What are you looking forward the most on Iceborne?
Monster Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually good monsters
More content so I can simply play
Grongigas allegedly
Adult Xeno'jiiva
Why did the other one close
Reminder to those fags that think Xeno is a newborn. The stupid twitter that pushed that meme the hardest got blown the fuck out by the design book talking about Xeno'jiva because he can't read Japanese properly.
All the quests are associated with the Japanese myth of moths being related to the dead as well.
yeah, what the fuck. It just instantly said archived, not deleted
Show us the proof that it isn't a newborn.
endgame that ins't grinding kulve and arch tempered elder dragons
This is the dumbass that got blown the fuck out because he didn't read through the book properly.
OP of that last thread here. The reason it got auto-saged was "template thread". Probably because 90% of the MH threads had the same OP text
I understand that, but there's like 20 off-topic template threads right now and they're doing just fine. What the fuck?
It had to die to make room for
Jannies only do shit if someone reports things and they happen to see it, so the thread probably got unlucky with some seething asshat reporting it.
>Dude it had design features vaguely inspired by a moth despite being a big fuck off ayy lmao dragonoid so it must literally be a moth and follows the same birth and life cycle it's totally not a newborn because moths
Jesus fucking christ.
there's a lot of weird shit with Monster backstories and assumptions. For example, didn't people spread the thing that Chaos Gore is a failed Shiggy when at one of the fanfests it turns out it is a Gore that lacked the immunity to Frenzy and was infected by a Shagaru?
So we'll never get a proper Xeno fight?
I figured it out. That roar you hear at 12:52 when the tail is cut is just a noise that Kushala makes.
You can hear it when you flash it out of the sky.
As expected from a kush skeleton clone
That's pretty lazy
Why would a Gore and Shagaru exist at the same time and how could a Gore exist that isn't immune to frenzy? What is this head canon bullshit?
That makes absolutely no sense, it's half fucking Shagaru
>Cutting Velkhana's tail causes it to just make a prosthetic version out of ice
Why couldn't this have been Velkhana's gimmick instead of it just ripping off Zamtrios's ice armour? Imagine if breaking any of its parts caused that part to be replaced by an enhanced ice version.
Infinitely rehashed assets and palette swaps
Had to make room for another Smash thread.
I swear that Alatreon also does that roar when it gets knocked over
im almost certain they say in game that chaos gore is a shiggy that got stuck or is just half way through but i may be gaslighting myself
>meanwhile at Capcom
>He thinks they actually read these
Sounds about right.
Never heard of anything of the sort, doesn't make sense either since Frenzy is Gore's equivalent of eyesight and its model is literally half Shagaru
worlds sound design for the monsters is a real step down its disappointing
>Doing damage to a monster should make it stronger
Yeah, no.
So you know better than the guy that directed the game talking about the design elements in an official Capcom release about the game design?
That's what i was expecting from Nergigante's spikes instead of regenerating weakzones, like if you cut off it's tail there would be spikes all over the stub gradually forming a tail like structure
>you cut off it front legs and it makes big ice spears to gallop about on
fucking imagine
Shitposter goes full retard
Just because it's armor is visually inspired by a moth and it hatches from an otherworldly cocoon doesn't make it a moth you mouth breathing retard.
Maybe Ruiner Nerg will have something like that
That is literally one of the foundational premises of the series.
>So you know better than the guy that directed the game talking about the design elements in an official Capcom release about the game design?
>sever the tail
>just replaces it with prosthetic ice
that is so lame
Why did you post the roster from the base game, that they had to make from scratch and which doesn't include any reused assets from previous games?
Just cut it again Gaijiin
why not?
the risk/reward of going for extra drops but risking some shitting get iced would be a refreshing take
How is that lame? that's pretty good
What's the issue? It'd be a good way to make the fight interesting, having the player choosing between breaking parts for rewards but making Velkhana stronger in the process, or just focusing down one part/unbreakable parts to keep things relatively easy but not getting extra rewards.
Jesus christ, why is "template OP" a reason to autosage, even if it's a little unimaginative we're still talking about videogames instead of making a thinly veiled off topic thread or something.
Give me Rajang and a good looking GS for Dildovaldo
It's probably the only interesting thing about Velkhana
we need a gecko monster that you cut infinite tails off so its arena is littered with tails
>decide to fist fight with friend for shits and giggles
>throw half assed punch
>he throws one back
>im now mad so I hit him harder
brainlet detected
>B-But muh design inspirations that actually don't mean anything about the monsters biology itself and literally dont say it's an adult!
Monkeys aren't happening until MH6, short of a miracle
They don't care
enrage is in the game RIGHT NOW
Every monster except Zinogre enrages based on damage taken.
>So you know better than the guy that directed the game talking about the design elements in an official Capcom release about the game design?
The director literally said Xeno'jiva isn't a newborn.
>Conflating your real life bum fights with your gay friends to a video game where you stab and slash and smash monsters and that should somehow making them stronger
Yeah, the brainlet is you
did you even play any MH game?
>breaking parts for rewards but making Velkhana stronger in the process
FU Ceanataur did that before
The more I think about Velkhana, the more I'm glad it'll be stuck in spinoffs forever.
