Who here /card/ games?
Who here /card/ games?
Haven't played this since Harpies Hunting Ground was absolute, how's it now?
I just bought the yugioh on the switch and I can't beat the seeker with the exodia deck with the story deck. I'm about to quit.
You can only reply to me if your favorite card is not only good looking, but good
Which Yugioh games have a good single player aspect. Wish ygopro had a AI
Post cardfus
I actually liked the speed duel format of Duel Links. It made the game a better toilet timesink. Shame about the micro transactions though, hopefully Konami eventually adapts it as a standalone game once the revenue dries up.
Is there any modern deck I can even use her in? I haven't played in a few years.
It's shit. Konami is constantly nerfing every deck that isn't pay2win.
Defend this.
But sams are the strongest deck most oppressive deck in the gamethough and they are completely f2p.
I love me some /card/ games
Vanguard ZERO full release later this year
But that card is fucking awful. Basically unplayable.
Some ygopro clients still have ai. Percy used to, but doesn't anymore because the combination of link summoning and their changes to ygopro core broke ai compatibility and made it difficult to integrate updates.
Are you new? 4Kids have been sensoring the Anime since it started and the same staff are still working on it under a different name
Are casual duels filled with bots or are people even trying?
>Are casual duels filled with bots
I know The Dawn of a New Era is trying to make a single player campaign for Ygopro. I just want to do some character battles and anime recreations
I hit KoG at the end of 2018 when Vampires were tier 1. How much would I have to spend to be KoG again?
And they are getting nerfed again
That nerf won't hurt them in the slightest.
It's that strong.
I seriously recommend trying this out when it fully releases sometime this year. It's a fun game even if you've never played Cardfight Vanguard before
The only good thing the chinks put out
But for what purpose?
I was playing Teppen, but holy shit do they need to fix the crashing issues and give graphics options.
/ourgirl/ in Duel Links when??
Stay strong user, you just have to get good
I assume there's no way to play it in English? I played the game back in the first couple of years it was out here but would have no clue what's going on now.
The English version of the game is coming out a few months after the Japan release. The mobile game has a bunch of rule changes meant to simplify things and make it faster, but still has engaging gameplay so it's good even if it's been a while.
The physical game also did a mass rotation earlier so now's a better time than ever to jump in
That game literally boils down to who can get 3 high level monsters on the field in their first turn to win
Complain about old Yugioh unga bunga all you want but it is absolute ass getting demolished in the first turn because the guy you played against played 10 cards that's effects let him spam 10 more cards until your option is either surrender or get steamrolled the next turn
How's duel links these days? Is the grind still the same? I forced myself to delete that demon app after 5ds release. The constant grind was not good for my sanity.
Yes it's awful
They broke the game by adding Synchros(which were bad on release) and then every deck after that added more and more supports for these synchros until your only option is to embrace synchro cancer or spam the few foolproof unga bunda decks
I'm more attracted to the duelists than I am the monsters desu
>not wanting to live with a harem of harpy ladies giving them their daily communal dicking while they care for your half human half harpy offspring
Why is she holding a rice ball against her sweaty pit?
>the few foolproof unga bunda decks
Such as?
They made shitchros broken? God damn konami. It feels like they brake the game every damn week. Cyber angels broke it, spellbooks broke it, blue eyes broke it, amazoness broke it, fur shits broke it, masked heroes broke it. For fucks sake. Fuck this shit.
They nerfed Fur Hire and Cyber Angel, at least. The big broken thing now is Red Eyes.
Red eyes is broken now? Holy fuck. It was fucking useless before
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread
New World Championship game that doesn’t use LINK format when?
>liked warhammer aos champions but devs ruined it by removing portrait mode in mobile and forcing landscape
>put previously free daily rewards behind a paywall out of nowhere
>added advertisements into the game when it didn't have them before
Sounds fair.
all of those are correct points, XYZ pendulum trash is garbage and you should kys
also the UI in the old games was perfect, why is everything for ants now
card games you said?
just use cyber dragons
i've never lost to a red eyes using cyber dragon
Fuck Yugioh's shitty community full of autists and fucking douchebags. Fuck all the retarded beaners who surround this game. I hate this game so god damned much.
You seem upset ;?
Well some of the players act like pretentious assholes who think they're the shit. I don't play it because of that. I've met plenty of people I just whole-heartedly I dislike.
