This game is too scary

This game is too scary

Attached: alien_isolation.jpg (240x240, 18K)

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wtf I just downloaded this game an hour ago, how did you know OP?

The Alien rubberbands to you so hard, eventually you can tell the exact distance and markers and it ruins the game

I recommend downloading the unpredictable alien mod. Removes the leash to you and it has to actually search the entire area for you instead of being a constant fucking nuisance.

The androids are scarier than the Alien.

and then you literally speedrun the game without alien

And then you can literally power walk through the game because it inevitably fucks off to the other end of the map and you never see it again.
The rubberbanding was added for a reason, you know.

not him but sounds like a compromise between the two would be perfect
maybe the rubberbanding could just reactivate if the alien is a certain distsnce away for too long

>I need an easy-mode mod to win the scary game
You're a baby.

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Try playing it in VR, you'll poop ur pants.

git yeah it is pretty fucking scary, legit the only horror game that has given me anxiety.

What a fucking relief it's decent after Colonial Marines

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Try Resident Evil 7. The Beginning Hour demo at least was amazing. Can't even imagine what it would be like on VR.

Lol, what a fucking chump

RE7 was pretty kino

I already beat the game 4 times before the mod was even made and only once on hard. The only thing the mod ruins is how ball-bustingly hard THAT CORRIDOR is at the end.

Still need to play it. I loved the demo, and it legit had me shook until I got 'familia'd'.

PT was also nerve-wracking for me.

I love watching streams of people playing this game and I always piss myself laughing because when they hear this they'll say something like "oh that's the end-game soundtrack, not long to go now!"

>Orbital stabiliser failure. Abandon station. Abandon station.

Too many people crouch-walked through this entire fucking game at a snail's pace and complained it's too long.

I could sleep to this

>wake up
>feel kind of bloated

This game in nightmare difficulty is pure gold.

the Guest House and Main House portions of RE7 are 10/10 but everything after that is like 5/10

you getting hysterical

this was my complaint with the game. why even have a run button if it's literally just the 'make alien appear' button

Pretty much, the first 4-5 hours or so are fantastic but it drops hard in quality

>The androids are scarier than the Alien.
this. eveb worse when you have to sneak around both.

the reason why the alien is always near you is because it's never the same alien

It's just one Alien at first. The rest of them you accidentally release when you purge the reactor since Seegson's MOTHER AI locked that place down which is why you can shoot guns and make as much noise as you want during the working joes part of the game.

This game has the same plot as Metroid Fusion, beat for beat. It's almost uncanny.

How are you supposed to play it without getting caught

Crouch when it's near you. In the same room or nearby. If it's in the vents or down the hall, just walk. Your footsteps may sound loud but it doesn't really alert the alien. Knocking over cans or props does though.

Play Alien Ressurection on PS1.

Makes this game look like a Sunday morning cartoon.

>horror project gets handed to a real time tactics studio
>It's actually a fantastic experience
Genuinely surprised. Creative assembly hadn't made a good game in probably 13 years until alien isolation.

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yeah if you're below 13, sure.

Thankfully I'm too stupid to realize this so I enjoyed it the entire time through.

>You and I are going to have a little talk about safety.

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is that your screenshot? its good, how did you get an angle like that?

They made an engine just for Alien, it's crazy how good it looks and how well it runs. Still has the best looking fire effects I've ever seen in a game.

What are you?

Its probably a bullshit complaint

But did this game drag on a bit?
Like I loved it and finished it, but it was looong with out adding much more for its length

No it's not mine. Looks like a Seegson promotional shot

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I love this game, they should have kept the smg tho.

It was long, but if the pacing were handled better it wouldn't have seemed so bad. You get the exciting climax at the lab, then just when you think you're at the end of the game, you get the underwhelming android uprising section, and then the end part with all the messing around with communicating with the Torrens and setting up the improvised docking system was anticlimactic.

nightmare makes the motion tracker useless and resources harder to find, right? anything else?

>Absolutely love the atmosphere
>Absolutely love the alien series
>Absolutely love the graphics and gameplay
>Cannot fucking stand invincible enemies tracking you segments in other games, much less 14 straight hours of it
>The crafting mechanic is a pretty fun reason to explore, the collectibles scattered around appeal to my want to go through all areas of every level, but it is ruined by this invincible xenomorph bumrushing me when I just want to see what's in the next room

>Finally give up and edit the game file to remove the aliens from the game
>Turns into an incredibly fun if sometimes a bit empty Thief Deadly Shadows in space
Feel bad about it to this day but damn did it make the game more enjoyable.

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as a die hard alien fan, I consider this game the true successor to Aliens.

shame we'll never get a sequel.

I thought they sucked until I headshot one and it did the terminator unfazed recoil

>edit the game file to remove the aliens from the game

You can actually do this?

makes it impossible to survive android attacks and to survive aliens investigating lockers. Breaks the game

i'm just gonna dump some webm because this thread is lacking and Alien Isolation is an amazing game.

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I installed that mod and it was still too fucking scary

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>makes it impossible to survive android attacks and to survive aliens investigating lockers
that doesn't sound really fun.
so it means that every android attack is just a reload from last savepoint. at least when you can escape them, you have to deal with your mistakes, avoiding them and maybe luring in the alien with the mess you made.

swiggity swooty

how you remove ayy with edits?

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It's pretty dumb that revolvers and shotguns don't kill the alien no matter how many times you shoot it

I get they wanted to make an invincible threat, but it's almost immersion breaking when you shoot it 5 times and it doesn't even bleed

Maybe they could've made the alien killable, and once it died another would take its place

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once you get the torch, the alien isn't shit. you scare it off, it runs away, rinse, repeat.

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it seemed to me that the flamethrower got progressively less effective the more i used it. at first the alien would just fuck off completely, then at some point it would only make him back off and charge me again.

Don't hide in lockers unless it's a last ditch effort. Walk around, running is basically suicide sadly. Don't hang around too long because he gets closer and closer the longer you stay anywhere (sniffs you out.) Use the freaking distractions.

If you go into the files, there is a single file that determines the alien's triggers and behavior. You don't technically remove the alien, what you do is delete all the values to make it so the alien never actually identifies you as a threat or that it is supposed to be active. That way, it either doesn't spawn into the map, or at the parts where the game forces it to spawn it just stays frozen and inactive where it was spawned since it is still 'untriggered'. And yes, it makes the game basically play like Thief in space where you are ducking into rooms and shadows stealth-KOing all the humans or just shotgunning the bots in the face and for me at least was a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

Check steam forums and I'm sure someone has posted a guide how to do it.

Nerve-Wrecking. I beat it 3 times and it still scares me.

>The Alien
>The headless Working Joe
>The singing survivor
This game was ahead of its time. Such a simple premise and series of levels, so fucking tense

you're an abomination. I couldn't imagine doing that. what a faggot.

It's also too long

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I'm very glad the game did this. If it was just the alien it might have gotten a bit stale. They added these androids which follow the survival horror principle of "you can kill them, but is it worth it?" and actually are pretty damn scary. Sure they become less so as the game goes on, but hearing their calm voices and footsteps behind me always stressed me out.

