So where does the series go from here?
So where does the series go from here?
Other urls found in this thread:
into the trash
into milking Maya
They really don't know what to do with the mainline at this point.
It's now self-contained stories about random bullshit featuring a new character and that wraps itself up at the end.
I really hope we get a whole new cast in a whole new area. I know people are clamoring for an Athena game, but what would come after that? Another new lawyer joins and the cast just gets more bloated? Or maybe more cases of Phoenix acting like a blubbering idiot?
I liked SoJ but giving Phoenix back his badge was a mistake. Plus I wanna see what the new writer can do with his own characters rather than relying on pre-established ones.
investigations 3
Also once the cast gets too old they'll probably just reboot the franchise honestly (while inserting characters like Apollo, Blackquill, and so on into the beginning this time or something)
Phoenix is Murdered. Athena is the defendant (cause of death supposedly her negligence) and is defended by Godot.
Play the Great Ace Attorney 1 & 2 translated emulators if you haven't already. They're pretty much what you want.
Godot was either executed or died from basically being a hunk of junk corpse kept alive through technology, it's time to let go user
Why is killing off a main cast member the only idea people ever have for the future of this series, it'd just be cheap drama? I feel like the moment the devs do that is the moment it becomes clear that they've run out of ideas
I think most people would simply be content with entertaining cases that are decently surprising, aren't too hand hold-y, filled with fun dialogue, and aren't too retarded or asspull-y.
This. The Great Attorney games did a good job at being a quirky spin off. You can literally play fangames that're far superior to AA in writing and characters. All the newer AA games focus way too much on making every situation wacky and zany with zero focus on making the core cases/writing any good. Plus it's too predictable. Oh is there a mean, misunderstood prosecutor? He'll get a final case dedicated to them and making them good. Is there some new, mysterious ally character we don't know much about like Athena or Rayfa? They'll have a case dedicated to revealing a huge secret that'll change their life, etc. They need to either do what said and make more good spin offs or figure out how to make AA good without focusing solely on comedic approach.
Phoenix investigates Seth Rich’s murder at a furry con. Your client is Hillary Oldbag and you have to prove Seth really committed suicide. Wacky hijinx ensue.
>tfw we'll never get a proper non-burger translation
Feels bad
>Investigations 3 but the protagonist is Blackquill
Would you still play?
Something clasping together the entries.
1-2-3 were a coherent entity with people returning every so often. After 4 its mostly detached stories. People like the games for callbacks more than quirky characters.
>ghost trick sold like shit
>dgs games sold like shit
>missile died
RIP Shu Takumi
We'll see at TGS what he is up to. I hope his next game is a new IP
>Plus it's too predictable
This is something that I wish future games could avoid. DD and Investigations 1 and 2 did a good job of making me incapable of figuring out the final adversary way too early, but they still need to break the formula and mix up the character cast more.
Another set of games with a completely new cast like the original AA1-3
I understand people like Phoenix but 4-6 have all felt flat compared to a set of coherent trials and a complete story like the original trilogy had, and I blame the fact that they keep feeling the need to play the "REMEMBER X CHARACTER?" card all the time
You can have like some post-game cutscene of Phoenix and Maya rawdogging it or some shit if you really need the fanservice, but make the cast almost entirely new
Nothing, the series is done, let it rest in peace
No AA game will ever top Trials and Tribulations
Make Rayfa's game
Delete this
he probably just went to jail, knowing the AA universe, he could become a prosecutor/defence attorney immediately upon release
Why is the music so good in every one of these games?
It really bothers me that he literally never gets brought up again(Iris/Dahlia as well), considering he is one of the best characters from the best game.
This shit goes hard
Why do people forget these games are not made by some random Japanese indies but by one of the most succesful and competent Japanese developers? Capcom games are known for their great music, visuals, spritework, animation and character designs.
Nah, all the orchestrated music in the newer games sounds like shit.
Point in case.
>Apollo and Trucy relation
>Thalassa relation to Apollo and Trucy, long awaited reunion
>Gumshoe return
>Shelly de Killer apprehension? Would be a nice twist if he would be caught in a murder scene and ask Phoenix to defend him - while being guilty of many things, he would actually be innocent here
>Maya returns for good
>more Athena, maybe Pearl, Blackquill, Gavin
Dick Gumshoe: Dumb Detective
How could you not like that? You have very bad taste mister.
Ghost Trick did well didn't it? It didn't get a sequel but I don't see how you could even follow up on it with how it ended.
It's implied that he died, in the final case he was already saying that he was only being kept alive through "medical tune-ups", and IIRC at the end of the case he says something to the effect of having no reason to stick around anymore.
That and it's been years (in-series I mean) since AA3, there's no real reason to mention him again.
Maya can't return for good, her entire character from the start was leading up to her becoming the Kurain Master. Also not trying to be a Takumifag but at least as far as she's concerned he seems to be the only one able to write her decently to be honest, seems to be a pretty common opinion that she wasn't great in AA6.
