>raytracing is a me-
Raytracing is a me-
Other urls found in this thread:
I've seen exactly this same thread yesterday
-diocre attempt to make PC gaming relevant again
>playing as a nigger dike
Every NPC in the game is playable and it's set in London, which is ~30% white.
Don't blame the devs, blame the bongs.
Here comes the shill again. Do you not get paid until at least one person says RTX is good or something? Because you'll be here forever.
AMD shareholder seething
and you will be seeing it for the next couple of months
welcome and enjoy your stay
I actually liked the idea of legion
that trailer hooked me tee bee ech
I wish the player models didnt looks so,...cartoony. almost saints row like. I had that shit.
Why cant we have similar models like RDR2 or even GTA5 looks better.
They also never have realistic skin tones
ah yeah conker the game with raytracing
Both screenshots look like garbage
ah fuck
is this what muslims did to london?
what a fucking atrocious looking shithole
So that's why they made the setting in bongland, so they can have fucking puddles everywhere all the time to showoff raytracing.
man the graphics are sick
>spend over $1000 only to have slightly more reflections on trannies holes
no thanks
not worth the price point
rtx offers way more than reflections dumbo
oh fuck
why does this thread stick of fucking poor fucking faggots, wew
I delight in your futile floundering. Do go on and continue to try and push this ill-conceived,
insanely redundant gimmick.
RTX is good or something
It's gonna be downgraded lol
It looks nice, but not nice enough to justify a fucking thousand-dollar GPU.
You know you fucked up when you have to use Watchdogs to promote your shit meme.
>raytracing is a gimmick, says increasingly nervous AMD shareholder
You dont have to buy the most expensive?
RTX is all about reflection of the light, retard.
I have no amd parts in my computer, dear actual shill.
If you're really tinfoiling about being followed by AMD shareholders, maybe you should stop shilling. Don't give them a reason to be in the shadows. Who knows what will happen next time you turn your lights out to go to sleep?
When AMD makes their own raytracing method, their code will end up becoming the industry standard, much like freesync and how Mantle was used in Vulkan. Buy a Nvidia card now and in two years when they shunt it over to legacy support that actually cripples performance don't come crying to either Yea Forums or /g/.
I don't think so
Wow, all those reflections that 99% of people won't even pay attention to and the 1% of people that do will only do so specifically to look at them one time and then proceed to never notice them again. GREAT ADVANCE!
fyi though, rtx =/= ray tracing.
So it just add reflections in the puddle of water?
I mean that's cool and all but what kind of autist play a game looking at the fucking ground?
It's a western game, you don't really play these.
Nvidia lost their goddamn minds. This is the clown dimension after all. Nothing makes sense here.
did you just ignore the webms showing reflections in the windows and on the cars?
here's a typical window reflection from wd2
>tfw you didn't fall for the RTX meme and got a 5700 XT instead
The compliment cannot come from the same IP that created the thread. Do you think the guys who will pay you are dumb or what?
The point being that every option for RTX is bad and is years away from maturity. The only card that can even wheeze through enough frames to suffer turning it on is the 2080 and you're not getting your monies worth at the price point. 2060 would just make you want to kill yourself from the slideshow turning it on.
You are being racist. This is just the urban style that blacks prefer. Go away with your architectural prejudice.
>Tfw you didn't fall for buying a 70 series Polaris replacement with a massive price hike
>he uses filters like a cuck
Hahaha and I bet you’re the type that goes on tirades about his games getting censored. Meanwhile you live in your own little censored safe space. How cute.
2070 super is fine if you didnt fall for the 144hz meme
I seriously doubt the 2080 could even push 60 with it turned on.
>pajeet's food being a british national food.
bcs youre a dummy
This would be interesting if it weren't propaganda for the diversity meme.
Is it too late to call on Germany for another Blitz?
germany is a victim of diversity too
Good thing watchdogs doesn't have a history of getting massively downgraded before launch or anything
Curry isn't a poo in loo food, it was invented in the UK using Indian spices.
Where's the gameplay?
The absolute state of Europe
I wonder (((Who))) caused this
Now show the framerate difference
That is one awful reaction gif
Sleeping dogs looked exactly the same before the downgrade.
not him but i'm the type to respond to a post then hide the post or thread directly afterwards! :)
no it wasn't, retard
The first was downgraded because of consoles.
WD2 looked nearly the same. Besides, RTX is PC exclusive, so there's no need to downgrade it for console parity.
not really
this tech is starting to piss me off
why do people thing that is realistic?