It's literally a Fanon MHWiki OC.
Ah wait there isn't any. Just some sperg on Twitter saying the facts then a bunch of neckbeards saying WELL ACKSHUALLY because of their headcanon
Not the same thing we're talking about. I'm talking about why should a monster have its limbs chopped off then go armor mode it would be fucking tedious and decentivise slashing because it would take way less damage.
Ah so you didn't actually read it.
>being so stupid you dont understand the metaphor
Things hit harder when they're mad
Pain is one of the biggest triggers for getting mad
Sorry about your low IQ user
>why should monsters have defensive tactics?
Christ fuck off
I'm gonna make Dundorma look like a fucking joke.
Wouldn't be the first time breaking parts makes a fight harder desu
Monoblos' tail tip is a big slashing weakpoint but once it comes off it removes the safest place to hit it. Same with Garuga actually.
Post yourself and your weapon
he's probably a worldet that want every monster to be a big punching bag that spends the entire hunting falling over
god i hope iceborne filters the shitters hard
>durr a monster should make your weapon completely ineffective for the remainder of the fight against it if you're doing damage to it
>hurr a monster should dictate you have to swap weapons mid fight to get around it's new defensive gimmick
Just admit it's a shit idea.
>it would be fucking tedious and decentivise slashing because it would take way less damage.
Just give it a weak spot that can't be broken like its underbelly or something, problem solved.
And taking Garuga's tail off doesn't actually shorten the hitbox on its spin or flip, even in 4th gen.
>>hurr a monster should dictate you have to swap weapons mid fight to get around it's new defensive gimmick
We have Kulve Taroth who already does that
A gimmicky siege monster who isnt the main focus of a new expansion. Irrelevant as fuck too
you're the brainlet that seems the think cutting a monster left testicle off and having it be replaced with a tiny ice cube of nut is suddenly making its entire body burst into rock solid ice armor that is immune to all damage
>Kulve Taroth
Sword and Shield
Where my Charge Blade chads at?
Because if you want a general, you go to /vg/
How is it not?
how do you devolve into arguments so fucking quickly
>not HBG
It has the best weapons in the entire game?
give me my heals and buffs you fucking bitch
>Cut off its tail
>Grows a longer, sharper tail
>Break its head
>Grows horns and starts charging around
>Break its wings
>Loses its ability to fly, but grows huge ice blades
I figured since the cuteposting spastics are absent someone had to shit up the thread as is tradition. Turns out these simps get worked up real fast over obvious bait.
People blantantly out to start shit and people who cannot stop taking the bait
Is it worth doing ATKT right now? Should I just wait for the 6th?
No thanks, I don't want to stare at pictures of scaly faggotry thank you
I only run lifepowders for group heals, and honestly I would rather trap the monster to let the people who don't get hit actually deal damahe while the shitters heal themselves.
Imagine believing this when Iceborne is going to invalidate them all on day fucking one and Kulve isn't getting an MR equivalent oh no no no
It's a fucking based idea go fuck yourself and die
Do it once or twice to see the fight if you haven't.
>since the cuteposting spastics are absent
they're always here dumbass
>Is it worth doing ATKT right now? Should I just wait for the 6th?
If you don't have the layered sets run it until you get those. I wouldn't farm for EVERYTHING if you are getting the game on the 6th, most everything will be powercreeped. If you are on PC you should run KT.
will you guys stop arguing if I post them?
The weebposters and their bad art fucked back off to the circlejerk general and it's axewound ERP discord sessions.
Good riddance.
Do it once for completion sake (or until you get the layered armor if you want), but after that that just hold off because Iceborne is coming.
>runs into Nergi's dive everytime
The cosplays.
Where's my Dragonrazer when you need it?
I'm not arguing with anyone but I swear if you start this shit, I will shit up this thread out of spite
is AT kulve the one on PC right now?
jumped in for the first time in months and just beat the thing
that cant be it
>Don't post things I dislike or I'll become part of the problem!
Way to out yourself as one of the shitposters
>wanting to shit up a thread just because you don't like what others post
Grow up.
is that a confession?
Ya seeth lil man?
There is only ATKT now. Reg KT isn't a thing anymore.
how fucking ironic of you
the /mhg/ exists if you want to be a faggot anons
i want to discuss the game, not look at xDD cute monster pictures
Seethe your cope and dilate it up your ass unbased cuck
Spoke too soon. Cuteposters really do have an obnoxious arrogance to their self important picture spam. Genuinely I wish death on all of them for being such parasites.
/mhg/ has been inhabitable for years m8, give it a look
it's a promise
Please, post your favorite monster.
I see you discussing 0 of the game.
I assumed this chibi thing was just one autist in the generals
KEK WHAT A BITCH the absolute state of (you)
And you can do that perfectly fine as is.
If you don't want to stare at pictures then i've heard that Gamesfaqs is great for discussion too you sped.
low kek AND bur at all your asspained gay posts
Nami Kadachi
that's the fucking point
cuteposters just bring the general faggotry over here and make threads ultimately more shit
Is only game. Why haff to be mad?
viper tobi looks clean as fuck
what made shit isn't that. /mhg/ has been inhabitable because of multiple autists, and I've never seen a thread derailed y cuteposting. None
>Insect Glaive
Ya boil, pindick?