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the ending was so shitty

i played it on the hardest difficulty and there are fuckin annoying parts in that game, and the ending felt so anticlimactic it actually really annoyed me

there's some tense ass shit in it though

Could you do the same thing to the working joes?
Honestly, the game would be better without them imo

>underwhelming android uprising section
That part was fine. The real place the game should have ended was shortly after you escape the Alien nest and the reactor. It goes on for another 5 hours after that for some reason.

Weirdly enough, the ending actually got expanded on in a web-series.

Isn't it really hard for this to actually happen though? I'm pretty sure the Alien only goes in the wall vents if it sees you crawl in one.

i think it happened to me like once or twice. i think it was cool that it didn't happen all the fucking time. like i used the vents a lot, but the alien was not often in there but there was always the possibility of it because it had happened a couple of times.

That's the way it's meant to be. If you use it as a crutch, the alien stops fearing it as much and will become more ballsy even if you've used it already.
I disagree. All the flamethrower does is buy time. You maybe have a minute to get away before the Alien is back, and later on it's only a 50/50 chance it's actually going to get it to run away. I'm glad they had this in the game. If you couldn't fight back at all, it would be less scary. I think the fact that you CAN kind of fight it but it's not very effective is a little better.

I know at one point there's a facehugger in the vents. I remember when that happened I stopped playing for a few days and when I came back, I got the flamethrower out every time I went in a vent.

>I think the fact that you CAN kind of fight it but it's not very effective is a little better
i agree with this man.

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they simply should have removed all guns besides the flame thrower

sequel when?

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It was rumored to be a mobile game at some point but I think that's been cancelled, or at least delayed. I'd kill for a legit sequel, though.

Damn the fire in this game is beautiful

>that moment of pure fight or flight response and the panic in the elevator at the end
time to reinstall i guess.

>immersion breaking when xenos are canonically resistant to small-arms fire
>removing the ability to blow Joes the fuck out

Please discard your terrible opinions at the exit

i've only ever seen the alien jump over a partially blocked passage like this once. and it was always pretty cool when it would do something you did not expect and had never seen before, felt like it could surprise you any time.

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The game is pretty much over once you have the flamethrower

xenomorph would be my fursona

Not on Hard or Nightmare

You lose fuel so fast and it's hella scarce.

ive never had this happen to me in my entire playthrough.

That bit is always scripted to occur when you enter that room.

There's a couple spots where the alien will regularly use wall vents. There's one that connects with the hall right outside the second save point in Medical to an adjacent room that it will use.

any tips for that part in the medbay where you have to go all the way around this circular hallway because of the burst pipe, with windows fucking everywhere including the save point that I never manage to reach? The worst part is every time I die I have to go through the cutscene on the computer again.

aaah that's why.
i don't remember many scripted moments, or they didn't feel scripted.

What a fucking moron

I still have PTSD over medbay.

Did you miss the part in the movies where the alien was near invincible to small arms fire? Also I doubt you had enough time to shoot an alien with a shotgun 5 times

The same. Moreover, the flamethrower acts as a developer crutch for the instances where the Alien AI kind of becomes bullshit by allowing you to cancel it out. Keeps the game scary instead of frustrating.

What did you guys think of the survivors? A lot of people shit on them but I actually loved the concept, and it really brought some life to otherwise empty areas.
I wish there were a few more “unqiue survivors” who play by different rules or have special equipment you have to avoid. As it is, the best we got were a few scripted dialogues

I thought Isolation was scarier than 7, Isolation was too long though and I don't often say that about a game.

Lay down all your flashbangs and smoke bombs in the corridor even if Alien isn't nearby. They make good alarms for you and a decent distraction for a min. Aside from that there isn't much of a use for them. Also you can skip the cutscenes.

I liked going rambo on them with my weaponry. I feel like one sadistic bastard with the bolt gun.

threadly reminder.

Attached: ign review process.jpg (744x447, 346K)

the absolute state of video game journalism.

stop reminding me plz

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>mommy i want to hide in the closet until the scary man goes away so far that he cant possibly be a threat anymore at all
What a fucking pussy

Real men powergame this shit on Nightmare like its nothing, and dance around with this fag long tailed negro tongue penetrator like with a child.

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yes I have not finish it because of it call me a pussy, but I have finish the dead space series.
This game taps on fear that I can’t hide from the monster.

What the fuck is wrong with her nose.
It does not look like that in-game

>those noises when a facehugger gets you and the screen goes black

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Not on nightmare

I barely had any fuel, and finding enough shit to craft a noise bomb was a cause for celebration, even though I was autistically scavengeing everything like a rat already anyway.

Nightmare shouldve been the default difficulty, grinds my gears that so many people play this shit on babymode with triple digits flamethrower ammo and just press mouse 1 for free get out of jail card on repeat.

A:I is one of the few games where I just had a good feeling about from the second I booted it up, and then thoroughly enjoyed all the way through. That VHS Fox Logo was like cocaine for my boomer ass 'cause I saw the first two movies on worn down VHS tapes.

just walking around looking at the 70s-styled decor of the hallways when you first wake up and seeing how it was running at 100 FPS on my then mediocre PC pretty much made me instantly decide to delete my pirate copy and buy it.

This game also has practically zero replayability because of all the filler sections.

They absolutely nailed industrial design.

Better play the game before you say that stupidity again, you faggot.

>boot game
>nice retro 20th century fox logo
>cool dga and sega logos like in-game consoles
>bright red full bloom AMD logo with dubstep playing in the background
thanks for ruining my immersion AMD

I fucking love the retro-future aesthetic of this game.
Like the cassettes, old flip switches and clunky computers but they're all used on a goddamn space station. The whole thing looks like how someone in the early 80s imagined what 2200 might look like and it's hella RAD.

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user, i was just asking a question.
i played the game on hard because nightmare did not exist at launch, i just wanted to know what else it did.

Dead space isn't remotely as scary as Alien desu

They're basically action games

i pirated it because i expected it to be shit (colonial marines and devs making strategy games). i played the nostromo bonus levels for like 20 minutes. i then deleted my pirated version and bought the game on steam.

It is a goddamned gorgeous game and the aesthetic alone would have been enough for me to buy game. If the game totally sucked I would have still enjoyed it.

>The whole thing looks like how someone in the early 80s imagined what 2200 might look like
it's exactly what happened with the first Alien movie ya dingus

I wonder if they made Alien like that on purpose or if they legitimately didn't see analog electronics becoming obsolete before supercomputers were invented

I know, I'm saying Im glad they kept that visual theme rather than go generic sci-fi

I agree, slow burn, bone chilling horror is better than cheap jump scares.

When does it get interesting? I've tried starting it like four times and I'm just bored as tits

is that unpredictable mod supposed to make the alien easier or harder? I felt like he wasn't that difficult to avoid, but it was annoying sometimes how often he would drop down to look for you.

for me it was after you encounter working joes for the first time. if you made it past that part and still weren't feeling it, it probably just isn't for you. my favorite section of the game was the medical bay.