Because the instruments used have no weight to them and sound like a joke. Also having these tracks designed for 8-bit instruments isn't helping either.
You know what I want? You know what I fucking want?
I want a game set in the dark age of the law. I want to play a prosecutor forced to use illegal means to get the bad guys executed -- no, that's not quite right. I want to play a prosecutor who RELISHES breaking the rules to get them killed. I want to batter my way through knife-fight cases filled with fraud and extortion on both sides; cases which are more about being the most cunning than about having the truth on your side. And I want to lose. I want to have a bad ending. After all, it couldn't work in-canon otherwise.
But who could be the protagonist of such a game? Who else? I present to you, fellow Yea Forumsirgins...
Diego Armando: Punished Prosecutor.
A truly blessed post
I'm with you. Classical instruments weren't made to play this kind of music. It doesn't work, and it's the reason orchestral remixes of vidya music usually sucks. t. classicalfag
The jazz album of Phoenix Wright music is really fucking good though, it's the only jazz remix I've listened to which let them treat it like actual jazz instead of just playing the music with a sax and a piano.
These games never picked me up as a kid on my GBA, but I'm playing the trilogy on Steam and I really love them. Is it true that the trilogy is the high point and Capcom did their usual thing from there on out?
Into Smash, along with Doomguy.
>on my GBA
Nigga you're a nip?
Also IMO yes, it's true. The spinoffs can be good, though. Absolutely check out Ghost Trick btw.
These are my picks, too. We'll never get 'em.
he could show up, but it's not investigations without edgie
I wish Maya and Phonex would finally hook up in AA7.
Who does Phoenix actually hook up with, anyway? I've just finished the first trilogy, and aside from Dahlia/Iris is there anyone he actually gets with?
Reboot the series now that Apollo's out
>Get rid of the magic troupe shit
>Get rid of Athena
>Bring back Gumshoe
absolutely based
bait for shipfags and pedophiles
God I love to suck on mayas toes
Godot was a husk on life support BEFORE he got stabbed in the face and let the wound go with absolutely no treatment for multiple days. They likely didn't even have time to put him on trial, much less jail/execute him.
here's a real question here
DanganRonpa V3 ended the entire series because it was getting too stale and repetitive, amongst other things.
now, lets look at ace attourney, does this series need to end? think about it for abit before replying, i honestly don't have the answer, but i do find it interesting that V3 takes place in a universe that has 53 entries of the exact same formula that was still lapped up, i gotta wonder if there's any parallels here.
If he picked them up on a GBA, they most probably do come from Japan.
Sometimes you just need to accept the fact that things need to end. I really don't think they need a new one
Rank 'em, boys
I want lick that priestess’ armpit and navel.
He doesn't, he's an "everyone's dad" type character now
How good is the crossover? I haven’t played a single Layton game.
I have absolutely no idea. I just like the reaction image.
Don’t you mess with me.
It's a Layton game with some AA trials thrown in. If you like puzzles you'll like it. The final twists are retarded even for Layton standards though. The cases themselves are pretty decent, with the third case being the best by far if I remember correctly.
One of the best things about PW is how well is translates to 3D. That shit's usually a make or break and it works well.
What these guys said, desu. Phoenix's story has nowhere to go anymore, they had to half-ass something for Apollo every new game, and Athena doesn't have anything to really go off of now since AA6 didn't even try and set anything up with her.
Investigations is for Edgeworth. Give the series a different name and I'd be onboard, though.
Fuck off, I'm first.
Leave Investigations to Edgeworth, call it Murder Mysteries or somethin. Have it have a slightly darker tone
I think you only made this thread to bait people into talking shit about the series.
The series doesn't need to end. It just needs to take the characters somewhere interesting. Part of the appeal of the series is the ongoing character drama that lasts multiple games. We do see Phoenix grow as a person even up to SoJ. What we don't need is what they did to Maya, where they left her the same as she was at age 17. Why not have a case about Maya actually maturing and becoming an adult? Or some characters settling down and having children? It doesn't need to be all static isolated shit. That's why the series gets stale.
Implied? He's straight up dead at the end
I think it's partly because the writers don't want to get away from this idea that the main characters have to be rookies becoming pros. Maybe they just don't have any stories to tell outside of that concept, I don't know. When everyone keeps saying AA3 ended Phoenix story I always felt like a contrarian or some shit, since it seriously felt like his story was just starting to me at the end of AA3 (it was the end of Mia & Maya's story though, sure)
For all that she was marketed with that shawl on, didn't she end up only wearing it for a scene and then back to her normal outfit?
Is SoJ good? On a scale of 1-awful, are the characters just as bad as DD's were?
SoJ is fine, Nahyuta isn't the best, but he's a fun prosecutor. I like his animations.