Because he's too busy telling cuteposters to fuck off. Yes, it's ironic and hypocritical but someone has to try and take out the trash while also not discussing the game.
Take a look at my lovely boy.
probably because there isnt a post id attached to my posts.
I assure I was discussing the game just fine until LE BASED cuteposter decided to shit up the thread
again, I dont want to shitpost, but if we're just going to ignore cuteposter shitposting, why not just ignore mine?
Worldbaby redditard detected. Please go back.
Good choice.
None of it. Unless i can put my save on to the PC version.
Laviasloth looks dope tumblr poster
You seem to be the only person who thinks it's a shit idea.
It attracts thin skinned retards that then get trolled into derailing the threads. Like listshitter and that one reddit doggo poster
All the world will be your enemy, prince with a thousand enemies and whenever they catch you they will kill you, but first they must catch you.
Kulu Ya Ku looks cool in this picture
theres always one fucker that says stupid shit and a group of people that actually fight them over it
way past cool
basics of bait 101
I do, but Yea Forums seems to have more scalies
Why are Great Jaggi and Odogaron laughing?
>theres always one fucker that says stupid shit and a group of people that actually fight them over it
It's like I'm really in a Metroid thread
uh is this your plan for "shitting up the thread"
the same day furries kill themselves
I wonder if they revenge killed it
It's essentially the Yea Forums version of clickbait at this point. Some user who is probably suicidally depressed posts something blatantly idiotic and inflammatory for attention, and people who are too stupid to know any better reply to it, feeding that user's addiction and continuing the cycle ad nauseum, to the displeasure of people who go into threads for real discussion.
The best remedy is to ignore these posts until the user either comes to the realization that Yea Forums really isn't for them and leaves to get medical help, or just succumbs to their own depression. This won't happen though because Yea Forums will never run out of retards who will endlessly feed shitposters.
Post your face when you see Valstrax in
What monster has the best combo of utility and sexiness?
>regrowing bad hitzones
So it's just reverse Nergigante. Jesus Christ Capcom is lazy.
Ara ara~
The one that grants you enough introspection to stop embarrassing yourself.
>Extendable, flexible mandibles
>>regrowing bad hitzones
Neither nerg's tail or Velks has bad hitboxes from the footage so far. Can you provide evidence?
how the fuck are you supposed to do Arch Tempered Vaal Hazak? I've maxed out Effluvia Resistance and brought the Effluvia Expert skill on me and I still eat so much damage.
Health aug
Have you tried not being such a bitch?
Hitzones are not the same as hitboxes you silly goose!
Armored hitzones take signifigantly less damage, as opposed to Nergigante's spikes that are all weak spots.
have you tried listening to your own advice?
oh right. In defense of Velk's tail, isn't it gonna bounce a lot?
Hit the monster with health aug, don't get hit
I have an urgent announcement
>taps mic
Steve died on his way to the New World.
Lure him out of his farts. He can stack them unlike regular Vaal and you'll die incredibly fast.
>Iceborne comes out in less than a month for PS4 players
>PC can't even get a fucking demo
Fuck Capcom
Fuck Sony or whoever made the backroom deal to delay the PC release
Fuck Monster Hunter
Fuck Ryozo
And most importantly, FUCK console players
That's actually cool as fuck
That's the point. The refreezing ice armor is going to make it a slog unless breaking the ice nets a guaranteed trip like Zamtrios.
Nice projection you fucking tool
Samefag trying to push his own shitty idea.
>Breaks a part
>Clots broken parts in ice
Sounds pretty familiar if you ask me. Does Velkhana supernova if you break all the parts before falling down?
i thought it was badass as well
Samefag please go.
Here ya go.
>post are hours apart
No fag, a monster using its powers to make makeshift prosthetics that got severed during a fight is a cool idea
This isn't the place to ask, but does anyone have that gif with todd ?
>Raging Brachydios in 4k
how bout you skedaddle instead, little virgin boy
>duhhhh only people posting within minutes of each other are samefag
>the same person cant samefag his own post later on
Sasuga animeposting retard.
we could just put up a stawpoll if you want, if you're so confident
>His own shitty idea
Except that's literally what Velkhana does
What's the point of MH threads? Outside of the first few hours after some trailer or release you go back to spouting the same shit about which thing you polish your knob to or have a lengthy discussion about two preferences where neither side is willing to budge at all. Give me a legit reason as to why these threads should exist.
I get to pretend I'm Vergil with the new Longsword moves
How is that different to any other Yea Forums threads?
What are the chances of them releasing the next Monhun on the current gen?
Nice projection
Based retard
Zero. Either its gonna be a switch release/port or next-gen. Next year PS5 and Xbox Scarlet is coming
You faggots have your general. You complete ignore the purpose why the board was made in the first place because you claim that /vg/ is just circlejerking while you are oh so different.
What makes you think pointing at other threads clears this one of guilt? Clean off your own doorstep before worrying about others.