Yeah, I didn't love Dead Space 3 but the complaints about the more action-oriented focus baffled me because the games were always highly action oriented.

So many mean people in /v I thought you were sarcastic, my bad user.
Basically the resources are ridicule reduce, I don't have a video to proof it but the alien track it's worst than hard, how alien can detect and catch you it's literally a fucking nightmare, androids as well.I truly recommend you to see Mission 14 (Nest mission) in nightmare mode, I think you can really feel what a survival horror should be.

>alien and android cross paths
>android, in a hushed and level voice: "what are you?"
horror kino. Didn't even know they would acknowledge one another until my second playthrough

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sheeit I forgot about that. pretty sure I heard one say that to it once. the alien just leaves them alone too, right?

Also I forgot to mention but it's obviously, If you ain't a speedrunner the duration of the game increase a lot.


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Yes, which makes sense I guess. I heard the line twice while in the air ducts during my first playthrough, weird as shit moment. Joes are some creepy fucks

yeah they just ignore one another, would have been cool if aliens were able to kill joes though

Probably would've made the game too easy in certain sections though.

>ywn be that lucky facehugger who got dibs on her after she got caught towards the end

The game is meant to be played on Hard. Nightmare was added post-launch and tethers the AI too close to the player making the anxiety of the alien following you into frustration because sometime you simply cannot get out of a situation unless the alien actually leaves. It also removes the map and motion tracker, which is just too much handicap for a first run.

Easy and Normal loosen up the leash on the AI tethering, making it significantly easier to get around, but drops the tension too much. Non-horror game players might enjoy it more, though. The alien starts to get wise to your antics. Every time you use a distraction item, it will become less and less effective at keeping it's attention. If it catches you in lockers, or other hiding places, it will search them more often - even after you die it retains these memories. It even begins to fear the flamethrower less the more you use it, taking more fuel to force it to escape.

There is a mod called Alias Isolation that adds a much better anti-aliasing option that significantly improves visuals. There was also a graphics enhancement customizer that lets you fine tune and max out all settings. Game looks and runs beautifully, the sound design is amazing. I hear the VR mod works fairly well too. Wouldn't recommend the AI untethering mod until a 3rd or so run. Worst I can say is the game drags on a bit near the end.

>an entire space station filled with people and the alien is always looking for YOU specifically

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>he doesn’t know
Oh no no no

>tfw bought a bunch of horror titles on sale more than half a year ago
>have been waiting until october to marathon them

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sounds like someone didn't finish it

>that hair bulge

1970's style future confirmed.

It was meant to be "realistic" and relatable, thus why the movie takes place on the sci fi equivalent of a long haul semi truck and not a megalopolis or colony or space station. For that to work, the technology has to be recognizable in some fashion by the audience or it just looks like fantasy magic shit.

Why do the Joes say say that anyway? APOLLO know about the Alien so all the robots should too.

>This game is too scary
This. Still haven't finished it because how scared it get

Apparently it's coming to Switch

Apollo might know but I think the Joe's are dollar store-tier enough to lack adequate programming to deal with something like that.



In the same way that a retard finds a puzzle for children more enjoyable than an IQ test, sure

>tfw you remember getting hyped when there was word of a sequel
>it turned out just to be mobile shit

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The seegson androids were unironically scarier than the aliens later in the game, they're far more threatening and you can't distract them as easily, and they search for you more thoroughly. They might not insta-kill you, and you can kill them too but when you're trying to hide from them they're scarier. You can easily run and hide from the alien and distract it with a flare or noisemaker / other bomb.

get good

I found it surprising how in the game the alien had loud as fuck footsteps but in the movies it's pretty much silent

I guess they have to make it somewhat easy for the player to hear it

I wonder if Ridley Scott ever played it.

His 81 year old thumbs probably couldn't handle it.

The ambush predator it is in Alien doesnt work in a game because it means you'd just get instakilled around every corner.

Also just a touch of balancing since it's unkillable, I think.

>play this on 8 inch screen while waiting for a bus or some shit
>play on easy since you can barely control what your character is doing, or even see whats on the screen for that matter to reliably react
>"this game isnt scary at all haha, it was pretty boring, 3/10"
There should be a list of games youre not legally allowed to play on some shitty normie mobile console in broad daylight

It didn't resolve the biggest questions.

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>The seegson androids were unironically scarier than the aliens later in the game
>You can easily run and hide from the alien
>when you're trying to hide from the androids they're scarier
Nigger what, what difficulty did you play this on? Its the exact opposite, if alien ever sees you youre 100% dead unless you have flamethrower or molly, and you cant ever outrun it.

With androids you can literally just run away and they cant do anything since they just walk slow as fuck.

Not to mention you can just kill all of the androids in the area pretty easily.

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Even from the grave the voice of the noble proletariat speaks out in demand of his bonus.

>Bought a bunch of horror VHS tapes at Goodwill over the years
>Don't even get scared watching them, just like the aesthetic of watching them in an unlit room
>Will do this for Christmas as well for maximum comfy

The only true sequel to Alien as far I'm concerned.
I was hyped about Routine because it looked like it would be a great Alien game, I'm glad this actually came out, and pretty fucking good too.

>these are casual playtesters that devs listen to nowadays

didn't they get sigourney weaver to voice some lines? that's dope.

you mean Aliens, right?


We think Star Trek should have touch screens and not brain interfaces so we're equally out of touch

Yeah it is. I tried survivor or something and it's too tense a game for me. Might have to play on easy...

they got Sigourney to redo some of her lines from Alien in a special "play as Ripley" scenario, and also rerecording the end of Alien speech for the recording that Amanda finds

How are there people that get scared playing RE7? Any game where you are actually able to kick ass with a weapon is automatically not scary

The presence of multiple aliens is a plot point. They couldn't reveal it earlier

I agree though that revolvers and shotguns should at least stun the alien for a few seconds

It stops being scary pretty fast since there's just the one enemy

you mean like in aliens where a soldier explodes a xenomorphs head with a regular shotgun and gets acid on him as result? i've never played this game and am never going to since here people have said the enemy is immortal.

if this was amnesia or something, ok. but here you have an actual arsenal of weaponry which conflicts with the players intuition. shouldn't the firearms make the enemy flee only to return later at the VERY LEAST?

that's a vagina



THIS IS *****ALIEN*****

I quit at the medbay. I got killed by the alien like a dozen times in one section; after I got past that and to a new area, I could see from the layout on the map that it'd be a massive hassle to sneak around/avoid the alien, and that I'd be doing that and failing and dying and replaying the same parts of the game for however many hours and I just stopped and never picked it back up. Shame because a lot of it was cool.

It does bleed when you shoot it.
It just doesn't stop

Man this game was fucking great. The start of this gen really was the best.

>alien pops out of vent almost right in front of you
>oh shit oh shit oh shit gotta hide
Never been harder in my life

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I finished it without noticing that at all.

At that point you just stand there and wait for the death animation. Running will just make it hear you, and anything else isn't fast enough to get away.

