I'm so fucking mad at Bethesda and the way they fucked up the Brotherhood of Steel

I'm so fucking mad at Bethesda and the way they fucked up the Brotherhood of Steel.

>gets destroyed in almost all endings
What state are they going to be in in the next Fallout game?

Is the franchise dead after 76?

Attached: Max Son.png (1375x1051, 3.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's also the only faction where you don't get a follower in the endgame because of what happens to Danse.
I guess the Minutemen don't give you one either but no one cares about them

>next fallout game

>Is the franchise dead after 76?
I hope they sell it to a competent open world studio

it's gonna be 10 years at least or never

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Who the hell names their kid Paladin Dance?

a synth

Synths can't have kids, he was just made in a lab.

>Gets destroyed
lmao there are probably more of them out there.

Of course, they're just like mutants, Bethesda will just keep asspulling more of them

hopefully ther dead
brotherhood of steel was only interesting in 1 and nv
even 2 they were fucking retarded heros of the waste with special knowledge somehow

You can persuade maxon to let Danse live albeit he's never ever allowed near BOS outposts ever again. Gave him back his old armor so he can sit at Red Rocket forever.

>>gets destroyed in almost all endings
Only in the Institute and Railroad endings, and who the fuck goes with the Railroad?

>Midwest faction still exists
>Main Faction still exists on the west coast

Tbh I want Bethesda to leave Fallout alone at this point. I don't think they're getting better as a company.

You can destroy them with the Minutemen too.

it sucks cause the railroad is easily the 2nd most important faction in terms of the conflict of syths but clearly got pushed to the sides for more brotherhood jerking off that bethsedia thinks is cool for some reason

The railroad is kind of retarded though.

>gets destroyed in almost all endings


There's 4 endings, bos, minutemen, railroad and institute.

Institute gets destroyed in three, railroad and bos. And BoS is fine in fallout 4, at least way better than in 3

The Railroad is fucking retarded.

if whoever was in charge of far harbor helmed the next fallout, it might be okay.

less retarded than the institute
>we are here to advance humans to a new generation of technology prosper
>lets spend all of our time kidnapping people and making robot gorrilas instead of fucking making shit

How about a Fallout game without the BOS?

That's whataboutism of the highest order. They're both retarded, the railroad is fucking retarded and the institute is retarded and it's better for everyone that at lest one of them was ignored.

I don't know why anyone trusts Bethesda with Fallout after 3.

Fuck the railroad thought

railroads main problem is barely any dev time that cleary got sucked into the bos
i agree with you but is it really fair?

>2nd most imporant faction in terms of the story and conflict
>y-y-yyyeah there retarded tho

You do realize that there's more than one chapter of the BoS right?

Id be ok with that as long as they include the Enclave

The BoS are the new enclave have you ever made enemies with them it's the best game experience in 4 these bastards swoop in everywhere

no they just weren't finished in classic fallout since their plans would of came together in ban burn and 3 they just existed so you can fight power armor enemies
literally the only time they were cool was new vegas and they were on last leg dying in that game

this is the only one we know about on the east coast, where most of the fallout sequels will most likely take place

It's a shit idea from the start
>people can barely survive on the wastes, life is a constant strugle against raiders, supermurants, ghouls and any radioactive shit, trade between cities is difficult because of the many threats
>the railroad manage the create a fully organized underground network, more advanced than any other faction that comes from the Commonwealth's wastes, in order to save a bunch of robots

lets not use logic for 4, all alright dude.
both main cities have little security(1-2 guards and a turrent max) while theirs literal supermutants not even 20 feet away from the doors making camps
they could of been cool
but fallout 4 period could of been cool

The conflict and story is also retarded. What about this do you have trouble grasping? Fallout isn't a good medium for you for this bladerunner shit.

They're still fucking retarded and also a bunch of assholes who don't care about normal people, even thought they have the means to help them
This faction would have made sense if it was composed of people who lived in the Institute and who decided that synths should be free

my point on this is that they were extremely important to the main plot and basically got dicked so brotherhood had more spotlight
most of their writing problems come from the entire game not just them specifically

Franchise was dead after NV

doesnt matter what the Enclave did in past games
not like Bethesda gives a shit about them anyway

Just how ? And why would it have been better to have a more important Railroad ?

to be fair the idea that the enclave would only have a base on the coast of california and not in dc is unlikely

The best choice for the Commonwealth would be to destroy all 3 and side with the Minutemen, but Preston Garvey is just so damn boring.

