm not hard on it. Only been playing 3 houses too.
Oh well. Guess I'll buy one of those cheap wired controllers.

3H was mediocre as fuck.
>worst fetch quests humanly conceivable
>pointless instruction segmets
>pointless tea parties and meals
>basically everything about the monastery is stale, unnecessary, bloated, lacking
>half the master class units don't make any fucking sense
>the maps are just ok if not below average

I like what they did with magic and the voice acting was ok. 3H is a 4/10

only if you fail the brainlet test and cant get fold the tinfoil right

This. Game is boring as fuck. All the hype is literally memes and waifus. Shit game dropped it halfway through.

How hard is it to mod it? I'm a brainlet but I've modded the wii and the ps2 for reference.

Not sure if I should get DQXI. So far the demo just seems like the same shit as the PC version, which I played up until the third act before getting tired of playing hundreds of hours.
I just don't get the hype behind the game. It's comfy sure with good mechanics, but it long overstays its welcome by the third act. I can think of a ton of better JRPGs to play.

I’m trying my best to resist holding off until Black Friday to get one but all these new games and ports are making it hard

Why don't these stupid niggers just play a dating simulator? Quit ruining games with your autism. Mario vs Rabbids is a better FE than 3H

Any of the Capcom sale games worth picking up? I've heard nothing but good things about Okami.

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>Whatcha playing bros?
Danmaku Unlimited
>Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?
Only for Link's Awakening.

Rune Factory 5 when? Will Animal Crossing fill the void? DQ Builders 2?

Fix your reading comprehension retard

you'd like hot dressed as bayonetta

Don't get Hotline Miami for the Switch. It's a buggy mess. It's literally unplayable. I just deleted after completing chapter 13 3 times and not continue because of a bug.

answer me

Wrong, it's a really good port, just finished the first one and started the second today, no issues at all

God i love Yea Forums. Really gives you the info you need.

You were lucky. I had a ridiculous amount of bugs that forced me to restart over and over. The port is fucking trash, stop spreading misinformation, faggot.

Here's my collection. I haven't run into any bugs in the HM collection yet but as someone that's played them on PC they're a little awkward to control.

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I did it bros.

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How's Dank Souls

It runs fine. Sound quality is a bit annoying but you get used to it.

What a Chad

It's not buggy in the first chapters, it was fine until chapter 10. When the chapters start to get longer it becomes unplayable because of the bugs. I literally just deleted the game of my Switch because I had to repeat each chapter like 3 times because there was a bug Everytime that didn't allow me to continue..

This is the first I've heard of anyone at all having problems with the port. Everyone else has said that they're good ports. So who's really the one with misinformation?

Playan Xenoblade 2. I have weird adhd with cutscene heavy games like this. Like I need to put headphones on so I won’t miss anything. It’s awesome that it has a cutscene viewer that I can access anytime though.

Is the expansion pass worth getting now or should I wait for NG+?

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Persona 5. Great game on the switch

Before you do that, get a can of this (or any electrical cleaner spray), spray a little (just a bit) under the flap of the joycon, let it work for five minutes, and see how it performs. It's only $6.

Yeah and everyone most likely just played the first 2 chapters and stopped. I'm telling you retard. The port is really bad.

Whops, forgot my pic.

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Apparently the DLC makes the game good

I just cleared Assault (ch13) so I've been pretty lucky. I've heard of a couple of people having to restart levels because of a bug but as far as I know it's not super common and you might be a bit unlucky.

Playing the Dragon Quest demo bros, played it way back when it first dropped on PS4 but stopped for some reasons trying it now with all the next content

I've been playing Super Hot for the first time. It's amazing. I can't wait to play this in VR. Wish I played it in VR for the first playthrough. Other than that, just slogging through Wizards Symphony.

Waiting for Astral Chain to leak. Where the hell is iiiiiiiit.

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splatoon is terrible

Playing FFIX at the moment. Interested in Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina, Link's Awakening and Luigi's Mansion 3

I got a 128GB one for relatively cheap. I was looking at 256GB and they were over double price, so I thought that the one I got was best value for money. Just have a look at some on Amazon, they're very reasonably priced.

And I'm telling you brainlet, I've personally beaten the game, along with 75 percent or so of the people who I've seen talking about it/talked to about it myself.

i bought a 512gb and loaded it with xci files

How much did that set you back?

