FUCK the horde
FUCK the horde
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Jaina is a good girl, she'd never do such a thign.
Okay, I will
>tfw Jaina probably spent all these years masturbating to Arthas impregnating her
Based and cowpilled
>blizzard has to keep all the female gear as slut mogs in order to keep manchildren subbed
that's LoL tier trash
>betrayed her father
>betrayed her lover
>betrayed her race
Sounds like your basic white bitch
and she's a fan favorite
tells you a little something about the fandom
I'd love to slam some goblin puss
Why are Blizzard so redpilled about women
jaina is about to get THRALLED
No shit. A pair of boobs will always sell, especially with MMO players.
Blizz knows this, hence why they never kill good looking females. Even whiteman, some random NPC only famous because of her look got rez by Blizz.
I love my wife Jaina!
do it, nord.
Looking forward to ERP with you in goldshire inn once classic hits!
>gets rewarded for it by becoming grand admiral
She could kill Andiun and burn Stormwind to the ground and the Alliance would make her queen.
*hits pipe*
Who could blame her? Thrall looking good
I think you mean wh*teman
hi Metzen
>Still no sign of life from that artist for months
>Second last tweet was him saying he got better from sickness
He died didn't he.
Finally a realistic female character
Jaina has no good porn though
whos the artist?
>night elves evolve from trolls
>grow to form a world-spanning empire
>matriarchal leader takes control
>empire flooded with literal demons because of her
>chads save the world from demons
>literal Aryan offshoot race leave behind matriarchal night elves to form their own society
>night elf society continues to gradually deteriorate under matriarchal rule
I hope Lasterk is ok, he hasn't posted on any social media for 5 months.