better yet, destroy everyone except the institute, like my nibba X14-88 had said

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What about Raven Rock

The Minutemen is sadly the shittiest faction, even if on paper it's the best one, in execution it's pure horseshit

Nah the best would be to put X1 in charge of the Institute, put Danse in charge of the BOS and absorb the Railroad into the Minutemen

this is what preston was originally supposed to look like before they changed his race due to diversity quotas

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>Van Buren
Presper was NCR. The bad guys were rouge NCR
Enclave only existed as derelict bases/tech and remnants like in New Vegas

With a few mods to make them more powerful it becomes the best faction you can add common patrols out in the wasteland with power armor troops, feels more like you have an army out there.

it still explained that their plan was going to the moon

There actually is unused dialogue in the files that would've let the player challenge Maxson in combat for the title of Elder, with Danse acting as your 2nd in command after becoming the leader of the BOS

this is the original x6-88 model (can be restored with mods) also changed for diversity quotas

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>this is what preston was originally supposed to look like
no it wasn't brainlet

why the fuck does someone who isn't even old enough to drink in the US look like a 40 fucking year old man?
fallout 4 is so embarrassing its not even consistent on the shit it writes

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Wouldve been cool

Yeah it is pretty weird. Isn't he only 20?

>A mick
>A nigger
I don't see the issue here, they're basically interchangeable.

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It's just the beard he looks younger without it

I could have sworn that was first mentioned by the crazy VP in 2. Van Buren was where the revealed that the vaults were for testing out potential planets

Still kinda meh, the Minutemen are supposed to be the growing power in the Commonwealth but you can't even annex Diamond City, you have litterally no power as the leader

Beards are the makeup of males.

its so jarring to see this 20 year old look man look like he's nearly twice his age

>gets destroyed in almost all endings
You only have to destroy it in two of the four endings.

beards are natural, makeup isn't

>who the fuck goes with the Railroad
Me on my first playthrough. What a mistake lmao

white people were absent when god was telling people how to age properly. but seriously, he's supposed to be 20, had a long military career and went from knight to elder and fought deathclaws. he's not even technically old yet to become knighted in medieval europe, the age was 21 minimum. i guess they wanted the time difference to be longer but couldn't be bothered to fix it

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yeah thats almost all of them user, good job.

yes it was, homie

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You don't really need to annex diamond city. If you fully built up the minutemen and have artillery everywhere then there's nothing diamond city can do to fuck with you. Them raising your flag is submitting to your power.

no, it was a rumor started by Nexus shitters that found concept art of hancock before he was a ghoul and some retard said it was garvey

look at this chad beat some ass

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He went out in the field as young as 10 like the squires in Fo4 and was fighting as a young teen, he's been bred for war since birth there's even a terminal entry by Lyons in 3 saying he's worried about the boy.

this mod restores his old model

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fallout 4 is fun

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they still over did it. would've bee cooler if he was a fellow knight or paladin that you could fight alongside

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>Is the franchise dead after 76
No, just dormant. Expect FO5 after Starfield and ESVI, unless those are flops.

"Almost all" implies at least more than 50%.

>thos boobs
>those abs
do virgin mod makers know that's impossible?

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He should have been the BOS companion instead of Danse.
They could even still have in the game by makeing him be the Elder and keep in the secret about him being a synth.

the game implies that the brotherhood should be destroyed in the ending, the railroad enging is probably canon

>Is the franchise dead after 76?
no I guarantee after 76 player base drops off, bethesda maryland will have bethesda austin remaster 3

maxson being a synth? makes no sense because maxson comes from BoS dynasty

>keep in the secret about him being a synth.
Maxson was alive before the institute was pumping out gen4s

i have no idea which mod added this to my game

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Not Maxson
Have him be the Elder and keep in the secret of him being a Synth.

>the game implies that the brotherhood should be destroyed in the ending, the railroad enging is probably canon
It doesn't imply that though and there's absolutely no indication the railroad ending is anymore "canon" than the rest of them.

He's too busy to be a companion he has to keep track of what's going on with his group in 2 states

I think that's cut content actually

Nah thats different.
There was going to be an option in Blind Betrayal where he fights Maxson but in the end they make you Elder instead.