>"they didn't pay us enough in money or help the sjw movement 5.9/10" - ign

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Real questions: Is this a cyberpunk aesthetic? Would this be called cyberpunk?

>This could require my attention
>What are you doing here?
>You shouldn't be here
>Come with me, please
>I'll get to the bottom of this
>I just want to help
>You and I are going to have a talk about safety

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this, thank you

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It takes too long because it repeats the same fucking gameplay beats over and over again in the same environment over and over again. Just how many times can we do "Robot is playing dead", or "human enemies but now with X". There is no reason Amanda had to be knocked down the air vent when she is about to put on the suit. The story beat of escaping the chaos began an hour and a half earlier with the reactor meltdown.
You could honestly cut 30% of the game, and it'd have no impact on the story or pacing.


this is why I wont ever play this game
fuck these jumpscares glitches

getting chased scares me no matter what


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That's silly, plenty of games are still scary even if you have a weapon. You may not be able to tackle every enemy with the weapon you have, or an enemy may still surprise you.

I feel like going into the game knowing that the Alien AI is set up to rubber band to you eventually didn't set me up to have fun. It started feeling like a frustrating stealth game where I knew I couldn't ever conclusively deal with or escape the alien, and since getting spotted is a death sentence going out into corridors once the alien was about was basically a dice roll as to whether I'd be spotted.
Also I ran into problems like
>medical level
>that bit with the ring of patient rooms
>hear alien get out of vent, motion tracker beeps
>go into locker or other hiding place
>get alien skulking around outside
>alien walks away
>get out of hiding place
>alien walks back ten seconds later
>go back into hiding place
>alien walks away
Just constant little dead ends where the only solution was to walk out, get killed, and start again

>zoomer hide and seek "scary" terror with QTEs


Thanks. You ruined the game for me before I even got to play it.

If you do the "seal the door" quest in Alien 3 on the SNES then you can go into the door first and get a bunch of ammo before you seal it. An eye for an eye, fucker.

turn the music off or almost off and the game becomes a lot less intense

No, it's entertaining in its own right but is not a worthy sequel, this happens way to often for my taste as it seems to get the trend started. Both Scott and Cameron with all of who enabled it can die of ass cancer for it

First time I ever played it, chose Hard difficulty. The tethering becomes so fucking tedious after the 50th time you have to wait in a locker for 5 minutes. The androids are straight up impossible to kill without 1 specific item, and the FUCKING ALIEN WILL NOT ATTACK ANY OF THE FUCKING ROBOTS. WHY. THIS IS SO GOD DAMN FUCKING RETARDED. HOW THE FUCK WOULD THE ALIEN KNOW NOT TO ATTACK AN ANDROID JESUS.

Shit pissed me off so much, sitting in a locker hiding for 20 minutes and here comes chucklefuck robot dude, he takes one look at the xeno strolling by like they're best buds then continues on like fucking nothing happened. FUCK the devs who made this gameplay decision its so fucking lazy and horseshit lore wise.

>you mean like in aliens where a soldier explodes a xenomorphs head with a regular shotgun and gets acid on him as result?

Yeah, by literally putting it into its mouth while its hands were busy in trying to burst open an armored door. I'm sure i don't even have to argue that by doing so he luckily bypassed most of the xeno's armored body.

IIRC a clear, close range shotgun shot will stun the alien, but the effect is so brief that it won't help you

What a fucking child kek, just run past the slowass clunky niggas lmao, stun and blast their head off you fuck, stop hiding like a pussy, chase and pipe bomb/cocktail his negro ayy ass you fucking retard, hell when you're ready you can make the sexy motherfucker flinch just be turning on the flashlight and stagger his boycunt with a shotgun

>those eye sockets

i absolutely love the joes interacting with ayys

I know retard I beat the game on Hard, just saying there were really only a few times I remember when the androids and the ayy interact with each other would have been nice to see one get ripped in half. The BEST parts of the entire game are when the ayy is chasing you so you lead it into a pack of humans and watch them get slaughtered.

The first time you are forced to deal with the alien is probably the most stressful part of the game. Not because it's bad or anything, but because you're not prepared to face it, and almost everything you'll try by following your instincts will get you killed. By going forward in the game you learn to survive, but for me it's been very stressful until i got the flamethrower. And i ended the game by using it about 5/6 times total, but knowing that you could survive an error or an unexpected roam of the xeno really improved my experience

isnt ayy kinda imune to fire when you use it too much?

>5 years

Attached: 0 feel runner.jpg (428x424, 16K)

God fucking shit im angry. Didnt IGN also score nuPrey 4/10?

I pirated it when it came out, played for 2 minutes, quit, and bought it from Steam

>Thing that navigates perfectly despite having no eyes is able to determine whether a moving object would be able to incubate its eggs or not and behaves accordingly
Shock. I simply cannot believe it. How could this be.

Supposedly. I used it every time I had a reason and it never adjusted its behavior at all, unless you count this

Attached: vent.webm (638x480, 2.52M)

Haven't watched the webm in ages, didn't realize it cut off but basically it just leaves after that weird lunging thing stumbled me. Never saw it do that before or since.


Dunno, normal probably, it was two years ago when I played it I think

Attached: Alien's magic trick.webm (1278x720, 2.81M)

Metroid Fusion rips off the Alien series, particularly Resurrection.

Pretty sure that occurring is just dependent on escape avenue availability to the alien. Basically, if there's no place for it to run away and disappear into it knocks the player to the ground to force the camera off it so it can just magically vanish without the player seeing that happen.

I figured it was more likely something like that than a response to how often I used the flamethrower yeah.

Attached: Well hello there.webm (1046x600, 2.92M)

My first playthrough was in hard, and even if i used the flamethrower very rarely, the xeno behavior definitely changed. After 3/4 shots in the entire game it would require a lot more of propellant to make it fuck off. One time it even ducked the fire and flanked me

Finished it twice on hard and now doing third playthrough. Every time at night with headphones. First time I was really scared and crouch walked almost entire game. Turns out if you're not such a pussy and just move on, walking normally, it's much easier. The longer you stay in one place, the higher the chance of Alien coming to you. Just don't fucking run. Stand up and walk. For example on my first playthrough Alien appeared in Communications, Seegson Synthetics and that part where you have to get steam valve or such shit. On the other playthroughs where I moved on it never appeared in these places, it just stayed in vents. It didn't even fucking kill people during that steam valve part which I used to think was scripted.

Androids are honestly much harder. Humans are also fucking annoying and can two-shot you at hard.

I didn't really learn much, I had to be told by here to avoid using lockers. I still don't really get how the alien 'works' or how the items work.

Honestly AVP 2 is my favourite Alien/s game. It's the only one I've beat all the way through.

yes, it is, first time seeing Giger stuff?

Well i completed it on hard and i did use the lockers A LOT.