Not him, but 512s are going for around $85-$95 on Amazon right now. Better deal than the 256 I got for $60 awhile back.

i think i paid $100, even cheaper now. worth it. i had a 400gb before and ran out of space

I thought the standard version was overpriced and overrated when it first launched but Superhot VR is easily one of the killer apps of VR, its the only reason I still have that piece of shit hooked up

Listen im in my mid 30s, I loved Nintendos efforts for the nes, SNES and n64 they are the only console manufacturer that has 3 great systems in a row for me,

but since the cube things have crashed, the apporach to game design Nintendo now uses is boring.


I'm living overseas and don't have my PSVR on me. How accurate is the tracking and everything?

That's good shit

Nes was garbage, and n64 had like 4 good games. You just have shit taste is all

please warioware switch please

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How the fuck does Baldur's Gate work on consoles?

>Bee simulator

>Nes was garbage, and n64 had like 4 good games.

Holy fucking shit. Lmfao

Are you going to buy this game? It's really good!

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Is Octopath good or is it just a novelty? I really like old school rpgs but im wary of anything pretending to be retro

Is this a custom console or a bundle I'm unsure of?

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I enjoyed it. But I am stuck right now in it. Way too much grinding required

Hollow Knight.
I don't know why I didn't pick this up earlier, it's such a good game.

Right on. I do want to try it and I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually

yeah I want to add that it is pretty fun and beating bosses is satisfying

Already beat the second one. Should I bother with this?

Playing Dragons Dogma and Cuphead. Fun times.

I'm playing "get really fucking angry because my three month old switch has drifting joycons." Great game.

Im fucking worried that this will happen to me...
Is it inevitable?
I had the Switch since launch

Been playing fore emblem. The post timeskip school shit is starting to feel like a slog but I think I'm getting close to the end.
Ninja Saviors came in today so I might pop that in for a bit

will you stop using abbreviations you fuck.

How is Okami on the switch?

Was worried I wouldn't have a route done in FE3H by time Astral drops but I'm gonna' be broke due to moving into a new place so I won't be buying anything new for a bit.

Grabbed Doom 1 & Transistor with some of my coins and I'm bouncing between FE3H and the DQXI Demo.

Okami's good and the Ace Attorney HD collection is great. Leagues better than the shitty iOS/Mobile ports

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You only hear people complaining about it because the people who don't have the issue don't need to talk about it. Out of all the people I know that have Switches, only one has had a Joycon drift issue.

What do you guys think about the JoyCon stick drift?

I haven't had anything to do with drift, but my left con keeps disconnecting if it goes to long without charging. like I've never had that happen to the right one even once.

I'm on the fence of hacking my switch but i really don't want to brick the thing. Anyone here have experience modding it?


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0 chance of bricking it as long as you don't do things that aren't on the hacking guides

Are EmuNANDs viable if I want a clean online SysNAND with cfw?

As the other guy said, follow a good guide step by step and it'll be impossible to brick your console unless you only have half a brain. Back up your NAND too to restore it in case something goes wrong.

I don't want to hack it, I try to avoid pirating my games.

Rec me some good Metroid / Castlevania like games that aren't Hollow Knight

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The Mummy demastered

Projecting hard there bud.

The Messenger

Axiom Verge
La-Mulana 2 when it comes out

we can start fucking later then.

Ori and the Blind Forest is coming to Switch. I was pretty enjoyable

I'm thinking of doing the GameStop promo and trading in my OG switch for the revised one. Better battery life, brighter screen, cooler temp, and slightly better preformance is very tempting for just 75$.

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That's the only one and the rest aren't worth your time. Ori looks good though.

Show bobs and vagene

They just recently lowered their value on the Switch to $175 with an extra $25 on the promo so you'd be out $100 plus tax now.

I wouldn't bother. It's just more battery life. I doubt it makes much of a difference for most people.

It has a better display too

Why are all the games on this service so shit? SNES when?

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DQ 11 demo, thought I'd hate it because I usually don't like jrpgs but I actually love it

The base game story is "12 hrs" according to Nintendo back when the original Link's Awakening released. It goes to 15 hrs for 100% completionists.