I literally don’t remember anything from Fallout 4. It’s probably the most forgettable game I’ve ever played

>less retarded than the institute

The problem with the institute is that the only way to make the player relevant is by making the institute retarded.
>can teleport nuclear warheads above the Prydwen
>can overwhelm diamond city with a synth army and easily set up their own government

How can you make the player relevant in a faction that can easily kill everyone else? Make them retarded, otherwise the Institute would kill both Railroad and brotherhood from day one and there wont be a game anymore.
Minutemen managed to destroy themselves, so they are not even a contestant.
Its a shame really, a institute that was competent, pushing for cybernetics implants that can prolong life and enhance the human body would be the best faction.
The only two factions in this game should be Brotherhood pushing for keeping the human body intact and pure, and the Institute pushing for ascension with cybernetics implants and genetic modification, it would have been more interesting than another robots=slaves bullshit.

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No it's not, the most logical ending is the minutemen, à la Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 where the canon ending is always the one where the NCR won

was the brotherhood of steel opposed to cyber implants before this game?

I hope they sell it to Troika.

in new vegas the ncr ending is not canon, most likely the independent vegas is the canon. they can't let the ncr expand so much

The brotherhood was alot of things before Beth got their hands on them.
Mostly the keep weapons of mass destruction out of hands of people who would abuse it part.

The minutemen is the canon ending, since you can still keep both the railroad and the brotherhood alive, that allows bethesta to just say the minutemen defeated the Institute in the next game without ever touching on what happened to railroad/Institute.

Idk you see how well you age in a post apocalyptic world and be under the stress of leadership

bethesda literally explains their motivations for changing in 3

They aren't opposed to them in 4 Maxson has implants it says so in Quinlan's terminal

They gave you a bunch in Fallout 1, so I would think not, but that said you were also the guy they were leaning on to help take down the Master. Generally the idea behind them is that tech should only be used only when necessary, to avoid a dependence. You don't need leg implants to improve your already functional legs, but using them to help someone walk again is ok.

I know and its pretty weak.
Mind you this makes more sense then some of the other shit in Fallout 3.
Like a cavern full of kids.

that quest is bugged because if you're not already a member of the brotherhood before reaching that part of the main quest, you can no longer join the brotherhood. it's a bug, they fucked it up

It doesn't matter since there won't be any sequel in the West. Fallout 5, on the contrary, will be a thing

ikr, do those kids have sex and reproduce? who delivers the children?

>Fallout 5, on the contrary, will be a thing
it'll be set in the South

It doesn't make any sense at all. These are supposed to be kids from some school that were trapped here after the bombs fell.
Mind you that was 200 years ago.

Infact a bos doctor lady is the source of implants in 1 and their base in san fran has ACE who is the source of them in 2
They don't have anything to do with implants in 3/NV iirc

which board would maxson browse?

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God I wish

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>cavern full of kids
>they're sitting next to a literal super mutant factory
>they survived like that for two fucking centuries
How the fuck do you write this shit and think "Yep, this will totally be a nice addition to the game."

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>Like a cavern full of kids

Now I am remembering the quest to sell one of the kids into slavery, bethesta still allowed fun evil stuff like that. You could also buy a slave and command her the entire game.
There are so few chances to be evil or selfish in fallout 4, Bethesta had to focus nuka world entirely on a raider play-style to fix that.

>Mind you that was 200 years ago.
I think the original time was supposed to be set 15-20 years after the bombs

>God I wish
it's the only places that doesn't have recognized canon by bethesda, the only closet thing we got was Point Lookout

Attached: Rebuplic of Texas.jpg (1500x1049, 167K)

/k/ and /pol/

/k/ and /pol/.

>I think the original time was supposed to be set 15-20 years after the bombs
Even then it doesn't make sense since these kids have to leave after they hit age 16.

>who delivers the children ?
We can only wonder

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Would've been kinda cool if some Ghoul woman was kidnapping kids from the waste and bringing them there

That would be great, but I dunno if they will pick Texas or the Deep South

They'll be in the next game, probably still strong.

Bethesda has no understanding of Fallout and pushes the BOS because "cool power armor" dudes; their portrayal in F4 was typical Bethesda being retarded in response to complaints of the F3 shining white knights BOS.

Brotherhood should be in F5, but not as Bethesda will portray them, they should be a dying faction if ypu want to present them with their established ideals as F4 tried to do. An evolving wasteland has no use for the Brotherhood, they are relics of the past grasping at relevance, that's the point.

bethesda usually picks places closest to their offices, and they two in texas

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>An evolving wasteland has no use for the Brotherhood
it's why they evolved in 3 and 4

/g/, /k/, and /sci/

I think they want to stay on the East Coast, less established lore to fuck up.

