You can’t name a better comeback story than this game, it started as shit and now it’s a great game

You can’t name a better comeback story than this game, it started as shit and now it’s a great game

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Other urls found in this thread:

still seems shit tbqh phoneposter
you just laser terrain and look at some dinosaurs

You're right, it's been great. I've been putting 5+ hours per day in since the VR update. It's amazing.

no, its still shit

Not my type of game but Hellogames gets props from me for sticking with it and turning it around. I liked them from the Joe Danger days.
Speaks volumes about them that they kept with it when everyone was shitting on them.

I won't be buying it, but you won't hear me say bad stuff about them.

can i paint ships yet? if not, fuck off.

But it's still not nearly up to what they promised.

>Build bases
>Online Missions
>Play with friends
>Go through the story
>Creative Mode
I'll take my payment now, thanks

I do agree with that point, I wish it had more interaction with other alien civilizations kinda like freelancer

>so, what do you do in this game?
Can they finally answer this question?

My storage is still bugged and can't be powered
Thanks Sean

Get bored after 20 hours like i did

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Why does the VR suk so much? Normally when you view a game in VR, the sense of scale explodes. When you play NMS in VR though, everything, especially the planets, becomes super tiny. It's eye opening.

Bases seem alright but I did that in Subnautica or could take it more seriously in Minecraft
Now that the game isn't a dumpster fire they need to add more to the exploration

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Dont think the worm's coming. Sean said sometime back they already tried implementing the sandworm but it was just "unfun".
That being said, it's entirely doable, but I doubt itl receive attention again.

I don't hate the game, but I'd like it to be more than a janky basebuilder. Game needs more shit to do besides build bases.

"Great" might still be too strong a word.
BETTER, for sure. It's a more enjoyable experience overall, absolutely.
They still don't really address the main problems with the game, though; the procedural nature of the planets making them interchangable and removing the joy of exploration in the process, base building and other "planting" features in a game designed around moving quickly from place to place, and so on.

I'm NOT gonna go as far as to say IT'S SHIT, because it's not, and it's clear that Hello Games has a legitimate drive in making this the best game it can possibly be, and I respect them for it.
It's just all built on a deeply flawed premise.

Doesn't matter if it's unfun it's something different to see which exploration games desperately need
Unfortunately that's a disaster for devs because it means you're putting dev time into things a lot of people won't see (if there's as much variety as possible)
Hopefully AI will make NMS2

Bought on sale. Playing it now even though I put it down in the past. No regrets.

That's weird. I haven't experienced that at all. The VR in this game, I thought, was implemented very well

no mans sky managed to redeem itself
meanwhile star citizen is still on limbo

I'm holding off on VR until I want to play more than E:D and NMS on it, but I've heard it's pretty bad ass and well done in this game.

I'm a diehard NMS fan, and I agree.
If the next update isnt an overhaul to terrain and planet gen (including fauna and flora), then I think the game might be on it's last leg for a while. I literally cant think of anything they can add to this game other than that.

Actually they do have amod for that


After playing Starsector I'm kind of wanting SC to come out again

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FUCK OFF SEAN no one likes you or your shitty game.

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Thousands of studios with good ideas fail to get a publishing deal every single day because their idea wasn't 100% there yet, or maybe just because the approver didn't have 100% faith in their idea. Here comes HG with not even a quarter of a game, maybe 10% at best, not only do they get a platform at e3, an official endorsement from Sony, but the full backing of their partners despite an awful launch. They had YEARS to fix their game. Most devs don't even get a month. I don't care what they accomplished, they never deserved it in the first place. I know a dozen projects which are infinitely more complete and appealing that NMS that are struggling to get a deal because they don't meet brand requirements, or they have some minor bugs. Yes I'm mad, and yes I'm jealous. They don't deserve their success when their efforts are so far below par.


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You can change the ships seed, there is a list of colors associated with each seed, it's a bit or work but it's all we have for now

>You can’t name a better comeback story than this game
Capcom from re7 to remake2. Capcom in general. If sqenix ever manage to make even a halfway decent rpg again it would be a better comeback than nms. Hell even blizzard getting off their ass to make wow classic is a better comeback than nms.

This is the exact reason why Star Citizen is never coming out. The designers create an alien city/space station/whatever, Chris Roberts walks in and goes "BUT WHAT DO THEY EAT, AND WHAT ABOUT THEIR TAX POLICY" and before they know it they're programming real-time plant growth physics and space stock market while the original idea is thrown on the backburner.

>I literally cant think of anything they can add to this game other than that.

Ship customization. Enemy faction with hostile planets/systems. Planetary settlements.