>Androids are honestly much harder.
really? I played through this game once on normal and you can just kite androids since they are so slow
I only had problems with them in the last 40 min of the game or so

it was meant to be played on hard, anyone who played it on normal missed out

Not him but i find them much harder too. I swear you can hide behind a table from alien, but joe will spot you intantly

Played 3 hours of the game and found it lackluster af. It was boring and the "horror" factor was non existent.

I feel like the horror parts from Mario 64 are scarier.

There's this one part, I think it's called Habitation, where there's like 4 of them in one place. You could probably outrun them, but I always tried to stay put.

>Alien can bugger off and go far away. Androids always stay around and sometimes walk in unpredictable patterns.
>Alien can be easily scared off with fire. Good luck stockpiling EMPs for androids (everything else is not enough on hard)

Alien 1 is my favorite movie of all time and I enjoyed Alien Isolation purely on the ambience, because the stealth approach to the gameplay (like Outlast, etc) really doesn't gel with me. If I didn't like the movie I would have dropped the game.

Then I played Alien Resurrection on PS1 and wished AI was more like it. You can kill aliens, but the game is still hard as fuck, aliens can kill you quickly but you can fight them and clear an area for exploration, and it's still tense all the same.

the thing is nothing really happens if they spot you. just go away, they can't chase you at all
I think we are talking about the same thing. there was a place where you have to activate a few generators or some shit

I'm talking about the part with fire, where you go out into the mall from some bar/shop. Later in that level there's a bunch of people. It's quite late into the game.

My alien adjusted to the flamethrower Two minutes after I got it, and then Soft locked me infront of a Vent.

Fun game

The only part of the game that is actually close to being a challenge is the core. Your only enemy in that section is androids but they've taken away your weapons and those androids are immune to EMP attacks.

Xenomorphs tend to now show a whole lot of interest in anything they can't impregnate unless it bothers to interfere with it's efforts.

Oh fuck, oh fuck. I didn't know it looked under stuff! I'm playing it third time now on hard and it never happened to me.

One of the best horror games ever, it's incredible how they managed to make it scary through an established horror media monster.

Even though it got tedious after the part where you explode the core

I agree. I liked that they could open the lockers.

What if you just stopped being a pussy and let the "horror" happen in a HORROR game like we all did instead of cheating with an Alien AI mod that supposedly makes it more realistic, which all it does is really make the Alien never appear...

It's one of the most unnerving games I've ever played. Especially with the music blasting when he's searching for you. The game is REALLY strong in these intervals. But overall it drags a bit, especially at the end.

Almost got a heart attack when I was working on a terminal and one of those fuckers got to me. Or when they grab your leg in that big area when you're trying to run away frmo the seegson area where the androids are

didn't they quickly confirm that a full sequel was in production too?

there aren't even jumpscares in the game.
even the facehuggers, you spot them and know they're here.

I know but some glitches creates jumpscares, like this: (2:10)

there are '''''''''''people''''''''''' who get scared playing something like F.E.A.R. or Dead Space
i don't get it either

Attached: joe1.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

I just got this to try in VR, hope it's scary. Didn't scare me that much out of VR.

And some people get scared by Silent Hill which I sure as shit don't get but according to Yea Forums it's just an objective fact that Silent Hill is scary. I think the real objective fact is no video game is scary, there's just lots of pussies in the world.

I played it on hard with the mod on and that section was still hard as fuck, for some reason the Xeno ALWAYS entered the vents in a specific spot in front of me and I had to use the vents to not be detected during the rest of the section.

tfw you shoot your gun in the air just to watch the alien fuck up the survivors.

I think the problem with letting the horror happen in a game like this compared to say a horror film, is the the horror film doesn't really require you to do anything except watch it for a limited runtime.
A game like this, you're expected to be scared, but then also pull off tasks which may be difficult; if you fail, you're treated to getting killed by the monster again and again and again and again.
At that point the horror starts going away.

and yet you are too pussy to move out of your parents' basement.

Glad to see this is still getting discussed. There's still more content I need to play in this but it's too spooky.

Let me guess, you think SH is scary? That's because you are a pussy, pussy.

woah get a load of this tough guy

i think furries are scary

Only a pussy would think saying "I don't find video games scary" is bravado, pussy.

Damn this guy is so cool. He must have balls like craisins.

>you're treated to getting killed by the monster again and again and again and again
acquire proficiency

I see complaints about the pacing of the game but i enjoyed the whole thing.

Where the fuck is 2 surely this game did well for SEGA jews.

>spot a save station
>hear the alien
>panic and run to it
>get impaled by the alien as i slide my car in the station
i like that even saving is a stressful event

Why not? did you even watch the first movie?

The sequel was a mobile game

Holy shit a fucking empty wheat field would be pretty fucked up, a huge open area and you have to hide behind crops.

would remind me of this.

People complaining about the length of the game but at the same time demanding a sequel?

That fucking game man, I remember wallking through some section where motion sensor is quiet and its all pipes and steam, and as someone who's seen all the movies I just knew they were going to pull a jump scare by having an alien blend in with the walls, when it happened it still almost drooled in fear did a 180 turn while dropping the controller and could only watch myself die.

I want a good Colonial Marines game.

Wow its like people can...change things if they... do it... a second time????

Great atmosphere, shit gameplay.
Play it on easy you don't die all the time and can enjoy it more

I have a legit question about the game. In Terminal Tower, there are a couple of Ion Torch doors in the luggage area. You get in Terminal three times during the story:

>Very beginning
>After Project KG348
>At the end

You get the Ion Torch between 2 and 3. Problem is, third time the luggage area is locked off (I managed to access it using cheats). For most of the game the Terminal Shuttle isn't usable. When can you get back to the luggage area with the Ion Torch?

it's scary for a while but towards the end he's just a nuisance. just puff him in the face with the flamethrower, get knocked over as he panics, keep going. Towards the end I was just lobbing molotovs at his face and legging it.

>People complaining about the length of the game
Honestly, I've never understood this complaint. I commonly see it claimed the game goes for more than 20 hours. Maybe if you really fucking suck it does. My time, and that included hunting down all Nostromo logs, was about 15 hours first time through and the average long play on youtube does seem to be around 10-15 hours so I'm thinking 12-15 hours for a first time through is reasonable and if it took you longer than that you're just really crap at games.

I grew up loving Alien 1,2,3 and even liked 4 because I was maybe 10 when that movie came out. I never thought they were scary I just loved the xenomorph design and thought everything was just cool as shit in general. But that fucking game is a goddamn panic attack in slow-motion. Horrific anxiety any time I tried playing that game. I never finished it.


Attached: AL.webm (842x474, 2.94M)

tell me why the pistol exists if it takes 10+ headshots to kill a joe

Because a joe is a fucking machine? do you think they put all of the components in its head to mimic the weakness of a human being?

Couldn't play the game properly.
I had a constant hardon for the xenomorph every single time I played through it.

Attached: ryg8p0g3yfh11.jpg (1024x684, 140K)

It kills humans fine.

you didnt answer the question. its retarded game design

a joe is actually the rare occasion when bullet sponges are fine

is the VR mod going to make me vomit? Not because it's VR but because of the horror.