I'm betting on New York.

It's easy enough to justify the Brotherhood. Just say they sent people to investigate a technological thing and set up a chapter there. Forcing super mutants everywhere is bullshit though because it means one more place that had access to FEV.

In 3 yes, they had a purpose, but as I said, complaints led them to fuck up in F4 by trying to make them as they were uniting with the Outcasts etc., but this is antithetical to their state as presented by F4, thus the shit portrayal.

/g/, /m/, /toy/, /sci/, and sometimes /his/

Maxson is /r9k/.

I think I read somewhere that the people in Big Town send their kids back to Lamplight? I might be imagining this though

jew york is a crater in fallout

Has that even been mentioned outside of the Fallout Bible? I don't think Bethesda would balk at retconning that

>implying Bethesda won't fuck with lore to change that.

Besides, we saw almost nothing of Washington in F3, just the landmarks. Get some of Times Square, Empire State etc. and ship it.

>they were uniting with the Outcasts
I thought it was because the Outcasts viewed Maxson as some sort of royalty, especially when Sarah died

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>implying Bethesda won't fuck with lore to change that.
the Glowing Sea is the way to new york

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Only fags don't pick BoS ending. They're pussies in Fallout 3 but they went full based mode techno-fascist in 4. Fallout 4 BoS is the best faction by far for restoring America. Militaristic, authoritarian, energetic, and expanding. If we ever get a Fallout game where East and West coast truly meet, BoS will utterly fucking crush either NCR or Legion.

Attached: brotherhood.jpg (1676x816, 461K)

No, Maxson reverted the Brotherhood back to its old values: hampering/hoarding technology, but he still tries to maintain some of Lyon's changes to appease the loyalists, which is why he'll blabber about totes caring for the Commonwealth

when obsidian was offered to make what later became new vegas, they had a different idea for their setting, and bethesda told them that they can't do that because they themselves are planning to use that location. what do you think it was? was it even west or east coast?

>Fallout 4 BoS is the best faction by far for restoring America

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>gets destroyed in almost all endings
They get destroyed to the same extent as the Railroad and less than the Institute, what are you talking about?

Brotherhood and Railroad are entirely optional targets, Institute is mandatory

Brotherhood and Institute are mandatory targets

Railroad and Institute are mandatory targets

Brotherhood and Railroad are mandatory targets

Midwestern BoS is the best faction. They have the strengths of both the NCR and original Brotherhood, the weaknesses of neither.

Sure, but it's Bethesda.

The Glowing Sea stops just short of NY because of malfunctions, the Brotherhood or Enclave saved it, dumb shit like that. If they want NY they'll do it; they give zero fucks about consistency in Fallout.

After 76, New York would be a big normie draw.

hopefully it's this

You can actually ignore the Railroad in the Brotherhood ending too but it's more of a developer oversight than a decision.

Fallout was never good.

East, Florida.

>tries to introduce moral dilemmas
>BoS still comes off as 100% in the right due to how retarded the entire setting is


/k/ and /pol/

lol Enclave is dead and gone, Fallout 4 BoS in basically Enclave without the retardation.

if it's in new york, will the twin towers still be standing since technically, 9/11 didn't really happen. or did it?

Sounds like it, because there's no diplomacy in that quest. You're given it and the Railroad immediately turn hostile.

>Is the franchise dead after 76?

How? The BoS launch an attack on them as part of the story

>East, Florida.
>A G.E.C.K. had been irradiated, and thus, the "Garden of Eden" it created was full of mutant plants and fungi. The mutant garden began to spread fairly rapidly, preying upon animal life and using them as carriers/fertilizer to spread its fungal seed. While it had accelerated regrowth and nature reclaiming the wasteland, the fact it was irradiated meant it also began to wipe out humans. The Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel had also gained a foothold in Florida. Mutant crocodiles were some of the forms of regional wildlife.

obsidian wanted their game on the east coast? why?

Everything changed after 45, so maybe.

Probably not though, make Fallout different. I'd bet on one tower standing due to the nukes; tongue-in-cheek.

>lol Enclave is dead and gone
Enclave are canonically all over the US in bunkers, they even their new HQ in Chicago

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whatever headcanon makes you sleep at night

They have bunkers across the globe. They have three locations in Australia, which makes me want a game set down under between rival Enclave splinter cells after the main rig HQ went up in flames and global communications shut down.

Wouldn't be surprised, could be why Vault 22 was signifigant despite being a non-main quest location.

