Why did so many devs back in the 90s/2000s like to put weird, creepy shit as easter eggs? Is there some kind of fun is scaring people whose reactions you'll never see?
Why did so many devs back in the 90s/2000s like to put weird, creepy shit as easter eggs...
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It's the best kind of creepy that you can't get out of a horror game since you go in expecting it. Who expected the ghost of some bitch to be on a random mountain in GTA, a game where 10-year olds just go around killing each other all day?
Curious is the trapmaker's art, his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes.
I mean, I could understand it now, with everyone and their grandma posting themselves playing video games to YouTube and Twitch, but I'm talking about back before all that took off. What kind of person sits there and thinks "I'm going to scare the shit out of these little kids who I'm literally never going to meet because it might be funny in my mind!"?
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about! Who the hell would ever expect someone to find this?!
I absolutely love stuff like this but I don't know where to find it
r/creepygaming was decent for the most part but being reddit that place was killed by normalfaggot retards who didn't understand that it was for creepy/unusual stuff in normal games instead of horror ones
>inb4 reddit
>Being redditor
>Inb4's his own post
Poor form.
No one actually cares if you use Reddit, except for autistic people.
Capcom made this entire model that appears only once in the entire game with no eyes and a distorted voice
He's has higher hp than any other enemy and can one hit kill you
Considering there were so many iterations of RE4 that they made 2 whole other games out of them I'm not surprised they had superfluous enemies.
Normalfag and a redditor.
What did the Sims mean by this?
How old are you? The smallest easter egg in games would become playground legends back in the day. Something spoopy the fat kid discovered in Hot New Game? That shit would get people talking.
>Opened it anyway
pleasant surprise. I've never seen this version before.
From the developer's standpoint, what would they have to gain? Just a fantasy of some kid shitting his pants and then maybe telling his friends about it at school the next day?
Word of mouth advertising, but a lot of Easter eggs are the result of dev team boredom.
Because that makes for the best kind of horror.
Seems like no payoff for all that work, especially if they risk getting fired over it.
>From the developer's standpoint, what would they have to gain?
Improving the quality of their game and the enjoyment of their players?
adding easter eggs barely takes any work, plus they would never get fired for it, which we know because that never happened.
How old are you, user?
>Playing a nice, relaxing game only to get the shit scared out of you become some punk ass developer was bored
>last panel he gains a nose
Please go back and stay there
Just knowing someone somewhere would find it was enough, devs enjoyed their jobs back then
>not putting your manifesto into the game's code
It greatly improved my enjoyment of both A Hat in Time and SM64. Dynamic emotional content is not a bad thing. A game that shifts gears or occasionally subverts its tone is not a bad thing.
Excuse me but what the fuck, where and why have i never seen him???
Because they had fun and was not corporate whipping slaves.
Based D*n!
Good one mate
That's just the American version. Compared to the Japanese version it just seems like some asshat at SEGA of America wanted to spook kids.
Why are we so genetically hard-wired to be freaked out by eyeballs? I hate this.
It's because it's almost human but at the same time it's not. Predator prey response I guess.
Fun. Not everyone is an autistic, mindless drone, there are people out there that just do things for the sake of it, because they enjoy em.
seconding this
Creepy stuff is cool and honestly more non horror games should include it
My gf name is Maria
what am i supposed to be looking at here
>Spent hours searching through asscreed oddyssey for spooky shit.
>Spent hours searching through RDR2 for creepy shit.
I think games are too rushed for them to add any type of easter eggs anymore.
Only thing that pisses me off more is when a game has a huge ocean area and does nothing with it.
>Spent hours searching through RDR2 for creepy shit.
What about the vampire, the night folk, the serial killer, the cult, the cave with the statues or the ufo?
Not creepy.
Too silly.
None of that you listed count.
I'm talking about real spooky things.
Oh, I see. Not true scotsman. Noted.
I always forget I have 4chanX, so the GIF images are showing automatically...
Is this genuine autism/aspergers?
so here we are Yea Forums, I've warned you about this long ago
You're genuinely too old to be scared by a video game
>when a game has a huge ocean area and does nothing with it
Ever since I saw some special about easter eggs on G4TV where they were discussing some hidden jpg behind some building in Psychonauts of some dev's wife, I was always waiting to find some sort of screamer/shock/spooky image left behind in an outer ocean boundary of a game. Finding out that pic related was fake broke my heart.
>he didn't play the nextgen version
>I opened it anyway
I'm getting careless
>Fallout 4 has gigantic swaths of water
>nothing hidden in it besides one area full of cat pictures with MEOW written on the ceiling
An unintentional bit that caught me off guard was one area in the vault where you take Cait to cure her drug addiction likes to screw up the rendering and flash weird things on the ground like parts of loading screens, objects, or characters. First time the entire floor flashed into a giant picture of Cait's head which was a 'what the fuck' moment.
did you cum
Not him, but I did. Mostly only found/used a guide to find peyote.
Spotted the loner.
What did the Sims mean by this?
you know how games sometimes allow you to clip through some part of the map if it bugs out and you fall to an infite empty space as you see the map get lost above you? I think that empty space could be used as the place of a really spooky easter egg, like imagine a huge scary face that covers most of that space and you fall directly into its mouth or some shit like that and that kind of easter egg is put in a child game like spyro lmao
haha whoa fuck dude that's pretty spooky haha your like the joker or something haha totally crazy XD
ikr, its because i live in a society
redditors rise XD
>I was just pretending to be retarded!