It's fucking disappointing

it's fucking disappointing
does tokyo rpg factory know how to make a good game ?

Attached: oninaki.jpg (460x215, 50K)

meanwhile square restructures and shuts down other studios without letting even put out one game

i swear if tri-ace goes under before these fuckers do...

How many daemons are there?


So what are the problems this time?
This dev has a tendency to fuck up on the most basic levels.

they still haven't closed this shifest studio?

I mean, if their previous 2 utterly mediocre games that somehow managed to be even more boring than the majority of JRPGs wasn't already enough to tell you that this one's going to be no different...

I liked Octopath

Octopath Traveler wasn't made by Tokyo RPG Factory but Acquire and Square Enix, you dingus. Square Enix is the publisher for Tokyo RPG Factory games, not developer.

My bad

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but Yea Forums told me only japs make good games

They do

Combat looks fun, what's the problem?


you could tell by the demo this was another mediocre attempt by this mediocre studio.

Why is it bad?

Game journos said it had a mediocre story

It's not though? I've been playing it for awhile and really been enjoying it

play the demo. Gameplay is literally just mash x.

it's y

combat bad
interesting premise about the nature of death and grief ruined by anime shit

funny, that's how kingdom hearts plays and this board sucks it off

Is the game long or short ? I kinda want to play it before Astral Chain but I don't want to sink 200+ hours in like with XC2

kemco> tokyo rpg

I think I heard it's like 30 hours or so if you want to get absolutely everything.

>you dingus
hey man, that's uncalled for

sad but true

Great, thanks

I like it.

true, Franes: dragon's odyssey is better than this shit and it's pretty low bar to begin with.

It was Baba's, who gives a fuck? That guy made an anniversary game a fucking joke.

They need a good writer their stories suck dick.

The plot looked interesting from the demo and not a ripoff of FFX like I am Setsuna, I guess they squander it?

It's good actually. You should play it.

It's not that bad, it's just OK-tier.

>it's fucking disappointing
Their other two games sucked, what were your expectations? I'm liking this one though.

>Square Enix is the publisher for Tokyo RPG Factory games, not developer.
Technically they are the developers too, TRF is owned by Square Enix.