If you're still friendly with the Institute and get as far as talking to Allie about going to Mass Fusion, you can just go rat them out to Ingram who will take you there immediately, letting you skip Kells' mission to kill the Railroad.

Maxson is garbage, they should've kept Lyons.

I like black Preston more.

His incompetence makes more sense.

>His incompetence
Preston wasn't some high ranking officer in the MM, he was just a lowly flunky that was smart enough to run away

why would a black dude larp as a minuteman? doesn't suit him at all

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>in response to complaints of the F3 shining white knights BOS.
>get told to be a beacon of hope shining in the wasteland when you get your PA in 1
>hunted raiders and mutants for communities like the Hub
>never confiscated player gear, including Enclave tech
>biggest asshole in the bunker is the one responsible to tech boosting the NCR into relevance

That complaint of FO3 always annoyed me because thats exactly what they were in 1/2 if you didn't kill Rhombus in 1, Tactics is the closest one to them being tech grabbers prior to NV but I sincerely doubt most people who bitched about "shining knights" even beat that game.

whatever happened to his daughter? I didn't really like the way sarah lyons was portrayed in the game. in the middle of the dc ruins, dirty men are fighting, but then here's this perfectly clean blonde girl who is a paladin. could've made her more believable.

Helps to punctuate the stupidity of the FO4 Minutemen.

>I sincerely doubt most people who bitched about "shining knights" even beat that game.
I don't even most played it for that long

She died unceremoniously. There's a terminal entry about it, think it might have even been by a raider, that or the new Mutant leader, Shepherd, I think.

>whatever happened to his daughter?
she was killed fighting super mutants

Attached: Enclave world wide.png (900x624, 532K)

Weird. In Fallout 3 there's not a single mention of super mutant leaders or hierarchies, not even a boss fight in their vault

>he doesn't side with them
lol faggot

This is what Maxson was posting on Yea Forums when he was a kid. Do you think he snuck into her quarters to steal and sniff her laundry?

Attached: Arthur_Maxson_Terminal.png (873x339, 20K)

He probably sniffed her T-45.

Should the next fallout not have BoS or Enclave? Entirely new smaller factions would be better.

Yes but good fucking luck convincing Bethesda to not shoehorn the BOS into it

imagine the smell, she would fight for hours in that thing and it would seal in the scent

Attached: sniff_cat.gif (492x519, 516K)

Men age WAY better than women son.

my mother said that the more grey hairs a man has the hotter he becomes

I mean you guys do realise that the Prydwen had some important officers, and the top brass leadership, but was still largely a tiny selection of their manpower and resources right?

They won DC. With the Purifier, and the mutants largely being wiped out, they have had a decade to do whatever the fuck they wanted. Maxson might even have a baby Maxson of his own sat back in the Citadel for them to raise as their new god-emperor, as he's younger than he looks, but he's had years to fuck an heir into someone.

The Brotherhood will be fine. Just the legend of 'Arthur' going off on his great crusade and someday returning, The Once and Future King, will keep them going strong for decades even if the Maxson line is now extinct.

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>map covers the better part of an entire fucking state

>{191}{}{How do you go pee-pee in that thing?}
>{459}{}{Heh-heh. Actually, I just urinate in the armor, and it recycles everything. Isn't that interesting?
Do you know what 'recycling' means, little one?}

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fallout 4 would have been infinatly better if you never knew if the institute was real, you would see all these people killing eachother and their own familys and you could never be sure if they were really androids or not, could even give a story excuse for the bodies not having an android component on them.

that way you're constantly second guessing throughout the whole game if the institute is really behind things

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Proof, faggot. Obsidian had the west in mind the whole time, they recycled a good 50% of the story and setting from Van Buren for it.

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>Entirely new smaller factions would be better.
Enclave squad sigma and the Circle of Steel

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i kind of want the tunnel snakes to make a return

pretty sure Butch eventually died in the waste

>if you never knew if the institute was real
this, everyone treats the institute as if it may or may not exists but literally everyone knows it's real and the gen3 synths are everywhere

>Is the franchise dead after 76?

Have you ever seen the Fallout 76 Reddit? It's just a slew of posters rushing to suck Bethesda cock. It's actually somewhat amazing to watch people openly admit the game is a broken pile of shit but then in the same paragraph say how they sunk 900 hours into it and spent a fortune on random cosmetic items. Better still are the hordes of corporate boot kissers that all seem to be on a personal crusade to swallow as much Todd Howard cum as possible.