You're all listfag
Health Augment, Medicine Jewels, ignore his farts and laugh.
You can pretty much flinch him to death with any Lance or CB with Guard Up and there's nothing he can do about it.
>You complete ignore the purpose why the board was made in the first place
Talking about videogames?
the general talks LESS about the games, what are you on about? just filter the thread if you're so angry
Shut up jordan peterson
Based 2 IQ user
Yes let's all use Yea Forums, which may I remind you stands for "Video Games", for Discord shitposting, waifufaggotry, Barneyfag baiting and unironic Yea Forums-tier shitposting, as it was always intended.
What do you think about switch axe users? Just got the game and this was the weapon that "spoke" to me.
>Clashing Fists except with Raging Brachydios
Just fucking imagine if that bastard could move as fast as regular Brachy.
Velk' is still a pretty bland monster though
Way better than Velk% don't let nostalgia blind you
Honestly I've rarely seen people using it outside of Gen where Demon Riot was busted.
I like to mess around with it from time to time but I'm a lancefag at heart.
Discord tranny collusion. You've proved nothing and spelt the name wrong you retard.
Is there any cyberpunky/ techy armor?
Fuck off idiot this isnt the series for you
I think switch axe users are superficial faggots who should have been forced by fate to never come across the series.
Try God Eater instead
Dilate, cuck.
"discord trannies" aren't a thing and everyone except retards knows this
I heard the health regen augment was very good but after using it abit this honestly feels like cheating
There's an alternate universe somewhere out there where Velkhana is called Oroshi Kushala
There are probably some pc mods for that
so which dragon pussy is your favourite, hmm?
have sex
t.Discord tranny
>Effluvia Expert
This does nothing like what you think it does.
It does basically nothing.
Is it me or is koing monsters with hammer or HH harder in world then in previous games?
I wouldn't even be mad if Oroshi and Alatreon were scrapped for new monsters.
How the fuck are you retards conflating incels with fictional monsters now? Jesus christ you are obsessed. Fuck off back to inceltears you dumb normie
its a meme u dip
No, thankfully
Reduces effuvia build up and level 3 prevents Vaal's gas from halving your hp
please tell me how that does "basically nothing"
>get called out on dumb post
>dahhhhhh it's a meme lol!
Incel, I presume?
I wonder what's going to happen to it in Iceborne, I think this might be the first time weapon augments were available in High Rank.
Baited to fuck lmao
>proved nothing
In single player its the same but status thresholds, flinch thresholds, and part break HP all scale along with monster HP in multiplayer now. Hammer is getting its KO increased in Iceborne but we don't know by how much, the Slugger is being buffed too.
MHW: Iceborne >> the other games
Enjoy your vacation
Imagine getting Isekai'd to where this exists
Is there someone purposely trying to derail the thread or something? This isn't natural
KO threshold has been lowered. I was reliably able to get 3 KOs against Tigrex in multi in the last beta.
Or have you been baited the whole time, Jonathan
seems like it
>get isekai'd to the new world
>Diablos is suddenly a bitch-ass nigga
That'd be one lucky bastard.
You niggerfaggots told me barioth wouldnt be in.
You trampled my name, insulted my posts, and now that he’s confirmed you say nothing.
What do you have to say for yourself?
Hey guys
Barioth a shit. SHIT!
Barioth is trash and I wish you were wrong
Go away mom
Holy fucking BASED
MHW is is pretty much a generic action game, no wonder it's the most popular one in the whole series.
That's like saying Hyenas are bitch niggers because Hippos exist
>Velkahana will not freeze himself solid when it goes to its nest limping to rest
Missed opportunity
That's good, any word on part breaks or too hard to tell right now? I don't even want it to go back to down to the same as single player just a smaller multiplier than the full 2.6x would be nice.
Kulve Taroth gets faster and more aggressive once you break off her shell.
Never expected a Gondolaposter to be so fucking stupid.
>Velkhana doesnt freeze itself upon death
Gotta have all the casuals feel super important in Monster Hunter now. It's why there's so many cutscenes and the player character always has a tag along no matter the situation with the Astera NPCs always chiming in on the side of the screen. Why else would Capcom think a good set piece moment would be taking Lao -Shan Lung's fight and making it objectively worse?
Absolutely based Bariothposter
Did people actually doubt with a Narga skeleton in?
MHW is pretty much the same thing as the previous games but with damage numbers
>Velkhana freezes himself as a last fuck you before dying and shatters into a million pieces
>you can't carve him
So we’re getting a blizzardy mountain Zorah, right?
I like Dauntless. I wish MH would steal some aspects of it.
"Suhlayy allllll"
>Cuteposter is a retard shitter who actively ruins threads
Barioth > Narga > Tigrex
Except World is the weakest Diablos has ever been. It's like saying termites exist in africa. Nobody gives a shit because Lions exist.
