The devs said to pirate the game.
Just pirate Ion Fury bros
>Fuck Politics
>Fuck Politics
The publishers did that, not the devs.
You don't care about the game. You're just a part of this new outrage culture and as thin-skinned as estrogen-filled trannies.
I bought the game, but as per their request have already requested a refund and will be pirating
Who else here harrassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?
Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.
If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.
In fact I'm for larping as a transgender and attacking as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.
ABSOLUTELY BASED keep fighting the good fight.
>>t. Tranny faggot in hiding
Kys you're making games pander to faggots only
>bOTh SiDEs aRe tHe saME
>have a shitty company that folds on itself at any sign of political drama
>"ur part of the problem"
I think the problem more lies in the fact that these devs are mostly based in california and are mostly afraid of any form of backlash than people pushing for accelerationism by making the fire rise.
this is the abortion that gg gave birth to.
>i-it doesnt matter!!
Never trust a person that claims he doesnt care, because he who doesnt really care, shuts up and goes on with his life.
If he claims and makes a big deal about not caring about something, he not only does care about it, he also has something to hide.
>caring about the actual game means you don't care
Based ESL retard
They're both fucking obnoxious yeah. They feed off each other and they should all fuck off.
I'm not only making them pander, I'm also making it so no matter how much they pander, or what way, they are always doing a shoddy job and are therefore still phobic and disappointing, 24/7. Every time they do one thing I'll find something wrong with it so they have to constantly think every day on how to better themselves and tinker until they go mad. Apologies are never enough, the only way to fix your transphobia is to dedicate your every single day of every week of your life towards the well-being of the collective.
I think I might just buy it. I'm still unhappy about the censorship and that they let themselves get bullied, but at the end of the day it is just a sprite, and the game is great.
3drealms forced the devs to apologize for pic related if that means anything to you. Doesn't mean to me though, i personally believe in trans newborns.
>i personally believe in trans newborns
Only happens if the mother used essential oils during pregnancy
Both are equally retarded and argue over equally pointless and trivial bullshit. So yeah.
I'm aware, I don't like that either, but he's an idiot for saying it in the company's discord so it's self-inflicted. Nevertheless, I hope Voidpoint can go independent.
Here is another example of
Why should he have to apologize for saying you probably shouldn't mutilate your baby for virtue signalling points?
Actually factually legit BASED
>negative reviews have slowed to a crawl
Is it over?
Thought devs were based when I read this but then they censored it, shame.
Oh, I care that I get this dumbass political bullshit shoved in my goddam face all the time. I have no fucking interest in in and I'm tired of it being forced down my throat.
You should've learned. This is the era of trolls.
Me too. Though if it makes you feel any better Voidpoint was likely already paid for their work. Their name is probably in the shitter though unless they break away from 3dr and make their own shit.
See this user is based and I dare to say that might be even redpilled too
>Fuck Politics
How about Fuck ResetERA?
>I have no fucking interest in in
There it goes again!!
This is the best way to get rid of all this dumb bullshit.
Pretend to be an "ally," infiltrate their ranks, and make progressively more and more ridiculous demands in an attempt to undermine the community from the inside out.
They have to draw the line somewhere.
I wanna punch the kid with the keys like you would not believe.
So what you're saying is to defeat Restetera we must join their ranks and outrage literally everything, still not buy anything until profits go down and even normies get annoyed?
Looks like you guys are running out of steam
that wasn't Voidpoint
This is a common meme argument that most people realize is bullshit.
It's like when you criticize a movie and someone says "let's see you do better", you understand that that's retarded.
Noice m8
>donating to a charity that saves people’s lives
>a bad thing in any way
Kek. Anti-SJWism: Not even once.
this but only 2d
this was actually the first game I ever pirated thanks to anons giving me advice on how to do it. sick of publishers and devs bending over to suck every bodies dick at the slightest controversy,
might pirate wolfenstein the new colossus too but I hear its shit, the gunplay looks decent at least
>game devs pandering to people who would not even consider buying the game
why are they so retarded ?
Gas HALF the Jews.