Bethesda, and by extension, the entire gaming industry, will never collapse or learn a lesson when the Devs and CEO's know they have a sea of dribbling mongoloids waiting to shower money on them for any shit they churn out.

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>Have you ever seen the Fallout 76 Reddit?
lol go check out /fog/ it's filled with 76 cock suckers

Man I want to play Old World Blues so bad but I don't understand hoi4 at all

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nah, he was doing fine in rivet city

If you see the artbook for fallout 4, you could see how they were planning to have gen3 synths have hidden bioweapons inside their bodies, a gen3 synth could infiltrate a settlement, kill half of your settlers, and there would be no clue about who did it, they would be the perfect infiltrators.
The institute really was the one who got most shafted in terms of content and quests, bioweapons, gen3 synths that begin to mutate as they get damaged, institute power armor design being different from normal power armor, all cut.
It would have been fun installing cybernetics on yourself and going on stealth missions to kill or kidnap skilled personnel, making the commonwealth even more paranoid about the institute, but in the game everyone literally fucking knows you work from the institute.

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modders are bringing them back

>Obsidian gets to make a new Fallout game.

>it's modern day Obsidian

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chris avellone seems like a coold dude. josh sawyer seems like an asshole though, that mod she released was retarded, you could barely carry bullets and shit, if it was a turn based game i would understand the idea of preserving ammo but in a fps rpg you're gonna need a lot of ammo

Do you not understand that something important to the story can be retarded. Elise kissing sonic was important to the story because it allowed him to save the world. It was also completely fucking stupid

They tried to introduce fact that the player could very well be a synth and would never know, but It's fucked because of the fact that you can lead the institute and Codsworth exists. Might be more reasons but i haven't played in forever

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just think about WHY they made FO76.
they planned for FO76 to feed them money and tide over the fans of the franchise because the next one isn't slated until 2028, minimum, if you look at their dev cycle, it's very clear

no way we have to waith 9 more years

They could literally just send some scouts to go d out what was going on after they loose all contact. They still might keep it secret for morale and propaganda but the idea they wouldn't know they lost both thier leader and primary wepons of war is retarded.

they just added a new IP, 9 years is probably too soon. They aren't revisiting Fallout for a very long time, at least not another mainline game.

But it's true the Chicago base is referenced multiple times in NV. Its where ED-E was meant to go before getting attacked and being found by a small family.

They could literally just send some scouts to go find out what was going on after they lose all contact. They still might keep it secret for morale and propaganda but the idea they wouldn't know they lost both thier leader and primary wepons of war is retarded.

Very much yes you will.

Have we actully seen anything from star field yet? At this point its still valve tier vaporware right?

Hair-wise, after looks WAY better. The fuck is up with the trendy haircuts in 4?

>not destroying every other faction as based minutemaid

We started to see shit but then the FO76 thing happened, which is why I'm putting the next mainline fallout game to be 2028 min. I think they pushed it back, their games have been on a 4 year cycle, it's like clockwork, at least since MW. There's been some delays, etc, but you can usually predict when a game is coming out whenever you know they started it. We know the new TES was started (pre-production) some time in 2018. Normally that means we'd get the game in 2022. We still might get the game in 2022. Because of this, it's very likely that Starfield was planned to be released in 2020. probably near the end, it's possible that they're still planning that release, and the PR dept has just gone radio silent to let the controversies blow over, or they delayed the game to further polish it. and if they delayed Starfield, they delayed TES and the rest of their games. which i suspect they'll work on some form of MMO for Starfield after TES releases. and then finally FO5.

If that's the case what's the point of them keeping the IP to themselves and not just giving it to another studio for a game like with nv?
They've set the bar so low at this point it would be hard to make things worse

>Is the franchise dead after 76?
it was dead since Fallout 3

Not dead but damaged in a way it can never recover from

I believe user is correct they thought 76 would be a cash cow to carry the IP to the next mainline game.
That did not go as planned so they may sub it out in house. I wouldn't bet on it though.

