Why doesn't Japan make first person shooters? There have been some exceptions in the past...

Why doesn't Japan make first person shooters? There have been some exceptions in the past, but I can't think of any recent examples.

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Based as fuck.

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The Japanese auidences generally like being able to see the character they play as from what I know.

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I read an article a while back, I think in about 2010 or something that was an interview with a dev with Ninja Gaiden 3. He mentions that in Japan swords are more important in their pop culture. Kids grow up pretending to be ninjas and samurai and watching media associating with such. In the US at least we grow up watching cowboys or soldiers. Characters that typically carry guns, so more of our media involves shooting

Is this what looking in the mirror as a manlet is like

Why does America love shooters?

There was Resident Evil 7 recently.

Japan is allergic to guns, but I still want weeb shooters to exist.

Looks like they prefer first person jab n jogs.

Anime girls shooting guns isn't near as fun when it's not in 3rd person



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playing FPS with analgog sticks is about as comfortable jamming full rolls of toilet paper up your asshole
TPS is still sub-optimal but it doesnt have the same issues of console FPS because of the wider FoV

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Huh, that's actually really cool and sounds plausible.

Japan seems to have moved away from first person games and also shooters were never really popular there. Probably because console gaming overshadowed pc gaming

>playing FPS with analgog sticks is about as comfortable jamming full rolls of toilet paper up your asshole
It's not that hard honestly. I had a decent stint with kb+m but I still prefer controller for comfort.

Same reason why anyone else doesn't like FPS games. They suck at them.

Reason #7 why FPSs don't have mirrors.

It literally has several gamemodes and an entire free 2 hour DLC dedicated solely to shooting.

>Console FPS are tras-

Attached: Titanfall 2 Gameplay.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

Titanfall's pretty decently popular in Nipland
Has a pretty good Japanese dub too.

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this is pc gameplay tho...

I heard its from Asian's inherent lack of empathy. They cant imagine seeing life through someone else's eyes.

>keyboard prompts in the webm
are you retarded?

Many Japanese (and east asians in general) are prone to motion sickness and have trouble playing games without a fixed point of view
Here's an academic paper about it: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8825456

Squinty eyes

no, for real

That movement and combat look awful. Like the FPS equivalent of RDR2: more concerned with fancy animations than responsive controls.

Dropping by just to thank you, I've been trying to remember the name of that game for years now.

damn never thought of that, you could possibly be onto something...

So they are genetically inferior

Because first person shooters are shit. They're a current popular genre that will end up outdated and forgotten except for hardcore fans who insist they are still relevant. You don't see many JP studios making FPSs for the same reason you don't see much of anyone making platformers, there isn't that much demand and most people aren't that interested.

>but Overwatch!
Yeah, and look at how excited people are about Overwatch these days.

>anything I don't like is shit and just a trend

Yes and no. East Asians are also much less likely to produce body odor from sweat. On the other hand, they have a greater chance of alcohol sensitivity.

>japanese game market share shrinking every year
>fps games more popular every year
gee i wonder. too bad the japanese devs are too stubborn to tap into the hottest market

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They think it's a dumb genre where all you do is point and click. But then again they like selecting attack through 70 hours of a 100 hour RPG so when you put them to the test the Japanese actually have trash opinions on videogames.

>he doesn't use double input keyboard for movement/prompts and stick to aim

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because japan requies to watch girl avator's butt.
TPS can watch butt, FPS can't.

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chinks and gooks love FPSes, its just nips for some reason.

Japan are pretty much superior to whites in every way.
Their distaste for fps games is arguably a plus.

You use your dominant hand on your controller to aim with the analog stick and your offhand rests on a keyboard using wasd /esdf to move and the rest of the keys for other prompts

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Why would you aim with the analogue stick, you absolute fucking sub-human?

I thought this too. Supposed anyone else here even knows about that game

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>aim with the analog stick
fucking why

Don't think Japan ever made a good FPS to be honest with yah lads

TPS? Sure, but not a good FPS to date.