Hey, you. Post your top three favorite games right now and explain why. Or just post your three favorite games...

Hey, you. Post your top three favorite games right now and explain why. Or just post your three favorite games, it’s your choice. I’ll start
Stylish as fuck, great music, and unique gameplay
Fun as fun TPS gameplay great pacing, and quotable as fuck
Great gameplay, tons of customization, and a ton of style

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1. ニーア オートマタ (横尾太郎, 2017)
2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Teнь Чepнoбыля (Бoльшaкoв, 2007)
3. ゆめにっき (ききやま, 2004)
4. UNDERTALE (Fox, 2015)
5. C'est un monde merveilleux (Nomura, 2007)

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Jak 2
Jet Set Radio

>Tales Of Vesperia
first real jrpg I played and teared up at the end, really fucking good gameplay too
one of the largest and most fun, quirky, and just unique RPGs ever made. Tons of ways to play and fuck around with the game and lots of unique characters, questlines, and fun stuff to do in general.
Probably the best 2.5D fps game ever made. IMO the best out of the holy trinity of build engine games and has some of the best gunplay and level design of them.

>God hand
Probably the best action game I've played. Customizable move-sets, fun crowd-control beat-em-up action, great bosses, incredible music, and very fun writing.
What OP said, pretty much. I beat this game a couple of times a year and I never get tired of it.
>Ace Combat 04
I've seen many arguments to boot this off of the Holy Trinity, but I just don't see it. AC4 has my favorite soundtrack, story, and general tone in the whole series.

>God Eater Burst/2 Rage Burst
Great soundtrack, sadly not mainstream and fun gameplay. Fast-paced MonHun is the best way I can describe it.
The most horrid P2W F2P shit with ultra-sweat quickscopers but it was my childhood and I just got back on it recently. It's filled with hackers, like I never left.
>Patapon 3
Rhythm-based, cute artstyle, simple enough gameplay that I can understand it even when I was a kid.

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>Valkyrie Profile
Still one of the most innovative and unique games ever made. Difficulty settings that affect character recruitment and dungeons, one of four routes is assigned at random for each playthrough to encourage replayability, a combat system that encourages massive experimentation due to how attacks interact with one another to juggle enemies, the ability to make the game as short or as long as you like... I could go on for hours. It's a perfect game.

>Final Fantasy Tactics
The job system perfected. I could literally play this game a thousand different ways and never get bored of it. One of the single best games to replay by imposing challenges on yourself.

I can't choose a third. It's too close a call. All I know is that these two are my favorites.

>Devil Survivor
One of my very first SMT games and the one that helped me fall in love with the franchise. Also has high replay value and one of the best Chaos routes in the series
>Chrono Trigger
Great pacing, likable characters, fun gameplay, and just an overall good time
>Metal Gear Rising
Memeworthy quotes, great presentation, an amazing soundtrack, and satisfying combat. Plus Armstrong.

Still fun after almost 20 years, also the nostalgia of my entire friendgroup bringing their towers to one friends house and messing around on de_dust, de_train or cs_militia for an entire day
>Ace Combat X Skies of Deception
my very first PSP game and also the game that got me into the Ace Combat series, it was also one of the very first games with actual difficulty to it that I played, led to many ragequits and f-words but I 100% it after almost an entire year
My first vidya

One of the most fun ARPGs out there. Plus, the cheesy story is unironically kino.
Insanely innovative gameplay, great character development, and one of the best soundtracks out there.
>Dead Rising
Incredibly detailed, an interesting time management, and lots of fun ways to mash up zombies.

Never enjoyed a game after playing these three. Please advise me some similar games.
>A Hat in Time
>Mother 3
>The witness
What I liked the most in this three games is the sense of exploration in a charming setting that they provide.

>Tales of the Abyss
It came out in a time of my life when I was lost and confused about myself and this game unironically helped me out with that.
Pretty much what you said, OP. What a great game.
>Ninja Gaiden Black
The amount of satisfaction you get when you master the game’s mechanics is unparalleled, imo, and it’s just plain fun.


Chrono Trigger and Jak and Daxter come to mind

Final Fantasy VII
Super Metroid

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>The World Ends With You
Everything about this fucking rules, the music, Minamimoto, everyone else. Three Minutes Clapping a best.
>Mary Skelter Nightmares
It's a pretty fun dungeon crawler with an aesthetic I fucking love.
>Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Sweet atmosphere, my favourite soundtrack in the series, and the best gameplay.
Shit like people who like the same stuff I do also liking Resident Evil makes me want to try it, but I also get on edge really easily from spooky stuff so I'm not sure. Good shit user, I love me some Devil May Cry.
user what the fuck are you doing? That aside though, Yume Nikki is something I could stand to properly try out rather than just the half an hour I've played, it was pretty cool.