The only thing that tells me is that your experience with either of those two things must be extremely shallow.
i fuckin hope not
people would get butthurt so we can't have things like that
The only interesting concept in Dauntless is the gun hammer and even then it's basically just the Accel Axe from the old MH mobile game
Fuck I wish that thing could be in the main games
Based and truthpilled
Zorah is absolute dogshit but it's not like Lao's fight
And sieges have always been a thing because japanese players love them
Haven't played World until the roster is thicker
I'm sure canonically it's still a scary fucking thing
Fighting Barioth with a switch axe is fucked, I don't know why I subjected myself to it. What other horrible weapon + monster matchups should I know about? And what weapon do you guys think best deals with Barioth?
I'm not looking forward to fighting this asshole in iceborne, but I might as well be prepared.
>Oh, you seem to have cut my tail, well it would surely be a shame if i just created a prosthetic made of ice and stabbed you to death with it
It's just stevefags eternally angry about being cucked after believing they were the cuckers.
>monster that started as a literal narga copy and became worse when it stopped being that
>somehow better than narga
and that is cool as fuck
sns is good against everything
Based and freezepilled
What the fuck does Seregios have to do with Barioth
2p is 1.5
3p and 4p is 2.2
It tells you nothing because it's the truth
>Hunting Horn
those faggots have been eternally posting never ever for ages now
>sns is good against everything
Alright Capcom good job, you finally gave Velkhana the spotlight after all the time he was revealed
Now remind people that Shrieking Legiana supposedly also exists
>implying barioth isnt a tigrex copy
Brachy with HH can be a pain in the ass
non-elemental dual blades against duramboros is the only time I ever had a time out
Cringe stop forcing this meme
Hammer and Gunlance
Lions are pretty non threatening and probably on the way to extinction in a few decades
I have been in these threads for a lot of time and have never seen any Barioth deconfirmation connected with Seregios, unless you have some kind of power that lets you see the posts' creators in real life and they were all Seregioses wildly typing
Sorry I assumed you were good at the game. thats my mistake
Issue with Barioth is he's either an ok fight when he fully uses his moveset or he turns into Plesioth spamming nothing but hip checks,
Bruh SnS isn't good or fun, why even recommend that trash to someone?
someone give me a weapon for MHW and i will dedicate the next 4 hours of my time to trying to master it
just not hammer, dual blades, or sword and shield, those are the ones i know
also pls not longsword
It's been confirmed we're not getting the bomb ass soldier suits from previous games, right?
Prior to World, fighting Teostra with Lance was awful
>being good at the game means being good with sns
I like the Gunhammer and the Warpike.
I like how more items have bonuses though I guess World is starting to do that with easier set items.
>Cant kill a high barioth with a switch axe
>thinks sns is bad
Banbaro is a reskinned Barroth, Beotodus is a reskinned Lavasioth, and Velkhana is just a reskinned Alatreon. Gen might be shit but don't shit on it for crap that World also does.
>Hmm, you don't like this mechanic for whatever reason?
>well too fucking bad bucko i'm the flagship and i appear numerous times through the entire game, good luck!
No sign of Barioth slut armor yet but most of the returning monsters just have their HR sets for now
Unless we get Gamma sets at some point I guess.
SnSfags are weirdos who clearly want to be playing a game not based around attack commitment, just leave them be
I think he's confused and thinks that Velkhana's prosthetic tail is something that was made up in this thread and not something that actually happens.
Anyone know how many delivery quests there are? I've done 70 and I think that's all of them, besides the one from having the deluxe edition. Is 71 the total?
How? The only thing they have in common is that they love running around like retards. Barioth isn't allergic to hammer and GS like Tigrex is.
>theres a bad weapon in the game
>each weapon isnt fun in its own way
lmao you a dumb nigger
lmao i was already trying it out before i posted that, im liking what im using so far
I made a "Shattercryst" a long time ago but never really used it too much, i'll give it another go
they might pull some BS
No, it's a thing we all know that but it's just a retard forcing his discord tranny meme because of the discussion earlier where I said it was a dumb gimmick
Isn't X sets confirmed? Teo and Kush X sets appeared
man if everyone took your advice before shitting on mhw for things the other games also do we could have nice threads
*slaps you*
Where did the discord tranny touch you?
World Diablos is an actual fucking joke.
You can say that about a lot of weapons these days unfortunately.
Hey if that's the case, that's great. Shame there won't be gunner armor, but whatever I'll deal.
yeah, but for monsters that were in the base game. Although we haven't seen the Tigrex/Barioth beta sets yet
HR diablos is barely a threat in many games. Wait for the G-rank version
why are you seething over a gimmick?
The older games didn't have shit soundtracks, piss poor rosters, damage numbers, pseudo health bars, mounting,slopes on all the maps, hallways between zones, and ugly hit indicators.
Diablos is a trash monster and shouldn't have been in in the first place
I mean they might have been. But if they were it was for the two monsters who weren't planned from the start, leshen and behemoth.
Based and Barugabagarurugararubugupilled
Tri Diablos would rape almost everything post Gen 3. Cope.
>as much as i and others dislike it
Headcanon i imagine
The only flaw MHW has is the la goblina Handler, everything else is QoL
fuck off you retard cuteniggers, add something decent to the thread or get the fuck out
>muh Tri
I get that it was your first game and you played it when you were 10 but Tri is garbage and easy like all HR games
The hit effects make it feel so much hotter. I hope they bring the silliness to these games back, we don't want Monster Hunter getting too serious.
half of those are objectively wrong and the other half arent an issue lmao
Based, FUCK those useless idiots and their furry bullshit.
