Do you play vidya in your jammies, Yea Forums?
Do you play vidya in your jammies, Yea Forums?
the what?
I usually don't wear anything
I have a job
I dont wear sweatpants, pajama pants, etc anywhere but outside
I dont wear long sleeved shirts
Whenever im inside its t shirt and shorts always
Mom tried ti make me wearthe pajamas ahe bought me for christmas last year
because everyone else was wesring theres and i freaked out until she left me alone
Twitter screencap threads should be an insta-ban.
Dont got jammies. Freeball vidya is pretty comfy in summer though
I used to play wow naked in 2007. during summer, because I was morbidly obese and it was too hot. I remember that i managed to draw a line of shit in my chair. I pissed in bottles. I ate 3 family sized pizzas per day. I miss that time, lads.
This but unironically.
>not playing games in your thigh highs or stockings
I wear my pajama pants all day if I'm not going out. Its not like anybody will see.
Do women really play video games? I never seen one actually play or beat a game.
I wear a suit, sit up straight with my back parallel to (but not touching) the chair back, I don't rest my wrists in my lap, and I maintain between five and seven feet distance between my eyes and the monitor (don't play console because I'm not human trash).
Anyone else going to PAX South in 2020?
I never wear anything
Why do you want to know what I wear when I play video games? Why does it matter?
Is this a white people thing? Like having clothes just to sleep in?
No, comfy.
Yes, because white are not animals.
My wife plays games, different stuff from what I play, but she actually plays and beats games. I only know 2 or 3 chicks who play video games though, most of them just play candy crush/mobile stuff.
I hate trannies
Yeah nigga. My gf and I have matching sleepsuits, complete with buttflaps so I can fuck her ass and she can peg mine.
I don't own ones. I sleep naked. But I do play vidya in my boxers.
I play video games while naked and masturbating
Poor white people don't do that shit but the rich have different outfits for everything
yep, you're white alright.
>some littraly who girl gamer
>posting it on Yea Forums
Yep, cringe, have sex, dialate, kys and go the fuck back.
sweatpants, always on
I wish I had stockings to sleep in...
My sister and I play vidya together.
Currently replaying the Mass Effect trilogy.
I sleep with just underwear on, I don't have jammies. It's too hot where I'm at for that shit.
Yes, and by that I mean my fat ass plays naked to fat naked wife while we autistically make homes in minecraft. Kinds that we will never have irl
Have you ever had sex with her?
I only sleep in my underwear. My father used to scream at me if I tried to sleep with a t shirt
Why yes it's me Joe typical gamer
I represent all of you
You know what I love almost as much as gaming?
Talking about insurance
Cool, my wife only plays L4D with me once every blue moon for like an hour at most.
>a-am I fitting in yet?
If a wifebeater and undies count, absolutely
Nah not really
they act like compression socks.
So I know what to imagine as I fiddle my diddle, now tell me what you are wearing you filthy strumpet
Go back
One time I visited my wife's parents I stayed on her childhood bedroom with her older sister, she woke up in the middle of the night and turned on a flashlight revealing my naked body, she turned it off quickly and never talked about it.
panties and a camisole
>I've spent the majority of this decade in my pajamas
Imagine the smell
fuck jammies
I spent the majority of this last decade wearing my own sadness
I mean hey, L4D is a pretty cool game man.
>Regularly shower
>If I ever leave the house, even for 20 minutes, I shower when I get home before entering my room
>No shoes in my room
>Basically no one but my showered self in my room
>Eat everything with a fork/spoon when possible or wash my hands after eating before touching anything else
>Always in my pajamas
Who /maximumcomfy/ here?
this post is so american im getting diabetes by just reading it
Being a shut in freak isn't comfy your poisoning your mind
>Eat everything with a fork/spoon when possible
because people eat with their hands, right
you fucking massive retard
Not even close with regards to location, bud.
>tfw i'm operating on levels of comfiness never seen before
>when nephew was old enough to start talking in sentences he would refer to me as "the boy in the jammies"
You eat french fries with a spoon/fork?
>shower once every few days
>always wears sweatpants when leaving the house
>throw it in the floor when I get home
>don’t wash dishes or clothes or clean up
>basically if it wasn’t for work, I would live like an animal
>once a week mom comes over to visits and cleans up for me
>repeat the process
Anyone else love their parents?
What else should I do user?
I still have a pair of South Park pajama pants I never grew out of that I wear occasionally whenever I have a day off from work. They're still in good condition so why not?
It's called finger food
I can't wait to deal with the seattle traffic when I go to pax. Hopefully there is actually some fun stuff this year and less fat tranny cosplayers
I am usually naked minus a pair of thightights and occasionally my buttplug.
The last several years have sucked honestly. I'm not expecting much. I wouldn't be going but my friend group is super pumped about the whole thing. Seattle sucks so much.
Go to university
Lift weights
Gorilla fuck a woman and marry her
Get a good job and raise a family
Or stay a faggot it in your room
>on her childhood bedroom with her older sister
Wait, what? Why did you sleep with your wife's sister instead of your wife?
>500 pound sperg