How would you describe a tumblr game?

How would you describe a tumblr game?

What makes a game make tumblr claim it

Attached: undertale-ionic-isaac-d9ct6b9-4f192.jpg (1167x685, 156K)

Makes you wonder about genders 30 seconds into the game

Remember that Namco High shit with Homestuck characters in it? That's a tumblr game.

Okay but like describe characteristics of one. Why is cuphead a tumblr game but not we happy few

Ugly lesbian couples to spread their "even though they're hideous this is beautiful" bullshit, ambiguous gender characters, very bright colors like a pink cat person wearing a blue tank-top with green neon hair, le random humor, and making friends, everything Undertale did

it's an Earthbound clone about depression. The main character is also an ambiguous kid rather than an old ugly bastard or a non furfag monster

Probably a game that includes a very wide and diverse cast, but doesn't take advantage of it or flesh it out, it only includes those types of characters to make people feel represented. The main story points involve someone learning how to cope with some quality of them that makes them hard to relate with others, but approaches it illogically and/or actively shames people for not being inclusive towards them. The characters are also intentionally designed to be ugly or with faults.

Tumblr is dead and irrelevant.

Celeste, It has everything
-Game journalist mode
-Shitty plot about being #depressed
-Interracial couple
-Really bad writing

>"cuphead is a tumblr game"
>literally created by chad

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Meant for

Fuck you it is


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its not about depression though
Whats tumblr about a couple?

-overbearing slice of life (life is strange as an example)
-Tries to talk about some serious issues but just pays lip service to that issue (depression being a common choice)
-While an easy mode or just having no real consequence with a fail state or game over is not a particular tumblr trait it often appears in said games
-The illusion of multiple choices
-Not exclusive to tumblr games but is a sign of one, having a cartoony look to it, especially if the game try's to tackle darker themes
-A game focuses more on its character and character development then game play or in some cases even story
-as stated above despite trying to focus the game on being character driven most characters may be either unlikable or shallow with one or two traits that make them stand out. An example of this would be "A gamer girl" or "A depressed ghost"
-The game may also have a large cast of characters
-The game has lol silly dumb dumb humor. May even comes across as trying to force memes
-obvious stand ins for certain people or ideology's. Subtlety is not their strong suit as they have to make sure everyone knows what they are trying to do
-The developer thinks the game is smarter then what it really is in what the message or plot they are trying to push
-A game would be infinitely better as a point and click game but it isn't
-A dating segment is often thrown in or shipping of two characters. It does not feel natural and may be rushed.
-A chicken or the egg scenario, a horrible fan base is often a sign of one as they think the game is smart and has no substantial flaws
-Combat seems to just be thrown in to slow you down from completing the game too fast
-And at last, the ending to said game is often a disappointment or feel rushed. Many reasons could exist why but the main culprit is often not planning ahead of burn out

What else should I add or remove from the list?

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Oh no, he's hot.
How can I get a chad game dev husband that isn't poor? I'd even go full housewife for him as long as I can still play games most of the time.

>representative politics with no subtetly (read: activism)
>easy to drawn artstyle that lacks detail
>"quirky" humor that relies too much on pop cultural references, meta jokes or irony
>pretentious writing that clashes with the simplistic gameplay (if the case)
>fanbase consists of fujos, lesbians, furries or a combination of all three
Did I missed anything?

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That's what I forgot in my list, meta jokes and pop culture references.

>very bright colors like a pink cat person wearing a blue tank-top with green neon hair
That too, plus the red triangle noses. Tumblr fucking loves high contrast.
>devs look like hipsters
>themes about depression, social awkwardness or some other relatable 20 year old college student shit
>inspired by Earthbound, Homestuck or Scott Pilgrim
>girl power shit

Tumblr instantly died the day they banned porn on it. Everyone left. Use the relevant boogeymen, at least.

From what I am getting it is a game with that pretentious artsy stink that is very ambitious and personal but either doesn't work well or has to be toned down because the creator(s) lack experience.

If anything Tumblr is now closer to its stereotype than ever.