I wish there was a way to wipe out all the factions including the minutemen.
The closest you can get this is joining the raiders at nukaworld and the black minuteman dude is always agro but you can't kill him.
No one else really gives a fuck though

The artbook for Fallout 3 was equally imaginative. The technology may exist to bring the image of Bethesda's genuinely amazing art department to life (and I don't think it does yet), but it sure as shit isn't Bethesda that can do it.

you can't seriously think bethesda could have kept things that subtle

Attached: fallout_3_conceptart_7iNf1.jpg (681x395, 205K)

Its their writing/creative department that lets them down. They have no imagination or will to improve.
They've become like 80s horror movie producers where they unironicly think doing the same bottom of the barrel tropes and cliches while cutting out anything complex is what thier audience wants and needs to stay engaged

>What state are they going to be in in the next Fallout game?
>the next Fallout game

imagine caring about bethesda games

I mean they're a literal invading force in the commonwealth so of course the big factions are gonna have a problem with it.

Minutemen see them as a threat to the Commonwealth's sovereignty

The institute rightfully see the BoS as a threat since they want to completely annihilate their society and destroy their scientific achievements

Railroad is well, Railroad I guess.

they fucked the pooch so badly there is no way they could fix this shit show

Where the fuck are the cold climate maps and shit... The anchorage expansion is the only one with snow and shit... Tired of all this fucking brown

glad this didnt get traction! i dont know what i would have done without white laser rifle

but dude, the 50s! lmao
area 51 n aliens and shit, whacky cars with fins in 2078 xD

Fallout Chicago fucking when?


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No I mean a good one.

Minutemen were way too barebones
should have been a set of quests where you set up a new government or something instead of a series of settlement shit until you blow up the other factions

I don't know if im a brainlet but I can't get past the first mission without deleting that game

you seriously want to tell me that bethesda is capable of doing better? especially in this day and age. and after f76, really, you're going to tell me that?

Brotherhood of steel are all cunts anyways, the brotherhood was only cool I fallout 3 because the elder wasn't a cunt, maxon killed that guy and brought the brotherhood back into cuntness. Bethesda can't write a game story arch for shit so you can't alter any factions from the way they are introduced unless you are completely destroying them, side quests are all fetch quests and fallout 4 is meant to be disregarded and modded beyond broken to be interesting or fun.

It will be longer than the wait time between elder scrolls games

enclave in america rising were neat
basically col autumn's vision of the enclave minus his autistic hatred of the player

Can somebody explain to me why the fuck the brotherhood completely destroyed the institute (including their teleporter which would be very useful) instead of just capturing it and taking all the tech for themselves? They didn't have to keep the synth making shit. The brotherhoods goal is to horde technology, but they flat out destroyed extremely useful stuff. Is Bethesda just that bad at writing? It didn't make any sense.

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If Bethesda wakes the fuck up as a publisher they could easily commission the black isle crowd to develope a fallout Game on an up to date engine while Bethesda devs focus on other projects.

Attached: enclave.png (921x530, 83K)

God that jacket looks like shit up close.

>history repeats itself
the true mark of a brainlet

The institute should've just synth'd every female raider in the commonwealth and destribute them as personal cumdumps

What the Fallout series shows, if anything, is that nothing will actually destroy this fucking planet

The same reason why Christians would burn mosques including all the books of medical, geographical, mathematical, etc. importance in the Crusades.

huh so the Brotherhood were based n redpilled too

Muslims did the same thing, including burning down the library of Alexandria
Whine more, raghead

Maxon was personally offended with the idea of synths, plus so long as the technology exists somewhere, there is always the risk that some synth might get the blueprints to the synth production machine, synths are basically immortal, they can wait for decades before infiltrating the brotherhood and making off with the machine or a close enough blueprint to make one of their own.

Its much safer to just destroy the thing forever, the risk of mankind being overrun by synths is just too high to risk it.

im not even a fan of christians but that is such a retarded statement holy shit. what exactly did the crusaders even burn?


the enclave were nationalists? seemed to me like they were elitists through and through and in no way populists

personally, i don't really think the whole synth thing fits with fallout too well. i wish they didn't make the story about synths, they shouldn't even really exist. it's a bladerunner copy anyway

Those poor bustard's in Australia bless their hearts

>move along

I don't like gen 3 synth design philosophy. The robotic body and AI on the level of Nick Valentine's is unironically more impressive and adaptive to further upgrades.

>The robotic body and AI on the level of Nick Valentine's is unironically more impressive and adaptive to further upgrades.
And DiMA is the living proof, to increase his own memory he's boosted as hell

This is actually a damn good point.
The institutes autistic obsession with perfect human synths will always be retarded.

I would be cool if gen3 synths were some kind of hybrid between machine and organics, like a cyborg from deus ex, but just being humans with a chip in their heads is pointless, they cant even reproduce on their own, which was holy grail of synthetics in blade runner.
Gen3 was a complete mistake, the institute could have been already mining asteroids instead of wasting time on gen3.