>orchestra good
>synths bad
>thhat one animation with the butterfly
It's like they stuck it there on purpose for the people who held the skip button down.
Maya likes anal
Phoenix and Maya go to Europe on their honeymoon but the ghosts of Gaston and Winston Payne attack. You play as naruhodou on a quest to yeet the Payne family line to hell where they belong. Meanwhile edgeworth stands trial for a murder he didn't commit when a corpse was found in all eight of his Teslas.
Only place left to go, really.
>Phoenix is murdered
>Godot practicing law again
>Godot as a defense attorney again
user, this is fanfiction, and not even a particularly good fanfiction.
That's how they imply it.
Apollo/Trucy shit
Franziska and Gumshoe need to appear
More Maya
Please, this.
>no tsundere dom german qt gf
I want to see her in 3D so damn bad
God I wish she would stab me to death with a piece of glass
MILF Franziska when?
It's funny you describe it that way because when I played it (as a Layton fan first) it felt like an Ace Attorney game with some Layton puzzles thrown in. It's been a while but I'd swear most of the game time is spent in the trials.
She's really fucking boring as a side character so making her the protagonist for a game is probably the best thing they could do with her character.
Why are Capcom so great?
As long as they cut Kay.
>this level of passive-aggressiveness
holy shit my sides are in orbit
SoJ was shit and no one can convince me otherwise.
Here's a rebuttal: Why should she be the main protagonist in the next game? What I mean is, what would it bring the game, rather than the character? No one gives a fuck about Athena except for waifufags. Her character arc is basically a zombie at this point, unless they pull an Apollo on her.
The trials are good, aside from the last one. Darklaw is such a shitty prosecutor.
So why did Ema decide to stay in Khurain?
She's Nahyuta's ho now
Yeah. Both teams clearly hated each other
Sad Monk owns her now. Which is fine because that means AA7 can finally give us back Gumshoe. It's criminal how he's the one person besides Franziska that we haven't seen in 3D yet. We got fucking Larry back over those two.
>As long as they cut Kay.
Delet this.
They'll have to tell Apollo and Trucy the truth about their connection eventually....right?
The 3D models fucking suck. Change my mind.
Kay was trash. Her MUH THIEF shit got old after the first case she was in. Then they bring this bitch back for the sequel. The only time she's tolerable when she's an amnesiac.
I imagine this chain of dialogue being written by an unfortunate neutral party who was key witness to the madness.
Yes, but DGS's 3D is objectively great.
Yeah but she's sexy.
They did suck at first, by AA6 they look solid though imo. In DGS they look fantastic too.
I think her main issue was that she didn't complement Edgeworth that well. Feels like she was a carry-over from when AAI was planned to be an Ema game. She has her moments regardless.
I don't get why everyone loves Larry. It feels like he was based in the first game, but then became a real piece of shit starting with the third.
Absolutely this. In the first game he was fine; just a bit of a harmless loser.
In the third he's a genuine piece of shit. Like, holy fuck. He's worse than that southern US girl.
>It feels like he was based in the first game, but then became a real piece of shit starting with the third.
I have a similar sentiment towards Lotta and Oldbag, it was only in later games that they started to annoy me and not their debut game.
>hated Klavier
>wants to ride Nahyuta
Yeah. Clearly that guy wanted to be anywhere but with those two teams.
Nahyuta is basically the exact opposite in temperament, despite both possessing really girly hairstyles.
I don't see how.
That was probably why I didn't like her at all. She didn't fit Edgworth. They were trying so badly to give Edgeworth his own Maya and it just fell flat imo.
daily reminder phoenix wants to cut larry out of his life and only edgeworth is willing to put up with larry's shit.
The next game is going to suck because Rayfa isn't going to be in it.
>no doujin of shota edgeworth getting tittyfucked by oppai fran
>no doujin of shota edgeworth getting tittyfucked by oppai loli fran
>no doujin of him getting ganged up on by both
I don't remember being annoyed by Lotta too much. Maybe she just didn't leave an impact on me.
But Oldbag definitely overstayed her welcome. In the first game, she was a cantankerous old lady that was just trying to do her job and learned about how her fan worship blinded her to her idol's real nature. She even gets some good moments towards the end when she becomes more cooperative.
In later games, she's just a difficult old lady.
>one drives her mad and at times mocks her work
>one is kind(to her) and literally loves her work
Gee I wonder why she preferred the sad monk over the glimmerous fop..
She disliked Klavier because she blamed him for Phoenix losing his badge, which was part of the reason she was depressed in the first place, Too an extent she was correct because Klavier knew all along that the original fake evidence tip-off from Kristoph in the flashback trial made no sense and he did nothing about it due to being gay for his brother, but no one ever calls him out on this. She also didn't like him because of his general high-and-mighty demeanour too which pissed her off. Shippers insist that she's just being tsundere, shippers are retarded in general though.
Nahyuta was nice to Ema the entire time IIRC.
