What made you hate video games?

what made you hate video games?

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Yea Forums

non whites and women

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niggers and trannies

So Yea Forums


Gamers, modern devs, and that weird vice gripe the SJW crowd seems to have on gaming. I can't do it anymore.

The fact there’s such a lack of stylistic prose and artful soul in a lot of new games. It all feels so corporate and clinical.

I don't hate them, i'm just disappointed at the way modern games are


art fags

Style over substance shitgames that emerged in the mid-90s like Mario 64, MGS, and Half-Life.

I don't hate them, I fucking love video games.
I also don't have depression, financial problems, social problems, health problems, and I have never spent money on anything that wasn't a full game.

I dont hate video games I hate Yea Forums


What the fuck are you talking about.

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Microtransactions. I found it offensive with Free to Play models. I found it disgusting when it made its way into $60 games.

This thread.

My parents.

niggers and jews


The west almost did, but based Japan saved me.

weeb shit

ASSFAGGOTS took away the people I loved.
Because of ASSFAGGOTS the people I love just want to play ASSFAGGOTS all day.
It's because of ASSFAGGOTS I learned to hate vidya

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patches and dlc

gaming communities and reddit

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Yet here you're, swimming in the shit with us instead of playing games.

A lot of things.

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I love hacking in online videogames just to piss of noobs like you

Age of Empires 3

fucking jews fucking blizzard over

The transition from "passionate people working on a new frontier" to "another investment for yuppies to dump money on". I don't hate video games per se, but I hate the dichotomy the industry currently has.

Only indie games made on a budget can be truly fulfilling (only a very small portion ofc). Zachtronics comes to mind. Big budget games, much like Hollywood movies, have great everything that's technical: graphics, sfx, music score... But the gameplay is either trash,movie with button inputs or generic as fuck and the story is so neutered to hell and back in order not to offend any potential buyers that it's always generic and will never really touch you.

I hate how gatekeeping is seen as something bad nowadays and how games have to be "inclusive". You don't see people complaining about basketball being noninclusive to wheelchair-bound people. They just created murderball, which is metal as fuck, and moved on.

inb4 Reddit spacing. I've been posting like this since the time we were gatekeeping against Ebaums and I'm not changing it just to please you faggots

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this, Yea Forums has garbage taste in video games

Also fuck e-celebs, chink threads and waifu posting

>the second golden era of vidya is what killed vidya

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overproduction, padding, and bloat


Nothing. I love them enough to cancel all you plebs out.

Social media.

The rise of geek culture

extremely based. fuck the early 2000's as well

i just hate american videogames

i just hate americans

How popular it got and how it now has to cater to casuals. Sure casual games have always been a thing but not like this.

I don't hate video games I hate the people who play them

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Black hand with playstation games