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RE4 does has its spooky moments but it also has a good balance of cheese and charm to balance it. Plus, it’s fun as fuck and a great TPS even besides the horror elements.

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>Persona 4 Golden
amazing music, fun and lively cast, mix of dungeon crawling and social sim is very engaging
>Dark Cloud 2
Bit of nostalgia, weapon system is real fun to fuck around with, amazing music again, building your own cities is cool
Combat is visceral and feels like a perfected version of souls formula, setting and design is lovecraft, and weapon variety is great

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>Jet Set Radio
played to cheer me up as a kid and fun beats and gameplay
Fun, tight controls, even tighter music. it's difficult enough to warrent a bunch of tech and replay
I just really enjoy the feeling of this game. This is equal to Dr. Mario as well. I just enjoy the game type and I can play it for hours

I’m thinking of saving up for a Vita to play the Persona games. Do you think it’s worth it just for that alone?

>The Lord of the Rings Online
No other LOTR game has matched this game in staying true to the books. It may be a WoW-clone MMO with some age problems in gameplay, but it still has one of the most immersive stories in an MMO and has the fantastic LOTR world to back that story up.
>Sonic Adventure 2
What can I say, I love the Chao Garden. I had a lot of fun with the main game as well, even if it was full of bad camera moments. Add in one of the best songs in all of gaming and you have a winner in my book.
>Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Fantastic humor, great characters, an engaging plot, and pretty damn fun to boot. Sure, there are a few spots where you might get a little frustrated, but it's still probably the best Mario RPG that's ever been made, and I really hope that Nintendo can one day make a Paper Mario that lives up to this title.

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Honestly, Vincent has a really cool design. Should really finish FF7 one of these days.

>is it worth buying one console to play only a single game?
Hell no. Think of two or three more games to go along with that and you should be Golden. I'd recommend God Eater 2 Rage Burst if you're into action/hack-n-slash.


I'd say yes but I love persona. Don't play 3 portable, I recommend FES instead but 1, 2IS,2EP, and 4G are great on Vita. If you're new to Persona, 1-2 aren't like 3-5. 1 and the 2's play a lot like standard old JRPGS, no social sim elements and somewhat grindy. If you want more modern persona, start with 3-4 and then play 5.

As for the Vita, there's plenty of other great games and that makes it worth it for anyone in my book

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>Mega Man 2
Awesome gameplay and incredible level design

>Super Mario Galaxy
Incredible level design, Nintendo always makes my jaw drop due to how good they are to re-invent their core game pricinples

>Persona 5
Take classic jrpgs (or at least those made by Square during the PS1 era, those on SNES are way smoother even as of today) and throw out all of what made them boring or simply not worth of consideration after turning 15.
Plus, the pseudo-visual novel features, the anonimity of the character and the limited choices you can make kind of put the word "role-playing" back into the JRPG genre, something that I've always felt was missing.

>The Lord of the Rings Online
my FUCKING man
do you remember the old days of red guard in pvp?

Super Metroid
Mega Man X

Sounds good to me. Thanks, anons.

Would I be fine jumping in at four? I assume so, I just might miss a couple smaller things. Could do with not getting spooked as easily, so I should try some stuff out.
The Vita's pretty cool, I'm sure you could find some other stuff you'd be intersted in even if Persona is your main drive to get one. I've personally ended up playing more stuff on my vita that wasn't the stuff I wanted one for.
>MM2 and Galaxy
My fucking guy, Galaxy is so fucking good.

>the last of us
Everything about the gameplay and story is pure magic. One of the few games to actually hit me on an emotional level. I also beat it on hard.
>half-life 2
Best atmosphere in any game I've played
>ocarina of time
God tier world, music, game design, characters. Everything is 10/10

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I main Champ so I never experienced it first hand, I just remember it being very strong. My Reaver did not appreciate it.

>I main Champ
based. I played a lot of debuff burg. I can't remember the tree (blue or yellow). That shit was fun. Now I'm playing hunter and 1 shotting everything lmao

>Monster Hunter Series
It's just what I want from my games, good gameplay, good designs, little to no heavy story. Its just about you, your skill and the grind. Team up with four randoms or some friends and just kill the shit the best you can. I love World and XX shitposting will be shitposting.
>Team Fortress 2
It became less and less of what I liked as time goes on but I still enjoy it more than most shooters these days. The weapon choices, silliness, classes, and just quick to jump into, can take it seriously or have fun switching off in a single match.
>Smash Bros
Like most people, all the characters the mashup, stages music a fighting game that has turned into a party. With ultimate there's not that many problems the series has for me anymore than just better online or subspace.