Larry does seem to be more of an ass in later games. It's kinda funny but sad.
>I don't see how.
Teenage girl that runs around in skimpy outfits, has a healthy fit body, dicksucking lips, good facial features in general, silky black hair etc. She was a slut even when she was a kid.
Oldbag grew on me in the second game, actually. She goes from annoying old woman to...kinda cute, you know? Like she's less serious in her kookyness.
Victor Kudo was basically her character concept done perfectly, though.
Lotta going off in her single-minded autism to testify against a friend because I JUST CAN'TS BE STOPPED WHEN I'VE GOT ME A SCOOP was infuriating as fuck.
Good. She needs to stay back home and suck mommy's breasts.
Nick probably was the one helping Larry cover up dead hookers in college after all.
You're right about Klavier but tbf Nahyuta was basically prosecuting her friends and would have had them killed due to the law in Khurain.
Victor Kudo's credits scene was pretty sweet
What the fuck? But for real I’ve been watching the anime and it’s pretty good. It’s like an even lazier way of replaying the games. I like the extra episodes that show their past and stuff too.
Exactly. You can see his frustrations, and how he's really just a sad old man too proud to admit he's lonely and doesn't have a purpose in life. It's a pretty well-worn archetype, but it's a good archetype, damnit.
Maybe I was so annoyed by her that I didn't notice.
Pic related was a piece of shit.
Keep in mind that Klavier is really dismissive of her and very condescending.
From Turnabout Succession, for example:
>Klavier: Heh heh heh. I've got an idea... Let's rock! ...With these documents. But before that. I have a question for the Fräulein Detective. If I may?
>Ema: Wh-What?
> Klavier: Tell me... Why do you think that Machi Tobaye is blind?
(Klavier goes on to explain why the past 15 or so minutes of Ema's conjecture was incorrect, basically humiliating her on the stand.)
>Ema: You... You jerk! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!?
> Trucy: Yeah! Apologize!
> Klavier: Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
Klavier's kind of a prick.
Oh right, it's coming back to me now.
Kudo is most of Yea Forums in 30-40 years.
>a prosecutor was prosecuting people so it's bad
What? You can't compare what Nahyuta did to Klavier's actions. The former didn't forge anything nor did he know about any forgery. The latter did know about forgery but didn't say anything about it until later on.
Besides Nahyuta didn't end up doing lasting damage to any of her pals. Klavier played a part in Phoenix losing his badge for nearly a decade.
I hated how everybody was in love with Apollo's dad. Once somebody's parentage was put into question I knew for 100% that he was the real father, since they couldn't stop fellating him.
>>a prosecutor was prosecuting people so it's bad
Yeah prosecutors are evil. If I saw one on the street I would literally beat him to an inch of his life.
Yeah while Nahyuta never treated her like that. I don't even remember him scolding her even when he brought her to the stand and even if he did, it was mild.
This desu. It's difficult to see how the prosecutors could be interpreted as anything but colossol cocks in-setting.
Typically people would be hating on defense attorneys for protecting criminals.
Well, Jove Justice was Apollo's actual father. Dhurke was just the adoptive guy.
Pretty fucked up how he never visited Apollo until he LITERALLY DIED.
In an innocent-until-proven-guilty system, perhaps.
Playing through DGS1, I feel like Takumi's gotten way better at writing characters but way worse at writing mysteries
user, no. You're giving them the evidence to build their case!
I mean, to be fair, the Paynes, Edgeworth, and Lana all got shit-talked by people. Nobody else did, though, strangely enough.
>user, no. You're giving them the evidence to build their case!
Brute strength will always overpower logic.
i am holding off on buying a switch until they announce an ace attorney game
what the fuck are they waiting for
Could be this: Sure, some of them were made without Takumi, so who knows
>i am holding off on buying a switch until they announce an ace attorney game
They did. It already came out
Like AA4 or not, they should've tried to forge something new with Apollo. Phoenix had nowhere to go already when he was reinstated.
>Phoenix had nowhere to go already when he was reinstated.
It's because the writers are so obsessed with having the games revolve around a rookie lawyer all the time that it feels so repetitive though.
Yeah, I'll play Athena's game.
Was I the only one expecting something out of Phoenix being a dad? It was hardly touched on in AJ aside from a line from him at the very end, and it hasn't really been explored since then either.
Him being the "Mia" of the office should be development for him too but outside of that one time he walked Athena through her first crime scene in DD I've never felt like he's carried that role out properly personally (SoJ tried to push his role as a mentor to Apollo but his relationship with Apollo is sort of non-existent in general and always featured one of the two being out-of-character for plot reasons for some reason so it fell flat for me)
Can I play the translation of Edgeworth 2 with an Xbone controller?
Faggot. The burger stuff was great the translation is probably better than even the original script.
Soft reboot sounds nice. Just Nick and Maya.
Top high rank bottom lower.