This is at worst a top 3 horror game of the decade

is this the actual answer? that the pistol is the 'human weapon'. Are you simply not supposed to kill joes until you get the shotgun? I didnt even think to kill humans

You can kill humans with one headshot in the game a joe is not a human you fucking retard.

>this was supposed to be the faggot that created xenomorphs
The new Alien movies are all garbage.

Attached: amichaelaien.jpg (913x456, 106K)

I did not mention humans at all. You did not mention humans at all. you fucking retard

THIS ALL COULD BE FIXED WITH A FEW TWEAKS. BUT WHY BOTHER UPDATING AND FIXING THE GAME? IT"S PERFECT IN THEIR VISION. JUST LIKE AVP2010's multiplayer. Bunch of sadistic stubborn chucklefucks. Reminds me of those stubborn modders who refuse to improve.

Ridley never respected the canon of the other directors. He obviously didn't like the ant colony analogy from Aliens that pretty much every Alien story had run with for 30 years. People were thrilled to have him back but they didn't realize he'd gone totally bonkers since he worked on the series.

>He obviously didn't like the ant colony analogy from Aliens that pretty much every Alien story had run with for 30 years
And that's a good thing. The only problem with the Ridley reboots is the script. Scott needs better writers.

I really liked the pounce animation he does.

The point of the Alien which makes it the ultimate species, is that it has always taken the traits of whatever it impregnates, to improve itself. Human skulls seem to work nice.

I've never seen it do this.

>Are you simply not supposed to kill joes until you get the shotgun?
Isn't the cattle prod one of the first weapons you get? That kills joes easily.

Wow they actually let you edit the ON/OFF values? should we be thankful they didn't lock their files behind 20 different security measures?

How come nobody buys the assets and already built levels for games like Isolation and Warframe? Somebody could easily turn the game into FEAR or THIEF or something more inventive.

I do not understand paying 20x more to hire people you build assets for you when you could buy them instantly for cheaper and to stop wasting time and get on to make the game.

I cant remember, but maybe ill give the game another try. I never get very far into it because i cant stand 'run and hide' faggot shit.

>I never get very far into it because i cant stand 'run and hide' faggot shit.
Then why are you playing a stealth game? Don't. You're not going to enjoy yourself.

I loved the game but lockers literally break the game. Its impossible to be killed if you go into a locker. The Alien never checks them, and if he walks infront of it you just lean back for 5 seconds. I mean the obvious answer is just dont use the lockers then if it's too easy, but they seem to be the main way to hide, and hiding behind an object by crouching doesnt really work

I don't understand why 20th century fox and Sega keep hiring mediocrities. Right now Fox bought a very small studio Cold Iron which is made of just 28 people and they're currently looking to hire.

They lucked out with Creative Assembly. Their graphics look ahead of their time for 2014.

i was under the impression it was more of a survival horror type thing. y'know, collecting resources and rationing out when you use them, fight or flight. Youd say its a straight up stealth game?

It's not going to help, but I remember vividly going back there to explore to see if anything was new, at the end. I'm sure there is a vent or something you might be missing.

>The only problem with the Ridley reboots is the script.
Not him but oh you mean the entire gist and fucking reason to make Alien prequels in the first place, the writing?
And I love Ridley Scott but it's not like his directing has been top notch lately either, so the script isn't the only problem. Even the sfx in Alien Covenant were weak. Not sure how that happened because your only job as a sfx artist is to make the xenos fucking terrifying and that went completely wrong.

Stealth games are great ... when you can move while stealthing and there's more running towards the objective than hiding and backtracking.

I never played Hide & Seek with faggots who told me I can only pick 1 hiding spot for the entire game. Fuck that rule.

I used them and the alien checked them very frequently

didn't feel really "survivor" to me.
i played on hard and i mostly sneaked around, very rarely used distractions. the only thing i crafted often were health items. i didn't feel forced to keep scavenging and crafting shit all the time.

um, as somone who's beaten the game more times than my mom beat me growing up, lockers are the pleb level of survival, running around tables is the pro level and only the elite can pull the "fuck off so quick the alien spawns in a room you're not even in" trick.

Anyone else here keeps getting weird feelings inside their chest whenever they see or hear those faggot facehuggers?
It's been years and I still haven't gotten used to them, whenever I see them crawling over someone's face or hear them do their think, it just makes me shudder and I end up imagining how everything from the impregnation process down to getting chest bursted must feel like.

Attached: 20170318230820.jpg (853x640, 60K)

>see a bunch of humans
>start making as much noise as possible so my slave of a xeno clears it out for me
Thank u mr. Xeno

it makes me horny

>And I love Ridley Scott but it's not like his directing has been top notch lately either
Ridley Scott has never been a top tier director. He's always been hit or miss his entire career. He's had the good fortune to get some great scripts in his time but he's never been a great director. He's a workhorse that relies on the script, cast and special effects team to do all the heavy lifting for him. He's not in the same category as people like David Fincher or Steven Spielberg, he's in the same category as people like Bryan Singer.


If you kept spamming your flammenwerfur It’ll eventually wise up and bum rush you through the flame. Scary shit man

the hive was so ass clenchingly stressful that it's the only part of the game where i did not record anything, i was too busy being scared and aware of everything going on.

I guess you're right. Pic related is still a solid body of work though.
And I've never heard any actor say that he was just there for the check or a workhorse in that sense. Maybe not as hands on as Finchers or Spielbergs you mentioned, but still present and incredibly influential.

Now I just want to watch Legend again because I forgot he directed that piece of weirdness.

Attached: egwh.jpg (692x697, 159K)

>And I've never heard any actor say that he was just there for the check or a workhorse in that sense.
I don't mean he's lazy or a hack. I meant it in the sense he's not an artist. Directing is labor to him, not a process of creativity.
>Pic related is still a solid body of work though.
Not really. Look at those critic ratings. They are all over the place. This is what I mean by he's a workhorse. He'll work hard to pump out what you give him but he's not going to fix anything you give him. The only thing he has ever tried to fix is Blade Runner and, frankly, he's fucking ruined it. It's so irritating to hear people go on about how his cut is the definitive cut and gets rid of all that useless producer shit like the narration. Well, that narration was in the script. The film was supposed to be reminiscent of noir. What it was not supposed to have was a nonsensical twist for no reason at all at the end.

Yeah it's also very claustrophobic and tiring when you play for hours. Heck, it's scary to even watch someone play.

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>Directing is labor to him, not a process of creativity.
That sounds about right. Same as you said about how he's not an artist, but he is (usually) reliable and convincing.
Example, I recently watched the extended cut of Kingdom of Heaven and holy shit I have no idea why anyone gave him the money to do that one. Good movie though.


you can literally play your favourite scenarios at any time through the chapter select screen, zoomer.

Not true in my experience.
The alien does check them, and if you don't hold your breath you're dead

how many ppl play online

10-16 during peak US hours and 32-48 in weekends.

>tfw this is the best alien related product since Aliens

alright i'll try it out but i have no mouse

Prometheus and Alien: Covenant still exist.