And it's obvious by my favorites I don't care for story intense games or story in general. They're not bad games to me but I'm just a fucking manchild that wants to press buttons and have fun not watch a movie.

Galaxy is pure joy, it makes you happy to be alive and always makes you feel like you're in front of of those massive painting from fucking Jacques Louis-David at fucking Louvre.
Nintendo games are THE shit, devs such as the ones who work for Sony should study the hell out of them instead of focusing that much on cinematic impact.

>Streets of Rage 2
Perfect aesthetics, tight controls. Only gripe is about the engine lagging at the worst times.
Again, perfect aesthetics; Greg Proops and John DiMaggio alone are worth it. Bike sections suck ass but the rest of the game is a ride and a half.
>Perfect Dark
Peak console FPS. Incredible depth for both single player and multiplayer.

You’ll be just fine. The story is pretty self-contained anyway.

>Red Dead Redemption
always been a huge western fan and, for me, no game has captured the western aesthetic as perfectly as RDR. not only is it a genuinely great western game but the story is actually good too. the music is fantastic, the shooting feels really nice, the map's great (love Mexico) and the multiplayer is the best that Rockstar ever did. I love it.
>Shadow of the Colossus
there's nothing quite like it, it's very unique and probably the greatest game I've ever played when it comes to atmosphere. the game is gorgeous for PS2 and still holds up as looking great to this day. there's really nothing bad I can say about it honestly.
>Mount and Blade: Warband
endless fun. it may be janky but god is it fucking great. few games pull off the feeling of satisfaction you get when you go from a worthless loser who has nothing to an extremely powerful king of all men, which Warband does in spades. it was already enough that the game has a fantastic singleplayer that can last you hundreds of hours, but then there's HUNDREDS of full-conversion mods that shake things up and make the game even more complex. and even with all of that, there's fucking multiplayer, and multiplayer is actually great. there really isn't enough games that let you do large-scale melee battles in MP. it gets so chaotic, and that just adds to the fun.

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on the surface it looks like a typical CRPG, but in fact the gameplay is closer to a mashup of Diablo and Quake. story mode, quest mode (plays like gauntlet legends), and the multiplayer arena are all unique experiences that run off of the same engine and work beautifully. hard to find people play online with these days sadly.

>Jade Cocoon
a Pokemon clone but with story and art by Studio Ghibli, the atmosphere is much more mature and has a coherent aesthetic. Still has the best breeding system of any monster game - you can dynamically gene splice any creature in the game with another creature to produce a new result, this can be done an infinite number of times to create something super cool or an ungodly abomination

Horizontal shoot em up with awesome boss fights, there's no ship upgrades but you obtain more firepower by claiming weapons from destroyed vehicles or ripping them off. Even to this day the art style is amazing and the progression through levels is masterfully synced up to the soundtrack

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>Galaxy is pure joy, it makes you happy to be alive
Hell fucking yeah dude.
I should really play Streets of Rage 2 and Madworld, they look cool.
Cool. I know it's on every platform known to man but does it really matter much other than newer ones looking better?

Fuck i remember all the glitches we did before it was patched. Game of my childhood too. Thinking of downloading it again. Quickscoping was fun as fuck.

Incredible atmosphere, great graphics for the time, good gameplay, interesting story. It just clicked with me, too.
>Team Fortress 2
Probably my most played game, and encompassed some of the best times of my life. never went beyond the casual level, but casual server hopping was really fun.
>The Secret World
Narrowly edged out Smash Bros. Gameplay isn't great, but the world it built was absolutely amazing. Probably the friendliest MMORPG community out there. It's a pity it will never get a proper resolution.

Glorious taste, my brethren.

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>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
taught me not to cuck on the difficulty level and the Zone's atmosphere is pure kino
>Need For Speed Underground 2
got me hooked on racing games
also favorite childhood game
>E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
it's a janky piece of shit but I wouldn't have it any other way
also Brouzouf, lots of Brouzouf


>silent hill 2
Incredible atmosphere, good replay ability, wonderful soundtrack and puzzles that make sense to me but are still challenging to figure out
Short but sweet. Could replay it once a year and never get bored. Great writing, soundtrack and probably the most clever puzzle @gimmick@ ever made
>paper Mario
Wonderful in every sense of the word. Like the video game equivalent of owning a candy store. Incredibly charming, feels like a big believable world with great music and fun dialogue.


