Do you play vidya in your jammies, Yea Forums?

Do you play vidya in your jammies, Yea Forums?

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the what?

I usually don't wear anything

I have a job

I dont wear sweatpants, pajama pants, etc anywhere but outside
I dont wear long sleeved shirts
Whenever im inside its t shirt and shorts always
Mom tried ti make me wearthe pajamas ahe bought me for christmas last year
because everyone else was wesring theres and i freaked out until she left me alone

Twitter screencap threads should be an insta-ban.

Dont got jammies. Freeball vidya is pretty comfy in summer though

I used to play wow naked in 2007. during summer, because I was morbidly obese and it was too hot. I remember that i managed to draw a line of shit in my chair. I pissed in bottles. I ate 3 family sized pizzas per day. I miss that time, lads.

This but unironically.

>not playing games in your thigh highs or stockings

I wear my pajama pants all day if I'm not going out. Its not like anybody will see.

Do women really play video games? I never seen one actually play or beat a game.

I wear a suit, sit up straight with my back parallel to (but not touching) the chair back, I don't rest my wrists in my lap, and I maintain between five and seven feet distance between my eyes and the monitor (don't play console because I'm not human trash).
Anyone else going to PAX South in 2020?


I never wear anything

Why do you want to know what I wear when I play video games? Why does it matter?


Is this a white people thing? Like having clothes just to sleep in?


No, comfy.

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Yes, because white are not animals.

My wife plays games, different stuff from what I play, but she actually plays and beats games. I only know 2 or 3 chicks who play video games though, most of them just play candy crush/mobile stuff.

I hate trannies

Yeah nigga. My gf and I have matching sleepsuits, complete with buttflaps so I can fuck her ass and she can peg mine.

I don't own ones. I sleep naked. But I do play vidya in my boxers.

I play video games while naked and masturbating

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Poor white people don't do that shit but the rich have different outfits for everything

yep, you're white alright.

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>some littraly who girl gamer
>posting it on Yea Forums

Yep, cringe, have sex, dialate, kys and go the fuck back.

sweatpants, always on

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I wish I had stockings to sleep in...

My sister and I play vidya together.
Currently replaying the Mass Effect trilogy.

I sleep with just underwear on, I don't have jammies. It's too hot where I'm at for that shit.

Yes, and by that I mean my fat ass plays naked to fat naked wife while we autistically make homes in minecraft. Kinds that we will never have irl

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Have you ever had sex with her?

I only sleep in my underwear. My father used to scream at me if I tried to sleep with a t shirt

Why yes it's me Joe typical gamer
I represent all of you

You know what I love almost as much as gaming?

Talking about insurance

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Cool, my wife only plays L4D with me once every blue moon for like an hour at most.


>a-am I fitting in yet?

If a wifebeater and undies count, absolutely

Nah not really
they act like compression socks.

So I know what to imagine as I fiddle my diddle, now tell me what you are wearing you filthy strumpet

Go back

One time I visited my wife's parents I stayed on her childhood bedroom with her older sister, she woke up in the middle of the night and turned on a flashlight revealing my naked body, she turned it off quickly and never talked about it.

panties and a camisole

>I've spent the majority of this decade in my pajamas

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Imagine the smell

fuck jammies

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I spent the majority of this last decade wearing my own sadness

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I mean hey, L4D is a pretty cool game man.

>Regularly shower
>If I ever leave the house, even for 20 minutes, I shower when I get home before entering my room
>No shoes in my room
>Basically no one but my showered self in my room
>Eat everything with a fork/spoon when possible or wash my hands after eating before touching anything else
>Always in my pajamas

Who /maximumcomfy/ here?

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this post is so american im getting diabetes by just reading it

Being a shut in freak isn't comfy your poisoning your mind

>Eat everything with a fork/spoon when possible
because people eat with their hands, right
you fucking massive retard

Not even close with regards to location, bud.


>tfw i'm operating on levels of comfiness never seen before
>when nephew was old enough to start talking in sentences he would refer to me as "the boy in the jammies"

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You eat french fries with a spoon/fork?

>shower once every few days
>always wears sweatpants when leaving the house
>throw it in the floor when I get home
>don’t wash dishes or clothes or clean up
>basically if it wasn’t for work, I would live like an animal
>once a week mom comes over to visits and cleans up for me
>repeat the process
Anyone else love their parents?

What else should I do user?


I still have a pair of South Park pajama pants I never grew out of that I wear occasionally whenever I have a day off from work. They're still in good condition so why not?

It's called finger food

I can't wait to deal with the seattle traffic when I go to pax. Hopefully there is actually some fun stuff this year and less fat tranny cosplayers

I am usually naked minus a pair of thightights and occasionally my buttplug.

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The last several years have sucked honestly. I'm not expecting much. I wouldn't be going but my friend group is super pumped about the whole thing. Seattle sucks so much.

Go to university
Lift weights
Gorilla fuck a woman and marry her
Get a good job and raise a family

Or stay a faggot it in your room

>on her childhood bedroom with her older sister
Wait, what? Why did you sleep with your wife's sister instead of your wife?

>500 pound sperg