Sucks that no one makes games like these any more.
>why do people thing that is realistic?
because it is
>mfw next time I need an upgrade, raytrace will be standard and you fags will be shitflinging about the next gimmick on overly priced "next gen" gpus
Those reflections and lights are nice and all, but the game around them is ugly as sin.
forgive that user, user, he's never seen the real world before
The best part is when this game comes out and has clearly been massively downgraded the majority of Yea Forums will be claiming how they called it back when it was announced. Dollars to donuts all reflections in legion will be the same as WD2
Raytracing isn't a meme
RTX is
>they helped kill nazi germany for this
It's fucking hilarious. Inb4 some butthurt snaggle tooth fuck replies to me with LE BOMMER HARRIS DEW IT AGAIN maymay.
Nothing realistic about perfect reflections from all angles no matter the conditions. It's an approximation that's disturbing to anyone who spends time outside or has any photography experience.
Why the fuck would a weeb like you even give a fuck about raytracing? Your anime shit is either 2D or basic 3D, and anime itself is just a video that you can watch on anything.
Blame Churchill for being a war monger and the British doing everything they could to escape any responsibility for the millions of dead in India due to the famines they forced as part of the war.
good thing its not a perfect reflection then?
does rtx means "floors made of mirrors" somehow?
It's far too perfect user. All it does is highlight how artificial it is. I understand this wont be the case for most normies but it makes the photographer in me scream.
Yes it was you fuck Curry is an English word used for the English dish that used Indian spices to cover up the spoiled meat rationed out to colonial troopers. Who the fuck did you think brought curry to Japan, the Indians?
leave your house
the photographer in you should leave you and go see the real world then
see >realism is unrealistic
Perfect angles, exposure and ISO settings are not reality user.
oh then you tell me that tikka masala is a British food?
that's clearly fake and disturbing
I advise you leave your house
Man, you have absolutely no idea how lighting, reflections, or anything work in life. Nevermind that all the surfaces are properly refracting reflections in various ways, water included, you're likely a shit photographer if you're going to complain about this of all things.
Different person dumb nigger
and you can see in the first seconds of OPs webm that the reflection isnt perfect. the only reflection that looks almost perfect is the neon scorpion because its right above the reflection and you only see it because the camera is looking down on it
>right above the reflection
i meant puddle obv
Chicken tikka masala is a true British national dish till 2012. Now, it is Chinese stir fry. lmao
meanwhile 2.5d Nintendo games with 480p and old tech will sell more and score a better rating
If you're not familiar with it. And it was more widespread than that.
This but unironically but only sometimes
It is Churchill's fucking fault. The royal family (German) at that time, prefered calling a truce, but the kike puppet Churchill refused to accept.
>pweeeeeeeteeeee grrrrrraaaaphix
Germany? They caused this.
Looks great but... Things aren't that reflective in real life so it's stupid you know
No they didn't. Anglo fucks are worse than the Germans could have ever hoped to be.
they aren't blacks, that's an outdated and racist term
they are 'the new europeans'
Fuck off Hanz why don't you apologize for being a Nazi again by letting Achmed fuck your daughter.
I'm not european
How do you acquire Raytracing?
What is so special? Just looks like more HD gameplay to me.
What’s wrong with non-white people?
>brightness 8
>brightness 4
wow what a revolutionary thing
Wait a minute...
Europe makes fun of America for not being white yet they're no white either.
So where all the white people in this world??
in a single back water europian country that's labeled as "not diverse" or "racist"
If your goal is to play games at 1080p-1440p 60fps then even a 2060 is more than capable. The issue is RT at higher framerate.
amd is going to do just fine based on the strength of their cpu line up even though nvidia clearly has the high end gpu market in the bag
console fags are finished
blaming Jews is like when blacks blame whites. The real reason is UK wanted to stay competitive in the global economy and had to choose between improving via technology or population. Maybe people should consider who they vote for more carefully or maybe only storm weenies care.
to keep this Yea Forums related I gotta say the video looks crisp but I think it looks too glossy
hope they enjoy their cubemaps and ssr
So its just reflection?
Hasnt this been a thing for like 20 years now?
sacre bleu every time
We got too cocky AMDbros
raytracing isnt a gimmick, rtx is
>this again
watch it again but keep your eye on this guy, graphics over ai/gameplay is retarded
Does ray tracing still require you to play 720p 30fps?
this brings nothing interesting to the game and actually makes it more annoying to play