Night in the woods does almost all of these

Rips off Mother.

Now you mentioned it a lot of it seems to comes from the game being really personal while being over ambitious. Over ambition and feature creep needs to be checked and have some self reflection but is often not because of how these people are raised to think. "You can do anything if you try hard enough" "Don't let people tell you that you can't reach your dreams!". While I am not saying don't try you need to learn your limitations, cut some content and try it again for your next game.

Its kinda funny kinda sad. My brother loves under tale and night in the woods. He also likes celeste and enjoys steven universe. He is exactly the kind of person you think he is. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>A chicken or the egg scenario

>Have two warring factions
>Both claim it was the other one that started it
Easy as. It's fake depth.

A tumblr game would have paid porn DLC

>tumblr in 2019
a dead game?

Did the game make a horrible fan base from scratch or did horrible people get attracted to the game therefor making a horrible fanbase.

A popular game that makes Yea Forums mad.

God that day was terrible. All of those trap/tranny pages..just gone.

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Nah m8, it goes like this
>Reddit game
Popular, safe, normalfag opinion that doesn't require going past the entry level when it comes to vidya
>Tumblr game
Artsy games that try to be way deeper and complex than what the developers are capable of (either because money, skill, self awareness or all three). May or not contain political agendas.
>Twitter game
295 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.

No one wants ya as there “wife” tranny kys

>no Minecraftya
So is minecraftya basado? Veepee

Fuck ya'll anyone could like Undertale.
Toby simply had visibility in the Tumblr space from being an HS dude.

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I'm more sad about the actually good porn, not the "closeted fag so deep into denial he merges what he actually wants with what he forces himself to like" porn.

Specifically with the one you posted, it's because the steven universe community drove someone to an attempted suicide and most of the website latched onto it to try and prevent people from realizing they were partially responsible.
90% of what they talk about in the game is shit that they just transplanted from the lesbian supremacy cartoon that really has no actual attachment or they assigned meaning to things or jokes.

Yes this is the real reason.
Literally ANY OTHER REASON, is a lie or incidental.

Why is everybody with a Temmie avatar on Steam or whatever turn out to be gay without fail?

>old ugly bastard
What the fuck do you have against Brad Armstrong?

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Is the reason Yea Forums associates Undertale with tumblr the simple fact that there are like 2 LGBT couples in the game as well as the fact that pacifism has a big part in the game?

The fucking moral of the game was that not everything can be solved with violence. Love each other. And everyone makes mistakes. That's it. How the FUCK is that sjw shit?

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No we associate it with tumblr because of the Homestuck-tier writing

Tumblr games have a very sanitized aesthetic. I have yet to see one that has gone out of it's way to be purposely ugly as a style choice (like LISA)

If Yea Forums existed in the 90's you fags would probably compare Earthbound to some hipster bullshit too.

Undertale can't be a tumblr. Tumblr is dead

more like the sheer amount of autistic fan art that came from it
I don't have any saved, but I'm sure other anons will be happy to share some of their treasure troves

Just do what I do. Not let a fandom ruin something for me. Ignore it.

>spoonfeed me garbage and validation

fine cunt, here, I'll dig some up myself
I don't like having this shit saved to my hard drive because I don't want to die and have someone go looking through my documents to find images like this

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Thank god the Japanese and Koreans do this shit better.

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Why are skinny legs attached to a fatass upper half

Westerners can't draw.

I don't know

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The humor isn't very thought out. It follows the very basic cadence of hook-line-sinker. And almost always randumb. Very colorful (literal) characters with pleasing one-dimensional personalities but that's about it. If they have any growth, it is a cliche trope about finding the true meaning of friendship or self-love or some shit like that.
Any romantic subplots are non-normative/performative.
Obvious undertones regarding mental health.
Shit's on religion and society but has a high tolerance for paranormal/supernatural phenomena and enables self-destructive behavior.

Those legs are skinny to you?

You think that artist looked back on this shit and realized how much of a fuck up they were.

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I doubt these people are capable of insight.