>That description
Does that mean he becomes a man?
Oh shit, did the mods get tomatocunny poster?
Used to play Legacy of the Duelist up until right after the GX guys got put in. Then it started getting degenerate real quick and back to the bullshit that I wanted to avoid anyway
So now I just play Magic
Fun if you play petdecks with friends. Otherwise it's shit.
>have to go -3 to fusion summon BEUD without Dragon's Mirror and prior GY set up
>have to have this in your hand
>slight attack boost and targeting immunity which other cards do better for way less
>dies to non targeting destruction and Kaijus
It's shit.
will you be playing her new (fan) game?
>quit duel links
>think of going back
>old account is eternally behind the meta
>new account would be missing a bunch of essential cards
I hate games like this
Are there any good card games coming out for the pc? I really liked eternal but I’m getting burn out.
>blue eyes glue sniffers
>red eyes is new broken
Lying faggot
Ancient gear losers, six samurai Basedlets, and blue dye drinking dragon are all you see in legendary
Is that new switch yugioh game good if I just want to collect cards and fuck around and am not a meta whining autist?
I'm playing shadowverse and for some reason they have a tie in with whatever the fuck this is.
Is basically an "expansion" from an older game, but with more cards with long ass text, so i guess yes.
Pendulums are a clusterfuck but there's nothing wrong with Xyz.
You just hate them because they're black. Racist.
Posting superior three headed dragon
>destroys all your monsters
Nothing personal.
>Stalls until the end of time
Nothing personal kid
Glad I invested all my free gems into this deck! I just need that last final battle and I’m golden. How anyone can spend real money on a digital cards is beyond me.
>card game literally tells you to have sex
what card game are all these naked lady cards from?
>vanguard zero full releaselater this year
Wait really? I thought they canned that thing years ago. Either way I'll be looking forward to it, I loved Vanguard a couple years back
Kys kumbrain
It was Cardfight Online they "canned" years ago and by canned I mean the developers that licensed the game hit it big with Fate Grand Order and shifted all focus to that instead and cancelled the project
get rekt faggots
Your thinking of vanguard online, which is 100 percent dead.
the problem with 0 is that they changed the trigger system in that there are no trigger units, but rather the grade 3s count as triggers now
Unironcally basado
Really, that fucking sucks. Either way I'll probably play this a bit because I love vanguard but wasn't able to get into it without friends who liked it.
Thanks anons, especially for telling me about the rule change.
what's a nice ez deck to start out with when I start playing?
gg, no re
I love card games but there's very few good video game adaptations. Only ones that really come to mind are the two pokemon TCGs and microprose magic, both heavily outdated. Yugioh's honestly the only card game that gets consistent, good video game adaptations but even then you're sacrificing any kind of style for pure substance. Legacy of the Duelist has the most barebones UI and a half-assed story mode but it's the only modern card game that isn't just trying to make you pay even more money for card packs every ten minutes.
I'd suck a couple dicks if it meant I could have a good Force of Will adaptation not gonna lie
No clue since it's trying to emulate the old meta with new rules.
If I had to guess, kagero or OTT since both were fairly strong back in the day.
I really loved harpies/relinquished decks during the early days.
right now i stopped playing seriously because the game is a costant cashgrab.
I stopped buying any new box and i just play cyberdarks with neos... as long as that archetype will last
having 5 cards on the field and 3 in the grave on turn 1 is pretty dope
Royal Paladins is babbys first deck, the Ryu of the game if you will. Kagero are babby's first control deck. Nova Grapplers is babby's first aggro/rush deck. Link Joker is babby's first "you win if your opponent doesn't know how to deal with it" deck if it'll exist at launch.
He used to be.
>When a Ritual Monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can negate that attack.
>zero restrictions
>can revive itself from GY
no because MR4 ruined the game
pick up the older version on PC or PS4 or whatever since it used MR3 which wasn't nearly as intrusive
Why do people lie like this? It's just because they hate 5Ds? Synchros are shit in duel links because the format nerf them way too much (only 3 monsters zones, 4 cards hand). The only good synchro deck relies on powerful trap cards and effect monsters with good effects. The meta is dominated by nostalgia p2w Structure decks like Blue Eyes, Ancient Gear, Neos Fusion, Red Eyes fusion, Desperado Dragon. Synchros will never be good in duel links. Same with Xyz.