I want to teach her how to have anal sex!
I just said it's the best thing they could do for her character, not for the series. They need to do something with her character or she'll just stay the token female who's an excuse for the mood matrix gimmick. Throwing an idea out: have her start working with Blackquill as an interrogator and have her be the next Gumshoe/Ema.
I'm about to finish the trilogy on Xbone, what should I be playing next?
Investigations, Apollo, Investigations 2, Dual Destinies, Spirit of Justice
Throw in Daigakuten and vs Layton wherever.
Apollo Justice should've had it's own trilogy with Phoenix as the mentor who supports Apollo but is also working on his own cases on the side so he isn't always around.
I honestly respect you immensely for putting 1-2 so high but 3-5 is not as good as 1-4 or 2-4 on its own. 3-5 is only good if you also include 3-1 and 3-4, whereas 1-4 and 2-4 both stand on their own very nicely. With that said, my top 5 looks very similar to you:
2-3 isn't as bad as people say
It was pretty clear that's what they were going to do at first since AJ sets up so many plot threads that are left unresolved (the family stuff, black psyche locks, etc.), but then there was a gap in releases and they thought DD would have to nostalgia bait to grab the audience back.
>SoJ was shit
That's not how you spell Dual Destinies. Compared to that, SoJ looks almost like an original trilogy title.
They're both shit.
So spirit of justice isn't that good? The last game in the series I played was the first one on the 3ds that introduced Blackquill.. forgot the title.
That's Dual Destinies. SoJ is much better. I wouldn't put it on par with the original trilogy, but it's the best game since T&T except maybe Investigations 2.
did they remaster Investigations?
Larry Butz - Ace Moron when?
Who's the most underrated girl? Honestly, Yew was the only thing I remembered from either of the AAI games.
Remind me, did Mia's spirit finally move on for good, or did Nick just not need her in 6?
>forgetting this nice piece of ass
this needs to be edited to read "Facts and Logic"
It's overrated, I had one a while ago.
This is weird. All three of us have rightfully recognised the majesty of 1-2, but most people don't rank it too highly. I guess it's just coincidence.
The 3-1/3-4 problem is one I came across, too. I think it's probs best to think of them as one big court case split in two for narrative's sake. I think 3-5 stands on its own very well, though; not as well as the beasts that are 1-4 and 1-5, but definitely still better than 2-4, which was overly convoluted and ruined the murderer by turning him into a monstrous psycho for no reason. The kidnapping gimmick was cool, though.
I disagree, I think she's a sucky character that's a fusion of old Nick before he became experienced and the quirky side girl (at least when she's not the lead). I think she's completely unoriginal barring a few instances such as her backstory and trial minigame gimmick, of which also blow.
Give her the lead only if she gets a timeskip and we play as her after she's gotten good. Yes I realize that the old games were good even with Nick floundering about, but that doesn't make her trials any less torturing.
Franziska action game that plays like the Arkham series or Spiderman 2018
this but only if she gets raped by street thugs in the first level
What I meant to say was LA Noire, don't know what I was going on about
Let's watch the video again.
Franziska never got any of that damn Phoenix tsundere payoff.
iOS version, I believe.
the last scene of JFA was payoff enough for me, even if that's not what you're meaning.
The sole reason why I don't replay 4
Completely the inverse for me, I couldn't stand her during case 4. Rest was fine.
You know, I don't think the thread caught that one part in the middle. Let's watch it again.
This is worth a chuckle, I found her a one note annoying sidekick when she was in costume, and yet I was so annoyed at her victim-depression during the trial. Hell, I wondered if it was a different person altogether, she just seemed so different with her hair down.
I just finished SoJ. Is it me, or was it easier than the original games? They telegraphed what evidence you were meant to present to often. Felt overtly handholdy.
Best case, don't @ me.
I wonder if it's just that you've become much more seasoned and experienced at CC detective games, having come this far. I didn't find it any easier than the recent other AA titles, but I did have some unintended difficulty when I felt like the revolving fountain in case 3 was not properly explained, imo.
Thanks for the content to have on the background while studying, friend.
>Fire, burn my love away
FUCK, were they planning Apollo's dad death since AA4?
Is AOV still alive or is it dead yet?
Holy shit. Not only did someone actually sit down and watch this ITT, but they in fact derived critical thinking from it. I'm impressed.
probably more like they rewatched it and wrote his death as a reference or homage, but it's a more generous idea than mine.
They went back in time with DGS so the logical option is to go into the future and make a sci-fi game.
If you create a canon logic and physics system well, akin to what the crossover game did with magic, then it could be fun.
Takumi should keep going with DGS, but next time give the same treatment to Charles Dickens. Those characters are basically AA witnesses two centuries old. the Dickensverse even has its own years-old incidents, especially Bleak House which has an evil lawyer that could easily be adapted into a Prosecutor.