Accelerationism can be fun, but at the end of the day, the only thing this will result in is trannies in every game,sanitisation, and games that appeal to noone.
Which means hordes of trannies will move to sperging out about japshit and we will be even more fucked.
Absolutely based, senpai.
Get them to include more QTs with delicious flat chests and feets while you're at it.
>believing all human life has intrinsic value
Actually radical centrists would gas all the jews because they are all extremists.
>dicks and flat chests
user, you gay.
Co-opting transphobia allegations into an """"alt right dogwhistle"""" is some prime keikaku. I'm up for that.
anyone else here love to troll haha
Now I feel sad.
i mean it's a scripted video so that just means he's a really good actor
Won't bother. I bought it just to support this type of classic throwback. Refunded for their support of child abuse.
>hardcore social justice kids constantly argue that politics have always been in games and how they’re in everything ever and that there’s no such thing as an apolitical video game
>game dev specifically states they don’t want their game to have a political message
>said social justice kids get indignant and mad about the game being apolitical
But won't resetera just be happy we are doing their reasearch for them? It's not like they are pissed about being used in this one.
Who are we exactly targeting here? It will just make game devs even more paranoid.
Wtf i'm dilating now.
>genuflect and pander and self-flog
>’will you buy the game now?’
>REEEsetera: lol no
They say everything is political. Unless it comes to trans rights of course. those aren't political and need to be said in every game.
>I'm a woman! My existence is not a political issue! Trans are just women, period.
>This game is apolitical
>REEEEEEEEEE everything is political!
Kek, based. I might join you.
If video games can't be good then I want them to be just as bad for everyone
It's donating for tranny kids charity, any social benefit is highly disputable.
Nice. Why would I want to be part of a movement that allows fucking kids to be drugged. Any sane person would stay away from it. Only retarded people who with social issues supports it to get twitter cred. Fucking idiots. It's a rights issue my fucking ass. If kids have rights to even change his/her sex, why don't they have right to marry at the blessing of their parents, why don't they have rights to not drink alcohol and smoke, why don't they have rights to not go to school. It's a free country and a free world right. Fucking hell. When the hell did hippies infiltrate the fucking government. They used to be laughed at, but now people take them seriously?
Ah yes, the Steven Universe effect
Is this based? Is this redpilled?
Looks tiresome, but if you do indeed make afforts to play that 4d chess troll façade, I earnestly wish you well user. I don't know nor care if it is a bad fight or a good fight, but it's an interesting phenomenon in itself. Never stop please.
>post a fake tweet
>retards take it at face value
People used to understand what principle meant. See: ACLU and Skokie Nazi Rally. Now the response is
>durrrrr is this really the hill you want to die on???
This response basically means "I don't care until it's my shit you take". If that's the case, then we need to start doing this to every dev until they feel the effects, since they are unable to understand principle anymore.
Voidpoint is based. 3D Realms is ogay.
But the response is always, listen, apologise, cave in, a let trannies bully you even more for the apology not being good enough.
You think they will get pissed to say ENOUGH and tell them to fuck off if we accelerate the rate at which it's happening? What if that doesn't work and we just fuck ourselves even more.
why do you keep posting this shit when it's already publicly known at this point that 3D Realms is doing this shit and letting them take the flak for it?
>ha ha i'm so crazy i'm fighting for the opposite team! and pushing for the opposite team's demands to be met through threats of deplatforming!
>because i'm just so crazy
>but i'm just doing it ironically bro
Because he has been shitting on this game for months, and this mild drama is the dopamine release he was edging for all this time.
There's nothing crazy about enjoying the suffering of gullible people as their woes of cowardice and fake PR BS are turned against them. Nothing makes me as stiff as seeing marketing turn on its own production.
Look at all these docile sacks of dogshit samefagging. It's hilarious.
Maybe, maybe not. The current targets are already the creators I enjoy the most. I'm not really losing out from accelerationism.
i mean i think most would agree schaudenfreude is probably a sign of some deeper psychological issues but far be it from me to dictate how you get your kicks.
unfortunate that your entertainment is basically at the entire industry's expense since you're pretty much advocating for rapid accelerationism via larping as mentally ill people.