Having played the Zero beta, grade 3 triggers don't feel that bad since you can change them to any type when deckbuilding and you have to figure out what cards you want as which trigger.
Note that so far Draw Triggers are the best in ZERO right now for various reasons:
>Drive checks go to bottom of deck instead of hand
>Drive checked triggers to to the drop zone
>Opponent's Vanguard gains power+5k whenever they take damage
>critical gain from crit triggers must go to the Vanguard
>your main form of guarding is G2s that must be attacked before the Vanguard
You're talking about a company that censored the word book in a book store. Nobody is going to defend 4kids.
>Love card games to death
>They're almost never fun if you play entirely for free
>Can't justify spending money on fictional cards
These games always miss out on the trading aspect of card games, which is just as much a part of the game. They always gotta use some retarded diminishing-returns Gems or Dust bullshit instead.
And I'm honestly not really sure how I'd solve it, because I enjoy deckbuilding and pack opening equally.
This is mostly why I was really looking forward to Artifact, before it got Monkey's Paw'd.
How's the new Switch game? Was thinking of getting back into it. Does it do a good job of teaching all the new stuff since synchros?
pokemon online lets you do trades but you're basically just trading entire packs for good shit or buying a bunch of garbage for one half decent rare so I dunno
>Gets targeted
>lol no thanks
I fucking love Cyber Angels
Ok boomers
>Drive checks go to bottom of deck instead of hand
>Drive checked triggers to to the drop zone
that's certainly different
>critical gain from crit triggers must go to the Vanguard
Why the actual fuck would they think that's good in a game with both nova grapplers and dragonic overlord existing in the base set
Yeah, I tried PCGO, and it was alright, but the whole
really killed it for me. Cracking packs is half the reason I play these games in the first place!
it's just legacy of the duelist but under Master Rule 4 and with the DLC included, and as a total boomer that stopped keeping up with yugioh entirely after the first season of GX until I got that game yeah it teaches just fine. synchros are rad, XYZs are a fun gimmick but probably nothing I'd ever really rely on, pendulums I'm not really a fan of but then again my petdeck relies on them so I can't say they're terrible.
The best card ever made
I have the sneak peak duel matt as my mouse pad and frick is it sexy
you can always open the untradeable packs you get from rewards I guess. but yeah, I feel you.
They wanted to nerf the trigger type. It also means that if any attack with critical goes through, the opponent's Vanguard will gain 10k + whatever damage triggers they get.
The devs wanted to end "yellow trigger wins"
Nothing more sexy than the original blue-eyes. I dont play anymore but my prized possessions are my three original first edition blue-eyes
i'm confused, can you summon this card and use its effect on your opponents turn?
>tfw burning out of Duel Links
Shouldni kog, i havent kogged in months after getting the 10 kog icon almost a year ago.
Yes. It's the cancer killing duel links right now.
Yupp if they go into the Battle phase
Its a top tier card in Duel Links just for that
Easy summoning requirement
Busted effect since you can only have 3 monster zones and getting a 3 head means full field nuke
what the fuck
I know they're not the best, but I love them.
>Haven't been playing this since 2017
>Recently boot up the game and fuck around with my luck meme deck for the lel
>My deck instantly become top tier with the addition of the new barrel dragon
Feels good btfo the new meta deck with my old deck
I havent seen a joey ever since his last gambaj nerf, holy fookin based memer user using joey instead of sartorius!
>proud of being a pay pig
And Desperado is weak without Neos Fusion and Cyberdark support. Enjoy getting fucked by 6 Samurai, Subterrors, Metaphys, Triamids, etc.
you know any good cards for a pure build? heard urgent schedule was good
That card is dogshit bro, you can't even get it on the field.
Step aside caezadesemen
nah, I haven't played in a while so i remember jack shit.
I should get back to it though.
So is the switch game worth it? It's the same format like the mobile game right?
>Pokemon is too basic
>Magic is too boring
>YGO is too clusterfucked and trap cards are the only fun mechanic.
>Everything else is too irrelevant to bother with, regardless of quality.
You know I'd fucking love to try the FF card game or the Dragon Ball Super card game but lord knows it'd be a waste of money if I was the only one in a 30km radius with a deck.
