Dragon Quest 11

Is the music really that bad? How varied is it?

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all DQ games have bad music

It's only bad if you're a zoomer who can't appreciate classical music.

That's Android 17.

I heard there's literally one track for every town, one track for every boss fight, one "sad" theme, etc. I like classical music but this kind of repetitiveness can really get grating.

Shit taste. Sugiyama's just an old lazy nigger and composes the bare minimum number of new tunes for each game so you get sick of them after 80+ hours. Switch version of XI lets you change to VIII's soundtrack to mix things up.

It gets really fucking grating
The main theme is pretty good

The worst part is that the boss theme sucks dick

Post the orchestrated version instead. Don't be dishonest.

Holy shit that's awful

Sugiyama is definitely past it but there’s some great stuff in here. I just don’t much like the first overworld theme and the final dungeons theme is ridiculous.

It will definitely be too old-school for ADHD-ridden zoomers that need shit like “beat drops” and sound effects to enjoy any music, though.

commit die nigger OP

>Switch version of XI lets you change to VIII's soundtrack
No it doesn't, it only allows you to switch between orchestrated and synthesized music. (which is really great since some of XI's tracks sound like absolute ass when orchestrated)

Orchestrated version of the boss theme is worse, just like the orchestrated battle theme.

>Don't be dishonest
The PS4 version of the game is MIDI. How am I being dishonest?

It's repetitive.
All of the overworld has the same theme. All of the towns have the same theme. Most of the dungeons have the same theme.
It's not necessarily bad, but a few more tracks really would have made it a lot better.

Yes, but they all have that one good song that you can't help but love.

I didn't like DQ7's music that much, but I loved the overworld theme.

The boss theme is way better imo but i know taste is very subjective when it comes to music so i respect your opinion

How much would you say it detracted from the experience over the 60 or 70 so hours you played the game?

Legit garbage the music. Say what you will about Final Fantasy but the music there is much more varied by number title.

If it was bad they wouldn't keep hiring a composer that causes them so many problems.

Yes it does, you need to equip a certain outfit or something though.

No you can't, I just googled it and saw some dude that was mislead by the trailer with Eight's clothing because some towns in the game already reuse tracks from VIII.

>Reach second big area (desert)
>It has the exact same fucking garbage theme as the big green fields

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I heard a few good songs but the ones they're throwing the most at you are really mediocre.

I kept on hearing about how awful the sound track was for this game is, but I played and completed the 8 hour demo yesterday while jamming out to every song I heard.
When does the "bad" music start?
Is the only reason people call the music bad because they've never played Dragon Quest?

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there's about 10 good songs across the whole dragon quest franchise

Congrats, you've heard all the music in the game.

The Switch version comes with the Orchestral soundtrack and the PC version is easy to mod. If you think the orchestral soundtrack sounds bad then get your ears cleaned.

I saw a fucking screenshot that said very clearly, asshole, dq8 music

By posting the worst version of the game that nobody is going to experience now that the Switch demo is out.

you can change the ost in the Switch version, it was confirmed a while ago. They even showed it on the E3 livestreams

>listening to game music
>not just blasting linkin park to every game