It doesn't deserve that. Even if numbers are always fabricated and fake as fuck if you pirate the game you will add +1 to some number or stats when they talk about how many people pirated the game. No comments about the game or in videos, no traffic, not worth a torrent.
At least he doesn't influence the game nor make the devs change game content because feelings. Stay cucked.
You don't give a fuck about transexuals, you're just permamad because they didn't put the main character in revealing clothes, you've said so yourself over and over.
My concern is, I really don't think right wingers can effectively larp as trannies. You will overdose on the spergery even for them.
how did 3dr fumble this so bad
george what the fuck
It took you a year to even make a dent on a group of modders with a very small project, I can only imagine what you could achieve if you went for nintendo!
Oh, right.
Weird... one "side" was playing the game until some other "side" whine and cry about the a comment from a dev.
It’s actually pretty effortless.
No one asks for proof or looks further into the persona you put up. It’s amazing with how much they buy without a second thought.
>schaudenfreude is probably a sign of some deeper psychological issues
I mean, I feel it's fine on a mild level. There's definitely something wrong if you're going out of your way to fan the flames just to increase the amount of schaudenfreude; at that point I think it progresses into sadism.
That's not even the same 3D realms you're thinking of.
The only cucked people in this situation is the devs thanks to you retards.
>Trolling now has to do with politics rather than just the lulz
Looks like someone didn't ever understand nypa
is george no longer there?
george what the fuck
that's punk as fuck
Didn't spend a year doing anything. Glad to see accelerationism is affecting you too. We need more of this.
ok, just stay out of my nipshit
so what was the winning response? how do you please the idiots complaining and the idiots complaining about the idiots complaining?
Seems like a fight you can't win
>fuck politics
absolutely based. kill every politician's minecraft character
Glad to see autism is ailing you, to the point where your vocabulary is broken and fucked beyond repair. it's good to know that the people who do this kind of shit have a mental condition.
Just crush this type of conversations, with no survivors. Make it as confusing, paranoid, as possible that noone even knows what they are aruing for anymore and who is or is not a larper.
As long as you get riled up, my mission is accomplished.
I do that key flip thing all the time when I'm standing around with my keys in my hand and waiting for something
Or we could talk about the game itself. I know it's crazy, but it might actually work.
based, but unironically
Mission failed.
No chance unless you are advocating for strict moderation, and the problem will not ever go away. The culture war needs to end.
Cum is so gross to clean up I can't imagine how disgusting the people who hot glue things must be.
Absolute madlad. You do you my dude. Include me in the screencap.
Got you talking about it. That's something you can't ignore
This kind of drama feeds from attention. During previous threads where people were discussing the game, you'd see the autist losing his shit screaming in all caps about butchering babies dicks or something. That causes more burnout on the idpol faggots than engaging with them.
The only way to salvage this board is to run the 8gaggers out by discussing video games and nothing else.
Talking about what? Isn't it time for your lithium?
What the fuck did the devs even do that people are mad about? Change the character design over the course of development? How does that have anything to do with "transphobia" or whatever?
Dangerously based.
Absolutely not happening with the election coming next year. Expect things to get much, much worse.
Talking about me and my actions. See? You can't help yourself
Damn i wish i was 13 again. Have fun while you still can bro
Are you kidding? /pol/ had succesful false flag ops all the time back when it wasn't all Trump threads. Even making the news. Normies think SJWs are nuts, and will err on the side of caution by deferring immediately. SJWs themselves are locked in a constant struggle to match a one another in outrage and easily hop on bandwagons. They think nothing of, and even expect, outrageous claims on twitter. Always eager to join the next crusade. After which you don't even have to do anything, just sit back and watch it snowball.
nah dude, /pol/tards that play their part within the pre-estabilished framework are responsible as well.
The character stayed the same during development, and she already had an overhaul in bombshell which nobody really played. It's literally just one autismo bitching about nothing.
They really need to do something about this based retard upvote system. A wordfilter should work nicely.
Notice how it got much worse again when shooterchan closed.
You legend.
The thing is, /pol/fags are so outdated with it, that they still make fun of shit like XIR/ZHER pronouns that I have not seen since like 2013. Trannies will know what's going on immediately.