HH chads are in the house
She looks better with her hair down in the summer outfit. If they would have made her more attractive there would be less complaints about her being annoying.
Uninstall it
this is kind of autistic user it's the same monster
Why did you reply to my post, retard?
I'm confused. Doesn't the game literally tell you Xeno just hatched out of whatever the fuck it's been cocooning in and that it was still in an infantile state? Hell some of the sounds it makes are similar to a human baby whining.
>Japanese humour
>It's actually kind of funny
I'm impressed
What's the point of event quests getting taken out of the game for a few months before they reappear for two weeks?
>tfw no big ass drums for elder dragon fights
Reminder that Diablos has always widely been seen as a shit monster on par with Gravios. No actual human being cares about him being nerfed, people just wanted him gone.
Bu-But muh moth inspired design! I-It's a moth elder dragon t-therefore it's an adult upon hatching despite the game telling you differently! Muh game designer headcanon!
There isn't a point, Capcom just hates you
>on par with Gravios
at least be glad that monoblos is no longer in
>On par with Gravios
Diablos is meh but it's not Gravios tier shit.
Bloodbath Diablos is the only good version of Diablos, and he's in a game where you can actually pause.
I wouldn't say it's on the same level as Gravios but it sure isn't much higher in the pecking order. For all its fearsome design it's a bit of a joke in the grand scheme of things.
Rolling up on the nest like
Nobody cares Gentard, we're busy arguing with tribabs
Capcom decided to pull a Jhen for every event instead of just a few for some reason this time. It works for Kulve and stuff that actually is based around having full rooms but for everyone else it's just annoying.
Am I terrible or is Legiana a bad monster to use combo based weapons on? That fucking faggot just doesn't stay still for more than two seconds before jumping back into the air
flash it the second that faggot gaylord dares to flap its wings
even tempered legiana will die within four flashes with any weapon
I actually care about Diablos being nerfed because it's one of the best examples of casualization. You used to be unable to lock him down with sonic bombs when he enraged, and he enraged quickly and frequently. Not only that, but using a crutch bomb used to punish you because all of the non-submerged body parts used to be shitzones, now the chest and wings are literally the best places to hit though so plz spam sonic bombs.
He doesn't fly that high, and doesn't stay in the air for more than a couple combos.
Maybe for you but the one I just fought spent most of the fight in the air and I could barely hit it half the time.
Just AI bring weird then. Bring flash bombs or use the slope in the main room you fight him in to jump at him.
>he enraged quickly and frequently
This wasn't fun or good design unless you were using lance.
>half of those are wrong
Prove it.
Even if that was true, its harder than all the games after it, which is telling to the series and its supposed "difficulty".
The way they've handled Shrieking Legiana is so fucking weird, like they reveled fulgur anjanath and so showed multiple full hunts with it, then they reveled ebony odo and showed off lots of footage of it, they revealed acidic glav and have a whole conference about it how it defers from regular glav and then revealed nighshade paolumu, coral pukei, and viper tobi and showed off full hunts with them
Meanwhile shrieking legi has like 30 seconds of footage and it's all spliced within a trailer
Fuck you, I like Diablos.
its obviously tied to the plot
Shrieking Legiana is probably tied into Velkhana and the whole plot surrounding Hoarfrost Reach, and I imagine that's why they're holding off on showing more of it.
Diablos is a SHIT and SMELLY monster from all the sticky cacti she eats and that's why no one likes her
>b-but gentards
Either a seething 4cuck or a Worldsperm. Fuck off.
God forbid there's a monster that punishes you for mistakes, and whose learning curve does not bottom out after the first two minutes.
the real question is why that mf shrieking
God forbid theres a monster who isn't a drooling spastic who does nothing but run in a straight line and hide underground 40 times a fight.
Fighting an enraged Diablos with a lance Pre Gen 4 was fucking awful, who are you trying to fool?
>gets enraged
>won't stop charging, so you either have to sheathe which takes too long for a lance or you block, but it just combo charges and you get fucked because you lose stamina
>leaves rage mode
>gets enraged again right after
We don't have anything left except for the Sep 3rd livestream and the launch trailer right?
hey the appreciation fest just started, is it better to run lavasioth or greatest jagras for decorations?
Being frozen by Velk probably hurts like hell
Supposedly they're "singing" but that thing's voice is so fucking shrill any noise it makes sounds like autistic shrieking
You were clearly shit at playing lance then.
The actual funny thing you could do to diablos is sonic bomb him when he digs, beat him up, then flash bomb him right when he flies up out of the ground, and beat him up some more.
Oh I get it, Diablos filtered you in Tri and Freedom Unite. Kek, let it go user.
Unless they decide to surprise us, yes.
>Diablos with lance
Diablos has always been free with lance. You are bad at monster hunter.
singing huh...
i thought the singing sounded pretty :(
I said Enraged, you dumb ass. Learn how to read.