So much shit they could add.

what haven't they delivered?

Maybe the issue is that no one actually likes you? Is this why you have internalized anger towards a social videogame?

kek controllers

>posting an image that's three years out of date
They're already half-way up

Did they make it so you can't see your friend's freighter or capital ship? I tried playing with my friend last night and he could only see me floating in space.


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It has some performance issues and there's a few things that straight up don't work in VR (mostly inconsequential stuff) but it's really easy to sink a lot of time into it without realizing.

I mean, dorf fort can do it


Still, It's an amazing comeback story. 200+ hours played since Atlas Rises dropped. No. Fucking. Regrets.

Now you know why the game industry is so shit.
becauase morons like this
Actually believe the hype when people say "In skyrim you can do ANYTHING". THey have no fucking standards or imagination. They have no idea what "player agency" means.

kill yourself

>have a nice base on a red grass planet
>BEYOND update
>now everything's yellow and blank

well, I hate to brag, the new update adds a ton of stuff, and I'm having fun exploring new planets, but all my previous bases are useless now because they need energy
it's a fun game, and I enjoy playing it every once in a while

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I imagined planets being overhauled would add more dangerous planets, and large settlements go against the """lore""" the game had set up.
And its not really an action game, combat would need to be vastly improved before adding anything truly threatening. Its more a space minecraft at this point.

Why so many threads about this game lately, and why do so many of these posts praising it look so artificial?
>Sunken cost faggots in denial about the game they bought
>Shills bought by Hello Games with the last dollars they got from scamming people with NMS
You decide, Yea Forums.

Dwarf Fortress is a passion project by one guy and has nowhere near the amount of overhead as the rapidly bloating CIG

Star Citizen never comes out because it's a ponzi scheme

dorf fort is a text game

Farm resources to build stuff that lets you farm resources.

>base building
>in a game based around exploring a star system before moving on
Why wasn't it a space station, or a carrier or something?

Third option: People like talking about a videogame they like

oh my

No, seriously, if they made it so you can't see your friend's freighter anymore then this game is just bad. Like, you can't excuse this.

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it's started as shit and it's still a very bad game compared to good games

I like his shitty game quite a lot actually.

No that's impossible

I hate base building in this game because everything is buried under layers of menus, it's a chore, I wish they redesigned some parts of the UI for PC

>I'm a diehard NMS fan
Well there's the problem.

Denial it is.

It is still just as empty and meaningless as fucking Starbound is, this time without bird tits but with one extra dimension.

Oh fuck you're right. My bad

I would love it if this game had intense space fights with capital ships

oh well, I have my freighter with a nice interior and except for little details like missing walls, I spend there most of the time
and I enjoy sending ships around the galaxy, I wish I could interact with my crew member and staff on the other ships

but base building is key for colleting different elements and also having different places to teleport

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Id take better exploration over better space combat any day


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VR/multiplayer patch just came out. Also has some general fixes and improvements, nothing major though.

There is a lot to like about the game, I don't think the praise is artificial at all. I don't regret buying it at all, but I do wish the game had more substance. More space exploration stuff would be a good start.

Huh. Weird bug. Havent seen it personally. Good thing they've been squashing bugs with almost daily hotfixes, so it should be fixed soon.

Where’s the joke, fuckley?

Okay, so it is a bug then? That's good. I was worried that they had to do that since the increased the size of the players in a server.

The joke is that no matter how good the game is or will be you will never be satisfied with it now.

You're the joke

Yea Forums kinda likes NMS?
holy shit you guys

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reminds me of my mornings

Lmao virgin

Rainbow 6 seige

kill yourself feelshit

they're based for still working on it, but even with the updates its still shit

Iv been exposed

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that and Fortnite when it was known as the poormans PUBG

Dorf is in ascii. SC has every model be Hi Res and has to have every character be voiced and other bullshit.

R6 didnt really have a dedicated set of people spreading misinformation about the game though.

Most people do have a second base in their capital ships.

Still shit.


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Rome 2

Calm down you wannabe screencap autist. The game is fun and leagues better than starbound.

well you sure are pretty mad considering there are a ton of games where the sole purpose is "shoot guy in head"

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Still a fucking piece of shit of a game.
If you just want a time waster go and play this fucking drivel.

autism aside i think making the alien worlds feel a bit more dangerous and adding something along the line of unique weapons to find in something akin to alien ruins or desolate research stations would do a lot to encourage player exploration

Its never coming out because the dev keeps bloating the game and doesn't want the donation gravy train to stop.

In other words, put in actual gameplay with agency.

is literally every alien a space nomad or are there homeworlds somewhere where these guys come from?