You don't have an identity here, you're interchangeable with the other idiots, you crazy shit.
Legitimately accelerating the decline. This is like a phoenix except there is no rebirth, only ashes. What an asshole
Or maybe they just want to talk about the game and not this drawn out retard drama dumb niggers like you keep dragging into the discussion.
>b-but the soap bottle counts as gameplay!
That's mostly because the yokel garbage they have moderating that board allow raid threads that would get deleted and banned on literally any other board in seconds. Hell, they have prepetual bot threads slamming their server traffic 24/7 and they let them happen because of reasons.
goddamn you guys are losers holy shit
>f-fuck politics
>after we donated 10k to make RetardEra happy
Make sure to drink water so you can stand up and take a piss break.
this is the same guy that got the CTRNF devs to change the name of Watermelon Tawna because of "racism"
what if resetera is mostly comprised of Yea Forums trolls pretending to be SJWs/trannies to get devs to ruin their own games?
Oh no they donated to a suicide prevention charity, we better harass them to death, it's the right thing to do from a moral viewpoint.
this unironically
finally some gay ops, it's been a while
Voidpoint are the devs and they worked their asses off to make this game - which is great btw.
It's the dickless, spineless subhuman shitters at Neo-3D Realms with that cocksucking tranny loving Frederik Schreiber who threw Voidpoint and their actual customers and fans under the bus for some SJW LGBTPQ Twitter credit.
TL;DR you should pirate the game so 3D Realms goes bankrupt and directly send $25 to Voidpoint to support the devs who just wanted to make a throwback fps game.
Based and FuckedupPilled
Not gonna mention why they had to do that in the first place right? ;)
>word gets to the press
>1 month pass
>SJW spergs out on twitter
>gets told to shut up for being a Yea Forums troll
That's some 36-dimensional underwater backgammon
what would even be the point? they would just come back. Just call up an exterminator and ask him what will happen if you have him gas half your cockroaches.
Of course, donating to a charity is something you need to justify, morally. You can't just do that.
good idea
keep pressuring retarded progressive devs with transphobia accusations until the snap and leave the industry.
Then we have no industry. Absolutely brilliant.
Video games are for nerds anyway.
>Then we have no industry. Absolutely brilliant.
>western games industry is the only industry
you're fucking retarded and should kill yourself
The "industry" is shit anyway, and the only devs that fall for it deserve to die
But you still seek me out among the other anons.
Resetera, literally your personal army.
That's too elaborate a collaboration of trolling to be plausible. Retardera is just filled with hormonal fags and bullies. A sizable chunk of SA started crossposting there last I recall, which should tell you all you need to know about the tryhard bully mentality perpetuated there. Someone presents a new target of ire and a method of attack and they blindly attach themselves to it hoping for attention from senpai. The disgusting thing is the self-righteous justifications afterwards IF they succeed because some little bit of morality is telling them what they're doing is fucked up and ultimately pointless in the long run. The comedy is when you get a motherfucker-dev who tells them to eat a back of dicks; then you get a tismstorm rolling because the child was ignored or made fun of in response.
There's no torrent on rarbg
>Then we have no industry
where's the problem?
The fire rises!
this is absolutely batshit crazy gorilla bipartisan warfare. it might ultimately lead to normal people finally reaching the boiling point and snapping. as history has a tendency to cyclically repeat itself again and again, people will go back to hanging trannies and faggots from trees and street lights, shoving rakes up their asses. you are basically accelerating the growing antipathy and hatred towards these special snowflake freaks of nature among normal folks.
Based and Acceleration-pilled.
That's where you got shit twisted, little boy.
Basado y rojopastillado
Dude you do you, those developers are fucking retarded for even taking those mentally ill faggots seriously so i totally agree with you, godspeed user.
The hero we need rn
You could blackmail publisher pr retards, in minecraft, and say youll get Resetera to witch hunt them on release window by getting journos to fuck up their sales. Just use user email and bitcoin. In minecraft.
Would freak publishers the fuck out and make Resetera unusable.
This post is satire
Can I have a GD?