Attached: AlienSeriesGuide.jpg (1736x1086, 1.58M)

Anyone have any related video games to aliens? but I want something tactical.

Something like Subnautica, Colobot, Minecraft.

Aliens as a very generic featureless first person shooter and a walking simulator is wasted potential. I need vehicles.

Space Colony is more an Aliens game than any of these.

Only thing that wasn't incredibly generic was Aliens Extinction which was something of a RPG RTS hybrid.

>Alien Covenant
What a shame Ridley Scott won't be able to finish off his prequel series. There's a lot to like

Do androids fight alien?

no they don't ESL-kun

ESL-kun? What.
Regarding androids vs alien - pity. Would be a nice thing to be a ble to lure one into another and let them deal with each other while you run away or scamper/hide.

Space Station 13: Colonial Marines

Is okay enough but you can barely tell what's happening at times with all the text flying by so fast during action segments.

Alien Isolation wasn't scary, it was just tedious

>gotta explore this thi...oh, better hide in a locker, that fucker's coming back
>ok, now i can read this log and reference my ma...oh, it's been five seconds, better hide in that shadow
>, ok, so now here's me, there's where i probably need that thing, maybe there's a ven...oh, better throw a noise maker and hide under that gurney because it's been ten seconds and the fucker's back
>ok, so let me just avoid this ceiling vent with the drool and avoid these guys with guns, and i can just unlock thi...oh, it's been another ten seconds, better hide from that fucker in this cabinet

The alien is just up your ass every ten seconds and it kills the atmosphere of the game because they were so faithful to recreating the art style of the Alien franchise but you can't enjoy any of it for more than ten seconds at a time before you have to hide for 30 seconds.

the failed to launch wood world of the 3rd alien film had a wheat field on fire that ripley and the monks would have been chased into by the alien. like the raptor scene in lost world. the library scene sounded really cool too.

Not in easy mode.

>Planet of the Vampies
Whoever made this at least knew what they were doing.

Attached: thats bait.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

shoot hostile humans and also to trigger explosions, i remember using it in that small morgue area to detonate a gas tank and draw the alien away from the vent i needed to get into.

>how well it runs
This is still the most amazing part to me. Even my old ass laptop with a gtx 950m can handle this at ultra settings without stutters. It's a goddamn miracle.


that early draft of prometheus called engineers that was done before lost writer got hired to rework stuff was a good combination of both prometheus and covenant, had lots of action, different xenos and facehuggers, alien on alien combat, a much cooler ship design for the prometheus which was called the megellian i think. david was also much more sinister and weyland wasn't on the ship, instead it was a sleeper team of company mercs that vickers had control over. reading that and then seeing how the two films butchered that script pains me. there's a pdf of it in the alien wiki i believe.

>run from alien by hiding in vent
>turn around
>alien is sitting in vent next to me, like in comedy horror movie

it would be fucking amazing if they did AI2 in that wood planet monastery like the art shows.

What headless working Joe?

Alien Isolation 2 would be awesome if you played as Morse (who wrote "Space Beast" as an account of Alien 3) and the plot was WY trying to find any trace of the alien now that Ripley's dead, but in a setting that has Alien 3 design.

Attached: morse.jpg (670x303, 101K)

I had to return it and hour after playing it. Too spooky

Really wish Space Station 13 would had been first person but with all the features.
SS13 wouldn't work in Minecraft for example due to how barren Minecraft is even with mods on.

its an downlow hard game
medical level owned so many people

its funny because there is this "rolling dice" aspect to it. some people can just run through medical w/o any trouble at all, where others are soft locked by it.

The controls are uncomfortable.

Who actually wrote/created that initial development pitch? I don't think Ridley is an idea guy, I still view him as the camera monkey. If some noname loser from a tv show tried to butcher my 2-3 year old work I'd leave him limbless in the streets. So I doubt Ridley would had been okay with this loser butchering everything while he directed.

I actually had an odd moment where the alien dropped down right in front of me, but as it was getting up, I had enough time to hide behind a pillar without getting seen. It was odd that it didn't register me, but maybe there's some time window in which it's locked in the "get up" animation.

post atleast something decent if you want a vacation next time

Oh man, this so much.
>walking around for what felt like hours
>finally spot save station
>walk towards it
>alien was waiting in vent just above you

It's a stealth game with one enemy. It has to rubberband or there's nothing to get past.

>one enemy

Attached: 1413002707970.jpg (1015x923, 347K)

Idk about the original ideas but the engineer script was by jon spaihts who is credited on prometheus but it's pretty clear a lot of that script was boiled down and reworked by damon lindelof who worked on lost and came on later in the project. I have a behind the scenes art book and production picture guide to prometheus and a lot of the more grisly stuff as well as much more of the temple was cut from production. The death during a sex scene which is something ridley wanted in Alien all those years ago but didn't get around to until the shower scene in covenant would have happened instead with holloway giving birth to a xeno while fucking shaw who went by a different name in the spaihts script. he got facehugged by a more jelly like ocotopus facehugger in the temple and his resulting xeno was also jelly like, it could slip into small vents and spaces a normal xeno couldn't and would have stalked people throughout the ship till attacked the captain and shaw just before they crashed into the derilict and smashed it back down to the planet. shaw would have made it out of the crash. their ship was more of a cargo hauler made up of different units stitched together so it would have broken up into many smaller compartments during that crash. shaw would have also been restrained by david and forcefully facehugged which he also did to some of the other crew like chance and ravel. her xeno would have been surgically removed and she would have been trapped in the med pod as it crew larger outside in the room since it escapes the pod but is trapped in her medbay. seemed like a much more horrific scene than what we got.

It also takes away your health bar. That's a huge nuisance when you're having to hide and hold your breath a lot, because you just kind of have to take guesses as to when you need to heal yourself.

Hard mode is the best experience in my opinion.

And this is why everyone is thankful for Peaceful mode in Minecraft.

>safe here in the vent
>hear a noise
>light a match
>alien is face to face with me
>alien grins and then blows out the match
>cartoon punch-up noises ensue

>subtlety textured veins under the skin

Attached: 296.jpg (640x360, 40K)

>dead space
>stalkers aren't scary as fuck
confirmed for never playing the game

While we're on the topic of alien games, was colonial marines really that terrible?

if I just want a decent coop shooter, is at least good for that?

It's fun in co-op.

Ppl hated this game way too much. Almost like it's virtue signalling. It has flaws, but people go about it in such a pretentious way I don't even know if they're genuine. Especially youtubers. For some reason they magnify flaws in this game to the extreme.

>going for a no kill achievement
>get to a part where i need to go past four people with guns and if they spot me I'll be fucked
>it's just a small run from the vent to the door I need to go to
>craft a noisemaker and throw it to the far left of the room
>run back into the vent and hide
>hear someone say "what's that"
>followed by the Alien dropping down, gunfire, screams, death noises and then metal scraping noises
>Sit in the vent for around 30 seconds astonished at what just happened and also scared to go out since the Alien might be around somewhere

God damn I fucking loved this game, it honestly felt like a movie sometimes in the best way possible.