I want to cross-examine a near-death Ebenezer Scrooge, fight me.
yes he should totally do anothe rentry of a game that sold like trash and never made it over seas, genius.
I bought the original trilogy and this game series is boring predictable garbage that is made obsolete by its successors.
>dangan crappa is over
>ztd was shit
>still no aa7 announcement
Is this the dark age of mystery vns?
Truly it is. Time to foray into mystery novels.
why do you think I started to make my own?
Cool and based. I have ideas as well, I just need the patience to learn how to code my phone.
If you don’t mind, what do you have in mind?
4-4 is the worst final case in the series
I say the phone would be the perfect platform since these kinds of games don't require that much hardware power and most adults wouldn't carry a gameboy around. I wish you luck!
A first it was starting out as a fan project meant to honor pretty much every series mentioned in . It's a mystery VN where a dozen and a half young adults are forced to solve puzzles, win life or death gameshow-like events, and outfox one another by either stealing, killing, or unmasking the thieves and killers before they can escape. I may need to downsize the project, outside of trial segments and room puzzles there are many different genres of minigames and an overworld with light 1st person platforming
My current struggle is, as it started as a fan game, there are many themes that are too derivative and similar to the predecessors. The core trial gameplay is, so far, designed like a cross between AA and DR, and the setting of a revamped university seems way too close to DR's high school uses, yet is also integral to the plot and themes since a lot of it has to do with the paths these young adults had set out to carve for themselves once they reached adulthood and independence.
>final case
Fuck, I forgot it didn't have a 5th.
I had to google it just to remember, and came across this fan case I played years ago and forgot. Anyone else play this?
I've decided that Gumshoe is the best character in the whole franchise.
Shame he died right after T&T ended
Your turn to die just came out and is free.
Are we just banking on a Phoenix Smash reveal now?
He was in the Edgeworth games too, tbf. Why did he disappear after the timeskip though? Bring him back
he's already in MvCC, I don't really see why he should be in over other characters who would fit a fighting game more.
don't open this
She looks like she's mocking me
I hope they do a WW2 edition where they defend jap war criminals and nazi officers during the Nuremberg trials.
>wnats another game that has zero chance of being localized
Perhaps. I personally find many of the cases interesting.
There's always autistic fan patches right? Do they work on 3DS consoles or do you have to emulate them?
nigger i've known people who died while waiting for the fan patch of DGS, i'd rather a game be made that actually had a chance of being localized.
Is the PC port worth 20$? Not sure if the new sprites are any good.
The new sprites are really awful. A few qol stuff here and there but not worth paying any money when you could just emulate it.
They should have redone them in the style of SoJ but with the new models replication the old sprites. Cause the new ones look like absolute shit. Even the trilogy 3DS ones weren't that good.
Is she retarded, or just a shitty childhood?
into a better arc
she tries, damn it.
I found her endearing in both of her cases in the first game, but she had no business being in the sequel at all. She was almost as out of place as Ema "Gives You a Gameplay Tutorial in the Final Case" Skye, and was actually even more obnoxiously forced into the plot when she was amnesiac
Are you the space guy?
space guy? Never heard of him
Never played any of these games, but where to start? Emulators are fine. I just wanna play something so recommend away
AA1, go with the DS version. The remakes are shit.
Emulate Ace Attorney on DS, Justce for All and Trials and Tribulations for the GBA, Apollo Justice and Investigations 1&2 on the DS, and then the 3ds games
Play it by release order of course
AA > JfA >T&T >AJ > DD > SoJ
Whats wrong with remakes? Only played ds version.
Are the GBA ones on the DS?
Yes. Don't play the gba ones, they're not even translated. Play the first four games on NDS and last 2 games on 3DS.
The art looks like utter shit.
Aight thanks mate, I'm gonna emulate them on my CFWed 3DS for the convenience
There's AA Trylogy on 3ds.
Yeah, but the graphics are pretty bad.
But I heard its not complete yet
>"Hey Apollo and Trucy, come here for a moment. There's something Lamiroir and I have been meaning to tell you."
>>Shelly de Killer apprehension? Would be a nice twist if he would be caught in a murder scene and ask Phoenix to defend him - while being guilty of many things, he would actually be innocent here
Fuck, I want this, especially as many years have passed, so he'd be quite an older man, maybe even more experienced.
Ace Attorney 7 featuring Phoenix as the protagonist HERE WE GO BABY
>I haven’t played a single Layton game.
Then you might hate it, because it has what many call a "Layton ending" - Layton games are infamous for how absolutely hilariously incredibly fucking crazy unrealistic shit can get at the very end, without any reason, just to explain something.
it's the same as the ds versions
Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright
Bring back Gummy with salt and pepper hair and scruffy beard. I want my husbando to go full on dilf mode.
