Will this be the next step for VR?

Will this be the next step for VR?

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Isn't this just that boneworks thing again?

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You tricked me into coming into this thread with feet as the op, and while skimming through that video I didnt see one cute girl but instead stumbling narration by an insect.
Fuck you op

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>footfag has a bad time

Well how else am I gonna get you to reply? Witty bants? No chance.

it most likely will, but im just sitting in this thread to wait for the shitposting comments that "vr is dead"/"vr is just a scam".

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VR is dead. VR is a scam.

But seriously it's going to be an evolution not a revolution. Headsets are going to need to become lighter, smaller and have better displays/fov/depth simulation and less hassle with wires and transmitters.

When do I get my .hack level of immersion with vi waifus?

Possibly when they can read and write to your mind. But closest will be a body immersion suit. Imagine the smell.

VR is dead. VR has always been a scam.
Don't get mad just because others didn't get suckered.

I have a vr headset
I will not recommend vr to ANYONE until they actually come out with full fledged games made for vr.

Im tired of tech demos (beat saber, the tons of bow training games on steam), 2 hour experiences (superhot), and ports of normal pc games that dont bring anything interesting that justify using a vr headset. (NMS, Minecraft, etc)
All for full price too.

I want it to be good, but at the moment its just in its infancy and not worth the cash.
I'll let my friends use mine when they come over, but I always tell them to wait for the tech to become cheaper and for good games to come out

I think the number one thing holding it back is unironically the resolution.
Once I can sit in it shitposting with the same fidelity I have from the monitors in front of me, then games can be anything, Text heavy RPGs and RTS will actually work. For now VR games all have to work around the granny vision with huge basic UIs and imprecise gameplay.

GPU's are still not powerful enough either. It's gonna be at least another 10 years before it's worth it. If not longer.

what do rapunzels soles taste like bros.......?

Like fresh grass mixed with sweat.


>you will never sit in a grassy field having a picnic on a warm summer day with a pretty girl who makes you feel loved

30 years of rejection and disappointment and counting bros

sounds delicious

salty marshmallows

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god i wish that were me

>you will never be shot at or have your town bombed
>you will never be mauled by a car sized beast
>you will never starve unless on a fast/diet
>you will never want for knowledge or entertainment
>you will never fear winter
Life is still good even without gf

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