OR you can bear the game with minimal hearts and be done with it in 5 1/2 hrs. And all for theblow price of $60

>Whatcha playing bros?
I played some Bayonetta today, I really do prefer the weapons in 2 but I do want to get the hang of 1 someday, still having fun in the meantime though.
>Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?
Oh fuck yes.
>Astral Chain
>Ninja Warriors
>Daemon X Machina
>Gunvolt iX
What more could a /m/an want.
Plus there's Panzer Dragoon and physical Mana Collection coming too.

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Oh crap. Thanks for telling me. Im gonna check out a few gameplay vids on yt and if they are good enough then ill buy it. Thanks user. God speed bro

Nintendo is just going to port all the SNES games for 20-30 buck each like Contra and Wild Guns. Either join the pirate chads or pay the retard tax

Time to sell your figurines back to gamestop hyeong

Can you switchfags explain to me why you get excited for games being ported to switch that are 1 maybe 2 console generations old. Games on systems you probably still own and whose version probably runs smoother and looks better? Games that aren't really hard to find? I haven't gotten my switch yet but when I do I plan on picking up just exclusives since every game seems to end up on ps4.

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Super Mario Maker 2 is a port? Fire Emblem Three Houses is a port? Astral Chain is a port? Daemon X Machina is a port? Those are just a few recent titles off the top of my head. What other console can I play those games on? You're a fucking retard.

My personal case. I have money to burn so i dont mind buying games and consoles cause it doesnt hurt at all. But there are a lot of things to do with a switch. I take it to work and play there to pass the time. I enjoy the fact i can head to bed and play 15 mins before bed. Mostly though, i really enjoy the fact that during winter when its nice and cold i wake up warm and i can lay in bed playing all morning. Then i get up make a nice breakfast, walk it over to my california king, eat then play some more. The switch is redeemable if you actually own one instead of just using your anus as a source for information.

I like my PS4 but prefer playing on my Switch and if a game I didn't play or really liked comes to Switch I can get it on my Switch to play for the first time or to replay.

So, are Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina actually good? Watched some footage, they look like some dmc clones. Nothing wrong with it, just curious. Haven't played one since MGRising. Still wondering what to use my voucher on, so far was between FE3H and DQ11S. There's also Xenoblade 2 but might get a sale
>inb4 lol nintendo sale

>DxM looks like a DMC clone

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Mech based third person action

Wish it was $20


And it plays absolutely nothing like Devil May Cry, it's fuckin Armoured Core if anything.

>Armoured Core
This makes more sense. Haven't played AC since 2

Abso-freaking-lutely. Wrath of the White Witch was leagues better than NNK2.

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Was thinking about picking up a new one for Mario maker 2. But I also want to try to find a old one to hack and play it online but it sounds like to much hassle, the new ones will get hacked after some time and by then I'm sure I'll be bored of MM2. Since the games rarely go on sale it seems like such a waste. Plus I'm way to frugal.

Yeah, I think it even has some old AC devs working on it.

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Kinda wanna get Neo Turf Masters and Space Harrier, what do you guys think of them?

Playing Fire Emblem and Trials of Mana

Patiently waiting for Astral Chain next week, and I'll probably hibernate for the next couple of months, maybe get DQ11 or Luigi's Mansion 3, but holy shit these next couple of months are going to packed with games on all sides and I have nowhere near enough money to get all of them at once.

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Y r u all poor?

Can someone recommend me a comfy game primarily for handheld mode? games like mario maker,mario kart, and smash are too input heavy for me to play comfortably, I tried three houses (enjoying it so far) on handheld but there are too many instances where I can’t read text boxes even with reading glasses on

>So, are Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina actually good?
Well neither is out yet

Then hack your Switch and pirate them, easy solution

Katamari Damacy perhaps? Just uses the sticks, and there's not much to read.

Has any of you anons played Castle of Hearts? How is it?
>It's really good!
I wanted to like it. The artstyle and the soundtrack were amazing, and the characters and story were charming, but the gameplay itself was FUCKING TRASH. The map navigation was boring and the combat system was annoying. I liked the familiars and the evolution mechanism, but they weren't enough to save the game.

I played through Doom 4 in handheld mode. It's a little blurry, but the framerate is more solid than docked. My only real concern was that it was a little to dark and it was hard to see some of the levers to get the classic maps. Gyro aiming is tight. I think they added a later patch to bump up the res and add a few fps, but I haven't played it in a while. Wait for a sale.

it less dark now in 1.2
mite be cool?

How does it feel to only have a couple new games per year and paying way more than everyone else for ports?