I tried making a DAD deck in tag force 3 but for the life of me I couldn't stop it from getting stomped by a random girl using monarchs. WHAT'S THE SECRET FOR USING THIS PIECE OF SHIT?
I know that feeling a little to well, user.
Use store locators and ask around. You might end up finding a local scene nearby.
>magic is boring
I fell out of it and had my criticisms with it, but boring was not one of those things. Its basically "here are the established rules, got it? good. Now here's 10+ years of cards to completely break those rules, have fun".
i can't remember the name, but does anyone remember the card that looks like a anthro is about to get fucked by a bunch of lizard men?
asking for a friend ehhehoho
i have the Best taste in video games
The art is a little too on the 'generic anime' side for me, I don't hate anime or anything it FoW doesn't have any real flavor to it. Its like the Tales games for me.
>card that looks like a anthro is about to get fucked by a bunch of lizard men?
Found it
Stand back boomer dragon, Chad coming through
When will Duel Links add player rooms
I mostly like it because the concept of Rulers is cool (without all the baggage of EDH, I know people like that but 100 card singleton is just too gimmicky for me) and the way it handles mana is far better than mtg in my opinion.
Huh? Would mind filling me in on that user?
>mutts have to mexify everything
Any digital card games that have interesting or unique mechanics?
redpill me on summoned skull
It was a single tribute monster with attack equal to dark magician and when equipped with Axe of despair made it stronger than Blue eyes white dragon.
It seemed really good in early casual yugioh.
One tribute monster that shat on Dark magician and proved forever that yugi's deck is absolute trash.
Main character deck is always trash. Yugi and Jadeb had the worst decks. Yusei and Yuma had playable but mediocre ones.
Yugi used Summoned skull.
>really liked Jaden's deck as a kid because it's dumb gimmicky trash
>get some booster packs and try to build a deck
>actually play with elemental heroes
>realize dumb gimmicky trash doesn't work in real life
I don't think I've ever been as disappointed as I was that day though that discovery might be why I prefer shitbrewing over actually playing card games. More fun to come up with retarded strategies instead of worrying about whether or not they're actually viable.
yeah magic has problems (mostly price/accessibility) but "boring" isn't really one of them. there are enough formats and enough relevant decks in each that you can always find an interesting way to play.
I more meant aesthetically.
I play MTG Arena, I tried Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon, boy has all these card games have fallen. Im currently waiting on the Bazaar and looking into other card games but cant find anything im interested in. Hearthstone sucks balls, what other card games are there?
pls respond
Mitos y Leyendas, a chilean card game that has sets based on multiple historical and mythological themes like arabian nights, battle of Thermopylae, the roman empire, hell even the Mexican revolution and Chilean independence
the cards with the most cheesecake illustrations where just a fraction of the sets, they had some old school MTG tier artwork and even some Heavy Metal magazine style art as well
>summoned skull but worse
lmao no
Best card game for solo play?
Solitaire with a Porno themed poker deck
are there english cards? I can't speak Chilean.
As someone who plays YuGiOh competitively and likes big fucking robots, redpill me on Vanguard.
Any comfy card games on switch that aren't yu gi oh?
Do you like big fucking robots that combine with other robots mid battle phase to continue aggression? Vanguard has that
Do you like fucking train robots? Vanguard has that
Do you want your big fucking robots to have big fucking power ratings to dickslap your opponent with extreme prejudice? That's their specialty
He ends the game like a boss every time. BlueEyes is still pretty good but the new ones are way better.
Now that's a fapping arm if i've ever seen one.
Gotta like how it's a random side character that gets the opening power boost
I like this unit here because it looks like the amped up version of a YGO card I like (Galaxy Soldier). Also yes I dig all of what you posted, but I was asking more from a gameplay perspective how easy it is to get started. I tried getting into Magic some months ago and it ended up mostly boring me coming from YGO.
And was able to defeat the villain of a previous arc turned ally.
From a gameplay perspective, getting started is as easy as buying any of the eight V-series trial decks. They come with max or near max copies of every important card and have very clear upgrade paths.
Beyond that, it's mainly picking a cool clan and getting picking up their standard(V-Series) support
Hell just playing some unaltered trial decks out of the box is pretty good practice with friends. Thats how I learned the basics and got attached to aqua force.