Have you considered maybe you just don't like sandbox games?

sticks to aim lmfao

Since I liked Subnautica, will I like this?

I thought you meant drivers by "controllers"

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Subnut is a nice closed experience that is richer for it


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>several patches since the update
>still no fps fix
are they retarded?

sean still lied to our faces for months before the release and I wont forget that.

>Hurr durr sean hurt my feewings this is the end

Ran like shit for me and crashed twice within an hour. Yet I can run MHW, which is known for being uoptimized, just fine.


cry about it faggot

50% is still an F, rawdog.

Delete the storage and rebuild. Don't worry you won't lose your stuff already in the storage, it will still be there when you rebuild. It's a known bug.

too little too late, they should've waited 1 more year and deliver something acceptable, THEN improve on it
the original game failed to grasp any audiences, nobody is going to care for it now

It's still shit, the core mechanics are fucking horrendous

There's apparently a bug where odd number storage crates don't work

There's also another bug where if you don't empty your ship before adding another ship to your collection you glitch out your original ship and can't interact with it

NMS is like a jankier subnautica. I think you'd like it.

>nobody cares

The game is actually very popular at the moment.

It's still shit compared to what they promised.

You crazy? It sucks. It makies it inescapably apparent how the clouds are a mere 100ft from the ground and then space is right above that. Everything just seems way too tiny and artificial to be enjoyable.

>at the moment
Do you mean while it's 50% off on steam?
Also it's like a 4 year old game and they're still selling it on steam and PS4 for 60bux, with the sales only being half off. What kind of greedy fucks do that with such an awful game? nuThief is regularly like 3 bucks on both.

if only something like this could happen to story driver cartoons..

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yiff in hell...

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>warp to new system
>end up inside a planet in my ship

That doesn't sound as enticing as you think it is.
Sounds like PR talk for "we don't have anything actually amazing, so here, let's make it sound like there's plenty to do"

that is one chunky boi you got there my friend

>Grinding is good gameplay

Wasn't the last update just VR and multiplayer content? Idgaf about any of that.

>the clouds are a mere 100ft from the ground and then space is right above that.

THAT part is very true.
But when you're out in space, the planets all look decently planet-sized, and everything else looks to be about the right size for what it's supposed to be, at least to me

Ok I still won’t play it

NMS isn't nearly as immersive as Subnautica.

It's that, plus a SHIT TON of QOL updates.
Like crafting is a shit-ton easier, and it's easier to scan for what you want, and you can see what a planet contains from a distance, and other stuff like that.
That other user was shitposting, but he wasn't incorrect in saying that this game is basically VR-enabled Starbound

It's still shit though, if this is what years of updates did for it it must have been far worse than I'd ever imagined at launch.

Didn't buy it then and still not buying it now.

Giant sand snakes from the trailers

I'll pirate it then and give it another whirl.

For a game that wants to do everything procedurally the experience is quite shallow. I mean, I know that usually "procedural" games are shallow, but Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld show that you can create fun situations without a script.
I think that's what No Man's Sky is missing. Something that gives purpose to the game. Perhaps varied random events that give rise to some kind of narrative.

sand snakes, barren planets, diverse planets, half the planet types shown in trailers arent in game, no point to caves, no point to deep sea diving.... at least let me find a temple or something...

Shame you can't build half the shit you need on ships and need to go back to the base for it anyway.

I have like 90 hours in this game and I still think it is rotten as fuck and broken as shit. Terrible UI on PC, glitchy as fuck with a ton of missed opportunities. Still fun to get baked and play it though.

t..thanks Shaun for putting in the features that were promised 3 years ago

i was having the same thing. its a known bug

the ERP in this game is interesting

Why is everything about this game's UI so fucking bad?

Still has that fucking boring grinding. Minecraft's grinding is great, subnautica's grinding is great, nms's grinding is feustrating and boring. The menus suck too.

any way to meet other fellow ERPers?
is there a discord?

>I could take it more seriously in Minecraft

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>subnautica's grinding is great
No fuck off, all the grinding in the second half of the game dragged it down from a 10/10 to a 6/10.

Can't actually build in subnut/NMS

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>The sheer amount of shills for fucking No Man's Sky of all things
This board has taken a massive nosedive in the last 8 months

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It's still a horrible gamr

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>Lists shit that 99% of games possess
Keep reaching, shill

>tfw you roulette wheel the wrong God
Sorry but the correct answer was Quetzalcoatl, down you go

>last 8 months

>the last 8 months

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no man sky is as far from redemption as 76
believing for a second that what they did is enough is why the industry is dying

it wasn't advertised at lounch as a sandbox game

woah really is that info in the image or anything?