Playing bloodstained.
>inb4 is the switch version fixed yet
I just beat the 2nd boss and the game seems fine. IDK what was broken anyway

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Kinda want to pick DQXIS but the last game I bought was an RPG (FETH) and I don't want to be burn out of turn based combat when Pokemon releases. Might just wait for Luigi's Mansion 3

Going to be going digital only and handheld only for my switch.
How big of an sdcard should I get?

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reminder to buy raging loop in october

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Pretty fucking huge, especially if you plan to get stuff beyond small indie games and Nintendo's smaller titles.

How huge is huge?
I need numbers.

I think 200+ might be fine enough. Exclusives, in particular, are very low in space.

>Going to be going digital only and handheld only for my switch.
so you plan on getting a lite?

Games are typically around 10GB and only a few reach 20. But memory cards are fucking expensive and you might grit your teeth at almost paying 1/3 the price of the console just for its memory card

>memory cards are expensive
Nigga a 200gb one is barely 40 usd

what is this? never heard of it

>see this
>google prices
>mfw your right
Went to local best buy and bought a 128SD card for $50. I wanna kill the normie in me

what are u planning to get, i have a 400 gb almost filled but i blame the digital titles of bigger games like starlink, atelier, doom and capcom shit for taking big chunks of my memory.

Well, it might be a little much more than it's worth but I think you'll still be fine with 128gb. It won't be necessary to buy anything higher.

Going to get the whole atelier series. How big are those games?

Manticore and Doom2, i never got to play Baldur's gate so i'm hyped for that and Neverwinter Nights.

>tfw still super fucking happy we're getting Disgaea 4 Complete+ and it's at Halloween season too
I love that game so much and a second portable version as an excuse to play it again and have new people play it makes me happy. I love the cast, the gameplay, the amount of content, music.

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>Whatcha playing bros?
Gonna be mainly playing Crash (1 on Trilogy and occasional races on CTR NF) while I wait for Astral Chain.

>Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?
This period is going to be nuts, I may stagger when I buy games coming out then.

Ori is much more platforming focused and a lot shorter than HK. Its still a gorgeous and worthwhile game though. But HK is superior in more ways id say.

I want Pikmin 4, I will pay money for 1,2 again and support 3 if given the opportunity. There are tons of games id love to play on the go if theyre priced reasonably. Ports dont hurt anyone, devs see more money and for smaller devs this means more likely on sequels or new IPs. Either way its an opportunity to play older games I might have not...Might finally play Okami.

Yes, anything is better than Ni no Kuni 2. And Ni no Kuni 1 is actually a really good game.

Call me a chicken shit coward, but I'd rather wait until Nintendo is ready for their next console before hacking my Switch.

>I'd rather wait until Nintendo is ready for their next console before hacking my Switch.
This is the kino way of doing it, by then the tech is advanced enough, the company earned their cash, you paid them enough for vidya - that's how I did it with my PS3, Wii, Wii U and 3DS.

This year is so fucking good. Astral Chain, links awakening, dragon quest, luigis mansion and Pokemon (I'm buying it, fuck off).

Could you use more blur on your skin?

Vita version was freakin great

This, but also Ni no Kuni, Ghostbusters, Mario Maker 2, Tetris99 and Fire Emblem

I couldnt get into mario maker, too autistic for me.

Yes. Its way better then 2.

I'm mostly waiting for march next year with Animal Crossing.

For now I'm just playin FE3H. It's alright, just wish the first playthrough had more choices. I guess I didn't socialize with edelguard enough ;-;

>Get £5 credit if you buy Link's Awakening

This is probably a dumb question, but;
If I use a Voucher to get say, Link's Awakening and Astral Chain, would I get the Gold Points from the Voucher, and from grabbing Link's Awakening?

I believe you just get points from the two games and not buying the vouchers themselves.

From N's site

>Gold Points can be earned by purchasing sets of Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers, but not by redeeming vouchers.

So no Points for you, vouchers get you points, not exchanging them for games.

I'll grab Astral Chain and DQ with the voucher then, Link's Awakening separately.

Should I grab Dragon's Dogma or Battlechasers? I have both on my PC, but I like the idea of having them portable and then they'll actually get played.

>Whatcha playing bros?
Bayonetta 1 and 2 warmups
>Are you ready for crazy ass September and October?
Yes. Already pre-purchased Astral Chain, so this week needs to get out fast.