Only card games I've played are the GBC Pokémon ones and Slay the Spire. I tried getting into Hearthstone and the PC Pokémon card game but dropped both one hour in.
The main thing to take note is that the game went into a new rotation as of around last year, so the card you just posted as well as some others are currently unplayable. Good news is that the rotation is mostly nostalgia bait and is just modern retrains of older cards for a new format, and with it there's a lot less cards you really have to research as opposed to the 10 thousand yugioh has atm
It's not too hard to pick up the current format. real trick is just knowing not to defend literally every single battle (something that should be easy to understand if you play magic) and just remembering magic numbers, since attacks really only matter in increments of 5k, so in most situations giving a card 3k power usually doesnt mean jack shit.
was in a state of playing 2 tables of card games. 1 of pokemon tcgo and other of mtga. pokemon is in a terrible state right now. only playing mtga for quests
elder scrolls legends was cool. hs became stale. shadowverse has terrible fan service
It really helps that the trial decks are so well made. They do a good job or providing a good taste of what each clan does without a lot of bad filler cards
>terrible fan service
Been playing Legacy of the Duelist, but I'm overwhelmed by all the new cards. The new rules and monster types make perfect sense, but I still don't know what the hell's supposed to be good.
yeah compared to how dogshit the mtg intro packs and YGO starters tended to be built. they do remind of the more old school structure decks in YGO like that "out of the box" mode from the world championship games on the DS.
someone should make a flowchart of archetypes
Just focus on figuring out one deck you like first
the art
What about it? It's pretty good.
what game?
The day they come out with a YuGiOh VR game with holograms and duel disks will be the day VR becomes an unstoppable Juggernaut. It's literally made for card games.
Also while we're on the subject, a Pokemon stadium style game where you take the place of the trainer would be perfect for VR.
>The day they come out with a YuGiOh VR game with holograms and duel disks will be the day VR becomes an unstoppable Juggernaut.
my nigga, I'll even take the duel disc prototypes that spun like a top in the duelist kingdom
Can I play old yugioh on any new yugioh video games, or do I have to learn what white and black cards do to play new yugioh games?
>or do I have to learn what white and black cards do
Nigga just fucking do basic math
are you that stubborn that you refuse to learn basic addition and matching numbers: the cards?
Why would you like to play old yugioh? The white/black era was the best of the franchise.
>the chad deck is locked behind a paywall
The format of the game is different now. New card types are a part of that, but I don't know how big a part. What I'm asking is how different the game is now, and if I can play the older yugioh in new video games, but that isn't clear because I only asked about cards. So, can I play old yugioh in new vidya or should I just keep playing yugioh gameboy era games?
Play the old games if you dont want to learn the new mechanics. Sure you can play old cards but Master Rule 4 and Links fucked the field so you cant do much.
sorry fellas
Thanks, I'll do that then. I'd love to play against others but I'd like to play the game as I know and love it. The coding in the gameboy games isn't that great, so playing against people would be more challenging. For instance, a com will use kuriboh at the first opportunity even if a stronger second or third attack is coming. It can be discouraging to win because of bad coding.
>5/5 for 4
>no drawbacks
God damn magic has gone to shit
>have to pay to get 3 despacito dragons
>or 3 neos fusions
>or 3 red-eyes fusions
Anybody here play Teppen? I've mostly been waiting for the new set to drop to go back in seriously but I've messed around some lately because they finally opened up the Grand Prix. Being a Chun main is suffering. She has no meta build at all. Dante is worse but everybody actually playing him is a god-tier player that abuses what few gimmicks he's got, while Chun is just way too "solid".
>the "chad" deck doesn't work without edgy cyber dragons and Neos
snipe hunter is my favorite card from the blue-eyes archetype btw
For some god forsaken reason, some japs used to give forms to the nigiris with their armpits.
Shits fucked up
i liked gwent in TW3, but I'm not into card games at all. It was just simple and fun to play, almost had more fun playing it for the most part, until your deck becomes too powerful with spy cards and then it's just a cakewalk every single match.
duel links is fucking shit. glad i stopped playing it. spent too much time and money for the first 2 years
>pendulum magician
Duel Masters was great. It's a shame it died in the West just as we were getting the dual element cards.
Fire/Nature was my jam.
The best sister
Your motherfucking graveyard is mine if you run fire types
Desto is one of those creators I wish I could see more of even if they aren't the best
I hate this fucking waifu rotation so goddamn much right now.