>that scene where Dhurke says Trucy is Apollo's girlfriend
>she plays along and calls him dad
Give me adult rayfa
Fuck yes, make him maybe work a different job, with him marrying his waifu from that one case, just by chance mix him into this shit again, give us some case where it's explained why he's not a detective, had a fall out with Edgy etc
Give him a tragic backstory that explains why he was away for so long and make him the culprit in the bittersweet climax/final case
Into the trash where it belongs since the 3ds games
I'm pretty sure that's porn.
Exposed penis going into exposed vagina.
Definately porn.
>still no case where the judge is the defendant somehow
Shit writes itself. His Canadian brother can be the judge for it.
More pits.
technically, 5-3
Gumshoe isn't that good at hiding evidence, but Edgy tries to help him, fights with all he has to keep Wright from finding the truth
Currently playing DGS-5
The composer for this game has to be in more games, this is addictive
absolutely based
Does Phoenix ever fuck maya?
Its a long running capcom series, no one even knows what sex is.
In your dreams, Pearl.
constantly, from the first time they met, over her sister's dead body
Well, some people aren't content with a constant stream of mediocrity, like you seem to be
Not really, ace attorney 1 was an entierly stand alone game that got 2 sequels and then was ported to ds
The original trilogy has shitton of "remember this character?" moments, same with the investigation games, I really don't think it's the issue
He can't as long as fujos exist.
The FINAL stream is happening tomorrow (or today). At the usual spot.
So here's my personal take on DGS's mysteries: I feel like there was a conscious effort to go for simpler, character-driven stuff. A lot of murder mystery games lean on badguys with godlike powers of omniscience or prescience and you end up with overly complicated cases that would never happen in real life. Most of the cases in DGS just involve witnesses being coerced into lying and the murders aren't complicated
It's funny because you're wrong
Nahyuta is the worst prosecutor of the entire series, and his motivations are actually retarded
And then litteraly nothing changed
I’m currently playing the trilogy and liking it what other games in the series should I play?
all of them
People usually recommend danganronpa
It's always been that.
I heard there's some witches in this thread
Spirit of Justice is my favorite, and I also like Apollo Justice. I don't think the franchise peaked with the original trilogy.
Yeah, it was pretty dumb, but worth playing.
>Assistant named Rhea Wits talks about how anagrams can sometimes be clues
>"Rhea Wits" is an anagram to "It was her"
Yea, except Iris theme, instant ffd
Will chestlets ever learn?
Pearl is a good girl goddammit
wasted potential. uninteresting prosecutor and he's absent from 90% of the final case because he gets thrown into witch jail
Hearing the first two seconds of the video brought back a flood of forgotten hatred
The explanation another user gave was that it's kind of pathetic to keep him as a detective for 20+ years, he'd need to be shuffled into some new role.
Iris will probably be referenced in the next game
The reason why Phoenix doesn't feel like Mia is because you can see his inner monologue of grasping at straws and bluffing to win.
They deport Apollo back to his shithole country.
That's what I mean! They have that final scene, which is good, and she's all set up to face her demons, she even says "we'll meet again, Phoenix...I know it" or some gay shit, and then we get...3-5, which is nice, but not exactly a resolution. Like we have her try and comfort the little girl only to get absolutely shat on for trying to get her cousin executed, and then it just isn't talked about again.
No more Apollo hopefully.
More Rayfa would be nice though.
only while she's possessed with mia or dahlia
Crossover with danganronpa.
DR is dead bro.
>rayfa without apollo
I for one would like more standalone tsundere armpits.
Iris returns just to get killed by something stupid.
They still haven't gone into edgey's past case with Sirhan Dogen. It feels like a setup for AAI3.
>maya channels her and finally marries Phoenix
Killing game featuring:
DAs: Apollo, Athena, Mia, Phoenix,
Prosecutors: Blackquill, Edgeworth, Franny, Klavier, Godot, Nahyuta, Von Karma
Civilians: Ema, Maya, Pearl, Rayfa, Trucy
Case 1 starts you playing as Phoenix until you become the victim of the first murder, at which point control switches to Apollo.
Pearl is the mastermind.
Fuck no, if for some fucking reason they remember her, the last thing I want is for her to get killed.
She had an awful life, give her a break.
Is that from the phone port? It actually looks okay.
>the final twist is that the dark age of the law had already completely corrupted society and the killing game took place in a dystopian future. Everyone is already dead and were summoned via spirit channeling
That's good! I was going to say Pearl was channeling Junko Enoshima but I like your idea better.
Why is this allowed?
I had to stop playing and fap every time this slut flashed her pits.
Pretty based move from Capcom tbqh
She's only 14. She has time to grow. Although I don't remember if Amara is a titty monster or not.
>I don't remember if Amara is a titty monster or not
She's not quite as busty as her sister, but she makes up for it with those hips.
trucy is going to be in it as athena's assistant
Would you a Prosecutor Ga'ran, Yea Forums?
Killed in the obligatory filler case that has nothing to do with the rest of the story
>showing her navel
Rayfa's adopted mother is a slut. No wonder Rayfa shows her pits to everyone.