My Danse survived

don't forget that synths also don't require food and don't age either

The whole game does

>wojackposter is retarded

like poetry

Yeah that's Bethesda for you.

they should have given you proctor ingram

it's fucking ridiculous there is even a note you can find saying hey we know you want to go do ground missions but since you need your robot legs you are a liability, it is LITERALLY THE PERFECT SETUP TO MAKE INGRAM YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS A COMPANION.

Instead you get FUCKING DANSE who is BORING and has zero character whatsoever, turns out to be a fucking synth, and you have to directly violate your BOS elder's order to protect him so tough luck for you if you wanted to keep your only BOS teammate but also obey the ideals of the BOS

There's also the Enclave in Chicago that had enough infrastructure to build Eyebots, though the only mention of them is like two lines in NV.

When I was like 9 or 10 waiting for oblivion I thought radiant AI meant that the NPCs would be literally sentient

>somehow create immortal organic tissue that's indistinguishable from that of a normal human
>only ever use it on your retarded slavebot project

The institute deserved to be blown up

Banned by railroad janny for wrongspreak

Any one remember the alleged amazon leak a few months ago? It was up for a few days but they removed the page, Was a listing for a new Bethesda game with the "please stand by" screen

That's exactly what Bethesda was trying to pretend it was.

the institute are retarded because Bethesda has to make the the evil faction and couldn't write it for shit
With the railroad they actually tried to make a morally good faction with a potentially cool feel of freedom fighter ex via stuff but did such a bad job they end up retardedly evil whilst claiming moral superiority

Even the VA for Deacon let it slip apparently, Question is when is it coming? I just want them to redeem themselves with a good game. I don't wan't fallout to die.

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pre-production doesnt mean much desu
could just be some beth guys scouting locations for the next game/concept art

True, But the amazon listing would mean its far into development, No? I hope Todd has another trick up his sleeve.

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Clever disguise to get some blundering idiot to Minecraft you some settlements for all your homies

Fallout can be saved by competency
So yeah it's dead

I think its a bit of everything.
Bethesda wanted to make each faction "morally grey" but had no clue how to actually pull it off so we get the cartoonishly evil and incompetent institute, the bland as fuck minute men, and the needlessly dickish BOS. The railroad could have had an,interesting dynamic with the other groups as an brutal and potentially crazy group fighting for a questionable cause but from the get go they establish that synths are 100% people with zero room for debate making the railroad the default "good guys". This is only compounded by the lazy writing for the institute which made them little more than moustache twirling idiots willing to commit mass murder at the drop of the hat and incapable of coming across as any kind of real organization.

BoS are tech hungry fags who could get wiped out if an EMP hit their base

>everyone talking about the things we see from fallout 3 onwards
>nobody remembers the brotherhood of steel was founded by military desertors in California but bethesda couldn't give a fuck about it

zoom zoommmmm

>todd knows people might not be happy with 76 being multiplayer only and how fallout purists might want a fully fledged RPG
>Beth secretly works on a spinoff/next entry while continuing to hype 76
not very likely but not implausible.

I just want fallout to go back to its isometric CRPG roots ffs

fuck bethesda

Am I the only one tired of the only plot for sci-fi media being "androids lmao" I mean fallout shouldn't even canonically have synths as it goes against it's atompunk theme of vacuum tube technology and robots from the 50's. I mean what's next, a wasteland internet and hacking shit?

>Christians burning Muslim books
Implying Christians crusaders were so fast and successful they could get to books before Muslims could burn it themselves lmao
You know assassins creed games aren't real right?

bethesda tried to reboot the series basically, cause many of the original stuff from the first games was retconned, ignored or forgotten

I always hated the gen 3 synths because they are no different than any other NPC, It's just lazy. They should have followed the concept art for most of the game.

Uhhhmmmmm Sweety Nazis BAD!!!!

We can only wait and see i guess. My bet is 2 years from now

imagine willingly slurping down betheshit
bethesda fallout games are trash
fallout 3 is shit and so is 4
dumb goy

Attached: Bethesda board of directors.png (1211x1344, 182K)

Yeah as if the Crusaders were going around specifically looking for medical texts
I doubt any of the ground level people could read arabic or even thought the muzzies had anything of value

absolutely retarded post by that other guy desu

Bethesda needs to sell fallout to competent devs