Are playable Dark Iron Dwarves the only good thing to come out of nu-WoW?
Are playable Dark Iron Dwarves the only good thing to come out of nu-WoW?
I'll wait until they make it a purchase option to play dark iron/zandalari next expac. until then I'll not fall for blizzard's judaism
Would you a Dwarf?
No because I can't play the sneks.
If they're using that one cute face.
They didn't come out of nuwow though. They were in vanilla. You just couldn't play them. It's like saying wrath invented the lich king.
>not thicc Kul Tiran bitches
>I won't fall for jewish tricks now but I will do it later
They are morbidly obese. Stop deluding yourself, fatfag.
>think about playing wow again
>remember I have to grind like 120 hours to unlock the new races
they have goddess tier bodies and the best looking faces in the game, I wish kul'tirans looked exactly like them except tall and muscular.
the KT face is hideous while all the dwarf faces have tons of soul and effort put into them.
Oy vey goyim, don't you want to do every single world quest every day for 1 month straight? Come back to your home.
I actually don't mind the shitty endgame content of running dailies but gating basic new content like races is stupid for an expansion.
Yeah, for sure. I'd prefer a gnome or goblin honestly but frankly I'm not picky.
They were only cool under Ragnaros
TESV: Skyrim 2
are you lost, Todd?
I've seen this one female Dark Iron earlier today in Goldshire inn on Argent Dawn. While I'll always disliked female dwarves, Dark Irons do things to me, especially to my dick.
>fanart dwarves are cute and hot midgets
>in game dwarves are stocky and ugly
Some of the faces are cute
only the regular in-game dwarves are ugly, dark iron dwarves are hot as fuck in-game.
Look at that meat
Asmongold go back to bed.
They're going to be available either for free or for gold in the next expansion I forget which
go back to /vg/ jizzbrain retard
If they have big bazongas like those? YES! Shortstack is pretty hot after all
dwarf shamans, the only good thing from nuwow, rest is shit, it eats me up you have to play subhuman races for shaman in classic
can't you play as dark iron in classic wow when you select darker skintones? I remember picking a face and few skintones left the eyes blue and darker/grayer skintones changed those eyes to red, isn't that practically dark iron dwarf?