How is duel links now anyway? What're the meta decks?
Stopped playing like a year ago when the gem grind got to me.
Is it bad that I still really like dark magician girl?
Hips magician is also hot but DMG holds a special place in my fap fantasies
Night of the full moon
Is blood still king?
Those few weeks where VBlood was Neutral Spawn-tier were awful.
Ancient Gears, Six Sams, Subterror, Triamid(somehow), Desperado Barrel Dragon
It's absolutely garbage right now, the meta is more outright P2W than ever, events are constantly either shit, rehashes or both and the gem income is even worse than last years. t./dlg/
He is a great boy.
Praise him!
Nobody on this?
there's a Fire Emblem TCG?
*triple triad music starts playing*
no, machina rune is the top dog now
Zamasu was never good.
Cypher Zero. It's JP only and also not very good.
So I tried playing Tag Force Special since I stopped following the game during late Synchro and make a Monarch deck, but this bitch keep beating the living shit out of me with her R10 Trains.
Is her deck just that good or am I just a shitter?
based boomer
>worst robosister
She's boring and devoid of personality but she's so generically useful its disgusting.
Is Machina Blood any good? I was thinking of making a deck since I really liked Momo in the story.
>Play Bandori: the card game
It's been running for over four years now.
why are they using that generic shape from photoshop
is it fun?
Go ahead and delete this, lest you incur god's wrath.
it's fun but not really designed to be competitive
Machina Blood is really strong right now.
I'm on a 12 win streak with it and is incredibly consistent and fun.
Rune Machina is fun too, but you really need to start first to have a chance and have the machine wizard or whatever.
Go blood
Fuck having a front row
What class do you play user?
I think so. At least with friends who won't go full tryhard and use the most OP bullshit they can possibly find.
WS is so fucking expensive
>not playing to win
>dumb kid but adept at the YGO WCT 2006 gba game
>won WCS-001 Kanan the Swordsmistress from beating some spergs at my toys r us YGO WC 2006 link-duel tournament
>some older kids convince me to trade it away for a bunch of ultra rares a week or so after
>do so cause it was a crappy card itself
>today its worth $100+
>still mad
I still have the winner's gold coin to prove I won, but fuck if I wish I hadn't been a dumbass and traded it away
>playing to win in an obscure Japan-only cardgame
>that focuses more on fanservice than balance, with a banlist of exactly 0 cards
Is there any zoomer in the thread? Can anyone tell me how the fuck does one play Bakugan? The anime didn't make it clear at all
Doesn't matter anymore since Bakugan got relaunched and you don't launch the balls anymore, it's just a card game.
Actually you still have to launch the balls in the card game
>predominately accel player
>at least 5 people at my local scene say they're gonna build narukami
Kill me.
Could you post that monarch girl deck? I want to see how that shithead used to beat me
What accel decks do you play? I know Gold Paladin and Novas can definitely lay down the punish on Narukami
Weak bait.
$100 isn’t worth being mad over.
you mean the fleur-de-lis?
Yes she is better than you and every other girl in her series.
It's actually $200-300, but I'm thinking of buying it on ebay and then just selling 10 old 1st edition ultra rares to cover the price.
For me, it's Yuma
Not bait, magic went down hill when creatures took priority over spells.
am I the only one who watched these
I made this deck myself and play only this in ranked pvp. Real close to plat. Fun game when I'm in the mood for it. The hyper meta decks like six samurai, coin flip, and subterranean flip decks really suck the fun out of the game though.
Oh shit wrong image
New Phyrexia was not that era user. It's still not that era. It's more even, but creatures do not eclipse spells in any format except maybe mordern/pauper.
If you preferred mtg being about spells then I'm not sure why you're complaining about new "let's just rape the color pie with phyrexian mana lmao" phyrexia of all sets
Lmaaao youd love the current meta then
Creatures are unplayable except Hero and elemental
card games are a fun idea in theory, but ultimately the gameplay being nothing more than "look up a decklist online, spend hundreds of dollars/gacha coins creating it, and then hope that my draws are better than my opponents" really is the best example of how the modern era is shit for gaming.
Don't forget Adanto vanguard.
You've never really played a card game at a competent level.
i mean, you're not wrong. i won't say that i'm wrong, though.
