I'll start.
Most satisfying shotguns
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fuck you, i liked it
The AA12 from KF2 might just be one of the most insane shotguns in all of games.
It feels like your shooting out a dozen tiny little freight trains out of your gun, the pellets just SHRED through the weak zombies, and then seeing the bigger ones get staggered back by multiple headshots is sublime
sawed-off is where it's at boys
nothing personal
>upgrading its to max in clear sky
>land headsthots everytime
good times good times
Does this count
does the flak cannon from UT count
I love sawed off shotguns, but they're so hard to use in most of the games I've seen
SOF shotgun was so much fun. Great sound and power.
quake 2's ssg sounds like a trainwreck
USAS 12 with frag rounds pre patch is possibly the most retarded broken balance in a game ever made
my baby
I used to love the KF1 shotguns so much, but having the tight spread on them in KF2 is so much more satisfying. I prefer the M4 to the AA12, but that's because sniping Scrakes with it is amazing.
*clip* *clop*
>SPAS with folded stock
you disgust me
>why yes, I do keep the stock folded on my spas, how could you tell?
AA12 from kf1 is nice too. That "alright fuck everything that moves" spray is tight.
The pump shotgun from coded arms 1 had a real weighty feel that no other shotgun has ever replicated. There are just a lot of nice vidya shotties.
10/10 taste
Sweeper, BO2 Acidgat and BO4 Magmagat are the tits
Best Design is Halo 2’s but the range and power on Reach outclasses them all.
The VK-12 is the definite chad's choice for shotguns.
He’s just standing there...menacingly
Fuck yeah it does
The Postal 2 sawed off is insane.
Siege actually captures it well
This bad boy is the most satisfying shotgun in any game.
quake 2's super shotgun is fucking amazing
i love turning stroggified army bros into gibs in one shot
Remember when they also fucked up the balancing one patch and made the M26 MASS mega OP when you didn't use it with an underbarrel weapon? Got kicked for "cheating" on numerous occasions by salty server admins using that thing.
i like when they put a hole right through someone like its Kungpow