Why did I move here?
Why did I move here?
Meme magic strikes again. You can't make this shit up.
Ok is that Cyberpunk or GTA, I actually can't tell now
maybe it was the weather.........
No wonder the game is gonna suck if they are taking inspiration from those 3
He's becoming the next Todd
Marcin look out!
haha le gta xd
Who should they take inspiration from?
>I started this meme
Feels good to have left some kind of mark after ten years here
>lists top 3 best-selling developers
>”lol what a shill”
Ok we get it Poland. You really really don’t want to live around blacks. You can stop turning your Cyberpunk city into just a model of LA now.
>"top three game developers according to their perception"
>says nothing about sales
2077 is being made by leftist americans, the polish are gone
must've been the trannies....
It’s still a Polish company with Polish management.
CDPR has fallen so hard. The Witcher 2 is the last good game they'll ever make. Limitations shaped this company into craftsmen and now that they have none, they are nothing but hungry kikes.
In 2019 everyone still wants to be rockstar.
>Infinite budget & dev time
>Social capital out the ass
The other two are not inspirational anymore
Harebrained Schemes, Ion Storm, Looking Glass Studios, Stygian Software, and yes, dare I say it, Obsidian.
But Rockstar make shit games. I couldn't force myself to finish any of the GTAs or their cowboy versions. I am guessing that they want the sales of Rockstar.
>ranny storm
>gay fish company
>and yes, dare I say it, Obsidian
oh no no no
I just told you why they wanted to be them.
>Infinite Budget and development time
>No need for E3 or any conferences ever
>Can drop DLC at anytime and people eat it up
>Can change their logo on Twitter to make people lose their mind for a new announcement
Two can play this game
cybertrannies btfo again
Thing is i don't associate Rockstar with any of the things below ''infinite budged''. They make money but they don't make good games. I have nothing against CDPR making Rockstar money but i hope they don't become Rockstar since i don't like Rockstar games.
what happened to cdpr?
Its okay when CDPR does it because its a dystopia, which means they hate trannies and niggers... r-right my fellow CDPR bros?
I'm a big dreamer
CDPR got pozzed
a bunch of people quit and supposedly cyberpunk's development is hell according to all those glassdoor reviews
TW3 is literally what would happen if Rockstar and Old Bioware got together to try a game. Yet it fails at open world details and interactions on par with a Rockstar game and fails at delivering an RPG experience, along with player choices and consciousness of old Bioware.
RDR2 PC will be more impressive than Cyberpunk 2077 when we're even talking tech and detail. Mod support will be there day 1 too
What do you mean? She's polish and has worked in the company for 6 years now. Just because she has a punk hairstyle doesn't mean she's a resetera tranny.
lmao fucking CDPR shills in FULL DENIAL
Reminder 2077 is the FIRST VIDEO GAME to EVER let you play as a tranny
If you're fat and have colored hair, it makes you the enemy.
Just look at this pathetic fuck, for instance.
Kasia ate half of them.
So don't play as one?
Saints Row series.
you mean since TW3, when CDPR became SJW?
did it actually, or did it just let you dress like a woman, making you a crossdresser and not a tranny?
Gender was a slider and voices didn't have to match your appearance.
What's wrong with top-right and the third one?
That user is mentally ill user.
So the second series to let you do that.
And the art director is a fat androgynous woman Jabba. And yet you think CDPR is some based and redpilled company while Obsidian is turbo-SJW (which it is, but at least they never gave you an unironic tranny option)
You have issues my guy
Good argument
whats with fat people and dye products?
they think it detracts from how fat and ugly they are
>95% of released footage is men
Is there a problem in the future where female birthrates are abysmal? And is it related to how all the women shown have been ugly?
Did you just assume their gender, shithead?
% of released footage is men
and non-white
Ever notice how trannies never wear tight jeans? It's like an easy way to spot the penis in a group. Find the ones in spring dresses. Is that because that you have to be conditioned to accept that level of suffering at a young age and trannies missed out since they were, you know, male?
yeah but very nice. You can tell she is finance or is a producer.
So Cyberpunk should be buggy and unfinished?
n-no, delet this, obsidian is based, their last half decent game was made 10 years ago
honestly they all look like actual women, just ugly ones
I really hope there will be a Mod that makes it nighttime at all time
Having a Sun in fucking Cyberpunk is actually the dumbest fucking thing ever, What made the Bladerunner movies so good is that it's dark and actually LOOKS good.
t. retard
Daily reminder
Doesn't sound too hard to accomplish desu
Post the Todd edit
Except he's next game is going to crash pretty hard
I wish Rockstar would drop some actual DLC instead of shitty microtransactions and literal gamblin for the shitty online
He's got a fucking robot hand
Protip the idea of you trying to find a game studio with zero women in it of any actual size is uh
close to none
>Have to zoom in to tell the difference
And here we see trevor infront of the maze bank arena.
>using mid-2000s Jeff Gerstmann as an example of someone pathetic
I've yet to see anything bad about cyberpunk or CD. All i find is constant shitposting and seething. I can only assume its just Contrarians parroting
>Its popular and has good publicity? Must be bad then!
I mean the fact that near every strawpoll here was showing a massive amount of people were interested and waiting for the games release just tells me that most people are tired of having to talk to fanatics and epic trollz.
where are the black people and women? hello?
Everyone knows a good dev team only needs a token black guy.
not if the token black guy is an uncle tom
I look forward to it and find the shitposting funny, stop being a pussy
i'd bang at least five of them tbqh
looks pretty pale and stale to me
holy shit imagine wanting to be part of this dogshit community, they're probably all scared shitless to say something against the groupthink every time they post