If counterspell and dark ritual aren’t legal than the format is bad
RitualCHADS rise up
>all that setup for those numbers and NO effect
it was a nicer time
May as well ask here: how's Link Evolution? Are there any communities around that play with pet decks? I don't really know how to explain it, I just want to play with people who don't focus on the more autistic first turn OTK/burn deck shit.
i-it's fun in legacy of the duelist okay
This card's text isn't even that extreme, but man YuGiOh sure is something. I know that eventually you get to the point where "everyone knows what all the relevant cards do so there's no need to explain and you can just play normally" but that's half a fuckin rulebook on one little piece of cardstock.
Phyrexian Obliterator is 4 black mana. It only goes is meme tier homebrews. It's not good by any measure.
It was still crap back then too.
This question has already been answered multiple times in this thread.
Oh, okay. Thanks.
Is there a mode to this game where people can't use shitty ass character abilities?
My favorite card looks so cool it can't be played.
>if this card attacks your opponent directly
>reduces their LP to 0
>it has an XYZ material
>attached to a dragon type
>you win
wh-why are there so many conditions i thought it was "kill opponent = you win"
modern yugioh fans, are ya'll uhh okay? ya'll good?
Firewalldragon chads rise up
shame about the ban
and its a shame vrains sucks
all protags a shit
>tfw poes law and can't tell if you're just being a dumbass or not.
It means that if you're playing best of 3, you automatically win games 2 and 3
>my extremely riced KOG furhire deck lost to a faggot with 26 cards in his deck and normal monster equips
Oh, okay. I almost had a panic attack for a second there. I hadn't accounted for set play. That makes sense now, thank you.
>kills you in one kill
>kills you in one kill
*obliterates your board*
It's fucking trash. If you had just the three original blue-eyes in the GY plus ultimate it would still come out to only a 1200 boost in ATK which is still 300 less than ultimate, and all for what? Being able to negate an effect that targets it when monsters these days like pic related don't give a shit?
Who remembers getting shining dragon from the movie promo and you couldn't even play it till a year later due to ultimate being a shonen jump mag promo/
>tfw we live in an age where tributing summoning more than once in a turn is not allowed but special summoning any 5 monsters from your toolbox extra deck is totally fine
I blame the new anime for always needing a gimmick
I remember looking up their skirts in the Duelist of the Roses model viewer
>mako, weevil, mai, espa's best cards get retrains
>this doesn't
If anything is fucking trash it's Red Eyes.
What is the funnest duel link KoG deck I can make right now?
What game?
>tfw your card is perma banned for all time
>magic is boring
confirmed to have never genuinely attempted the game
jokes on you yugi i have no one to love
>play land, pass
>no lands, pass
>mana screwed, concede for game 2
very fun, especially after spending a few hundred dollars on lands
>play mtg video game
>slow as fuck animations
Every fucking time
Imagine actually being invested in and playing MtG. it's slow as fuck and all the artwork is some gay generic fantasy shit.
>bought legacy of the duelist link evolution
>think it can't be that bad, everyone must be exaggerating
>campaign duel against mai, she activates hysteric party for 4
>every summon the game locks up for at least 10 seconds, if not more
>after the 4th summon it locks up again for around 30 seconds before passing turn
>little later, against bandit keith
>attack into cyber jar
>die of old age before it resolves
>tfw have two CED from years ago
>fucking typo on it is triggering me
>want to get the newer print but don't want to spend $20
Does anyone know how recent the cards are in the Switch game? I might just get it if it has Fortune Fairies.
it has a skill based around it in speed duels which is pretty busted, but that requires you to actually summon serpent night dragon
Its was already outdated when it was released in Japan.
Well fuck. I guess updates are out of the question as well then?
I'm still mad a bunch of new Harpies' support mentions Harpie Lady Sisters to be on the field yet they didn't even have the decency to give us a retrain.
Rex doesn't have a consistent ace, Serpent Knight Dragon isn't even a card in the manga nor does he actually have voice lines for the damn thing
Oh is that why.
Wish they at least made an ultra rare version, I hate secret rares.
Gamer girl water
I miss using my old ace back when I had a plant deck.
muh fucking two headed king rex
Reminds me of ninja gaiden
>tfw you use this in your monarch deck
and lose
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
For me it's Obelisk Dragon
i dunno
*kills you*
Chaos Max can't be targeted by effects either.