>Online Missions
Which are
>build bases
>laser some shit
>go bird watching
the mission system could use some work

>settle on a nice terra-like planet
>realize some time later that these fuckers spawn as hostile creatures

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Fallout 76

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Nope, still empty useless time wasting garbage, pure cotton candy when people need red meat, which no developer can even begin to deliver.

>there's already a mod in development that changes the player character models
busty space mommy explorer soon bros

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right here

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>he doesn't know

retards with toasters and thirdworlders are review bombing it right now

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After all, it's impossible that anyone would dislike a bad game for any justifiable reasons.

If you're gay, maybe. There's no females in the entire NMS universe.

Nah that's just people with not-shit taste.

not yet but im waiting for the gender swap mod that makes every NPC a hot alien girl

Well you can do missions with friends and random people online.

>the last 8 months
Your new is showing

Animals are still trash, nowhere near the pre release footage.

Solar systems don't have any orbital mechanics or distances to the sun like they said there would, which would have influence on atmospheres and biomes. Atmosphere and clouds look like shit compared to prerelease footage.

Asteroids and animals pop into existence in front of your eyes. You don't feel like you're flying through an environment, rather the environment is only updating and showing up depending on your very local proximity.

Such simple fucking things to fix, and they add base building instead, wtf.

>Such simple fucking things to fix
then create a mod to fix those problems then.

>last 8 months
is that how long youve been here?

Lots of issues listed were already modded, but they always broke with every new update.

Orbital mechanics is the only tough problem, and they have already stated they won't fix it for artistic purposes. Because adding more satellite bodies and distancing planets would apparently ruin the scenic views from planets.

>You can’t name a better comeback story than this game

FF14, a game so bad that they had to re-do the entire fucking game

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I wouldn't say great yet. While i have been enjoying it more than i did when they shipped NEXT, there are some glaring bugs that are still present and major. Not to mention gamebreaking bugs introduced with the new expansion. Lost my old base because of one (doesnt recognize me as the basemaster) and my current base's door sometimes goes missing mysteriously (mats are refunded for some reason but my door is still missing and i had to rebuild one)
But yes they improved it, basic mats now stack infinetly, tech tree instead of stupid rng etc etc

>comeback story
i don't mean to cause drama but i still believe this qualifies

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Being in smash alone doesn't qualify because its not even his own game, and Nuts & Bolts is nowhere NEAR the level of rock bottom other 90s mascots got to. Crash would be the example you're looking for.

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Did they add anything about character customization or it's just "generic astronaut outfit X"?
Also slutmogs/qtps

This, VR really made it great. actually being on the planets is way more imersive.

i really don't want this to escalate much since its technically an NMS thread but i will say this
banjo only had 3 games: BK, BT, and N&B
crash had loads more, and consistent releases kept the series in a public eye
meanwhile since his first appearance banjo has had more years where he was out of action than he had active
this is huge for banjo, while crash already had his comeback with the remake trilogy

There's aesthetic customization. You can choose between the three alien races, the human astronauts, or the travellers.

Most character customization is done through modules built in the suit and multitool, giving better performance or unique abilities like a jump jet.

atleast you have freeform building in starbound and can make some genuinely comfy houses, no mans sky remains lifeless

I've played 100 hours of this game and I still don't get how to not have a shitty ship. The ones that fly in are too expensive and I don't know what's even good for the price and the ones I find are broken as fuck and I don't have the resources to repair them.

Reading about all the stupid shit Sean was saying and posting was pretty damn hilarious, and drones defended him tooth and nail.

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Find secure facilities. Unlock commodity goods.

Install economy scanner, each system will have an economy type, and certain commodities will provide multimillions for each item.

When that's done, and you have a buttload of cash, you can then go to high economy system (3 stars) which will have higher end ships, and depending on the system species, specific types of ships will be more abundant, for example, a vykeen system will have more fighters.

While I agree with what you're saying, I'd still say that being in the public's eye isn't a good thing if its a shit reputation with bad games. Sonic is still around, but you definitely wouldn't say Sonic is anywhere NEAR the prestigious level he was back in the 90s as his image has been smeared in shit ever since that fated year.

Just because it says "so far" doesn't mean it's not so hilariously out of date the point it's making is lost. The point of the meme is that it's development hasn't been that long compared to so many other games.

That point is completely undermined by how much longer it's taken and still will take. Retard.

Right, but is there any kind of bodytype/slider choice? Anything planned?

Sea of Thieves. It got to where it needed to be way faster and is an overall better game..

>last 8 months
I can't even remember when the eternal summer started anymore.