I dunno buddy, sounds like you never passed the positioning or hitzone tests.
these school playground insults are genuinely embarassing, i dont know how any of you take each other seriously like this
how no bounce?
>Person describes exactly why Dia is shit
>DUde haha FiltEreD
Legiana has one of the best roars in MHW next to Vaal
poke his tummy UwU
Nibelsnarf is a far more annoying "hides underground" monster than Diablos
>enemy actually spends time fighting back
>ughhhh why is it doing this? Why is it not just standing still and letting me kill it like in Gen 4+5?!??
>Can poke ankles from out of trample range
>Can reach high enough to poke tail and neck easily
>Can just sit there and block charges with minimal chip damage
The only problem with Lance vs Diablos in past games was it takes too long to sheath and sonic bomb if you're trying to immobilize it, but you can leave that to the rest of the group online.
He got filtered, else he would not be describing his experience like that.
Imagine THIS being the monster you defend. Fucking digging tigrex
Being better than a dungheap isn't much of an accomplishment.
but I want his big horn OwO
just sonic bomb him bro
anything that goes underground was garbage, cephadrome being the worst one
Then poke his head with a high sharpness lance
If you think Nibelsnarf is annoying then you're doing something wrong while fighting him.
A Diablos is a Diablos. You wait for it to come back over you and hit it until it dies. Stop being bad.
Poke its dick, retard. Diablos is quite possibly the easiest monster to lance in the entire series. There is nothing a Blos can do when you're directly under it with a counter poke.
But even Seltas is an incredibly more challenging monster than Diablos who can only give trouble to 2nd gen mongoloids who's entire monster hunter experience consisted of waiting behind a monster with a lv3 charge to headsnipe it
>Can reach high enough to poke tail and neck easily
Bullshit, unless you mean the point where the tail connects to the body and not actually the tail itself. Diablos is too tall Pre Gen 4 to do that. Not to mention that previous gens had shit hitboxes so you could hit the neck but the horn's hitbox extends too far so the weapon bounces. That doesn't even mention the constant rage spam and charging as well as the fact that trampling hitboxes get fucked and actually extend beyond the feet model all the time in the older games.
You guys act like the lance lets you poke the monster from 50 feet away with no chance at getting attacked.
>Diablos was too tall pre gen 4
No it's not. Learn to position your lance so that the tip hits the belly.
all pales compared to the mighty Cephadrome
Do you guys think they should make any improvements to Arc tempered monsters? I'm fully aware I could just get better but spending 25 minutes wailing on something like Xeno only for some people to die to some genuine unlucky combos without a shield bro does get tiresome.
Imagine hating Diablos.
>But even Seltas is an incredibly more challenging monster than Diablos
Bad bait.
>Diablos is too tall Pre Gen 4 to do that.
You're thinking of Monoblos. Only Gold Crown sized Diablos would be big enough to have trouble hitting his underside.
Diablos has always been a boring fight, it's a jacked up Barroth without the mud and a dumb burrowing move. Why are you projecting so much and defending a poorly designed fight?
When a monsters moveset consists solely of one move (Charging) it's boring as fuck, see Tri Barroth.
I was specifically talking about hitting the tail you fucking morons, not the stomach. Read the quote line properly next time.
>Poke its dick, retard
but all the stuff in these games needs [part] to break first
why did they remove diablos skin turning darker when he gets enraged in world?
i really liked that detail cause it reminds you black diablos is just a really angry and horny diablos
>Tri Barroth
Shit taste confirmed.
Lavasioth is better as long as your quest times against it aren't too much longer than Jagras because the end of quest rewards are better.
They could make it not exclusive to garbage tier elders for starters.
You know it's true grandpa, just accept your desert rathian is pathetic, everybody else knows it
It's not fighting back, it's doing the exact opposite by hiding underground and running 3 miles aways from you every 2 seconds. Diablos isn't hard, just tedious. If you applied your own logic to every monster you should love rathalos and daora as well.
>didnt bring sanicboom
>blame the monster
bring bombs for him to eat you donkey
Arch Tempered monsters were a response to people saying World didn't have enough hard shit in it and they said a while ago that they hadn't decided if they're gonna do that again or other stuff.
>A monster that does nothing but charge is good
>and horny
The only improvement i see is deleting them from the fucking game and replacing them with variants which are basically the same thing but with actual effort put into them
>too inept to space pokes to hit the belly
>doesn't even compensate by focusing a leg to trip her with ease
World was made specifically for these people. Remember that.
i don't think their balance was given much thought, i think they just saw that the endgame wasn't challenging at all with the top tier gear and wanted to provide something people could feel accomplished about beating
they range from low effort (teostra, kirin, vaal) to poorly thought out (lunastra, nerg)
the only fight i'd describe as good is Xeno'jiva, i genuinely enjoy fighting it
Salty milky coins!
still no idea what that user meant
Same reason Nintendo doesn't make Salmon Run permanent, to make sure players keep coming back. So hey if they missed out on the events before, don't worry because you'll have another chance in about two months.
Have none of you faggots ever learned how the AI works? Maybe if you stuck closer to the monster it would stop using its gapclosing or ranged attacks, ever thought about that one?
who are you quoting?
