I propose that mods/janos ban wojaks/facebookfrogposters on sight

I propose that mods/janos ban wojaks/facebookfrogposters on sight.

Lets list some facts:
1. They would throw a tantrum that would sustain everybody here for atleast a year with the butthurt
2. Every thread created by them is absolutly trash
3. It would lead to the creation of new maymays

Attached: 324325235.png (800x600, 403K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm pretty sure this is a falseflag thread to spark war between two sides that don't really exist.

Almost all bowsette hate came specifically from frogposters.

a) It would involve doing something, which isn't what mods and hiroshima are known for
b) Mods are gay and probably like that shit
c) Video games

We had this thread yesterday
Pot and kettle, I guess

cry harder, AGP closet trannies

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i agree

Does Yea Forums like furry girls?

Attached: eda5770c67434652c39d345de459239c.gif (500x500, 2.82M)

I agree. All you fuckers do nothing but regurgitate the same fucking shit over and over and over.


both are retarded and autistic.

Based bowsette poster

Anything on Yea Forums is falseflaggers falseflagging falseflaggers, except the very few honest vidya threads that pop up every now and then.

Yeah, male human on female anthro is the only way to enjoy furries in fact

I lost so much cum to this dumb fucking thing.

But yea i agree.

Bowsette has XX chromosomes

This is why I stopped going to /vg/, every general is full of people falseflagging constantly to piss each other off

Yea Forums already does this. There's no reason for Yea Forums to not do the same.

But if you get rid of wojaks and pepes, then another shitty OC template will simply take their place.

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Everything is a falseflag in Yea Forums. And I say this unironically, which is something unheard of, because as I just said, everything has to be coated in several layers of shitty irony and pretending to be retarded.
With that out of the way, post some cute Bowsette to redeem this garbage thread for a bit.

Attached: spiky.png (1280x720, 779K)

millions of my children died to her

Yea Forums along with /vg/ will forever stay as shit boards no matter what's done to try to "fix" it. Might as well just let people shit post on here, /pol/, and Yea Forums to contain them all.

Attached: Video Games.jpg (709x526, 48K)

It'd be worth it. Something new at least.

If it weren't for Wojaks we'd be posting emojis. Be thankful.

That shell looks way too low, like it's protecting her ass

And this is why bowsettefags and frogfags need to die

Attached: Flandre.png (637x431, 171K)


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yeah I guess it does but honestly I just like the spiky shell and bigger horns and it's hard to find more like that

Attached: 2f1aa4_6750981.jpg (1440x1380, 357K)

You may be a faggot OP, but you're a cool faggot today.

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Oh I actually agree, I just can't unsee the ass shell

that Autism for you. Some of these retards (actual retards) spend years trying to relive there favorite threads day after day after day.

>he doesn’t like the same two memes spammed ad infinitum
dude don’t you want to be an epic 4channeler??

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