Not that I know of, but there isn't enough diversity for that to be a big problem. Repaint would be nice to have though.

you seem to have a few leaks in your roof

Just add the years?

>You can’t name a better comeback story than this
Sure you can. You can have the developers actually keep their promises and put the things they promised into the game.

aww man

There's 5 body types to choose from but they're all pretty much the same. I dont think there are any plans for that but starship customization has been datamined (though it hasn't been implemented yet) so there's a chance they might expand character customization

sonic is a different matter
he's still loved for his good games and is known as the only series that could be - or could have been, depending on how you look at it - seen as a parallel to mario, but that's a different matter
in banjo's situation, he is best known for starring in one of the best games of his generation, and any association between him and nintendo is not only welcomed, but celebrated
for him to appear as a playable character on the same field as other massive pillars in the community such as mario, mega man, and pac man is absolutely huge, as not only will it inject him back into the mainstream and get him a potentially bigger following, but encourages the notion that he and other rare titles may return to nintendo consoles on a more regular basis

holy fuck they seriously need to make the planets much deeper, ocean planets are so fucking shallow its awful and caves too often hit the bottom of the map

Are you fucking kidding me? After three or four days of trying to actually play this (still) pile of garbage I had to just uninstall because it was pissing me off an irrational amount. The bugs, glitches, poor game design, bad mechanics, and generally just bad overall gameplay made me stop. I'm not the type of person to usually abandon something once I've started building bases and shit. But HOLY FUCK is this game just so fucking terrible I just can't keep at it anymore. If you unironically this this game is now or was ever good then you need to just stop sharing your fucking opinion on games because you are hands down the most fucking wrong person on the planet.

>Three years since it came out
>Same bug from day 1 where you look at those poison spewing plants and they shrink/start working properly.

Yes, they're retards.

>at least to me
found your problem

>QOL updates
Then why is it still so shit to play then?

Elder Scrolls Online

I pirated this game last week user. Its complete shit. Why are you shilling a shit game

Still too many bugs but I am enjoying it

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seems like it's your problem

I gave it cheeky pirate earlier and good GOD is the interface bad. Also, why is the pop-in for the grass so bad? Don't add it to the game if it doesn't appear until I'm fucking stepping on it.

nah, it was the beyond update being such a fucking wreck
still a fun game though, even if i did just lose 2 hours worth of gathering because of a fucking random crash.

whatcha doing there Gek Rabbi?

Just find a ship with 40+ inventory slots and buy that, there's no point in worrying about anything else.

What is Capcom?

>Go swimming around in the ocean
>Find plant with glowy bits
>Pick them up
>Look around
>It's stuck in a wall that isn't even near the plant and it's impossible to mine it out because any time you close a gap around it it moves somewhere else
>Find another plant elsewhere that actually spawns a horror in the water
>It just slowly swims towards you and despawns with zero visual effects if you move too far away from the plant or touch solid ground at all

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Lol you mean it has gameplay like basic videogames? Fuck you're a fucking retard.

>It's a jellyfish


the only abyssal horrors I've found are chunky eye stalks underwater that drop a pricey eye on death

It sucks still

Is this "go to the center of the universe to shut down atlas" the last quest in the main story? Does the game end after it or can i just fuck around?

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I remember when NMS released going to the galactic core just looped you back to the start, so perhaps the same thing here

>go right in to a black hole expecting to get completely crushed and die.
>mfw it just sends me to a random part of the universe.
>mfw its actually a wormhole.

Fucking retards

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But it has hole in the name that means it goes somewhere.

I played at launch. Started playing with this update because a friend said the same "it's good now" shit.

It still has some of the exact same bugs as it did at release. Just inexcusable shit. Still has awful lod and pop-in issues. Still has framerate problems. Still has some of the worst loading times in video games.

it's a hard nah. they get all these compliments for supporting the game with free updates, but with how this was at release, their support is likely just to avoid all out revolt from the community or (more) accusations of fraud.

nu male's lie is still shit and it will always be shit.

no, scam citizen is never coming out because releasing a finished product means they can't get kickstarter money for nothing anymore.

don't forget breath of the wild, another useless open-world sandbox "game" with no purpose to do anything that gets defended beyond all reason on Yea Forums.

Its a nintendo exclusive. There's no point in attempting to reason nintendo exclusive flaws even when another game comes out and does the same thing and is shat on for it because its not nintendo, the internet as a whole simply will not have it, and Yea Forums is no exception to that rule. Remember that and it will save you a lot of frustration.

1.0 sucked
1.18 onwards started to get good
1.23b the game was amazing
2.X onwards was an utter garbage WoW clone

Thanks yoshi great comeback