Hey user, I thought you were going to start a gaming YouTuber channel, what happened?

We all went through this phase, what killed the drive?

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Not wanting to sell our souls to interact with autistic children.

I don't think I ever wanted that. Youtube was always an obvious dead end even if you were moderately successful. The majority of e-celebs who are on youtube make most of their money off of youtube.

I never said that

I wrote a book instead. I just finished my peer critiques and already got an agent.

JewTube is dead. The censorship has reached an obscene level.

by the time I could afford equipment that was better than webcam + cheap logitec mic the meta moved from playing games and talking about them to blogs with fotm video game footage

I don't want to learn how to edit.

Having 3 channels getting terminated due to music, or gameplay copyrights.

>Record a video
>Enjoy the game
>Enjoy the recording
>Have fun editing it
>Think the commentary is good for my first time
>But I hate my voice
>Never do it again

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You give up your privacy and for what? So autistic and retarded kids on Yea Forums, reddit, etc make up stupid shit about you/dox you or something like that? So you can pretend to be famous? So you can entertain said kids?

>We all went through this phase,

I made like 6 videos, got 5k subs, and quit. It was a lot of work.

>Doing this
People that need this kind of attention are actual and honorary women

I posted a meme video on my channel that did not belong to me and it blew up in proportion. While it did save my channel from demonetization, youtube started cracking down on people posting other's content even if the original creator didn't care.
Since then, I did not upload anything.

I never really wanted to; I did have a thought about it, but what would I really do? Some older games and in depth explores and such. I also never wanted to do it it professionally and the whole attitude people have towards it now just puts me off.

>perform for 0-2 people
>get 14 views over the course of a month

I made a channel but it's not pure gaming, theres also anime and life vlogging. it's pretty fun to make videos and I have no friends so it feels like I'm talking to someone. I have 20 or so subscribers and my videos usually get a like a two, it's nice

my shitty internet

I value my free time over something I would never want to pursue as a profession, and takes up too much of that free time otherwise.

I twitch stream once or twice a week, it strikes a nice balance, and I get to interact more with other people.

>gameplay copyrights
gameplay? how?

>We all went through this phase
Maybe you zoomers.

No one wanted to watch me and listen to my speech impediment.

I still have one, I just upload occasionally whenever the stream goes well and I have good footage.

My friend flaked like he always fucking does and I didn't start a channel to do shit solo

that's how

I still have it and get 5 views tops in all my videos

I only upload my Tekken 7 fights, but I can only record it with the PS4's built-in feature. I'm waiting for the replay feature for Season 3 to start uploading my way to Tekken God Prime

Some decided they'd rather spend their short life on something else.


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So... Is this the thread to shill our channels? Because I'm going to shill my channel here if that is the case

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free country

Decided to take up drawing instead. It's a lot more rewarding and unlike editing a videogame clips in a pirated copy of Adobe Premiere, not anyone can do it.

I know I'm still bad, but whatever. Every hour I put in is another hour that I'm investing in getting better.

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>spend weeks making custom content
>3 views, then demonetized
>spend 30 seconds insulting my friend in a funny voice

This is why the reviews are on hold.

Jokes on you. I still run mine. Although it's mostly just for myself and maybe some friends. I like to have recordings of my gameplay for review and archive purposes. It's strictly gameplay. No commentary or "wacky" personalities.

Nothing too great so don't even bother