Why do you refuse to git gud at Bayonetta?

Why do you refuse to git gud at Bayonetta?

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I beat Father Rodin
thats as good as i need to be

DMC is better.

How the fuck do I clear angel slayer?

Because that gay Space Harrier shit is blocking the best boss fight in the game.

i don't have the game anymore. i sold it cuz i don't own a wii u anymore

I can't dodge offset despite knowing how to.

git gud

this but I know how to I just can't utilize it competently.

Nobody actually believes this.

nonstop infinite climax is just bullshit

I don't like her personality or design. That alone keeps me from playing her games.

Bayo is my mommy

I like dmc and bayonetta equally, I know crazy right?

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But if you aren't good at both IPs how would you be able to tell?

Fuck Bayonetta is so hot
I just played the game for the first time this last week

They’re not really the same kind of action game. They get lumped together because the stylish action genre is already so small, but the core focus of the gameplay is very different in both games.

Bayonetta is like Ninja Gaiden with a little bit of DMC air combat for flavor; it’s fundamentally a game about survival, not combo design.

Do you just reflexively mash buttons? I mean it’s so easy, you just dodge while holding a button.

You should essentially ALWAYS be doing charge modifiers; my default mode of operation in Bayo is to hold the attack button down for every press, except with Kulshedra. Dodge Offsetting is literally just dodging at that point.

I only have it on PC and no controller.
So getting good would take a long, long time.

the highway stage and costa del sol fuck my shit up hardcore

Because the game sucks. I don't care for it.

me too

>*makes u uninstall the game*

heh, nothing personnel witch

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gracious and glorious were worse
but honestly they were super fun to fight

Because 'walk from fight scene to fight scene' is not a gameplay style I enjoy.
Good on you for mastering the game, I'm really not interested in doing so however.


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I mean, it's just using the parry accessory instead of dodging, but yeah, it was kinda pointless

Is Bayonetta 2 worth getting? I thought the first one was decent.

yeah, i like it and had a blast to the end.

You can get it on switch right? I might get a switch eventually when SMT V comes out.

yeah, it's on switch. runs and plays exactly as good as the wii u version

Jeanne on Hard made me learn dodge offset. Bayo has been my favorite action game ever since, along with Ninja Gaiden 2.

Is there a more fun to fight enemy in the genre?

Alright I fucking blow at Bayo 1 and couldn't beat the first Jeane fight last time I tried to play on hard.
So I want to be focusing both on dodging and offset right, not just surviving, and should I practice this shit on normal or hard.


Because Dodge Offset is a gimmick and doesn't make the actual gameplay anywhere near as substantial as DMC.

The fuck is the point of practicing a single player game?

Practice dodge offset with pistols and YBY, difficulty doesn't matter, do it with no enemies around.

The key to dodge offset is holding down the attack button, you will be able to see you are doing it correctly when she's dodging and shooting at the same time.

Dodge offset will help you a lot against Jeanne. Learn to anticipate her weaves while you are shooting her. Start the combo with holding down Y, if there is no weave, proceed into holding B. Be ready to dodge when the attack comes, and wrap up your combo with a weave after the dodge.

Bayo 2 has a better campaign but overall has worse bosses and worse combat. Lumen Sage is a nice spectacle boss but its objectively inferior to Jeanne

>but its objectively superior to Jeanne

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Dodge offset is a tool that allows you to deal with constant enemy aggression, something that DMC games lack.

It's fun.


God fucking shit. Thankfully you do have ranged attacks in form of weaves.

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This what, DMC and Bayonetta are two utterly different takes on the genre and Bayonetta's highly aggressive enemies compared to DMC should be obvious enough of this difference. Bayonetta is more like Ninja Gaiden + DMC.

to get better at it?

playing as Jeanne is bullshit
>her weapons look way cooler
>her outfits look way cooler
>she's a nightmare to play as unless you're actually good at the game
I hate it

It's really not when you know how to dodge offset. Then again Hard with no dodge offset is also a torture.

Punch kick punch right? The reason I mention difficulty is that when I've tried to learn it before I just ended up focusing more on trying not to die than anything else, so maybe normal would be better for getting practice in than the difficulty I haven't beaten before.
I'm gonna go grab the game and try it now though.

>Hard with no dodge offset is also a torture
Not really, finished Hard without not even knowing what it was.

Yeah. PKP is your bread and butter. Especially with Charge Mods on all the hits, and ESPECIALLY with a DO between each swing as the charge mod is about to run out. You spit out a shitload of damage per hit doing it and it’s easy weaves

Is there any difference between them and the other versions on NSIC?

I don’t think so... but then I’m also pretty sure NSIC just replaces them with Gracious and Glorious in all encounters.

You're correct, every Grace and Glory in NSIC is Gracious and Glorious.

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Once you get comfortable with holding down the attack buttons and dodging with Punch Kick Punch, you should be able to do it with any other combo in the game.

You should also experiment with different weapons, since different charge properties feel a tad different to offset. Start with the pistols.

Dunno, can't imagine fighting Jeanne on hard with no dodge offset.

It surely wasn't easy, but somehow I did it

Yeah I'll start with the pistols, then try some of the others. How's offsetting the sword work then, since it's a charge up attack on hold.

I'm not into trannies.

The sword is similar to the claws: you get no damage out of it while holding down the button, but you do get a lot of damage if you decide to charge it up all the way.

So offset works the same, you just have to keep in mind to hold down the button when you otherwise wouldn't be.

Yes, it's all about holding down the attack button. I guess they wanted to discourage mashing.