Chaos Mini doesn't target though.
ah but my card doesn't target
Well Fuck.
Fuck Synchros and beyond
>finish lantern ascension, the one I liked the most
>fail during apostle run
>realize i have to do an entire ascension from the start just to try apostle again
>go for grail as something new
>care so little about the run that i just stop playing forever upon reaching apostle
Oh well, game was interesting as fuck while it lasted.
Lost interest in hearthstone after the boomsday project, its just a pay-to-win fest
I am interested in the Lord of the Rings card game coming out soon. Never played an adventure card game before. How do you know if it is good?
Looks terrible. Synchro was OP enough
Same situation with me and duel links, and koonami is yet to shill to the maximum structure decks.
Hearthstone was the only card game i was ever really into
tried to get into pokemon tcg online but it never clicked with me
Anyone else still playing Netrunner? I can't go back to other card games now, it didn't deserve to die.
New master rule that fucks extra deck when
Links fucked up every special summon beside it and maybe pendulum.
They just make it so that you can only special summon 1 synchro/xyx/pendulum/link per turn.
Or just limit the goddamn extra deck to 5.
>fusiontard not recognizing he needs the extra deck as well
>or even worse, a stunshit fag
lol okay then
MTGfags eternally seething
Yea Forums is a ygo board
I hope ffg will focus on pumping support into l4r now that netrunner is dead, it fucking sucks how barebones lcg iteration of it is.
fusion sucks balls
You ain't gonna fusion summon more than 3 times in a duel anyway
I hope they do that too. I can't get into l4r myself, I just don't care for the aesthetic, but I prefer the LCG model over TCGs and want to see it grow.
I wish Bushiroad weren't such shameless kikes, I actually enjoyed Vanguard.
What are you going on about?
I don't know how it is after the "reboot", but the constant powercreeping and ridiculous card prices made it impossible to keep a casual deck around for fun.
Prices are actually lower in the reboot, boxes have better rates,and they're fleshing out decent budget options for casual players.
Powercreep is still somewhat of an issue after one clan forced every other clan to catch up to it but now things are moving towards a more even plateau because of it
That's good to know, I might look into going back.
Asuka is the better armpit slut
>current 'Thunder Dragon' decks sit on Virgin Colossus and a bunch of random dragons instead of playing the Chad Titan
Guardragons and Dangers were a mistake
Hello fellow Dinochad
>No doujin of Anna? giving onaholejob
Use guys that can adjust the GY so you can actually summon him.
>I can't speak Chilean
Trust me. Nobody can.
Xyz in Duel Links when?
Got LotD for the Switch. I can't even beat the second duel in the campaign. Maybe this purchase was a mistake.
>tfw they never made a Madolche structure deck
At least I have this Lightsworn deck, if anyone ever asks to play.
>wanting more structure cancer
I want an easy way to drop $20-30 on a functioning deck made of little girls sitting on muffins.
Duel Links n00b here, how do I restore the default deck for a character if I copied over it or otherwise cleared it? Is there at least a list online of their starter cards?
Synchro is basically ritual summoning but without space taken up by a retarded card.
Just put in cards with the intention of using them for a specific synchro.
Too bad Madolche lost that poll. Enjoy Shaddolls !
You HAVE gotten grandmaster rank, right Yea Forums?
I still don't get the Peten part of this pasta. Ring of Destruction would send it to the graveyard, and then you just bring out another one
Jesus, I refuse to believe this is real
Wouldn't Peten miss timing since the last thing happening is RoD dealing damage?
It's clearly fake, come on user
I just bought duel links on switch but haven't played yugioh since like 2003
How fucked am i?
>inb4 you read it and you realize it’s a terms & agreement article.
If you're as incompetent as I am, see:
If you bought Duel Links, then you are clearly fucked.
Now if you bought Legacy of the Duelist, you'll have to deal with a completely different game board and rulings. So, kinda hard.
>drop +stats unit
>you win
The game also has an automatic ~10% loss factor from random crashes.
No, it says when it's sent to the graveyard
It's a prize card that auto wins a best of 3 duel with one win
This is EXACTLY why it's in the pasta because you fucks don't understand missing the timing
"When" gets fucked by effects that activate before it in a chain.