Attached: 1552889297808.jpg (952x924, 98K)

Medbay is the first real experience having to deal with the Alien and it's incredibly difficult. It's probably the hardest part of the game until you reach the reactor or habitation pods near the end. I'm sure a lot of people gave up in frustration here and I think they could have done a better job easing people into the gameplay mechanics here. How closely the alien follows you is directly related to the difficulty. I wouldn't recommend going above hard on your first playthrough.

you still directly caused their death though

wtf this thread still up

suck my alien pingas

oh shit, our collective bad bro, shoulda been posting gamer titties, sorry boss, will get right on that.

i want to fuck the xenomorph!

>Doing well in my no death run
>Going through the tram lines after you get abducted near the end
>Controls stop and I'm unable to move
>Screen cuts to death screen
>The game just didn't render a facehugger and so I had my run fucked by an invisible asshole
I mean, I like the game, but fuck.

People want A:I2 badly.

Attached: scariest moment in alien isolation.webm (1920x1080, 629K)

Are you all zoomers? The game wasn’t scary and was quite predictable. It just did stress and anxiety right. Now a real scary game (s) is dead space.

Attached: 8C490000-1D3F-4A0C-BFDB-1DB3CA8D3737.jpg (882x640, 87K)

>alien lights her cigar with match

me and the boys seeing a cat at 3 AM

>doing no death runs
You could play another game, finish your backlog, go outside, fuck some chick, try a new dish, spend time with family, anything but autistically doing meme runs.

goddamn user, i wish my dick was as large as yours.

More like too boring, i quit before i even saw an alien

>people getting butthurt over the scores

I'm willing to bet for a fact that the people that reviewed either game for both publications are not the same people. Since we know that whoever reviewed gone home has shit taste, I'm more curious about the types of games that the Alien reviewers would recommend, and if they are any good.

More likely they have shit taste anyway, but still.

Man, why the fuck would you want to replay ANY game these days? It's not like we're starving for them anymore.

gonna have to disagree

>constant tension and stress
>frantically running and hiding from the alien, praying it doesn't see you

>dead space
>alien jumps in your face
>shoot it until it dies

Don't get me wrong, dead space is good but it stops being scary very quickly

can't believe that thread is still going on, feels good man

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Anyone has the default alien parameter file?
I completed AI with the unpredictable mod and want to see if there are any differences, since from what I learned the only real difference I had is that dickhead sometimes dropped without noise some rooms behind or in front and made me shit bricks whenever he decided to greet me
Also, it didn't appear in some levels at all if I didn't do stupid shit like gunfighting or making noise

This. Suck a pain in the ass in highest difficulty.
The Xenos are meh, you can cheese through them by only walking.

>Make a movie aliens and the movie gets famous due to a female lead beating the crap out of them
>Becomes a 'muh stronk woman' icon for decades
>Almost 30 years later a video game sequel comes out about her daughter running away from aliens
>Game ends up being more popular than the movie
kek levels on maximum

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I fail to see how Alien was scary and about anxiety and stress....After a while you get used to it and the game becomes a shitty stealth game. If you find this game scary and stressful then you probably won’t make it in real life when you have real scary and stressful things to worry about. Zoom zoom

Imagine if the face hugger was instead an ass hugger and instead of getting impregnated through your throat, they'd force their way through your anus, perforating everything that comes in the way of their sperm tendril

i mean, seriously.. what if they encounter and alien that doesn't have a face or mouth at all, how the fuck are they going to impregnate that?

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I fail to see how real life is scary and about anxiety and stress...After a while you get used to it and life just becomes shitty. If you find life scary and stressful then you probably won’t make it.

I wonder how many layers of irony are behind these posts.

The game doesn't know that though.

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I'm pretty sure any cavity could work.

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I wish all movie tie in games could be this good

Great game. One of my favourite games ever

I think the concept of some monster sticking to your face and putting its eggs down your throat is scarier than a monster sticking to your ass and putting its eggs on your anus.

Like, the second one sounds kind of funny, almost like a fag analogy.

what's going on in here

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Couldn't finish alien Isolation. Got way too repetitive and the game was a bit too long. I remember having some sequence where we locked the alien away from the station and finding the alien nest on some Planet. Then returned to the station and more aliens + Android's appeared. Honestly Outlast 1 and even 2 + evil within were better horror games

>fix rubberbanding by making the rubber band slightly looser.

Alien Isolation was a garbage game. I'm puzzled how people actually liked that hide & seek bullshit.


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Fuck off pitchford, go masturbate to your cp, you pedo nigger.

I think it does? I was going twice for no kill and never got that achievement. I suspect i need to protect even hostile enemies from Joes or some shit?

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Cuck faggot.

The facehugger death sounds are hot as hell.

>I have no idea why anyone gave him the money to do that one
he shoots on time and budget, and his films are always somehow making some money. I disagree with that other user who said he's not an artist given that even his worst films are visually more accomplish than 99% of other films. But it's true that he is utterly unable to pick a good script or improve on a mediocre; but if he has a decent script you can be sure the film will be kino.

Kelvin or Fahrenheit?

>After a while you get used to it and the game becomes a shitty stealth game

There is rng to the Alien behaviour. this alone separates it from your normie fixed routes stealth game.

Imagine having your head gripped tightly by a facehugger. Mmmf.

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none, it was pure retardation.

confirmed for pussy

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sorry I fucked up they were only in 2

i'm not gonna install Origin to show you my playtime

i like how the alien has that weirdly human face, with hidden eye sockets. and i also prefer the "inverted" legs over the normal legs from the movie.

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I wish we could get an alien isolation-style horror game but set in jurassic park, and with velociraptors instead of xenomorphs

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you must forget them then

nah nigga, dead space is as scary as resident evil 4 is
that being not at all


One looming invincible threat > hundreds of threats you can just blast away

stalkers were completely unique to the games, it didn't have the retardedly loud music playing or anything, just the noises they would make and them stalking you behind corners and running around
it had basically everything alien has except for an enemy that instakills you and even then they were the harder parts of the game and the tougher enemies so it was actually worrying to encounter them

Can a game ever reach a level of kino that the kino distracts you from the scary factor?

oh i agree that the encounters with stalkers are tense as all heck, it just isn't scary

I guess not, but what makes alien scary as opposed to tense? I suppose I just treat the terms as synonyms when it comes to video games.
A lot of the webms here just reminded me of the tense feeling I got playing them which I would just categorize as being scared.

i don't find the alien[s] scary, just annoying
when a game is too scary for me i get an overwhelming sense of dread and just cannot continue to play (though that has only happened twice)

>stalkers were completely unique to the games

just nitpicking but they're almost exactly like the assassins in HL1 in terms of behaviour

fucking Jerry (if that was the androids name)

I fucked up my words and meant that they were unique within the series not just in games in general.
They were the only times I felt scared in the games aside from a split second after the BOO! moments I guess.

What a good fucking comic.

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>trying to hide from the alien
>Ripley slams the locker doors are had as she possibly can