>hitting the tail
Why the fuck would you ever hit the tail with any weapon that isn't pellet shot? You can carve tailcases. Just poke the belly you goddamn shitter.
>Having trouble using a weapon on a certain monster
>Look up some TAs
>The monster acts completely retarded and trips constantly, no other monsters ever interrupt and Bazel is nowhere to be seen
Every time.
barroth still finna charge regardless if that's who you're passive aggressively referring to
Yo momma after I railed her when she saw my TA runs.
>he doesn't break every breakable part of the monster before going for the kill
Nah man you gotta make the fucker regret being born before you finish it off
You can be behind Diablos and he will charge directly into a wall
if it has a tail its coming off
Diablos will always charge even if you're stuck to his ass because it's his only attack
Have you ever fought Barroth, Diablos and Pre-world Raths before? You can have your weapon in completely inside it and it'll still put charging as first priority
literally not how it works with the blos, they'll either charge you or go underground 90% of the time regardless of distance
competitive single player?
sounds cringe
Damn straight. I don't care how inefficient those hits are, you're getting it broken.
that would imply i ever want to hit anything that isn't the monster's face
why would i do such a thing?
My dream post launch monster roster would be Rajang > Gore/Shaggy > Valfalk > Something like Alatreon or White Fatalis to round off
Monsters that have a charge as their primary attack (Rathian, Diablos, Tigrex etc) don't give a fuck about where you are when they decide to charge for the most part. They have other attacks they tend to use on people further away (fireballs, digging, leap)
No. It doesn't. All the game tells you is that it's a new dragon they've never seen before, and that you have to stop it before it gets out. Then the commission surmises that Xeno'jiva was the one attracting Elders to the new world.
That's why that faggot banned tried to use the Monster Hunter guide book to say Xeno'jiva is a baby, but his Japanese is shit and he didn't read everything. The director himself says that Xeno'jiva is an adult in the book and that they wanted Xeno'jiva to emerge from the cocoon awkwardly as a concept.
Only faggots that need their head canon and clickbait youtube videos believe otherwise.
>tfw mains Gunlance and Dual Blades
other than quick sharpening,what other sharpness skills should I get? does handicraft help these endgame weapons?
>he doesn't specifically go out of his way to capture all monsters unharmed
We can't research a pile of broken bones and bruised flesh, you damned barbarian.
How do you deploy a pitfall trap under a sleeping monster without setting it off?
razor sharp is the most important, handi is only if your weapon can get to white sharpness with it
Sorry guys, I guess I was just imagining the hipchecks, tail swipes and bites.
>protective polish
>razor sharp
artillery for your gunlance
TAs run the same fight dozens of times until they get one where they either perform perfectly or the monster goes full retard
They're not very instructional.
I can't Bill Cosby every monster that I meet
>tail swipe
Only done if you're directly behind him, otherwise it's a charge
just because it does other moves sometimes doesn't mean it doesn't charge or burrow most of the time
Team Player, Wide Range, Bonus Shot, Palico Cheer or something
Yeah, they're only used once every 43543534543534 charges
Place it next to the monster in a fashion that causes its movement upon awakening to go into it.
TA runs are the result of restarting the same hunter ad infinitum until everything that could possible go right goes right
link related
You weren't but you were sure imagining fights without charging
Diablos tail swipes extremely frequently after burrowing, even if you are in front of it.
Oh no the monster charged a few times, better throw a fit!
Are you fucking illiterate? People specifically mentioned hitting the tail before me an dI said how dumb that tactic is. Fuck off.
Handicraft is good if it pushes you into another tier of sharpness or if your weapon only has a tiny sliver of its best sharpness
Otherwise, Razor Sharp/Protective Polish/Master's Touch
bruh you were called out for incorrectly acting like charges could be straight up prevented, and you even did it while being as much of a faggot as you could because you were so sure you were right (you weren't)
So does anyone know the exact number of monsters that are in the series so far, not including shit from Frontier and spinoffs?
>what is trampling
Oh right, worldbabs don't have to deal with that. Fuck off dumb ass.
wait they don't take damage from leg movements?
They do, but they don't trample anymore and minor movements, like the diablos gearing up for attacks and scraping its claws on the ground, no longer knock over so positioning no longer matters.
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
Any lance bros have tips for how I can avoid Jho's pin? I can fucking destroy him until he decides to use it and then I die because I'm too slow to actually get out of the way. It is literally the only thing he does that ever even touches me.
>you can cut Glavenus tail
>but you can’t cut Tetsucabras chubby ass meat stump
Fuck this series
You need Guard Up to block it.
Guard up
Keep flash pods or slinger ammo that can flinch monsters
>you can cut dodogama's tail off
>you can't cut great jagras' tail, which is the same size as dodo's
So just give up on avoiding it and block? Thanks user. I didn't actually know guard up negates pins. Time to flawless this nerd
That's because Dodo exists to be bullied and can't completely do so without a good tailcut.
Nah faggot, that's you reading into it to fit your dumb narrative.
>he can't position near monsters with getting trampled
You're calling people worldbabs, but maybe that game is better suited for your abilities?
please dont call anons faggot, its rude