System Shock 2 worth playing in current year?
System Shock 2 worth playing in current year?
No, it's gay as fuck.
Absolutely. A prime example of a long-gone golden era of PC gaming.
>t. Got filtered by Hydroponics
I'd say yes. Gameplay wise it's still very modern and graphics are not that bad. There is something in these metal sci-fi environments that makes them almost ageless. Character models are quite ugly though.
I hope we'll get RT mod someday. Imagine this with ray tracing. Or Thief for that matter.
Play the first one
SHODAN's meanness gets me kind of hard desu
Wait for the enhanced edition.
It's worth playing in any and all years.
Basically no. Though there's still a hope Nightdive will salvage it with a remake one day, like they're doing with System Shock 1.
can you fags shill any harder?
played it about a year ago and had a blast with it, if you like fps games with light rpg mechanics you'll probably enjoy it too.
video games don't age user.
The SS1 remake is never coming out
WHAT were they thinking?
”How do we make the most kino ending possible”
At this point, it feels like they've come too far just to completely drop it and release nothing. But I expect it to be more along the lines of Underworld Ascendant, where they slap together whatever they have and push it out the door.
That ending was great. I do not get why people complained.
Wait Underworld Ascendant released!? When?
Absolutely, got into it myself a month ago (22 yrs old here) and it has surprisingly held up really well.
I like it how these old immersive sims (Deus Ex included) didn't held your hand and let you use maps actively both for tracking down objectives or evene to plan an infiltration route
It's clunky as fuck, the interface is a mess, the shooting feels terrible, graphics were ugly even back when it was released. Play Prey instead.
Play SS2, then Bioshock, then Prey. They are all ludo.
Last year. If you can call it a release.
I have to replay Bioshock, I keep seeing everyone bring it up but I remember it being significantly more linear than Prey, Deus Ex, etc.
More worth it than 99% of games that came after it.
It is absolutely more linear, but each area has a good amount of freedom once you're inside.
Structure-wise it's definitely more on the Deus Ex side of things than System Shock/Prey.
Bioshock was only slightly more linear than SS2.
hell yes and the fan missions like ponterbee station as well
But... ugh! It's, like, dated, and stuff! And, like, clunky! And graphics? Like wtf? Haha.
I know you're being ironic, but the mere reminder that there are people who think like this still hurts me.
>things never improve
>if it was good then, it's good now
Yeah man, we should all just stick to playing tennis for two on an oscilloscope, modern games have NOTHING on it amiright?
modern games certainly didnt improve from SS2, or even SS1
Endure. In enduring grow strong.
>or even SS1
Are you baiting? That game has such a horrid control scheme it's basically unplayable.
>things alway improve
go back to sucking your dads dick in The Division 2 or whatever the fuck 14 year olds are playing nowadays
Someone post that system shock/bioshock map comparison
Imagine restricting yourself to only playing the same old "masterpieces" from decades ago over and over again and pretending to like them just so you can feel a smug sense of superiority over other people, meanwhile those other people couldn't care less what you think and are out there enjoying themselves freely.
I'd say it is essential to play this game.
>things never improve == things always improve
not even him but come the fuck on nigga
something upsets you
Very telling that you think people only pretend to like old games.
Fucking why? We don't even know if it's going to be good.
It is, but it's getting an enhanced edition soon like the first one. Maybe wait for that.
Imagine not playing some of the best games ever because you're worried it makes you look like a hipster. If you're not taking advantage of the fact that you can get almost any game from any decade in a few clicks and only play the best games from any period you're pointlessly restricting yourself.