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SoR2 is only about an hour long, highly recommend anyone who hasn't yet gives it a try.
Fair warning about MadWorld, there's some waggling to be had; never bothered me but everyone here seems to have a hateboner for it so yeah

>Warcraft 3
The custom game scene consumed my entire highschool life.
>Dark Souls
My most replayed single player game, so great that I consider it a fluke because no game from Fromsoft since has truly replicated the experience.
>Path of Exile
The greatest ARPG ever created, the nights before league launches are my favourite nights of the year.

I'm not really bothered by waggling either, I find it fun more than anything honestly, NMH ruled in that regard. I'll have to get on SoR sometime soon, SoR4 having both Naganuma and the Ninja Gaiden composer on board has my interst very piqued.

Its that kind of game i can replay once every year with no problems and fully enjoy it.
Shitty game but has managed to keep me entertained for years.
>Golden Sun 1&2
Good game in general, the multiple djinn combinations let me play it in a different way every time.

>Infamous 2
You use electricity based superpowers to travel around an open world
A lot of nostalgia and it still plays good.
A good remake of one of my childhood favorites.

>Gothic 1
One of my first RPG games, so there's probably a good deal of nostalgia here, but I still think its a damn great rpg. Also the polish translation is actually good.
Awesome combat system, tight controls, beautiful scenery, great animations. Pure samurai kino.
>Planescape: Torment
The setting and the characters were just amazing and I loved every second of learning more about them.

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vidya bump


I’ve played the PS4 port and had an overall great time. It’s held up incredibly well.

>Danmaku Unlimited 2
Pure shmup bliss. I do like the aesthetic and the synth-rock(?) soundtrack, but the reason I like it the most is that the artstyle is so clean and so distinct that you can tell what's happening on screen almost by instinct. Most shmups, especially frantic ones with a lot going on, tend to have stuff getting lost in the background details and avoiding shots is more an exercise in remembering when they are coming, or routing what you know to be a safe pass. With Danmaku, I find myself able to get through and dodge around brand new patterns I've not seen before because the attacks are immediately clear when they are coming. I haven't played Danmaku Unlimited 3, though.

>Legend of Legacy
I like the exploring aspect, where you go into areas and you run around mapping them out as part of the game. I like how you can pick up new skills in the game, and gain stats, and end up customizing a character in that manner just by how you play. I actually like the magic tug-of-war and the challenge both in controlling what dominates the battlefield, and in laying down the spells when you need it. I like the variety of characters, especially with some being magic-focused and some being focused on working without magic. I actually like that, unlike Alliance Alive, there aren't levels or a story and so I can start up a new game with a new team and try a different challenge with the new run.

I haven't played the SaGa Frontier games, though. Perhaps I am missing out on something big, but I do enjoy the charm that Legend of Legacy holds.

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>Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
It's a TRPG, similar to Shining Force or Final Fantasy Tactics. There are a lot of small bits to the combat that make it preferable to FFT or its sequels. But the big reason I like it more is that you can play through the game just on story missions and clear it without too much trouble. The game doesn't revolve around grinding for levels off random encounters to be strong enough to clear, which is especially nice when battles can take the better part of an hour. It has a wide class selection and a bunch of random stuff to do (like collecting medals on characters) if you do prefer to grind, though. Also, one huge plus: The game offers "challenge" fights which you can pick up during a playthrough. These fights are tough ones where you set a timer, and a requirement, and you get a reward if you complete it under those terms. However, it is selected from the main menu, which means you use your team from the save file but they don't get money or EXP. This is very, very nice because it means I can screw around with these challenge fights all I want and not come back to the game overleveled and overpowered. Sure, probably a bit OP because the fights give strong equipment at the highest challenge, but every character isn't going to be Lv.70 just because I decided to goof around for a week or two.

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amazing artstyle, amazing gameplay that never gets old and always pushes you to improve, also fun community
amazing atmoshpere, memorable characters and quests, lots of choice in the gameplay and dialogue
comfy, building shit never gets old, especially with friends

Unironically Pokemon Red/Blue, or FireRed/LeafGreen. The first games involved you wandering around, catching monsters, finding your way to the next town, and just seeing what's in random caves or down random rivers. No grand story that you are required to follow through, no destiny with a legendary pokemon, just some asshole neighbor who gets in your way and eventually finding your way into fighting the Elite Four. Not the best, but certainly good if you haven't played it.

You're not a real gamer if you have a favorite game.