She looks like a Power Rangers villain.
The series has been going downhill for a while. SoJ and The Great Ace Attorney got away with it because they had great characters, but the games have lost a lot of their comfy feeling. It's just not the same anymore. Just make a new game in Phoenix's office. Have Phoenix be goofy again. Stop shoehorning in Apollo. Trucy can stay.
Ace Attorney x Yakuza
PC releases of AA4-6 when? I want to mod in Pursuit ~ Cornered instead of their respective Pursuit themes.
What's wrong with the pursuit theme in AJ?
It's not Cornered
Yamazaki really needs to lay off stop using high ranking government officials/conspirators as the main villains. As entertaining as some of the Yamazaki final cases have been (I liked Gant and taking down Garan was satisfying), I don't need every one of them to be some big political upheaval.
>mother is a slut
Obviously. She wouldn't have drawn so much attention to Rayfa's chest otherwise.
I want her to give the fucking de killer card to phoenix. It's been forever, the devs totally forgot.
>You can have like some post-game cutscene of Phoenix and Maya rawdogging it or some shit if you really need the fanservice, but make the cast almost entirely new
This guy knows what's up
Just make it their kid or some shit.
AJ was one of the worst things to happen to Maya's character, even though she wasn't in the game. The 7 year time skip and reducing her to someone who just sends Nick Steel Samurai DVDs while he's in the hospital is completely really is at odds with how loyal to him she is.
Did they even mention the case in SoJ?
I think they talked about it in DD when you meet Edgeworth at least.
>the case
By which I mean the case before the timeskip.
Aren't they still stupid close though? Pearl acts a bigger sister to Trucy, and I can't imagine Pearl still being in the picture without Maya, so clearly they were still in contact continuously.
>Pearl acts a bigger sister to Trucy
>still never seen in a single scene together
I guess we'll just have to keep taking Phoenix's word for it.
I don't know if you've noticed, but the games are "tell, don't show" to the nth degree.
If they were, we would have seen her AT LEAST hanging with Hobo Phoenix, even more likely trying to work to get him a job. Maya may be a goofball but she's also someone who pushes Nick to take cases in the first place. The 7 year time skip with no Maya in sight gives the impression she just fucked off to Kurain when he needed her support the most. Totally out of character for her.
Yeah, but I don't remember it being that bad before DD.
Can't believe ace attorney sunk so low as to include litteral jrpg final boss chara-design for their antagonists
I can't imagine Maya didn't have SOME hand in raising Trucy. Plus I always took the 7 year unemployment shit as Phoenix going full keikaku to set up everything that happens in AA4.
It's even worse that they didn't even give you the chance to break down her queen personality. She did it herself and right at the start of the trial. Absolute waste.
I mean, you can imagine Maya being there all you want but there's not a hint of her influence in AJ at all when it comes to Trucy. An acknowledgment of "dad's friend" would have been nice.
So what's Ema up to these days?
fucking nahyuta
wouldn't be surprised if she didn't show up the next game
The remixes are god tier
Ace Attorney is going the way of Detective Conan where it won't ever truly end and lacks the original SOUL that got people hooked to begin with.
This but unironically. The athena thing was literally stupid as fuck, the last case was cool tho. 4 was the logical consequence, 5 could be apollo and one phoenix case at the end
I think the reason why DD doesn't really follow any of the plot threads AJ had is because the two games had completely different writers. And since Yamazaki likes to have a new girl with a troubled past every game, we got Athena in DD.
I liked how every game in the series used to have a different composer.
I don't think Iwadare (the guy who composed for T&T, AAI, AAI2, DD and most of SoJ) is bad, but his stuff is starting to feel a bit too samey. PLvsAA felt like a breath of fresh air.
You're right, this sounds great. I think it's because it's not trying to ape the original songs 1:1, but is instead playing to the strengths of the instruments.
Just finished the knife and book case, can't help wondering if I made a mistake by not waiting for the second one to be translated. Feels like the whole game is a setup for the second one
There was a fancase on Ace Attorney Online, the forum, who had this premise. Very funny if you can speak French
>dem castanets
Read Higurashi/Umineko if you want VNs, and if you want puzzle games then you'll like Your Turn To Die by Nankidai.
Mystery novels are only good when they also have the Greek style of mystery.
Read Chesterton
>got to the second day
>hopelessly stuck
>turns out the game bugged on me and didn't give some piece of evidence in the graveyard
>had to edit the save file manually to give me the evidence, spoiling me in the progress
Yeah, unlike the main trilogies, dgs can't stand on its own as well.
DGS is basically a case where the two games are each half of a single story. It's a much more closely linked duology than any of the other entries in the franchise and their respective sequels.
Pretty hard to go visit when you’re no-fly listed to hell and back.
No way in hell Dhurke was boarding anything but a super private plane on his own.